Good Grief!!
I believe President Trump will go down in history as having saved our free society from emotional stupidity by invoking common sense.
he seems headed that direction... but I'm going to try my best not to go the way of the Obama fan,, (a lot of them still are convinced he did a great job).
It's been a refreshing change, however.. so far none of the "PNAC" NEOCON group have joined up with Trump. so that's a 1000% better than any president in memory.
For a long time I've thought that globalization was inevitable. Still it may be.
Trump is the first President in a long time that isn't a globalist. That gives me hope.
To me the last 8 years have been about social issues. So now people are farther divided than ever. Most people that I know we're quite fair minded before President Obama. Having worked for a defense contractor for 20 years. I know that there were plenty of options for relief if someone felt prejudice for any reason.
It's time to refocus our energy on things that will bring opportunity to all. I believe Trump will do that, if that is what people want anymore.
So it begins:
SEAL, American Girl Die in First Trump-Era U.S. Military Raid
"Intentional or not, Greenberg said, the deaths of three al-Awlaki family members will enhance the al Qaeda narrative. She noted that as part of propaganda efforts, terrorist groups have begun to circulate photographs of children reputedly killed by U.S. forces. Photos of Nawar al-Awlaki alive and dead are already circulating widely in Arab media.
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released a statement via online jihadi media referring to the raid as a "massacre," said U.S. troops had fired on women and children "in cold blood," and accused the SEALs of having "no human values."
That's it, believe fake news over the folks that took an oath to live and die for YOU! Typical liberal mentality. Sobbing over something that you don't have a clue that really happened or the circumstances surrounding the events, but yet not a tear for the deaths of those fellow Americans in Bengazi. Oooops, I forgot they were Americans and not foreigners so no tears, just blame it on a fake government produced video called wag the dog.

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"Transgender Boy Scouts" will link you here. Along with "Government employees, surf the interwebz, on your dime".
I believe President Trump will go down in history
Well we can agree on that much at least.
That photo resembles him.
He'll go down in history, all right!
I believe President Trump will go down in history
Well we can agree on that much at least.
Nice to have common ground 😀

You've got to love this. They can start building a wall on the Mexican Border any time they like. A Bill was passed in 2006 which approved the wall. With support of over 50% of the Senate Democrats.
Many Democrats may rue the day, if only because of their pending political discomfort for supporting the 2006 legislation. None other than Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, as well as Sens. Tom Carper, Dianne Feinstein, Bill Nelson, Debbie Stabenow, and Ron Wyden, were among the 26 Senate minority backers of the Fence Act. Sen. Sherrod Brown, a House member at the time, also voted in favor of the package. Then being an election year, their cohort upbraided the GOP majority for legislating only on border security in its consideration of immigration reform. But Feinstein, for one, didn't use politics as an out—rather, she owned her vote.
"Democrats are solidly behind controlling the border, and we support the border fence," she said, according to the Los Angeles Daily News.
And Americans will pay for it.
Why Trump Won’t Serve His Full First Term
One can only hope!
Food for thought.
In Case It Wasn’t Clear Yet, Steve Bannon Is Our President
U.S. military probing more possible civilian deaths in Yemen raid
"U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.
As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists."
"U.S. military officials told Reuters that Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations.
Planned by the Obama administration... thanks guys!
Um, who's in charge?
Maybe trumplethinskin forgot his to attend intelligence briefing.
Um, who's in charge?
Maybe trumplethinskin forgot his to attend intelligence briefing.
The POTUS gets to blame the last administration for a month or two (not 6 years, like previous presidents...).
bureaucracies are slow beasts to change direction... they function off inertia quite often.
the first few weeks especially are basically just the inertia from the last administration.
Well so far after all the campaign non-sense complaining to the contrary POTUS and new admin statements dealing with Russia sanctions, Iran sanctions, Israel peace policy wrt settlements are not much different than previous administration. So is this just inertia or perhaps accepting that all the previous foreign policy was not a total disaster after all?
Yes it certainly is and was a disaster. After the last 8 years, I don't expect it too be turned around in 2 weeks. There is an incredible amount of stupidity to overcome.

All of those executive departments still to be cleaned out. Like the former acting AG.
Yes it certainly is and was a disaster. After the last 8 years, I don't expect it too be turned around in 2 weeks. There is an incredible amount of stupidity to overcome.
So is this just inertia or perhaps accepting that all the previous foreign policy was not a total disaster after all?
Look at who trump appointed to his cabinet:
Military generals and GoldmenSachs bankers.....
So no, it's not accepting the previous foreign policy.. it's being run by the exact same people (the cabinet has more power than the president IMO... that's why it's always bankers and wall street exec's being put in there).
10 Journalism Brands Where You Find Real Facts Rather Than Alternative Facts
Gee, no Fox News on this list!
Trump ban is boon for ISIS recruitment, former jihadists and experts say
A White House Devoid of Integrity
Too true!
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