3. Minor planets 🙂
Yes! Asteroids, which are also considered to be 'minor planets.'
LOL! I was still searching all sorts of music theory, physics among other things. Good job Aussie. Swan that was a trick question.
Asteroid suspenders,.....I mean belts

And, one more round anyone?
1. What are the Trojans and the Greeks?
2. What contains 326 million trillion gallons of water?
Deleted Question #3
.2 earth

.2 earth
Yes. Earth. Amazing...
1. In ancient Greek mythology, they fought a war and have a horse in common 🙂
What? I don't see any category named so I get 33%, right? 😀

1. In ancient Greek mythology, they fought a war and have a horse in common 🙂
What? I don't see any category named so I get 33%, right? 😀
LOL Aussie. The questions are science based. One remains:
1. What are the Trojans and the Greeks?

And, one more round anyone?
1. What are the Trojans and the Greeks?
2. What contains 326 million trillion gallons of water? The Earth.
Deleted Question #3
Question #1 remains....
Trojan (horse) in computer-terms is a type of malware that does not replicate itself.
The name is based on the mythological tale of Greek warriors who hid inside a giant wooden horse that was suppose to be “present” to the city of Troy. After dark, the Greek warriors opened the previously impenetrable gates of Troy to let in the rest of their army and sacked the city.
So, the name is very fitting, because computer Trojans often disguise themselves as something useful or at least innocent. Once they are inside, however, they often download or install other malware on the user’s computer.
What makes up the core of modern cosmology, grew out of ancient Greek, later adopted by the Church. The underlying theme in Greek science is the use of observation and experimentation to search for simple, universal laws. We call this the time of Geometric Cosmology.

Trojan (horse) in computer-terms is a type of malware that does not replicate itself.
The name is based on the mythological tale of Greek warriors who hid inside a giant wooden horse that was suppose to be “present” to the city of Troy. After dark, the Greek warriors opened the previously impenetrable gates of Troy to let in the rest of their army and sacked the city.
So, the name is very fitting, because computer Trojans often disguise themselves as something useful or at least innocent. Once they are inside, however, they often download or install other malware on the user’s computer.
What makes up the core of modern cosmology, grew out of ancient Greek, later adopted by the Church. The underlying theme in Greek science is the use of observation and experimentation to search for simple, universal laws. We call this the time of Geometric Cosmology.
Very interesting, Alana. Thank you!
These aren't the Trojans and Greeks being referred to in this answer, however. These characters - in question - date back millions of years.
1. Minor planets 🙂

1. Minor planets 🙂
Good try, but not quite suitable, since the Trojans and Greeks require a more specific answer.
The question again is: What are the Trojans and the Greeks?
In astronomy, a trojan is a minor planet or natural satellite (moon) that shares an orbit with a planet or larger moon, but does not collide with it because it orbits around one of the two Lagrangian points of stability (trojan points), L4 and L5, which lie approximately 60° ahead of and behind the larger body, respectively. Trojan objects are also sometimes called Lagrangian objects. They are one type of co-orbital object. In this arrangement, the massive star and the smaller planet orbit about their common barycenter. A much smaller mass located at one of the Lagrangian points is subject to a combined gravitational force that acts through this barycenter. Hence the object can orbit around the barycenter with the same orbital period as the planet, and the arrangement can remain stable over time.[1]
Trojan minor planets are minor planets that orbit near one of the two trojan points of a planet. A trojan moon is a moon residing at the trojan point of another (larger) moon. Trojan planets are theoretical planets that orbit at the trojan points of other planets.
Saturn has the only known trojan satellites: Saturn's moon Tethys has two trojan moons (Telesto and Calypso), and Dione also has two trojan moons (Helene and Polydeuces).
In 2011, NASA announced the discovery of the first known Earth trojan.[2]
Numerical calculations of the orbital dynamics involved indicate that Saturn and Uranus probably do not have any primordial trojan minor planets.[3]
1. Minor planets 🙂
Actually, my answer is correct. You simply want more specifics so here they are. 🙂

Will Jupiter ever give up all its all inspiring secrets?
Two asteroid camps occupy the same orbit of our friend Jupiter: The asteroids of the leading Camp are referred to as the "Greeks" and the ones trailing the planet are referred to as the "Trojans."
"...The first Trojan was discovered on Feb. 22, 1906, by German astronomer Max Wolf, who found the celestial object leading ahead of Jupiter. Christened "Achilles" by the astronomer, the roughly 81-mile-wide (130-kilometer-wide) chunk of space rock was the first of many asteroids detected to be traveling in front of the gas giant. Later, asteroids were also found trailing behind Jupiter. The asteroids were collectively named Trojans after a legend, in which Greek soldiers hid inside in a giant horse statue to launch a surprise attack on the Trojan people of the city of Troy..."
Jupiter, you are amazing...

A short round anyone?
Have fun...science.
1. What are also referred to as Triple A's (AAA)?
2. What are made up of 99.9% space?
3. What is the most poisonous snake in the world?
3. Miss Swan, it is the sea snake. From JJ
2. The human body and atoms?

A short round anyone?
Have fun...science.
Swan1. What are also referred to as Triple A's (AAA)?
2. What are made up of 99.9% space? 2. The human body and atoms? (Dougtamjj)
3. What is the most poisonous snake in the world? 3. Miss Swan, it is the sea snake. From JJ
#2: Yes. Atoms are 99.9% space; everything is made of atoms.
#3: JJ: Read the question #3 again really, really carefully. (BTW, it's not a trick question.)
Well snakes are venomous not poisonous but the belcher,s sea snake is thought to be the most venomous.

Well snakes are venomous not poisonous but the belcher,s sea snake is thought to be the most venomous.
Absolutely right! Good job, JJ!
The most venomous snake known in the world, a few milligrams is strong enough to kill 1000 people! Less than 1/4 of bites will contain venom, and they are relatively docile. Fisherman are usually the victims of these bites, as they encounter the species when they pull nets from the ocean. Found throughout waters off South East Asia and Northern Australia. BELCHER'S SEA SNAKE
Poisonous is often used incorrectly when describing snakes. (That is what I wanted to also point out in this question).
“Poisonous—often confused with venomous—means a plant, animal, or substance capable of causing death or illness if taken into the body. Venomous means capable of injecting venom. A rattlesnake is not itself poisonous, because if you eat one it won’t poison you. A blowfish will kill you if you eat it, so it is poisonous, but not venomous.”
One question remains: 1. What are also referred to as Triple A's (AAA)?
Are the 3 As biology, chemistry, and physics?

Are the 3 As biology, chemistry, and physics?
Excellent try: they should be, however they're not the "Triple As"
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