Politics 101
The senate and the presidency better reflect the popular will of the American people. A majority in each state if you will. The house reflects segregated districts cut to ensure the victory of a political ideal.Hmm, the Senate represents the States, not the people of the states, the people are represented by Congress "the house".
"segregated districts cut to ensure the victory of a political ideal" sounds like a nice talking point handed out by the right or the left (I guess it would depend on who's in charge of the house eh?).
another way to say it is: Congress is a representation of the will of the people. (or suppose to be anyway, I'd say all of them are representative of the will of their corporate donors)

That last post sure added a lot of new information.
True story.
We occasionally have the need to hire someone to help out with landscaping. This is unskilled labor which consists primarily of hauling debris and occasionally trimming bushes. We pay him $12/hr.
In talking to this person I found out a little personal info. This person grew up on STX. He is in his late 20's. He has 6 children. He is separated from his wife and lives with his mother in the projects. He has no car. He did not finish high school. His wife also lives with her mother in the projects. It turns out that this living arrangement nets more benefits because he has "abandoned" his family.
Is this person more likely to be a Democrat or a Republican? Is this person a victim or did he create his own failure?
seems most of the people are democrat who were born here. sad to say

The VI is a Democrats utopia.
Democrats all over America should look at us and see what happens when only Democrats are in charge.
NO business pays taxes.
Why cannot so many understand this simple fact?Clearly you have no idea how taxes actually work and have never owned a business.
Speak for yourself.
Taxes are simply part of the cost of doing business and I simply collect them for the gvt.
When I "pay" taxes where do you think that money originates?
divinggirl have you had time to think about my question?
The VI is a Democrats utopia.
Democrats all over America should look at us and see what happens when only Democrats are in charge.
Your people elected them.

The VI is a Democrats utopia.
Democrats all over America should look at us and see what happens when only Democrats are in charge.
Your people elected them.
My people?
You can only be a democrat if there are republicans present.
There is no viable robust two party system in the VI that models the parties with the same name stateside. In fact, when a democrat wins the gubernatorial nomination you will see the other democratic contenders' supporters go with an independent for the most part. There is no platform. I wish we had a Democratic Party here. I refer to myself as a Clinton Democrat when I was in the states. Here I am de facto no party even though I registered republican. They do t even have party platforms here except for the ICM.

More evidence of media bias. Soros owns the media, except for Fox.
In a prior question about the poll, Guthrie noted how the public was evenly divided – 50% to 50% – on whether Obama was a competent president. Todd replied: "And compare it to President Bush. He's [Obama's] actually in a worse situation. The Obama administration is seen as less competent than the Bush administration was post-Katrina."
Despite all of the devastating news for the President in the new poll, which was released Tuesday afternoon, all of the evening newscasts – including NBC Nightly News – skipped the results.
On Wednesday, only Today covered the poll, it wasn't mentioned on ABC's Good Morning America or CBS This Morning.
The percentage of Americans approving of President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign policy issues has dropped to the lowest level of his presidency as he faces multiple overseas challenges, including in Iraq, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
The VI is a Democrats utopia.
Democrats all over America should look at us and see what happens when only Democrats are in charge.
There should be a like button
More evidence of media bias. Soros owns the media, except for Fox.
In a prior question about the poll, Guthrie noted how the public was evenly divided – 50% to 50% – on whether Obama was a competent president. Todd replied: "And compare it to President Bush. He's [Obama's] actually in a worse situation. The Obama administration is seen as less competent than the Bush administration was post-Katrina."
Despite all of the devastating news for the President in the new poll, which was released Tuesday afternoon, all of the evening newscasts – including NBC Nightly News – skipped the results.
On Wednesday, only Today covered the poll, it wasn't mentioned on ABC's Good Morning America or CBS This Morning.
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/kyle-drennen/2014/06/18/chuck-todd-public-telling-obama-your-presidency-over-new-nbc-pollThe percentage of Americans approving of President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign policy issues has dropped to the lowest level of his presidency as he faces multiple overseas challenges, including in Iraq, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
90% of America defended the invasion of Iraq.
And since when does majority count with Republicans?
The majority of Americans want marijuana legal.
The VI is a Democrats utopia.
Democrats all over America should look at us and see what happens when only Democrats are in charge.
There should be a like button
Am I hearing some anti-deJongh sentiments masquerading as anti-Democrats? Tsk
Actually, what you call all Democrats in the VI is really an issue of not having a balanced two or three party system. Also we do not have elected attorney generals. Is the governor supposed to be arrested by his own attorney general if he commits a crime?
By the way, the Democratic Party was taken over here by the Unity Party back in the 60's. The real democrats fled and formed what is now known as the ICM Party. And the ICM party is the only one with a platform, which includes by the way, adherence to austerity measures by the senate and the government.

If they run as a Democrat and spout the National Democratic rhetoric, they are Democrats.
They do not spout National Democratic rhetoric.
They are not a party. They are a club. A clique.
They are not part of the US.
What is their position on gun control and immigration? Right. There is none.
and the republicans here endorse them every year. So by that definition they are not democrats.

