Obama Is the New Dubya
Barack Obama has more in common with his predecessor, George W. Bush, than he might want to acknowledge. Like Bush, Obama is convinced of the righteousness of his own judgment, and lets all of us know it.
While Republicans accuse Obama of everything from being crypto-Muslim to foreign-born to committing high crimes and misdemeanors, the reality is that Obama is running American foreign policy from a watered-down version of the Bush playbook. Drones, check; NSA surveillance, check; overreach, check.
Watch out. Republicans might pull the patriot act because Obama supports it.
Advice to Obama:
1. Deny global warming. GOP will mandate solar panels and ban coal in response.
2. Flip off Medicaid; GOP will decry his un-Christian behavior and mandate that every state accept it.
3. Don't raise the debt ceiling. Republicans will rally and demand it be paid.
4. Support anything they support and they will change positions.
Or like the left wing liberal firm belief, the ends always justifies the means:) Their golden rule.

Watch out. Republicans might pull the patriot act because Obama supports it.
Advice to Obama:
1. Deny global warming. GOP will mandate solar panels and ban coal in response.
2. Flip off Medicaid; GOP will decry his un-Christian behavior and mandate that every state accept it.
3. Don't raise the debt ceiling. Republicans will rally and demand it be paid.
4. Support anything they support and they will change positions.
What a ridiculous list!
1) I think everyone believes that temperatures are increasing. They have in the past and they will in the future. The argument is over how much of the warming is manmade and how much is natural. Humans only produce 3-4% of the Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, natural causes produce the other 97%. I think the solution is to reduce the number of humans on earth. They do so much damage. We need a good plague. Maybe Ebola?
2) What can I say? Stupidity.
3) Government shutdowns are a tool of the Democrats. There have been 18 shutdowns in U.S. history over raising the debt ceiling. Of those 15 were done by the Democrats and 3 were done by the Republicans. The big leader was Dem. Tip O'Neal during the Reagan administration.
4) For every problem, Democrats always find a government driven solution. Republicans prefer a private sector solution.
I found this interesting, Obama is the worst president since WW2 and Reagan is the best!
Just wait, after the midterms the republicans will control both the house and the senate and Obama will be a really lame duck.
we can only hope
I would like the senate to become Republican this fall. That way, Onama can still veto any lunatic bill. And all America's problems in 2016, most of which will be blamed on Congressional inactivity . The republican congress will be the most reason reason for America's woes which will provide Hillary with a landslide! I am going to call all my friends stateside who live in swing districts and beg them to vote for a Republican for the Senate. Thanks for the heads up.
New slogan
Republicans 2014 means Democratic trifecta 2016

I would like the senate to become Republican this fall. That way, Onama can still veto any lunatic bill. And all America's problems in 2016, most of which will be blamed on Congressional inactivity . The republican congress will be the most reason reason for America's woes which will provide Hillary with a landslide! I am going to call all my friends stateside who live in swing districts and beg them to vote for a Republican for the Senate. Thanks for the heads up.
New slogan
Republicans 2014 means Democratic trifecta 2016
Good luck. The Dems had your trifecta when Obama was elected in 2008. And look what they did with it. Instead of passing some worthwhile changes in health care, they passed Nobamacare over the objections of the republicans. And look at how Obama ran the most transparent administration in history. I hope they run Hillary as their candidate. She has no credibility.
Hillary...???,,,Obama...???,,,"Dems"...???,,,Etc. ,,,,, Blah, Blah, Blah.,, ..
Whoopsie , ,,, That's right, You cant VOTE on Presidential Candidates,, Right???
Unfortunately if Hillary runs, she will win. Why? because there are no Republicans on the market now strong enough to defeat her. You still have all these people who live to break glass ceilings, no matter whether it's a good thing for the country or not and there is still one more to break. The only hope this country has is if the republicans maintain control of the house and regain control of the senate and forget about trying for a trifecta and let the presidency go. But if things remain status quo, god knows what the dems will ram down our throats like they did with Obamacare.
Formerly known as Romneycare?
The one that makes people take personal responsibility for their healthcare that Reagan era Republicans called for?
The same Republican plan that the the Democrats dusted off and some of us swallowed happily (versus having it rammed down our throats) ?
The same plan that ensures private insurance companies have mandatory customers?
The same plan that covers preventive care so that we can find and treat and prevent illness when it is cheap and possible?
The same plan that prevents children from being kicked off?
Well, God bless Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act or whatever you call it.
Too bad it didn't go all the way to single payer.
I got my Pap smear and mammogram free last month. Go check on that prostate before it is too late.

Are you assuming that people who complain about Obamacare liked Romneycare? Both are intrusions on personal freedom.
You assume that if someone isn't a supporter of Obamacare then they are Republican. Not true.
You didn't get your Pap smear or mammogram for free, someone else paid for it! If the doctor got paid then someone paid for it.
