This CNN headline made me chuckle
"Obama pledges $7B to Africa, Money meant to combat power blackouts"
Dear Mr. President,
Can The VI have a little too?
Are any of you really surprised? The U.S. pumps billions into other countries every year while people here are losing their jobs and homes?
Poor baby must be tired. I think he needs another vacation in Hawaii on our dime.
He'll be heading there after his $100million vacation to Africa. Wait til Obamacare hits, it will suck the life (whats left) right out the United States. People are so ill-informed as to what obamacare really is long term. It's a disaster to put it nicely.
PDills: Obviously not an Obama fan on top of being really uninformed in your opinions.
The whole "birth certificate" thing spouted ad nauseoum is so completely ridiculous but it's what some, in their ignorance, choose to believe.
PDills: Obviously not an Obama fan on top of being really uninformed in your opinions.
The whole "birth certificate" thing spouted ad nauseoum is so completely ridiculous but it's what some, in their ignorance, choose to believe.
I'm no Obama fan, but I love the birthers. As soon as somebody brings that up, I know I'm dealing with an utterly idiotic boob, who just parrots Fox news.
Obama care is a bill for the insurance and pill companies.
PDills: Obviously not an Obama fan on top of being really uninformed in your opinions.
The whole "birth certificate" thing spouted ad nauseoum is so completely ridiculous but it's what some, in their ignorance, choose to believe.
Unless I'm missing something, who said anything here about his birth certificate?:S
P.S. Just wondering where any one gets off with name calling on this forum.
PDills: Obviously not an Obama fan on top of being really uninformed in your opinions.
The whole "birth certificate" thing spouted ad nauseoum is so completely ridiculous but it's what some, in their ignorance, choose to believe.Unless I'm missing something, who said anything here about his birth certificate?:S
P.S. Just wondering where any one gets off with name calling on this forum.
See 7 messages down from the top:,206081
The DOJ has about 0 credibility at this point in time along with the rest of the circus act in DC.
Obama has not provided any proof of his birth in the United States. His supposed birth certificate from Hawaii uses the term African-American when that term WAS NOT USED ON ANY BIRTH CERTIFICATES IN THE U.S. It was "negro". By his own admission traveled to Pakistan during a time when Americans were not allowed. Meaning he had a passport of some other nationality. Has not proven anything from his past. No one from Columbia remembers him. Columbia's class of '83 (the class Obama claims to have graduated with) just had their 20th year reunion. Obama didn't show up, didn't leave anyone a message or a greeting, and NOT ONE PERSON even remembers going to class or teaching him. You think someone might remember the President of the United States somewhere along the way?? He has sealed his "records" behind a 'wall' of 12 law firms to the tune of over $1,000,000. On and on I could go and this is all information you can find for yourself, just don't rely on Obama's lapdog (mainstream media) to give you any form of truth. There's more questions about that clown than there are facts. In his own words, "Those with something to hide are lying'.
Misusing funds? Again, let's talk about the Obama's $100million vacation (among many others) and his IRS...
And the way the feds are handling "immigration reform" by letting illegals walk right in and receive tax payer dollars, I wouldn't mind having a non politically correct person in charge. The PC and people feeling they're entitled to a good life just because they breathe is the root of the entire problem in DC.

Luckily the person [PDills] posting about President Obama will have much less stress if he actually decides to move here as he has mentioned in his initial postings -- since as USVI residents we have no vote in the national election.
Obamacare is much more than "a bill for the insurance and pill companies".. It gives the IRS access to more records of yours than they already could access. It talks about the use of RFID chips, requires people to pay a tax toward things that are against some people's religion. In simplest terms it gives government more access and control over your life. The government is not allowed to run a universal healthcare system, it's unconstitutional. Congress and other government officials exempted themselves from (because it must be SO wonderful they didn't want anything to do with it) before passing the bill without ever reading it first. Call me whatever names you like, the fact is if this was at all a good thing than I would have no problem saying so. But it's not. I didn't decide it just automatically sucked because Obama was responsible for it. I have yet to meet a medical professional or lawyer that has said good things about obamacare. Am I supposed to automatically accept the governments word with no due diligence? Or am I supposed to think whatever Obama does is the greatest thing ever just because its his idea??
P.s. since I'm an ignorant birther, tell me some good things about obamacare?
What's funny is people take that information and opinion as a declaration of war when in reality you should see it as another fellow human being looking out for other fellow human beings. You think the government has your best interest in mind over (most) fellow citizens? Call me all the names you feel but the fact is I only share my facts and opinion to make aware. Not to attack or belittle anyone, and certainly not to deceive.
I really think that everyone should have to read the Affordable Care Act (since our elected leaders did not) before they start debating it. I have read about 80% of it so far. There is some really scary stuff in there. The only 2 things I agree with in the bill are the removal of pre-existing conditions clause and ability to keep a child on the policy longer (since college takes longer these days). That's it, after reading 80% of the bill.
There is so much in that bill that gives the Government way too much power over my life. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I am an American who believes in the way our country was meant to be governed. It may sound silly but everyone should watch the Disney Hall of Presidents production to remind us of what the government is supposed to be. "Of the people, by the people, for the people" - who in government these days is ANYTHING like you or I ("the people")?
