Third-Party E-Cat Test Results Published (Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device)
WAPA got you down? Why not get a "cold fusion" device (AKA LENR device) and solve your problems...
BUT WAIT! (you say) Those don't exist!
They do now:
So we have our first tested "free" energy generator, & the tests look good!
with results like this:
the highest specific energy is Gasoline (which has a lower peak power), shown at 3x103 Wh/kg. Whereas the specific energy of the Hot-Cat is shown at 5x107 Wh/kg -- over four orders of magnitude greater (1700x). And from the peak power scale, super capacitors (which have a very low specific energy) are listed at 1x104 W/kg, whereas the Hot-Cat registers at 4x105 W/kg, more than an order of magnitude greater (40x).
And they add: "Lastly, it must be remarked that both tests were terminated by a deliberate shut down of the reactor, not by fuel exhaustion; thus, the energy densities that were measured should be considered as lower limits of real values."
We may actually see something very significant here.
The debate about whether or not Andrea Rossi's E-Cat technology really works are put to rest with a definitive, third-party test report having been released today stating that at the most conservative, the Hot-Cat technology showed at least a ten-fold increase in power density over what could possibly have been ascribed to any presently-known chemical process.
An experimental investigation of possible anomalous heat production in a special type of reactor tube named E-Cat HT is carried out. The reactor tube is charged with a small amount of hydrogen loaded nickel powder plus some additives. The reaction is primarily initiated by heat from resistor coils inside the reactor tube. Measurement of the produced heat was performed with high-resolution thermal imaging cameras, recording data every second from the hot reactor tube. The measurements of electrical power input were performed with a large bandwidth three-phase power analyzer. Data were collected in two experimental runs lasting 96 and 116 hours, respectively. An anomalous heat production was indicated in both experiments. The 116-hour experiment also included a calibration of the experimental set-up without the active charge present in the E-Cat HT. In this case, no extra heat was generated beyond the expected heat from the electric input. Computed volumetric and gravimetric energy densities were found to be far above those of any known chemical source. Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements, the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources.
]More articles here (good collection):
The ECAT Revolution
By 2swtrading - May 21, 2013
Well, to be entirely honest… not yet. It may take several years, probably 10 or 20 at least, before we can say adieu to today’s most used sources of energy, but there is a new kid on the block new in the energy field.
Some of you may have heard, as of lately, about the resurgence of the so called ‘cold-fusion’ and also ‘LENR’ (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction) experiments, in other words all those studies aimed to develop clean and non-radioactive energies that are somehow generated simply by exercising some sort of action on the atomic structure of certain materials (i.e. palladium, deuterium, nickel, etc.). You may remember the famous story of Pons and Fleischmann, many years ago, claiming they had obtained something in that direction, but then their theory crumbled miserably when other scientist tried to reproduce the effect in their labs.
20 years have passed since then, but in January 2011 an obscure (somebody think mad) italian inventor/engineer named Andrea Rossi started to claim that he had found a way to produce excess heat via some sort of cold fusion-like process. He called his invention the ‘ECAT’, or ‘energy catalyzer’.
The issue was that Rossi’s claims were not supported by any evidence. Two years passed, and many started to accuse him to be building a giant hoax, when finally, a couple of days ago, on May 20th, a group of serious academics (all with reputations to lose), published a detailed and thorough paper titled “Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device” where they did show that Rossi’s invention is not a hoax: his device produces clearly an incredibly large amount of heat from a still unknown/unexplained sort of non-radioactive nuclear reaction.
The paper is available for download from here and was authored by Giuseppe Levi of Bologna University, Italy; Evelyn Foschi, Bologna, Italy; Torbjörn Hartman, Bo Höistad, Roland Pettersson and Lars Tegnér of Uppsala University, Sweden; and Hanno Essén, of the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Here below is an image of the Rossi’s ECAT device at work, while generating hundreds of degrees of heat at virtually NO COST.
Yes, you’ve heard it right, the cost of the energy generated by Rossi’s device is virtually zero.The ‘fuel’ used to run the ‘reactor’ is apparently a small rod of nickel loaded with some proprietary additive and it is estimated that with one rod the reactor can run for 6 months, no stop, after which you must substitute the rod (estimated cost of replacement: a few dollars).
This reactor/device is already for sale for heat production (only available to industrial customers, 1 MW plants, not available for retail clients) and can be bought from here. Disclaimer: we have no affiliation whatsoever with this company, but this is such a breakthrough in the energy field and Rossi’s company is a start-up, so we wanted to spread the word about it.
