Atheists celebrate because they think they have it all figured out, and they have all the answers to everything...meaning "science" as we know it today. Science as we know it today will be the laughingstock of tomorrow...
It will be really interesting to see who has the last laugh...but somehow, I believe there will be a place with a whole lot of atheists and it will look similar to this:
:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-o:-orotorhead is the third one from the right, second row...the one with the pitchfork stuck through his unbelieving loucypher laughs with unrestrained glee.
The earth is 4.4 billion years old. (just a little older than myself) I'm not the one who claims to have created everything in 7 days.
P.S. I'll do the pitchforking, not you. Lest ye be next. have a problem with Biblical references...good! so do I !
P.S. you don't get to choose who does the pitchforking, and you'll be too busy removing one from your gizzard anyway 😀Compliments of the season, this is all in fun. Hope you're well, stay safe, and best wishes for the New Year!
I'll send my minions.... have a problem with Biblical references...good! so do I !

The Atheist Christmas? A Yuletide Tree in the window, Christmas is short for Christs Mass. Maybe the Atheist should get their own holiday, without using ours, Watcha think! Merry Nothing (you guys have science on your side think of something that could be considered yours). Merry Christmas.

Maybe the Atheist should get their own holiday, without using ours, Watcha think! Merry Nothing (you guys have science on your side think of something that could be considered yours). Merry Christmas.
Ha Ha, Very funny! The thieves claim something that they stole as their own. Science is on our side. The reason for the celebration is Winter Solstice! Christ's Mass is just a relic from early Christian mythology. Just as Thor's Day = Thursday is a carry over from Norse mythology. Our planets are named after Roman gods, we have incorporated many mythological names into our vocabulary. All relics of our superstitious past.
The Christians still use that relic name called Christmas (Christs Mass) for about 2000 Years. Didn't you guys try the name Xmas (didn't work that well) how about Merry Tilt a Season or Merry the Test Tube all new and exciting names go for it. Here is a good one (May the Black Hole be with you). I Still Like Merry Christmas (makes me feel good).:D
Respecting the beliefs of others and you freaking people wonder what the problem is huh?
I have noticed on your past posts you like the word freaking (now freaking people). Christmas has taken on a commercial meaning for the majority, you know like Santa, Red nose deer, elf's. This is not a belief but a fun season for all to have. Christmas celebrated by Christians is considered a high holy day. Don't know what position you take nor do I care, but I'm not a freaking person. Merry Christmas.
Christmas has become a bit of a non event in our home. The kids (now older teenagers) don't even get up until almost noon. Presents under the tree don't excite them anymore either because they acquire all the "toys" they desire throughout the year by working and being self suffiicient. At least I get a few days off from the regular routine and can sit by the pool.

Modern Splifology.
The Jesus/Santa spliff.
I just don't get why atheists always seem so angry.

I just don't get why atheists always seem so angry.
I guess we just get a little frustrated when dealing with all of the undereducated religious people who still think that mythology is real.
I just don't get why atheists always seem so angry.
Maybe because we're tired of having your beliefs rammed down our throat.
If you want to believe the book of genesis and that the earth and the heavens were created in a week be my guest. That's your prerogative. If you see god, let us know. I'll keep scanning the skies for U.F.O.s'.