I am tired people being attacked and called names for expressing an opinion. You can think the sun rises and sets on Obama but that does not mean this bill is a good thing. If it was why did Congress exempt themselves? Why, when asked point blank, did Pelosi say she would not waive the exemption for herself & her family? If it's so great why is it only for "the people" outside of Washington?
BTW - I am quite certain that if this bill was put forth by the Bush Administration the same people who think it's the greatest thing would be screaming about the provisions that I find scary. I also find that scary - too many people automatically agree with whatever their party says. Which is one of the many reasons I am not affiliated with any party - I think for myself. People need to put partisan aside, read, research and THINK for themselves.
You go girl !!! (divinggirl ) (tu)
Thank you divinggirl! I, too, feel as you do! Although I watch many news stations, I resent the people name-call me when I watch Fox News. Most who do never watch it and see that they DO present many sides and they do have Dems as regulars. Cannot say that the others do they are really one sided.
10000% agree, Divinggirl.

Congress should not be allowed to pass laws which apply to us and then exempt themselves. If a law is good enough for us it should be good enough for them. Are they a special class of citizen?
ObamaCare is an ill conceived plan that attempts to shift the cost of health care from one group to another. The unintended consequences of this legislation are already starting to show themselves. Corporations are not charities. The reason for their existence is to make money for their shareholders. When the law changes they react to the changes. What we see as a result of Obamacare is corporations reducing the hours of current full time employees to part time to avoid the requirement to provide coverage to comply with the new law. We also see corporations which currently offer health care coverage eliminating this coverage because the new "improved" premiums under Obamacare are more expensive than the penalties. It is more cost effective for the corporation to drop coverage and pay the penalty than to provide coverage. These employees usually see a reduction in benefits under the co-ops.
Obamacare is yet another government sponsored wealth transfer program. The people who formerly had adequate coverage are being forced to pay more or accept reduced benefits in order to subsidize those who had no coverage.
Even the "pre-existing" condition elimination and extending coverage for dependents who remain in school is a cost shifting ploy. People who have pre-existing conditions are likely to cost the insurance company more money. They either have to charge more for this or shift the cost to another hopefully larger group. Insurance companies are not charities, some insurance companies offer coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, they just charge a lot more in anticipation of the extra costs. The net result of Obamacare is that younger and healthier people are forced to subsidize the cost of older and less healthy people. Just like social security, as our population ages this will prove to be another Ponzi scheme.
Every time the government tries to do something like this businesses will seek out the loopholes. The unintended consequences will be huge.
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Message Removed: Please revisit Board Rules.
Message Removed: Please revisit Board Rules.
I really think that everyone should have to read the Affordable Care Act (since our elected leaders did not) before they start debating it. I have read about 80% of it so far. There is some really scary stuff in there. The only 2 things I agree with in the bill are the removal of pre-existing conditions clause and ability to keep a child on the policy longer (since college takes longer these days). That's it, after reading 80% of the bill.
There is so much in that bill that gives the Government way too much power over my life. I am not a Democrat. I am not a Republican. I am an American who believes in the way our country was meant to be governed. It may sound silly but everyone should watch the Disney Hall of Presidents production to remind us of what the government is supposed to be. "Of the people, by the people, for the people" - who in government these days is ANYTHING like you or I ("the people")?
I am tired people being attacked and called names for expressing an opinion. You can think the sun rises and sets on Obama but that does not mean this bill is a good thing. If it was why did Congress exempt themselves? Why, when asked point blank, did Pelosi say she would not waive the exemption for herself & her family? If it's so great why is it only for "the people" outside of Washington?
BTW - I am quite certain that if this bill was put forth by the Bush Administration the same people who think it's the greatest thing would be screaming about the provisions that I find scary. I also find that scary - too many people automatically agree with whatever their party says. Which is one of the many reasons I am not affiliated with any party - I think for myself. People need to put partisan aside, read, research and THINK for themselves.
I won't even go into the "not reading the bill" comment. It's misleading, But it's ancient history. There has been plenty of time for Congress to amend it.
I'm sorry you don't like losing control due to this bill. I have not had control over my premiums and taxes being higher because of people who can afford, but don't get, insurance, people using the ER as their local GP office, and people with unnecessary catastrophic care , for decades now. So I figure that's a wash. At any rate I'm fine with people who don't want to get insurance and choose the penalty instead. As long as they are willing to sign a waiver that not a penny of my taxes or premiums will go toward their medical debts.
As for your speculation about being in favor or not, depending on who the leadership is, I agree that that is a big part of people being for and against this bill. But this bill very closely resembles the one the Republicans proposed in the Gingrich era. So that goes both ways.
I applaud you for reading the bill. But I'm concerned that you are reading the draft that came out prior to the one that passed. That one had an exemption for Congress members. The one that was passed requires Congress to get their insurance via the exchanges. You might want to check which version you are reading, because there were other provisions that changed as well.
"Obama pledges $7B to Africa, Money meant to combat power blackouts"
Dear Mr. President,
Can The VI have a little too?
He'd like to do that for the VI, too. However, this money is coming from OPIC and EXIM, meaning mostly in the form of loans. And since he's seen the VI's payment track record . . . . . 🙂
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