I am against charging people different prices for private products based on income. When you go to an insurance exchange the subsidized cost of health care varies based on income, for the same level of coverage. What is next? Different prices at the supermarket based on income?
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy."
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. We are on the downhill slope.
"Democracy" just a buzzword the plutocrats use like liberty and freedom.
[url=http:// http://youtu.be/kJ4SSvVbhLw ]American dream[/url]

No, rotorhead, I pay my own monthly premiums. And under President Awesome's Act, anything >20% of administrative costs are refunded. I got $2000 back last year.
Now I am paying for some people's healthcare, but it's you people with Medicare and Veteran's Health and Tricare and children's vaccinations. Oh yes, and Reagan's law called EMTALA which requires emergency rooms and hospitals to use tax payer funds to cover people you do not take personal responsibility.
Rotorhead, civilized societies collect taxes to pay for public schools, healthcare which is usually universal, roads, defense, screening of foods and drugs, security of land and skies and waterways. Don't you eat FDA approved meat? Haven't you flown on TSA screened flights that the NTSB and FAA monitor and regulate. So for those of us who don't fly, aren't we paying for your airfare? Even if you were paying for my Pap smear, which you are not, wouldn't it be cheaper than paying for my end stage cervical cancer in the emergency room as per Reagan's law?
So deAl with it. If you want no taxes and anarchy go to Papa New Guinea. But don't be a hypocrite. Romneycare and obamacare are good for this country. Taxes I pay for public school helps me ultimately train young people who could eventually pay my social security payments. I have no children in public schools and I have never had welfare or foodstamps. But I fly and the public helps me. And if my family gets kidnapped I expect the FBI to assist without charging me. That is how it works.
Obamacare Has Helped Americans Save Nearly $2 Billion On Their Insurance Premiums
The 80/20 rule isn’t the only Obamacare provision that seeks to keep premium costs affordable. The health law also extends federal subsidies to help Americans purchase plans on the individual market in the new state-level insurance exchanges, something that allows millions of people to buy health care for less than $100 each month. However, under a lawsuit against the health law that could make its way up to the Supreme Court, those subsidies could be put into jeopardy in the majority of states in the country. If that happens, insurance premiums could increase by about 75 percent.
And the right is willing to go to such extremes to destroy Obamacare it is completely pathetic, another BS story from another prominent Republican website:
Planned Parenthood Has Abortion Quotas, Says Former Clinic Director
Former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson says she has proof that a Texas Planned Parenthood clinic had abortion quotas — target numbers of abortions it needed to perform in order to meet its budget.
Johnson, who left the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas in 2010, released a budget statement for the 2010 fiscal year she said shows that the clinic was expected to perform at least 1,135 abortions that year.
Johnson’s group, And Then There Were None, whose stated goal is “to provide financial, emotional, spiritual and legal support to anyone wishing to leave the abortion industry,” released a photograph a few weeks ago of a Colorado clinic receiving an award for having performed more abortions in the first half of the 2013 fiscal year than they had in the second half of the 2012 fiscal year. (RELATED: Had A Lot Of Abortions? Planned Parenthood Is Handing Out Awards)
Planned Parenthood responded very directly that “First, and plainly, Planned Parenthood does not have ‘quotas’ for any of our services,” but that they do “aim to expand access to all of our services … and yes, we absolutely do celebrate our progress in ensuring that more people have access to the full range of reproductive health care, including abortion.” (RELATED: Planned Parenthood Schools Underage Girls In Violent Sex)
That’s why Johnson decided to release the budget statement, she said, which shows that her clinic needed to make at least $313.29 per abortion performed. The Bryan clinic, which closed in the summer of 2013, performed both medical and surgical abortions up to 14 weeks. Johnson said that this budget, “specifically for the abortion part of our facility,” sought to double the number of abortions performed in the previous fiscal year.
Johnson said that staff “generally look at the previous year’s performance and demographic information” to determine the quota. Planned Parenthood did not respond to requests for comment.
You really have got to be kidding me. PP budget for abortions is less than 2% of their gross, and they don't "make their money" off of abortions, and even if it was true, how the eff are you supposed to "double the number of abortions"?
Talking monkeys level of stupid.
you should never take anything a far right or far left site has to say for the truth . find it in a less "far" whatever site.
US: Surveillance Harming Journalism, Law, Democracy
(Washington, DC) – Large-scale US surveillance is seriously hampering US-based journalists and lawyers in their work, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union said in a joint report released today. Surveillance is undermining media freedom and the right to counsel, and ultimately obstructing the American people’s ability to hold their government to account, the groups said.