Now, why did we say that this device will make us wave goodbye to all previous known forms of energy, including fossil fuels, nuclear and solar?
Well, because in the long term the ECAT energy reactor will be used to generate not only heat, but also electricity (for example it could be used to propel steam turbines or steam engines) and its ability to produce virtually FREE and CLEAN energy, at a COST NEAR TO ZERO, will inevitably lead to phasing out all the other, more expensive, risky and polluting forms of energy.
Even clean energies like solar panels or wind towers all of a sudden will start to look like ugly, primitive, inefficient (and pricey) energy sources, if compared with the ECAT reactor.
It’s hard to say how this invention will impact the energy market in the medium term. Probably not much will happen because this product (albeit available for purchase for corporate clients) is still very much at the beta level and we surely don’t foresee oil prices collapsing tomorrow morning. In any case the rationale behind this post on SOH was not so much to give investment advice but rather to share the news about this revolutionary energy source that may change forever the world in the next years.
There are a myriad of discussions on the subject and the LENR/cold fusion topic is so wide that it cannot be debated in a short post like this, so if you want to dig deeper into this and track all the news and the most recent updates about cold fusion and LENR, you may want to check out E-Cat world, the main web portal on the subject.
Free energy for all.
Cold Fusion gets red hot and aims for EU
The resurgence of "cold fusion" research just shifted up a gear with the most remarkable development yet.
Two years ago, Italian inventor Andrea Rossi showed off his Energy Catalyser or E-Cat, a reactor claimed to produce hundreds of kilowatts. He said it had been purchased by an undisclosed US military customer. Since then Rossi has continued to make extravagant but unverifiable claims, promising that independent tests would be published at some point. Something astonishing has now happened: a third-party report has been published supporting Rossi's claims
The report -- "Indication of anomalous heat energy production in a reactor device" -- concludes that the E-Cat does produce excess energy, and lots of it. "Even by the most conservative assumptions as to the errors in the measurements," say the authors, "the result is still one order of magnitude greater than conventional energy sources." The E-Cat produced at least ten times more energy than any hidden batteries or other power source could have supplied.The testers used high-resolution thermographic cameras to measure the surface temperature all over the reactor tube. This data was then used to calculate the amount of heat energy being radiated using a simple physical formula established over a century ago. This methodology was possible because the testers had a new version of the device known as a "Hot Cat", which operates at much higher temperatures than previously -- high enough for it to glow red-hot.
The reason for working at lower temperatures was safety and stability of the reaction, and this may still be an issue. The report was delayed because during an initial test run in November 2012 the steel cylinder overheated and melted: "Although the run was not successful as far as obtaining complete data is concerned, it was fruitful in that it demonstrated a huge production of excess heat, which however could not be quantified."
In the successful runs, the E-Cat was run for 96 and 116 hours respectively, heating to 860C and producing large amounts of excess energy. It produced two kilowatts of heat with a 360 watts input, giving it a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of approximately six. The extended duration was intended to prove that the excess energy was too much to be supplied by a hidden power source. When an inert E-Cat was used, no excess energy was observed and the temperature only reached 300C. This is not a small effect: the E-Cat is either a massive fraud or a reactor capable of producing commercially-viable levels of energy.
The authors of the report are Giuseppe Levi of Bologna University, Evelyn Foschi, four scientists from Uppsala University in Sweden, and Hanno Essén of Stockholm's Royal Institute of Technology. These are all individuals who have previously shown an interest in this area, and some critics have been quick to dismiss them as Rossi's friends. However, it's no small matter to put your professional and academic reputation on the line like this, especially when there are so many accusations of fraud flying around.The report was funded in part by ELFORSK AB, a Swedish energy industry research body, which took the unusual step of issuing a supporting statement:
"The measurements show that the catalyst produces significantly more energy than can be explained by ordinary chemical reactions. The results are very remarkable. What lies behind the extraordinary heat production cannot be explained today."
Rossi himself said of the publication that "This is one of the most important days of my life".
Many commentators are still stunned that a positive report has finally appeared. An alien landing on the White House lawn might have been less surprising., which shut down in disgust last November after too many failed promises by Rossi, started up again with the comment "Never have I longed to be proven wrong so much in my life".
Frank Acland, editor of ECatworld, has been following the ups and downs of the Rossi saga. He believes the report could be a major step towards acceptance.