I just don't get why atheists always seem so angry.
Maybe because we're tired of having your beliefs rammed down our throat.
If you want to believe the book of genesis and that the earth and the heavens were created in a week be my guest. That's your prerogative. If you see god, let us know. I'll keep scanning the skies for U.F.O.s'.
Having our beliefs rammed down your throat today will result in not having loucypher or his minions ram a pitchfork up your rectum in the hereafter...but loucypher knows this, and is laughing with unrestrained glee as he harvests more souls daily.
Get thee behind me, Satan :X (Matthew 16:23)
How is anybody "ramming" anything down anybodies throat? That is such a dramatic comment. Is it just from seeing signs of religion around Christmas? Wouldn't a wreath on a door be the same as somebody wearing Rasta colors or somebody who leaves their yoga mat in their car? Big deal, express yourself.
The Stats on religion in the US Virgin Islands are as follows, Baptists 42%--Episcopalian 17%--Roman Catholic 34% -- Other 7%'. The posters that claim they are atheist fall in that 7% Category shared by other faiths. The majority of the self proclaimed atheist on this forum are transplants. I Joke about my Religion (Christian). I believe in God and if the atheist don't like it so be it. I have a little problem with the Big Bang Theory! But hey it's only a theory. I Know Jesus walked the earth and Christians have celebrated his Birth for approx 2000 years. Not all Atheists are as angry and nasty as some of the posters on this forum. Have a Merry Christmas you all.

How is anybody "ramming" anything down anybodies throat? That is such a dramatic comment. Is it just from seeing signs of religion around Christmas? Wouldn't a wreath on a door be the same as somebody wearing Rasta colors or somebody who leaves their yoga mat in their car? Big deal, express yourself.
The only "ramming" that I object to is the constant insistence by Christians that we include their religious beliefs in our government. I have never tried to get someone to change their religious beliefs, I have only voiced my disagreement with these beliefs and the lack of factual evidence to support those beliefs.
"Rammings" which I disagree with:
1) Changing our national motto to "In God We Trust" and putting it on our money. At best the motto should be "In God Some of Us Trust". The latest polls show that "nones"(i.e. no religion) are at 20% of the population and rising. I combat this by removing the motto on my money as soon as I get it out of the ATM. I either mark out the motto completely or change it to "In Reason We Trust".
2) Adding "Under God" to our pledge of allegiance. This is a clear violation of the 1st amendment and is being revisited in the courts. I refuse to say the pledge because of this addition.
3) Christian prayer at the beginning of government meetings. Christians seem to be the only religious group which is arrogant enough to feel that everyone should stop what they are doing and pay respects to their religion at a government meeting. A moment of silence would be more appropriate.
4) Christian symbols in our government offices and on government property. The appropriate place for crosses, prayers and ten commandment banners are at church or on private property, not within our government.
5) Religious teachings in our public schools. Religious teachings belong in churches or at home. If you want to teach creationism or Intelligent Design to your children then that's your business. Just as it would be your business to teach your children that the Earth is flat and that the Earth is the center of the universe. Public schools should stick to the facts as we best understand them and not mythology. It would be inappropriate to teach our children that the Sun is really Helios riding his fiery chariot across the sky.
According to your numbers regarding Atheist are 20% and rising, where did these figures come from. If they are correct 80% of the people don't mind the (In God We Trust and One Nation Under God) doesn't seem to make a hoot either. Oh and the under educated religious people (What a moronic statement that was).LOL. I shall just shake my head and say no more.

