Women In The Military

Why the heck do we insist on remaining "in combat" with each other?
Mostly because of religious conflicts around the world. Most of our current wars are Muslims against ..... take your pick. Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. Even Muslims against Muslims.
Eliminate religion and you eliminate most of the wars.
Why the heck do we insist on remaining "in combat" with each other?
Mostly because of religious conflicts around the world. Most of our current wars are Muslims against ..... take your pick. Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. Even Muslims against Muslims.
Eliminate religion and you eliminate most of the wars.
IF ONLY IT WAS AS SIMPLE AS THAT ROTORHEAD...."what a wonderful world it would be"
Most wars occur due to religion, power, money and land ownership diputes.
Eliminating religion is not a realistic option however respecting the beliefs/cultures/religion of others is and then you get into issues of basic human rights that crosses the line of respect...i.e.child slavery, child prostitution, abuse, womens rights etc... that becomes an issue that can not be ignored.
War..ugh... what is it good for?
Religion, land, resources, people will always be at war. It's our nature as locusts.

Religion and War.
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
Steven Weinberg, quoted in The New York Times, April 20, 1999
Eliminating religion is not a realistic option however respecting the beliefs/cultures/religion of others is
War..ugh... what is it good for?
I think it would be more proper to replace the word "respecting" with "tolerating". Eliminating religion is not a realistic option however tolerating the beliefs/cultures/religion of others is. If you like I can reproduce many verses from the Bible or the Qur'an which I think we could agree do not deserve respect. Most modern religions have toned down their intolerance of other faiths but all have fundamentalist factions which hold on to those beliefs. In most cases the toning down has come about as a result of the demands of a secular society. Where religion and government are intermixed intolerance is rampant.
War is good for several things. Holding territory, overthrowing repressive governments, etc. All of which would be unnecessary if there were a non-violent means of resolving disputes. Unfortunately I agree with Jamison, humans are violent and we disagree on so many things. It's not likely to change.
Yes, tolerating or respecting their rights for their beliefs.
And yep, have to also agree with Jamison. It's our nature. Unless women were in power of course. (Just kidding).
I used to be a "Woman in the Military" also known as a Soldier (see how easy it is not to discriminate) for about 8 years. I even went to Iraq for a year...and good news folks...I made it back!! I don't see an issue with women wanting to be in combat, by all means, go ahead. Women die in war whether they are in a combat unit or not. IEDs, mortars, rockets...yeah they've all killed women in the last several years. The military, for now, is an ALL VOLUNTEER organization.
Here is something that I haven't seen brought up by anyone...health concerns while being a woman in a combat/infantry unit. As we are all grown ups (mostly) we all know there are certain things that women's bodies go through that really have no place in the "field." And for the idiot who said something about women peeing outside...we had indoor restrooms and even port-a-johns in Iraq & Afghanistan. That's a non-issue. Moving on...a combat MOS usually requires a lot of field training. Meaning that women could be going into the field for weeks (or a month or more in combat) at a time. Ask some of the women who went to West Point...meaning no actual showers...that to me is a concern. Women could become very ill because of this at certain times.
I agree that women should be held to the same physical standards as men in the combat units. Lets be honest...there were plenty of women in the Army who could run circles around men when it came to physical standards. Not every man in the Army looks like GI Joe...in fact most of them are a far cry from it.
I don't think the OP really wanted to rant about womens rights in the military...sounds like he had a bad relationship or knows someone he loves that had a bad relationship with a woman who got away with something, etc. Plenty of men hit women, have back child support, and get away with things in court. So do women. Has nothing to do with women in combat. Perhaps there is a deeper issue somewhere? We will get to the root of it...next week on Dr. Phil, VI Style. Until then...
Dr. Phil 😉
Atta girl!(tu)
Why the heck do we insist on remaining "in combat" with each other?
Mostly because of religious conflicts around the world. Most of our current wars are Muslims against ..... take your pick. Christians, Jews, Hindus, etc. Even Muslims against Muslims.
Eliminate religion and you eliminate most of the wars.
Of the last two decades, which country did the US invade that did NOT have a privately (non-government) owned bank, which country did we impose sanctions on that did not ave a privately (non-government) owned bank,?
(Hint, almost all the countries did not have privately owned central banks &/or were trying to sell oil in a currency other than USD)
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."
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