Medical Sales Rep wanted on STX

I know I spoke to someone on this board about this, and at the time, the company I work for didn't need anyone...well, things change, and now we need a medical sales rep in St. Croix. If you, or anyone you now, has medical sales experience, please PM me and I will forward you to the boss....full-time, medical insurance, etc.

Oh, I forgot to include that the boss wants a MINIMUM of 5 years of Medical Sales Experience. Please PM me if qualified and we'll go from there...
Darn, I am super qualified in sales for big ticket items . . . just never sold medical equipment! I'm a quick learner and already have a home on STX . . . let me know if the boss is open to train a self starter .-)

I was admonished yesterday for not pre-screening the applicants before giving them her e-mail address, which prompted my last post. When I started with CalMed, I had NO medical experience, but loads of sales experience...everything from vacuum cleaners to cars to timeshare to watches, etc. I convinced her to hire me and now I think I may have ruined it for other non-medical reps, as she wants experience now. Sales is sales, in my book, and I haven't had any trouble selling these items cuz they are what the hospitals and doctors need, but I am basically ignorant about the majority of our products. We represent about 45 medical companies and trying to learn all of their products to the degree that I can actually 'sell' them has been quite a challenge. Her husband is having medical issues himself, so she is very stressed right now. Why don't you try this...go to Gallows Bay, Chandlers Wharf (by the Case Place), #B6, and speak with Lauren. She is our right hand and she has a lot of experience in her position, so I'm sure she could either recommend or dissuade. Call 719-5537 before you leave, as she usually leaves by two pm and I think she takes Mondays off. (maybe it's Fridays?) In any case, call first, when she answers, just ask until what time will she be in the office and go there and sell youself to her...she may call Ms. O'neil and convince her to look at your resume. Or you could send the resume to me at and I can review it and make a determination myself....but I think having Lauren on your side would be more beneficial....feel free to e-mail or PM me....
I am not versed in sales per say, but I am an EMERGENCY DEPT RN, there is no medical equip that I dont know, LETS HEAR FROM YOU IF i CAN HELP, CHRISTINE.

I would think an RN would be the way to go, but I have just been informed that my boss hired someone. But, in the event that she doesn't work out, please e-mail me your resume at, with a cover letter, and I will review it and keep it on file, in case our new rep doesn't work out.
Thanks for your rapid response, I will e mail you my resume as soon as I get done with these tests that I am now taking to work on St Croix, IF THERE IS A NEED I KNOW I CAN DO THE JOB, AGAIN, THANKS CHRISTINE.

Lemme know what department you are in and I'll stop by to say "Hi"...our new rep isn't going to start for two weeks, and I'll be coming over to do some quick intro's and stuff....I also need to come over for an In-Service on a couple pieces of equipment at JFL...
Hey Marty,
I won't be there for a few weeks yet, but I will be in the Emergency Dept. Looking for transportation on the island, vs shipping right now. Also any suggestions of what we absolutely should bring over there. Thanks Christine.

I would recommend selling at home and buying here...shipping is expensive and a hassle....and 90% of people moving to the VI end up moving back within six months just cuz it wasn't what they expected. If you can, buy one on far as absolute 'musts'....a good attitude and an open mind! Remember, the way we do things here is the way we've always done them and always will do them! Don't question it, just accept'll drive yourself crazy when you keep asking yourself, "Why do they do it like that?? It would make so much more sense to XXXXXXXXXX." You'll find many, MANY things that are ridiculous in the way we do them.....but ya can't fight it....accept it....that's the best piece of advice for folks moving to the islands....don't try to change us....just try to fit in. Were happy with the status quo and we don't take kindly to people from somewhere else trying to tell us how to do things....even though the way we do things is STOOOOOOOO-PID! Haha! It's just the way we are here! I can't tell you the number of times I've looked at something, whether it be government policies, population mores, driving down the street, you name it, and thought that it was a ridiculous way to do it when it would be so much easier/efficient to do it another way....but, trust me....just accept it.
Good luck and I look forward to meeting you!
That is good sound advise, and when in Rome, you have to do as the Romans do! I don't try to change what is, just try to roll with the punches and enjoy. I have been to the Islands before, St croix, St Thomas, Saint Lucia, and Barbados, so I believe that I will be OK, my Husband has never been and he is a Psychologist.................. Will be an adventure, Again, many thanks, Christine.

"and when in Rome..."
Which sounds like such simple advise, but talk to a Newbie and they'll say things like "But, this is the U.S.!!!" No, no it isn't!! We are a TERRITORY of the U.S.....BIIIIIIIIG difference! Remember that you are moving to a place that has a completely different culture than where you are in, accept it, don't try to change it....just roll with it....does that mean that as a white person you will be discriminated against sometimes? Yep, sure does.....but just accept it, the lady at the bank or at the grocery store will get to you eventually...and what's the rush, anyway?? You're on an ISLAND! Where are ya gonna go in such a hurry? Breathe in, breathe out, relax...they'll get to you when they get to you....this is one of the hardest things for Newbies to deal with, IMHO.....
Well, I am not from the USA maybe thats why I know that it's never "better or worse ' in my mind, but different, thats generally my answer when I am asked to compare continents, or places. And yes I am white, I have read the book, I don't discriminate, I don't believe that they do much in UK. also I am married to an African American. Hopefully he can get a job over there, then we will stay, he is a Psychologist if you hear of any needs ok, Thanks for the words, they truely are wise ones, Christine
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