According to your numbers regarding Atheist are 20% and rising, where did these figures come from. If they are correct 80% of the people don't mind the (In God We Trust and One Nation Under God) doesn't seem to make a hoot either. Oh and the under educated religious people (What a moronic statement that was).LOL. I shall just shake my head and say no more.
I did not say that 20% were atheist, you said that. The word "atheist" still carries a stigma in this country. I said that 20% were "nones", i.e. No Religion.
Washington (CNN) – The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing that one in five Americans is not affiliated with any religion.
The number of these Americans has grown by 25% just in the past five years, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
The survey found that the ranks of the unaffiliated are growing even faster among younger Americans.
Thirty-three million Americans now have no religious affiliation, with 13 million in that group identifying as either atheist or agnostic, according to the new survey.
Pew found that those who are religiously unaffiliated are strikingly less religious than the public at large. They attend church infrequently, if at all, are largely not seeking out religion and say that the lack of it in their lives is of little importance.
Inoculations Against Religiosity: Intelligence and Education
I realize that this post might offend some religious people. This is not my intention. Rather, I am here to report some scientific findings, which in so doing might indeed ruffle some religious feathers. Several years ago, James Watson, a Nobel Laureate and co-discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA, along with E. O. Wilson, the two-time Pulitzer prize winner and world-renowned Harvard entomologist, were the guests on the Charlie Rose Show. They were discussing the importance of Charles Darwin and evolutionary theory in the pantheon of human thought. At one point, the discussion turned to religion wherein Charlie Rose asked the two scientists whether they knew many scientists who believed in a personal God. After a befuddled pause at such a question, both luminaries were able to come up with only one name (Francis Collins). I ask you to stop and ponder this response: These two giants of 20th century science were together able to think of only one scientist who believed in God. Sarah Palin believes in a personal God. Who do you think is right?
Bible-bangers aren't the brightest, study shows
The more religious you are, the less likely you are to be intelligent, a new scientific study has found.
According to researchers, Christians - particularly fundamentalists who believe the Bible is God's word - have a lower IQ than those who are less religious.
A possible reason behind the finding was a tendency for more intelligent people to challenge religious claims, said one of the researchers, New Zealand psychologist Professor Tim Bates.
"If you believe in religion, you haven't really questioned things," he said. "Brighter people were less likely to feel that religion plays a dominant role in their life."
Over the last 80 years there have been 42 studies done which attempt to correlate religion and intelligence. Of these studies, 4 showed no correlation. 38 showed a negative correlation. Religious people tend to have lower IQs. This is not my opinion, I would be happy to post additional survey results. You can see a few here:
How is anybody "ramming" anything down anybodies throat? That is such a dramatic comment. Is it just from seeing signs of religion around Christmas? Wouldn't a wreath on a door be the same as somebody wearing Rasta colors or somebody who leaves their yoga mat in their car? Big deal, express yourself.
The only "ramming" that I object to is the constant insistence by Christians that we include their religious beliefs in our government. I have never tried to get someone to change their religious beliefs, I have only voiced my disagreement with these beliefs and the lack of factual evidence to support those beliefs.
"Rammings" which I disagree with:
2) Adding "Under God" to our pledge of allegiance. This is a clear violation of the 1st amendment and is being revisited in the courts. I refuse to say the pledge because of this addition.
Adding "Under God"? It was always there as far as I can remember. Some where at some point it was taken out because "god" should not be in public schools. Can't remember when. But it was always there. It was around the same time some A-Holes decided it was o.k. to burn the flag.
As far as "ramming". I've been laughed at and ridiculed because I don't beleive in "god".
"Well how do you think this all got here then"? When someone can prove that there is a"god" that created everything and all the scientific evidence is wrong that the Earth and the universe are way older than religion claims, then I'll listen. Until then I'll believe in what I want.

Adding "Under God"? It was always there as far as I can remember. Some where at some point it was taken out because "god" should not be in public schools. Can't remember when. But it was always there. It was around the same time some A-Holes decided it was o.k. to burn the flag.
Under God was added in 1954.
Loucypher and his minions reading this thread:
:@) :@) :@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@)

