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looking for 1 bed, 1 bath or studio
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Me and my boyfriend are looking to move down to the USVI to work while go to school. We plan to move this fall (August 2019). We are looking for either a studio apartment or a 1 bed and 1 bath apartment for less than $1000-1200 / monthly rent. We plan to stay for a year or two. We would like to have a cat or dog. Looking for a furnished apartment.
Posted : April 9, 2019 2:01 pm
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Posted by: elynnthompsonMe and my boyfriend are looking to move down to the USVI to work while go to school. We plan to move this fall (August 2019). We are looking for either a studio apartment or a 1 bed and 1 bath apartment for less than $1000-1200 / monthly rent. We plan to stay for a year or two. We would like to have a cat or dog. Looking for a furnished apartment.
Does it make a difference which island?
Posted : April 12, 2019 6:47 am
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