i just never noticed it. wish i didnt notice it now.
my cousin even said that anyone who supports trump is a racist. my other cousin said only redneck white people voted for trump.
i guess i just never paid attention before
i find it interesting that now anyone on the right is a "racist"
It isn't just now. It's been that way for a long time.
Of course you didn't realize it. Those privilege glasses tend to warp reality.
Again, the white supremacists have not been barred by government so their speech has not legally been infringed on. Those standing up to hate are exercising their rights too. The best part of all this is the whiny snowflakes complaining they lost their jobs because they should up marching with a Pepe lapel pin for rights for white men. If only white men had any power or money!!
I can't figure out why some people assume that all rednecks are racists. Being a Redneck is a state of mind, most are very capable people. I've met Black Rednecks, Korean Rednecks, I have a friend from Guam, that is an extreme Redneck, cowboy hat and all. Sure some are, some from every group of people are racists. In my time here I've felt it, not much thankfully. Most people here are good folks that just want to get along. That is the case throughout most of the country, at least were I've been.
Then of course there are the ones that stir the pot to create division. 99% of them are not smart enough to understand that they are being used, and not for the purpose that they think. Many of them also have nothing meaningful going on in their lives. They are negative and think everything is totally unfair. It's the governments job to level the playing field and make everything fair regardless of individual output.
I read a story today about white people rescuing black people in Texas.
The whites flew a dixie flag. No one refused the rescue.No one was refused rescue.
A Clinton supporter gets on twitter and says she would accept the rescue if it was her, then destroy the flag when she exited the rescue vehicle.
Now tell me again who the bigots are?
I wouldn't trust the judgement of someone flying the flag of a treasonous losing army who fought to keep system of chattel slavery alive.
i just never noticed it. wish i didnt notice it now.
my cousin even said that anyone who supports trump is a racist. my other cousin said only redneck white people voted for trump.
i guess i just never paid attention before
i find it interesting that now anyone on the right is a "racist"
It isn't just now. It's been that way for a long time.
Of course you didn't realize it. Those privilege glasses tend to warp reality.
Again, the white supremacists have not been barred by government so their speech has not legally been infringed on. Those standing up to hate are exercising their rights too. The best part of all this is the whiny snowflakes complaining they lost their jobs because they should up marching with a Pepe lapel pin for rights for white men. If only white men had any power or money!!
So utilizing violence is an acceptable is an exercising of one rights against ones viewpoints you dont agree with.
So extending your (Lack of) logic you should be celebrating the guy running over the snowflake in Charlottesville. After all he was standing up to hate...
I await your next Ad hominem as its much easier than making a coherent argument.
You are the reason we got Trump, be happy
I wouldn't trust the judgement of someone flying the flag of a treasonous losing army who fought to keep system of chattel slavery alive.
Yet you're ok with the Hammer and Sickle
Nice Comrade
Of course you didn't realize it. Those privilege glasses tend to warp reality.
Again, the white supremacists have not been barred by government so their speech has not legally been infringed on. Those standing up to hate are exercising their rights too. The best part of all this is the whiny snowflakes complaining they lost their jobs because they should up marching with a Pepe lapel pin for rights for white men. If only white men had any power or money!!
The white guilt is strong with this one...
how long were you in college?
I wouldn't trust the judgement of someone flying the flag of a treasonous losing army who fought to keep system of chattel slavery alive.
But you DO trust the judgment of people chanting BLM / ANTI-FA phrases (the only two organizations in recent history affiliated with causing riots and hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage, murder police and destroy towns across the US) and blocking a legitimately permitted rally?
The anti-fascists truly are the fascists... sad, I wish i could be there when you realize your on the side of hate and bigotry.
who shows up to a protest with bats and helmets? who attacks a car as it slowly drives by?
if you have white privilege thats on you. if you think all whites are privileged, thats on you. dont project white hate onto others.
I wouldn't trust the judgement of someone flying the flag of a treasonous losing army who fought to keep system of chattel slavery alive.
Do you even realize that slavery was only one issue of many that brought about the civil war? Slavery was nearing its end by the time of the Emancipation Proclaimation. Maybe according to some historians, it may have lasted another 30-40 years. We were about 20 years away from the beginning of the industrial age.
A time when large northern manufacturing companies took advantage of 1000's of white immigrants, they provided shelter, food and basic necessities at an inflated rate so the familes could never leave, unless they were sick or injured then they were evicted. They were indebted to their employers.
I know that the righteous yankees didn't look at it as slavery, but it's a pretty fine line.
There are lots of people who were not treated fairly in this country. It is up to all of us to get off our a#% and make something happen. No one is holding anyone back these days.
But it does make a great excuse.

Historians have long debated the causes of the war and the Southern perspective differs greatly from the Northern perspective. Based upon the study of original documents of the War Between The States (Civil War) era and facts and information published by Confederate Veterans, Confederate Chaplains, Southern writers and Southern Historians before, during, and after the war, I present the facts, opinions, and conclusions stated in the following article.
I love when YouTube videos are evidence. If you did not read, nor understand Popper's Tolerance Paradox that is on you. If you think BLM is the problem.... well lol. Yes. Literally a group that is advocating to not die is the problem. You anti BLM you are a bootlicker
I guess if you are the one determining what ideas should be tolerated, then the theory works.
Otherwise you are the embodiment for what you perceive as a problem.

