Have you ever seen such a pathologically LYING president?
This guy lies as easily as he breathes. Even about things there's no reason to LIE about and are easily fact check.
A prolific LIAR.
You can't think it's remotely normal for anyone, much less a president, to LIE every time he opens his mouth.
So how have his lies affected your life? How have they affected ANYONE'S lives?
Oh, and you can keep your insurance plan and your doctor, and you'll pay $2500 LESS in insurance every year.
i keep asking how many lies are acceptable, why one presidents lies are different than ALL the other presidents lies. never an answer
No LIES are acceptable, especially when this one simply cannot tell the truth!
It's called being a pathological LIAR. Constant LYING, even when unnecessary and easily fact checked.
On another note, this is exactly what this self-serving DEPLORABLE miscreant fostered and engendered during his campaign with his hateful rhetoric.
After Charlottesville: End the denial about Trump
NY Times editorial board lambasts Trump
And of course, he'd rather start a war with N. Korea to distract from the Russian collusion investigation and everything else that's wrong with his presidency.
Give up, Kid. You can never convince "the base" of anything different than their bright-eyed following. They forgive lies. They forgive stupidity. They forgive conflicts of interest. They forgive asininity. They forgive the lack of decorum. They forgive the broken "promises" (this is going to be SO great, this is going to be fantastic, you're gonna love it, blah blah"). They forgive treasonous allegations. The call it all "fake news" now. They believe everything they're spoon-fed. And they'll goose-step all the way to the dictatorship. Where have you been?
Give up, Kid. You can never convince "the base" of anything different than their bright-eyed following. They forgive lies. They forgive stupidity. They forgive conflicts of interest. They forgive asininity. They forgive the lack of decorum. They forgive the broken "promises" (this is going to be SO great, this is going to be fantastic, you're gonna love it, blah blah"). They forgive treasonous allegations. The call it all "fake news" now. They believe everything they're spoon-fed. And they'll goose-step all the way to the dictatorship."
(tu)(tu)(tu)"Where have you been?"[/quote
Fighting the ignorance and Bullshit.
Would you like me to post the Obama lies that were acceptable?
Or would you deny that they exist?
Give up, Kid. You can never convince "the base" of anything different than their bright-eyed following. They forgive lies. They forgive stupidity. They forgive conflicts of interest. They forgive asininity. They forgive the lack of decorum. They forgive the broken "promises" (this is going to be SO great, this is going to be fantastic, you're gonna love it, blah blah"). They forgive treasonous allegations. The call it all "fake news" now. They believe everything they're spoon-fed. And they'll goose-step all the way to the dictatorship. Where have you been?
And how have his lies affected you?
Ummmmmmmm...they haven't.
Actually, it has. He brought our economy back from the brink of the Bush administration's failures and economic collapse, set environmental standards and protections for clean water, air and lands which improves all our lives.
Its amazing how all of the lies and criminal actions of the past administration and its cabinet where completely ignored and accepted by the left.
However these same people want to hold the current president to a much higher standard.
It's only because they don't agree with his position on anything.
So they do what liberals do best, they cry and asassinate his character. They pass along the word of the leftist media like it is fact.
Bull S@#t and most of America knows it.
Well, Gumbo, it would be nice to have trump accountable to ANY standards of moral, intellectual, ethical DECENCY HONOR or HONESTY.
Ironic if he starts a war whether in our country with his white supremacist/neo nazi hateful rhetoric which he's been spouting all during his campaign and not coming out and condemning this type of travesty whether it's about mosques, moslems, jewish, black bombings and violence or his accelerated bombastic war mongering with N. Korea's also asshole leader.
He is not fit to lead.
Playing golf, tweeting about "fake" media, bullying anyone that disappoints or challenges him, making money off this presidency, LYING and blatant NEPOTISM, unreality TV and conning the ignorant and the white supremacist, alt right base are his forte.
He is not a LEADER that carefully considers the ramifications of his words deeds and actions has on not only America and All Americans but ALL World leaders. He is a self-serving, parasitic narcissist who has lived his life LYING and CHEATING. He doesn't know the meaning of public service.
#notmypresident not now or ever.
I guess you've forgotton about the North Korean can being kicked down the road for the past twenty years? As with many other things, it has now reached a boiling point.
Really it doesnt matter what he does or doesn't do, liberals will never be happy.
Once again you want to only hold Trump accountable, while giving Obama a complete pass.
Who ever wins the election is my President and yours.
Glad you were supportive of President Barack Obama.
Glad you were supportive of President Barack Obama.
Actually I had great hope of him solving the racial issues in our country, but instead he divided us more than we were before. I really thought it was a great thing that so many people supported him at the time he was elected. Having a Black president was to me proof of how far we had come as Americans. As far as I can see, other than greatly expanding the welfare rolls, I have no idea what he did to help black people. Yes I was very disillusioned, however he was my President. I never thought it would help him in any way to call him names like you do to our current president.