If they look like a duck, walk like a duck and quack like a duck, they are ducks.
I'm not going to re-post speeches by Donna, DJ and senators condemning the Republican party.
We know what we hear - ducks quacking.
And they should take the responsibility for sinking the VI.
1. I wish they were like the Democrats on the mainland.
2. DeJongh is a democrat. Are you blasting him? Or is he "different"?
3. I said Republicans here endorsed the democrats. At no time did I said that Donna or any other democrats endorsed the republicans. They don't need to do so locally since few/none run. Read my post again. You have it backwards.
4. If labels on a package mean more to you than contents then call them what you want. I do not vote for them here.
5. I voted for Clinton twice and supported Obama's first campaign.
6. I fully support Obama/Romneycare for the states and I wish we had all the provisions here.
7. I will be a real Democrat until I die. I don't care about the people masquerading as Democats.
8. And yes, Iron, I agree that DeJongh and his democrats are responsible for sinking the VI.

A duck is a duck is a duck. So is a democrat, the same party and leaders that put us into this mess.
You can't blame the individuals and not the party they endorse and belong to.
Okay. I blame DeJongh, Donna, Malone and the VI Democrats. There. That was easy.
DeJongh, Donna and Malone are VI democrats. But don't forget Sanes, the most senior democratic senator on St. Croix. And good news, Judy Fritz Buckley, another dastardly democrat will not be returning, Iron, yay!
Thanks for showing me the light.
FYI. John Canegata, a republican, is very supportive of the policies of deJongh, especially the Diageo and Hovensa agreement. I wonder if you would support the gubernatorial ticket on which he is.
A federal court on Monday released a previously secret government memo outlining the legal justification for the 2011 killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen and accused al-Qaeda operative, in a drone strike in Yemen.
The document was released under order of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit in New York and provides the most detailed explanation to date for the legal reasoning behind Awlaki’s killing. Its disclosure also represents a significant capitulation by the Obama administration, which fought for years to keep the memo — as well as many other aspects of its targeted-killing program — secret from the public.
“We do not believe that al-Aulaqi’s U.S. citizenship imposes constitutional limitations that would preclude the contemplated lethal action” by the U.S. military or CIA, the memo concluded, clearing the way for a drone strike that would trigger intense legal and political debate.
Fourteenth Amendment right to a fair trial:
—As noted, the provisions of the Bill of Rights now applicable to the States contain basic guarantees of a fair trial— right to counsel, right to speedy and public trial, right to be free from use of unlawfully seized evidence and unlawfully obtained confessions, and the like. But this does not exhaust the requirements of fairness. "Due process of law requires that the proceedings shall be fair, but fairness is a relative, not an absolute concept… What is fair in one set of circumstances may be an act of tyranny in others." Conversely, "as applied to a criminal trial, denial of due process is the failure to observe that fundamental fairness essential to the very concept of justice. In order to declare a denial of it . . . [the Court] must find that the absence of that fairness fatally infected the trial; the acts complained of must be of such quality as necessarily prevents a fair trial."
Bin Laden should have been brought to trial and imprisoned for life, too. I don't believe in the death penalty because it costs more than just incarcerating them and it gives the accused a chance later on to clear their name.
Get this very clear: the president can order your assassination with nothing more than a letter, whether or not you are a US Citizen.
That is very scary to me.
i know this, when listed to the vibe talk show, the 3 men who are on the show give their opinions on many subjects. they have all at one time or another have said they are firmly dems, yet almost everything that comes out of sheldons mouth is republican. so are people afraid to state their true affiliation, afraid they will not get that many votes? Just asking here
Very astute and intuitive observation, Speedy. Let me share some possibilities:
1. There are no real parties or party platforms here. So everyone is listed as a democrat, but their opinions can be diametrically opposed. Remember that Neville James and Sanes were in the same party as the governor. Ha.
2. Sheldon's Da Vybe station is propped up by Government House to be his propaganda mouthpiece and what you are hearing are the musings of a DINO, Democrat in Name Only governor with his Republican sounding philosophies being lip synched by the hosts.
Sheldon gets major government advertising contracts in exchange for loyalty. This is verifiable. Just listen to the commercials and the recent hosting of the governor and his underlings to tout his VINGN self-enrichment personal pension plan ahead of the recent vote.
very interesting. i wish i had paid more attention before the vi songs started but unfortunately lately there seems to be only songs about the vi. i dont mind those once in a while but every time is too much. and its like they play the same one all week, and then next week they play a different one for that week.
than you missjustice

President Obama was swept to office amidst his pledge that he'd run the "most transparent administration in history." A new report out finds that he hasn't even run the most transparent administration since the previous one.
From the Associated Press:
More often than ever, the administration censored government files or outright denied access to them last year under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, cited more legal exceptions it said justified withholding materials and refused a record number of times to turn over files quickly that might be especially newsworthy, according to a new analysis of federal data by The Associated Press.
The government's own figures from 99 federal agencies covering six years show that halfway through its second term, the administration has made few meaningful improvements in the way it releases records. In category after category — except for reducing numbers of old requests and a slight increase in how often it waived copying fees — the government's efforts to be more open about its activities last year were their worst since President Barack Obama took office.
And five years after Obama directed agencies to less frequently invoke a "deliberative process" exception to withhold materials describing decision-making behind the scenes, the government did it anyway, a record 81,752 times.
On this I agree. This administration is not the beacon of transparency that Obama promised.
If Obama however, should go far as firing conservative judges, then he gets the same grade as Dubya in that column.
And if he ever ever outed a CIA operative in the field because he is the spouse of a conservative, then he should go to jail for treason/war crime. Thanks for Obamacare, but you are now on death row for attempted murder. I wonder how Valarie Plane is doing now.
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