i was listening to Sheldon and friends this morning and they were talking about reparations. what is your opinion on if they should be given and who should get them? And What should they get?
Sheldons opinion is much different that I would have thought
I'm not touching this topic!!!
hahahahahahahah, reparations have been given for years in the forum of free hand outs, government assistance and now health care.
There are more slaves in the world now, than any time in history and nobody cares. Asking for handouts, because of something that happened hundreds of years ago is selfish.
Not to mention ridiculous.
If serious about wanting reparations one should get it from whom they were captured and originally sold into slavery by.

As Speedy stated....who gets the reparations? Really think its time to move on were actually the one in chains
I deserve reparations for the massive devaluation of the dollar and it's current dismal purchasing power, in the last 18 years I have seen the price of gas more than triple, I've seen food follow the same trend while the whole time I've been told that inflation is only at 2-3% per year at worst.
These reparations would come from the private company that issues currency and charges interest on said currency to the government of the USA.
or we could just nationalize the "federal" reserve, put the power to coin currency back in the hands of the government (where it has been suppose to be the whole time) and allow the people (well, the government... which should represent the people) to profit instead of a private company.
i dont think they should be given. if they were to have been given it should have been done within 20 years or so of the repeal of slavery. and if so, it should have been paid by those that sold from the originating country and the buyers.
much too late for this type of thing now. these talks should die.
yes, millions and millions and millions are in slavery as we speak.
vicanuck-dont be afraid

I think that anyone who feels so inclined should be able to give away money for any cause they support. And anyone who feels like it should be able to should get a one way ticket to any destination at which time they relinquish their US passport never to return.
Oh! I thought the title said Repatriations not Repartations(whatever that is).
Never mind!
lol, spelled it wrong in the title and correct in the body. Oh well.
Letter: Hunger striking for reparations
Written by:
Shelley Moorhead
He starts October 23, 2013.
Reparation definition:
Repatriation definition:

Prolly due to the success of the last hunger strike.

A good read.
The idea that taxpayers should pay reparations to African Americans for the damages of slavery and segregation is quickly becoming a central demand of some civil rights leaders. It has the backing of important black politicians like Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich), distinguished black intellectuals like Henry Louis Gates and activists like Randall Robinson, who led the successful boycott movement against South Africa a decade ago. The Chicago City Council has overwhelmingly endorsed the concept and municipalities and state governments around the country are considering giving it support. In this well researched and carefully argued book, David Horowitz traces the origins of the reparations movement. He examines the case made by its advocates and concludes that it is "morally questionable and racially incendiary." He notes that only a tiny minority of Americans ever owned slaves; and most Americans living today (white and otherwise) are descended from post-Civil War immigrants who have no lineal connection to slavery at all. More intriguingly, he also points out that the GNP of black America is so large that it makes the African American community the tenth most prosperous "nation" in the world. But this book is more than just an in depth casebook on the hot button issue of reparations. In the hope of initiating a dialogue, Horowitz originally presented a summary of his ideas on this subject in the form of an advertisement that appeared in several college newspapers and was rejected by many more. Editorialists in America's leading papers and several chapters of the American Civil Liberties Union weighed on Horowitz's side. With the assistance of Richard Poe, Horowitz uses the response to the reparations issue to show how the new racial orthodoxy collides with the free speech battle and what its implications are for American education and culture.
so shelley moorhead wants someone to "save us" ? from what and or who. The only people they need saving from is their selves. most of the time, whatever trouble problems issues they are having has been brought on by their own actions and poor choices. you can not tell me that because someones great great great granma/grandpa was a slave that this affects them to this day. no other race in history ( at least that i have heard, well, maybe native americans ) has blamed their troubles for this long on something that happened to some ancestor they never met never knew and maybe never heard about.
What ever happened to hard work, free education, staying out of trouble and doing the right thing.
and i am sorry, what about all the "help" the federal government sends to the islands.
I deserve reparations for the massive devaluation of the dollar and it's current dismal purchasing power, in the last 18 years I have seen the price of gas more than triple, I've seen food follow the same trend while the whole time I've been told that inflation is only at 2-3% per year at worst.
These reparations would come from the private company that issues currency and charges interest on said currency to the government of the USA.
or we could just nationalize the "federal" reserve, put the power to coin currency back in the hands of the government (where it has been suppose to be the whole time) and allow the people (well, the government... which should represent the people) to profit instead of a private company.
AMEN brother, I'm in!
I deserve reparations for the massive devaluation of the dollar and it's current dismal purchasing power, in the last 18 years I have seen the price of gas more than triple, I've seen food follow the same trend while the whole time I've been told that inflation is only at 2-3% per year at worst.
These reparations would come from the private company that issues currency and charges interest on said currency to the government of the USA.
or we could just nationalize the "federal" reserve, put the power to coin currency back in the hands of the government (where it has been suppose to be the whole time) and allow the people (well, the government... which should represent the people) to profit instead of a private company.
AMEN brother, I'm in!
Me too! (tu)
Here's a link to an article I came across this morning.
Re: Is There an Expiration Date on Paying Reparations for Slavery?
As far as I am concerned, I have never owned a slave. Therefor, I am not responsible for any reparations.
amen here too
Not only have I and my ancestors never owned a slave, I lost several of my family members fighting for the side of Emancipation.
We're all slaves to the machine. Can I have my check now please?
i suppose if we give to one set of slaves we must give to all. and from what i understand, everyones ancesters were slaves at one time or another. i am with caribstx, check please
Not to mention ridiculous.
If serious about wanting reparations one should get it from whom they were captured and originally sold into slavery by.
Hmmm...maybe Palestine should be returned to its rightful owners then, and not be given to the chosen ones as reparations for WWII...
...of course, even born-again atheists like roto will agree that the chosen of God deserve said reparations. LMAO
You all are sooooo missing the point. I guess you're OK with the idea of millions of human beings being dehumanized and used as field implements for hundreds of years, and then being subjected to Jim Crow laws, lynchings, and ongoing discrimination.
Thank the universe that you have this forum, buried away in the bowels of the Internets, wherein you can expose your morally bankrupt views without fear of recrimination.
The same people who feel that all Muslims must pay for what happened on 9/11, and do so endlessly (reparation), don't feel like they should be held accountable for history.
As far as I am concerned, I have never owned a slave. Therefor, I am not responsible for any reparations.
You live in, and benefit from, a society that was built on the backs of millions of slaves. You are as responsible as the captains of the slave ships, the plantation owners, and everyone else who benefited from the slave trade...including those who first sold humans to other humans.
To say you are not responsible for what happens to other humans makes you something other than human. No wonder "civilization" is doomed.
As far as I'm concerned, I have never owned a gun. Therefore, I am not responsible for any shootings...even if I work for Smith & Wesson.
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