The whole premise on which BLM was founded is bogus. They claim that police disproportionately shoot more blacks than whites. Twice as many whites are killed by police as blacks, but blacks only make up 14% of the population.
What they don't mention is that blacks commit 52% of all homicides, but only make up 14% of the population. It's even worse, black males only make up 7% of the population and they are the ones committing 52% of the homicides. Another thing that they leave out is that 93% of black homicides are committed by blacks, not by white police officers.
Wow! Hard to put a spin on that one.
BLM is literally shouting pigs in a blanket , fry em like bacon and what do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now. then YES, they are a hate group that promotes violence.
BLM was literally based on lies . that whole " he was an angel" bs. no he wasnt. 3 autopsies proved he was reaching for the cops gun.
I love when YouTube videos are evidence. If you did not read, nor understand Popper's Tolerance Paradox that is on you. If you think BLM is the problem.... well lol. Yes. Literally a group that is advocating to not die is the problem. You anti BLM you are a bootlicker
BLM was literally based on lies .
Anti-fa is following the BLM template as well.
(and hilariously hypocritical, same as BLM).
But I'm still of an a opinion that a lot of this is "injected" for media hype...
Normal people don't act like what we see on TV, and the sudden prevalence of "white supremacists" is very suspicious as well... but how else do you start a race war (and all those delicious government interventions, programs, over time etc that comes with it)?
there seems to be a lot of evidence to suggest that the protesters are paid. i would not doubt it.
heard that the White Supremacists and Antifa were on the same bus in charlottesville. not sure the validity of it but would not surprise me one bit
could be they are doing all of this to undermine trump?? they have all been fighting hard since day one when he announced his bid. they havent stopped yet.
heard that the White Supremacists and Antifa were on the same bus in charlottesville. not sure the validity of it but would not surprise me one bit
Seemingly valid eye witness says just that:
.... and that the police PREVENTED people from fleeing the scene via riot shield wall (though I've been behind a riot shield before, you have no clue who's pushing against you or if they are "innocent" or just trying to Fck with you)
could be they are doing all of this to undermine trump?? they have all been fighting hard since day one when he announced his bid. they havent stopped yet.
If it is the case that it's all or mostly contrived (which I'm sort of thinking maybe the case) then I seriously doubt this is a "one move deep" chess player at the helm... there would be multiple benefits from this action and undercutting trump is certainly one of them (I look to the media spin for clues... and they went after trump with ridiculous fervor after the riots,err... "protests").
I'm sure that there are many things President Trump is doing completely wrong in the handling of the Texas floods. I mean look at those unempathetic shoes the first lady was wearing.
To me and many of the folks that are on the ground in Texas, he seems like a pretty good guy who actually is doing his best to help.
People there have said plenty of kind things about him.
Of course Texas isn't NYC or the west coast.
No one is above the law.
It's argued the president have the authority to declare DACA overriding the law.
Trump loves the Dreamers he says.
He can just pardon all 800,000 of them.
No need for the justice department to get involved and request pardons.

If you're waiting for the leftist mainstream media or BLM to denounce the violence or the property damage, don't hold your breath.
Could it be that we've become so head shy and politically correct, we as Americans are scared to call it what it is? Maybe because the second someone calls out this thuggery, the BLM violence, or the BS, that person is automatically labeled a racist. Enough is enough.
Listen up, Black Lives Matter. When you converge upon the St. Louis mayor's house, throw paint, rocks and break windows, you are unfit to call your organization a social justice movement. I understand you're mad about a verdict but do you really think this display of utter lawlessness is going to accomplish anything? And for that matter, what did these local businesses do to you? You're destroying your own community, you're destroying your neighbor’s property and livelihood, and for what?
My great uncle was murdered by a nazi POW camp guard during an air raid. Shot in the head. Go ahead and google Elroy Wyman. My grandfather hated everything German his whole life. You couldn't drive a VW beetle into his driveway, and he despised Ford, which supported the German war effort with vehicles early on - and completely got away with it.
My Grandfather was a lifelong, hard core conservative. To equate anti-nazi protesters, no matter how Fox News tries to lie and spin, with swastika-waving white supremacists, is the biggest lie of all. Pandering to the base that got the ass&ipe elected. Trying to repeatedly justify all this by finger pointing just makes it worse. I was willing to accept that his stupidity might prove useful to America, maybe some changes in government, maybe he has some thoughtful people behind him. But after the asinine equivocation regarding nazis, I went straight into the Town Office and de-registered republican and signed up as Independent. That was the straw. There is no credibility in vote pandering where nazis are concerned. The mistake these idiots are making is that people like me know the Constitution, know history and know the possibilities that loom with this president. I heard some fervent supporters in a conversation the other day - shocked the crap out of me - say "well, maybe we NEED a good dictatorship for awhile." They were serious. I immediately started shopping for a solid ocean sailboat. I'm out. This moron is going to cause problems, and I don't want my grandchildren anywhere near this. Back to the Caribbean periphery.
So how did you make out in the hurricane Kevin? Are you on STX or STT or STJ?
None. Had to go Stateside for parental issues a couple years ago. Supposed to be in STT/STJ right now. Just got a call from the inlaws. Still blowing on STT, and they got more house damage from Maria than Irma. More wind, more rain, more water problems, and I heard the storm surge was heavier. I hope STX comes out of it reasonably, but they were 40 miles closer. If you want to check out post-Irma, zoom in on the V.I. HERE:
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