[url http://www.wired.com/2014/07/the-big-costs-of-nsa-surveillance-that-no-ones-talking-about/ ]Personal Privacy Is Only One of the Costs of NSA Surveillance[/url]
There is no doubt the integrity of our communications and the privacy of our online activities have been the biggest casualty of the NSA’s unfettered surveillance of our digital lives. But the ongoing revelations of government eavesdropping has had a profound impact on the economy, the security of the internet and the credibility of the U.S. government’s leadership when it comes to online governance.
These are among the many serious costs and consequences the NSA and those who sanctioned its activities—including the White House, the Justice Department and lawmakers like Sen. Dianne Feinstein—apparently have not considered, or acknowledged, according to a report by the New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute.
“Too often, we have discussed the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs through the distorting lens of a simplistic ‘security versus privacy’ narrative,” said Danielle Kehl, policy analyst at the Open Technology Institute and primary author of the report. “But if you look closer, the more accurate story is that in the name of security, we’re trading away not only privacy, but also the U.S. tech economy, internet openness, America’s foreign policy interests and cybersecurity.”
And finally the Patriot Act comes home to roost!
CIA admits it broke into Senate computers; senators call for spy chief’s ouster
WASHINGTON — An internal CIA investigation confirmed allegations that agency personnel improperly intruded into a protected database used by Senate Intelligence Committee staff to compile a scathing report on the agency’s detention and interrogation program, prompting bipartisan outrage and at least two calls for spy chief John Brennan to resign.[/url]
NSA keeps low profile at hacker conventions despite past appearances
As hackers prepare to gather in Las Vegas for a pair of annual conventions, the leadership of the National Security Agency won’t make the trek.
While the technically sophisticated US surveillance entity has often mingled in recent years with some of the world’s elite engineers and digital security experts at Black Hat and Def Con, Admiral Mike Rogers and Rick Ledgett, the newly minted director and deputy director of the agency, won’t prowl the Mandalay Bay and Rio hotel-casinos this year.
Vanee Vines, a spokeswoman for the NSA who confirmed Rogers and Ledgett’s absences, said she was unaware of any invitations the hacker conferences extended to NSA officials, and did not know if staffers would attend, either.
A spokeswoman for Black Hat, Meredith Corley, said the conference “exists to cultivate conversations among all members of the security community, both public and private. We did not invite Admiral Mike Rogers to [be a] keynote this year.”
And Obama is a true assh0le for this:
Obama Expresses Confidence in C.I.A. Director
President Obama said on Friday that he has “full confidence” in John Brennan, the director of the C.I.A., despite Mr. Brennan’s admission this week that his agency improperly searched the computers of the congressional committee that is preparing to release a report on the use of torture in the fight against terror.
Brennan is in control of the CIA and therefor, responsible for what they have done. Obama is now complicit in their crimes.
Don't get me started in how Obama has since his first inauguration has been complicit with torturing illegally held "terrorists" in CIA rendition sites, like Gitmo and Guantanamo.
James Risen: Obama Is 'Greatest Enemy To Press Freedom In A Generation'
Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times reporter James Risen is not mincing words about President Barack Obama.
Risen has been fighting the Obama administration's efforts to get him to testify about his sources for six years. The Department of Justice has ordered him to testify against former CIA agent Jeffrey Sterling, who it believes leaked information about a failed CIA operation in Iran that Risen reported on in his book. Risen recently lost his bid to have the Supreme Court revisit his case.
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd spoke to Risen for her Sunday column "Where’s the Justice at Justice?"
"How can he [Obama] use the Espionage Act to throw reporters and whistle-blowers in jail even as he defends the intelligence operatives who 'tortured some folks,' and coddles his C.I.A. chief, John Brennan, who spied on the Senate and then lied to the senators he spied on about it?" Dowd wrote.
Risen had one word to describe Obama's actions: "hypocritical."
"A lot of people still think this is some kind of game or signal or spin," he told Dowd. "They don’t want to believe that Obama wants to crack down on the press and whistle-blowers. But he does. He’s the greatest enemy to press freedom in a generation."
Many others have joined Risen in his condemnation of the White House's campaign against leak cases. Over 100,000 people have signed a petition demanding that the government stop all legal action against Risen.
7 Pages That Gave President Obama Cover to Kill Americans
Before David Barron was confirmed this year to a lifetime seat on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, his critics objected that the cover he gave President Obama to carry out extrajudicial killings of American citizens ought to disqualify him from the bench. "I rise today to oppose the nomination of anyone who would argue that the president has the power to kill an American citizen not involved in combat and without a trial," Senator Rand Paul declared in remarks opposing the nomination. "I rise to say that there is no legal precedent for killing citizens not involved in combat and that any nominee who rubber stamps and grants such power to a president is not worthy of being one step away from the Supreme Court."
Barron, who wrote his controversial memo while at the Office of Legal Counsel, was confirmed anyway, before the public was permitted to see the legal reasoning he used to weaken the Fifth Amendment as well as an executive order banning assassinations and a statute prohibiting the murder of American citizens abroad. Now that analysis is available for review.
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