"There are people in industry, science and among the general public who have been paying attention but have been quite skeptical of Rossi's claims will get off the fence and start taking him more seriously," Acland told "This is the kind of technology that people want to see come along, if only they could have solid reason to believe -- and this report could provide that." o"]
The article which piqued my curiosity was this:
Cold fusion reactor independently verified, has 10,000 times the energy density of gas
The article itself points out why cold fusion became semi-respectable in this paragraph:
“As for what’s happening inside the cold fusion reactor, Andrea Rossi and his colleague Sergio Focardi have previously said their device works by infusing hydrogen into nickel, transmuting the nickel into copper and releasing a large amount of heat. While Rossi hasn’t provided much in the way of details — he’s a very secretive man, it seems — we can infer some knowledge from NASA’s own research into cold fusion. Basically, hydrogen ions (single protons) are sucked into a nickel lattice (pictured right); the nickel’s electrons are forced into the hydrogen to produce neutrons; the nickel nuclei absorb these neutrons; the neutrons are stripped of their electrons to become protons; and thus the nickel goes up in atomic number from 28 to 29, becoming copper.
“This process, like the “conventional” fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, produces a lot of heat. (See: 500MW from half a gram of hydrogen: The hunt for fusion power heats up.) The main difference, though, is that the cold fusion process (also known as LENR, or low energy nuclear reaction) produces very slow moving neutrons which don’t create ionizing radiation or radioactive waste. Real fusion, on the other hand, produces fast neutrons that decimate everything in their path. In short, LENR is fairly safe — safe enough that NASA dreams of one day putting a cold fusion reactor in every home, car, and plane. Nickel and hydrogen, incidentally, are much cheaper and cleaner fuels than gasoline.”
Remember the “Mr. Fusion” coffee-maker-reactor powering Michael J. Fox’s and Christopher Lloyd’s Delorian automobile in Back to the Future? Well, LENR or Low Energy Nuclear Fusion is the real life model.
It is important at this juncture, however, to recall that there is an even more specific theory of such reactions out there, one that, in fact, makes some sense within the standard model: LANR, or Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reactions, and indeed, one gets a pictorial graphic or sense of this model of cold fusion from the article itself, with hydrogen atoms embedding into the crystal lattice structure of nickel. Indeed, even in other versions of cold fusion with palladium and deuterium, the LANR theory can make sense.
So why the ruckus over Pons and Fleischmann and their claims? What, really, might have been going on?
Time for that good old fashioned high octane speculation again, for I suspect that the real problem with the controversy was historical and political. Pons and Fleischmann were not the first scientists making claims to having achieved low energy fusion reactions.
In fact, the first one to do so (that I’m aware of) was Nazi scientist Dr. Ronald Richter, who claims to have observed similar phenomena in plasma experiments in Germany… in 1936! (see my The Nazi International, pp. 260-261, 293-294, see also p. 321 for his reference to the use of iridium and rhodium). Richter was doing it all: rotating plasmas, magnetic fields, plasma shock waves and metal lattices (iridium and rhodium), but most importantly, he anticipated in general outline the LANR or lattice-assisted theory by some decades, because as he was attempting to explain his ideas to a (very) skeptical scientific public in Argentina, he indicated that the basis of his energy anomaly, in his opinion, was some sort of resonant or transductive effect with the local lattice structure – he called it a “cellular” structure – in space-time itself.So perhaps while the U.S. Air Force was secretly interviewing the very scientist that was being publicly excoriated as a mountebank and fraud, the idea occurred to someone within the American black projects establishment that the ideas might be worth looking into… And then of course there was Philo Fransworth and his 1960s Fusor patents, achieving sustainable fusion reactions of a few seconds in a device no larger than a softball(and a lot smaller and cheaper than the gigantic tokamak magnetic bottles).
Suppose any of these ideas or devices – from Richter to Farnsworth or even to the modern theory of LANR – had been made practical? Then, along came Pons and Fleischmann, and upset the applecart… such things could not just appear suddenly on the world economic stage without prolonged study as to their implications: could the technology be cheaply weaponized and proliferated? What would the impact on the world economy be? How would one transition to it?Rest assured, such questions were and are being asked in the secret meetings of banksters and corporate CEOs while they’re engaged in mock sacrifices. And if you don’t believe me, re-read that Brookings Report on the implications of peaceful space activities very closely….
This has been called "the greatest invention since the wheel".......................
MOre resources:
When will these be available at Home Depot?
When will these be available at Home Depot?
I'd HOPE in 2-5 years; I'd guess in 10 or so 🙁
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