Loucypher and his minions reading this thread:
:@) :@) :@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@)
Is this an educated response or an undereducated response? :S
According to your numbers regarding Atheist are 20% and rising, where did these figures come from. If they are correct 80% of the people don't mind the (In God We Trust and One Nation Under God) doesn't seem to make a hoot either. Oh and the under educated religious people (What a moronic statement that was).LOL. I shall just shake my head and say no more.I did not say that 20% were atheist, you said that. The word "atheist" still carries a stigma in this country. I said that 20% were "nones", i.e. No Religion.
Washington (CNN) – The fastest growing "religious" group in America is made up of people with no religion at all, according to a Pew survey showing that one in five Americans is not affiliated with any religion.
The number of these Americans has grown by 25% just in the past five years, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life.
The survey found that the ranks of the unaffiliated are growing even faster among younger Americans.
Thirty-three million Americans now have no religious affiliation, with 13 million in that group identifying as either atheist or agnostic, according to the new survey.
Pew found that those who are religiously unaffiliated are strikingly less religious than the public at large. They attend church infrequently, if at all, are largely not seeking out religion and say that the lack of it in their lives is of little importance. Against Religiosity: Intelligence and Education
I realize that this post might offend some religious people. This is not my intention. Rather, I am here to report some scientific findings, which in so doing might indeed ruffle some religious feathers. Several years ago, James Watson, a Nobel Laureate and co-discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA, along with E. O. Wilson, the two-time Pulitzer prize winner and world-renowned Harvard entomologist, were the guests on the Charlie Rose Show. They were discussing the importance of Charles Darwin and evolutionary theory in the pantheon of human thought. At one point, the discussion turned to religion wherein Charlie Rose asked the two scientists whether they knew many scientists who believed in a personal God. After a befuddled pause at such a question, both luminaries were able to come up with only one name (Francis Collins). I ask you to stop and ponder this response: These two giants of 20th century science were together able to think of only one scientist who believed in God. Sarah Palin believes in a personal God. Who do you think is right? aren't the brightest, study shows
The more religious you are, the less likely you are to be intelligent, a new scientific study has found.
According to researchers, Christians - particularly fundamentalists who believe the Bible is God's word - have a lower IQ than those who are less religious.
A possible reason behind the finding was a tendency for more intelligent people to challenge religious claims, said one of the researchers, New Zealand psychologist Professor Tim Bates.
"If you believe in religion, you haven't really questioned things," he said. "Brighter people were less likely to feel that religion plays a dominant role in their life." the last 80 years there have been 42 studies done which attempt to correlate religion and intelligence. Of these studies, 4 showed no correlation. 38 showed a negative correlation. Religious people tend to have lower IQs. This is not my opinion, I would be happy to post additional survey results. You can see a few here:
Evolution is a bunch of BS...laughable in its silly attempts to explain what God has obviously created.
What happened??? Did we STOP evolving?? is this the highest state to be attained by us earthly creatures??
Evolution Is Not Happening Now
First of all, the lack of a case for evolution is clear from the fact that no one has ever seen it happen. If it were a real process, evolution should still be occurring, and there should be many "transitional" forms that we could observe. What we see instead, of course, is an array of distinct "kinds" of plants and animals with many varieties within each kind, but with very clear and -- apparently -- unbridgeable gaps between the kinds. That is, for example, there are many varieties of dogs and many varieties of cats, but no "dats" or "cogs." Such variation is often called microevolution, and these minor horizontal (or downward) changes occur fairly often, but such changes are not true "vertical" evolution.
Evolutionary geneticists have often experimented on fruit flies and other rapidly reproducing species to induce mutational changes hoping they would lead to new and better species, but these have all failed to accomplish their goal. No truly new species has ever been produced, let alone a new "basic kind."
A current leading evolutionist, Jeffrey Schwartz, professor of anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh, has recently acknowledged that:
. . . it was and still is the case that, with the exception of Dobzhansky's claim about a new species of fruit fly, the formation of a new species, by any mechanism, has never been observed.1
Loucypher and his minions reading this thread:
:@) :@) :@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@)
Is this an educated response or an undereducated response? :S
It was meant to be light-hearted...
My educated response is that humans, and all of creation, were intelligently designed by a force that we refer to as God, among other things. My educated response is that people who think that our minimal understanding of the universe can explain everything are undereducated.
You have your beliefs, and I have mine. We can agree to disagree, and laugh at ourselves, or we can be nasty. I prefer to laugh things's too short.
Read an anatomy text about the wonderful design of the heart that is inside your undeserving body...a wonder of doesn't even get tired, it is engineered not rests between beats.
I suppose the prototype heart in your base species decided, after getting tired and dying for one billion years, that it was time for a redesign and then magically redesigned itself to its current majesty.
Evolution my ass.
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