I am a windows guy. I run Win 8 on my every day laptop. Win 7 on my HTPC . And Windows Server on my Home Automation PC.
I also run Android and iOS on mobile devices. 😉
This should be in the serendipity thread.
This should be in the serendipity thread.
Hahaha I agree.

Those randy priests are at it again!
It must make catholics proud the things that god's messengers do in his name with their money. $660 million dollars spent so wisely.
Video Game Murder Same as Real Murder, Claims Pat Robertson (Video)
Robertson then admitted he had never actually played a video game, but added, "I think mayhem, killing, Grand Theft Auto, they get pretty bizarre. So if you're murdering somebody in cyberspace in a sense you're performing the act, whether you like it or not."
In 2005, Robertson supported real-life killing in the form of the Iraq War and claimed anyone who dared to even criticize the war was actually committing "treason" against the United States.

Prepare accordingly,
TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY IS SEPTEMBER 19 aaaaaaaaarrrrrhhhhhh!

News emerged a few weeks ago in Arabic media that yet another fatwa had called on practicing Muslim women to travel to Syria and offer their sexual services to the jihadis fighting to overthrow the secularist Assad government and install Islamic law. Reports attribute the fatwa to Saudi sheikh Muhammad al-'Arifi, who, along with other Muslim clerics earlier permitted jihadis to rape Syrian women.
Muslim women prostituting themselves in this case is being considered a legitimate jihad because such women are making sacrifices--their chastity, their dignity--in order to help apparently sexually-frustrated jihadis better focus on the war to empower Islam in Syria.
Sounds like to me a bad case of the HORNY:)

Sodomy is authorized when preparing "bum bomb".
Male-on-male sex authorized for Islamist terrorists.
Religion is sick and hypocritical.
Sexually Transmitted Demons a Menace Say Teen Exorcists
Demons can be sexually transmitted, say three young exorcists, and when it happens, it can be a real menace. The girls, who hail from Phoenix, Arizona, are featured in a new documentary by film Vice.com. They travel all over the world, meeting with people who have been afflicted with what they say are sexually transmitted demons, and commanding those demons to leave the person alone. The ringleader, Brynn Larson, was raised by televangelist Bob Larson, who claims he recently cured a man of a homosexual curse and the demon inside him. The elder Larson believes that about 50% of the entire world’s population is possessed by demons.
I'm possessed by the get-up-early-and-go-to-work demon... been trying to exorcise it for years....
Pat Robertson Defends His Warning of Gay AIDS Handshake Rings
The host, responding to a question from a viewer who was concerned about an HIV-positive church member, claimed on air that gay people in San Francisco use rigged rings to try and give people AIDS when they shake hands.
God this guy is so delusional.
This is thought prevoking........
vasecs not all believers in evolution are atheists, such as me. The reason why the evangelicals hate evolution so much is because to admit to it being right means that Adam & Eve weren't kicked out of the garden of Eden, and therefor there was no original sin for Jesus to die for us all for.
It's actually pretty pathetic the hypocritical lies that evolution deniers resort to.
Interesting clip of Christians spewing hate for gays: (site might be Not Safe For Work)
Such good "Christians"....

Is god real?
Kids without god!

More idiocy from the wacko's who brought us GOD!
Global warming is caused by GOD to punish us for abortion rights.
Ark Encounter, a creationist theme park, is selling junk bonds.
Why is the time right to build another Ark? Well, today there is great rebellion against God and His Word in the land. With increasing homosexual behavior and a growing acceptance of abortion, God’s hand of judgment is being seen as He withdraws the restraining influence of His Holy Spirits. [...] There is no doubt God is judging America. And one major recent sign of God’s judgment is that homosexual behavior is permeating the culture.
In large part because of AiG’s [Answers in Genesis’] strong biblical stand against the Obamacare legislation’s mandated coverage of abortion-causing drugs, AiG pursued a change in the Ark Encounter funding structure that now includes a bond investment opportunity for you to consider. Actually, God has used this legislation for good! ... [O]ur stand has created an exciting opportunity for you. Now you will be able to invest in what I believe to be to be one of the most thrilling outreaches to challenge church and culture in the USA and worldwide concerning the authority of the Word of God and the saving gospel.
"In an executive summary sent to its supporters, Answers in Genesis makes the bonds sound like a decent investment. The group is offering bonds with 7-, 11-, and 15-year maturities, at yields between 5 and 6 percent. A 7-year bond starts at $250,000, while an 11-year bond begins at $50,000."
"Tempting as those rates may seem, there’s a small catch. As Answers in Genesis readily admits, the bonds “are not expected to have any substantial secondary market” and are “not an obligation of AiG.” Somewhat alarmingly, the bonds are unrated, an indication that they’re extremely risky—and almost impossible to resell. High risk, higher yield: These, in essence, are creationist junk bonds."
Blah,Blah,Blah,... 13 months later, Same old tired thread. Perhaps Moderator could change the title to more appropriately,
"Resentment for beliefs of others". Hypocrite is as Hypocrite do. Just a lesser version of what you're opposing.

Costco correctly labels bible as fiction. Fundies get upset!
It should be labeled as junk.

A victory for FFRF! And separation of church and state.
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