With an 8% reduction across the board federal employee's will have a 22 day furlough per year, Air Traffic Controllers, TSA etc. This will effect the USVI, and more than just Air Travel. Look's like the money tree is about to die.
Maybe they'll all go on vacation with their newly-found free time! Yay, more cruise passengers and stays at Bolongo!
I'm a federal employee, Last time (1995 I think?) this happened we got 20 days off, then we got paid for it at the end of the sequester...
could be worse?
all this really does is hurt citizens that want to use government services or depend on them, luckily I'm not one of those so I won't mind the vacation.
Too bad they couldn't do better than 85 billion.
liquid, not a bad vacation if you get paid in the end
With it "only" (haha.. "only") being 85 billion nothing is happening except we are canceling all training and trips (for example I work Information Technology & support sites on all three islands, I won't be able to get to anywhere but STX, and individuals that work on systems they don't understand will not be able to learn how to effectively use them) which ultimately just means less services for our customers (you civilians ;), hehe)
so it really seems like a joke so far, I'm all for cuts, but this isn't even cuts, it's delayed spending since we already have the money(at least for my organization).
or in other words, a big media hype to attempt to ... cause panic? I'm not really sure on the modivation.
Cause panic with one hand so no one notices what you are doing with the other!
This administration is all about "telling them what they want to hear ... or what they fear". Why not bring the sides together .... lock them up if you need to .... for compromise? Or is there a hidden agenda.
This administration is all about "telling them what they want to hear ... or what they fear". Why not bring the sides together .... lock them up if you need to .... for compromise? Or is there a hidden agenda.
tell them what they want to hear, and what they need to fear!
"Terrorists" anyone?
talk about a farse... "terrorist" might as well be changed to "boogyman", the term is so loose and easily placed on anyone deemed " bad".
The "fear" I was referring to was ... long lines at the airport, no meat inspectors, no border agents, etc. ... due to the Sequester. Run for the hills or hide in you bunker ... the sky is falling. Yet we all just took a 2% pay cut ... why can't the govt take a reduction in the amount of increase in spending? What a joke.

Possible 22 days of furlough for me. Yet Congress just approved another raise for themselves!:-X
They should not be furloughing anyone. Unessential things like conferences, some training, office remodling, etc. should be put on hold and resources reduced by attrition. These are political stunts to tear at the heart strings of the American public. I do agree with you that congress should take a hair cut also.

We were just briefed yesterday morning that DoD personnel at the state level will likely lose a day a week if the stop gap measure does not pass. But who knows, they said this two years ago too. And that never happened. *-)
Congress tried to give the administration some descretion in selecting where cuts should be made, ie excess or duplications, etc., in lieu of across the board cuts .... but the administration elected not to take them up on it. What a shame that they make people feel the pain when it could have been avoided.
Maybe if they had to take cuts in their pay or not get paid for wasting their time (and ours) by hanging these things in limbo with approaching deadlines, scaring people, they would actually would have to actually work for their money. Oh! Sorry, forgot that how it done and from where our VI leaders learned their ways. Anybody/VI Senators ever come out to discuss where exactly our $6.9 Million Dollars missing and unaccounted for (wasted, misused, misspent, misappropriated, mismanaged and stolen) from the VI Legislature went and what they were going to do to make sure it does not happen again, throw more people in jail, etc.:X? I may have missed something!
Unfortunatly most people in the US congress and the administration including the president are independently wealthy and a cut in pay would not have the same effect as it would on most of us. We got what we got since the voters spoke in November. They can speak again in about 2 years.
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