I firmly believe that Trump wants to support inner cities by getting the economy moving and bringing opportunities to everyone. His vision assumes everyone wants the chance to earn a living. I'm not sure that is the American dream for everyone.
Some of Obama's Lies
I really have no idea what you're talking about that is based on facts and not conspiracy theories in reference to the "past administration," whatever that means.
So, please enlighten me. Breitbart, Fox, and Alex Jones don't count because these publications only propagate propaganda that you want to believe. If you think the truth emulates from these outlets - you've are naïve and gullible. As soon as you toss around the terms liberal, leftist and cry you out yourself as vulnerable to the latest white nationalist catch phrases.
If you want to be taken seriously, think for yourself - because there are some cogent arguments in favor of Trump that have nothing to do with ripping the political beliefs of others. Obama is not president any more. Clinton lost the election. Get over it.
Trump does a pretty good job of assassinating his own character on Twitter without any help from the "leftist" media LOL.
Its amazing how all of the lies and criminal actions of the past administration and its cabinet where completely ignored and accepted by the left.
However these same people want to hold the current president to a much higher standard.
It's only because they don't agree with his position on anything.
So they do what liberals do best, they cry and asassinate his character. They pass along the word of the leftist media like it is fact.
Bull S@#t and most of America knows it.
Actually, it has. He brought our economy back from the brink of the Bush administration's failures and economic collapse, set environmental standards and protections for clean water, air and lands which improves all our lives.
“90 percent of the budget deficit is due to George W. Bush’s policies”
During the 2012 campaign, Obama repeatedly reminded voters that he became president during a grim economic crisis. But he went too far when he claimed that only 10 percent of the federal deficit was due to his own policies. About half of the deficit stemmed from the recession and forecasting errors, but a large chunk (44 percent in 2011) were the result of Obama’s actions. At another point, Obama also falsely suggested that the Bush tax cuts led to the Great Recession.
Source: Washington Post
I really have no idea what you're talking about that is based on facts and not conspiracy theories in reference to the "past administration," whatever that means.
So, please enlighten me. Breitbart, Fox, and Alex Jones don't count because these publications only propagate propaganda that you want to believe. If you think the truth emulates from these outlets - you've are naïve and gullible. As soon as you toss around the terms liberal, leftist and cry you out yourself as vulnerable to the latest white nationalist catch phrases.
If you want to be taken seriously, think for yourself - because there are some cogent arguments in favor of Trump that have nothing to do with ripping the political beliefs of others. Obama is not president any more. Clinton lost the election. Get over it.
Trump does a pretty good job of assassinating his own character on Twitter without any help from the "leftist" media
I'm not seeking your approval
I really have no idea what you're talking about that is based on facts and not conspiracy theories in reference to the "past administration," whatever that means.
So, please enlighten me. Breitbart, Fox, and Alex Jones don't count because these publications only propagate propaganda that you want to believe. If you think the truth emulates from these outlets - you've are naïve and gullible. As soon as you toss around the terms liberal, leftist and cry you out yourself as vulnerable to the latest white nationalist catch phrases.
If you want to be taken seriously, think for yourself - because there are some cogent arguments in favor of Trump that have nothing to do with ripping the political beliefs of others. Obama is not president any more. Clinton lost the election. Get over it.
Trump does a pretty good job of assassinating his own character on Twitter without any help from the "leftist" media LOL.
Its amazing how all of the lies and criminal actions of the past administration and its cabinet where completely ignored and accepted by the left.
However these same people want to hold the current president to a much higher standard.
It's only because they don't agree with his position on anything.
So they do what liberals do best, they cry and asassinate his character. They pass along the word of the leftist media like it is fact.
Bull S@#t and most of America knows it.
If the current federal budget (that pretty much stops SNAP benefits) were to be approved as proposed, we will have food riots in the streets of our cities and small towns soon come.
Minimum wage earning families - two worker, two kids - cannot support their basic required expenses without SNAP benefits supplementing their income. Any improvement in income for the working poor goes to pay for increasing rent right now.
16% of US families live at or below the poverty line - unemployment is 4.3%. Glowing employment statistics do not fully reflect this income vulnerability.
The dependence on SNAP benefits by the working poor was caused by policies put in place to keep the economy from a complete fail during the Recession. The failure to manage this dependency as part of the ensuing job recovery without wage recovery post-Recession rests with Obama.
However, the cruel ending of SNAP benefits and the ensuing social unrest will become part of Trump's legacy.
This is not a racial "inner city" issue.
Glad you were supportive of President Barack Obama.
Actually I had great hope of him solving the racial issues in our country, but instead he divided us more than we were before. I really thought it was a great thing that so many people supported him at the time he was elected. Having a Black president was to me proof of how far we had come as Americans. As far as I can see, other than greatly expanding the welfare rolls, I have no idea what he did to help black people. Yes I was very disillusioned, however he was my President. I never thought it would help him in any way to call him names like you do to our current president.
I firmly believe that Trump wants to support inner cities by getting the economy moving and bringing opportunities to everyone. His vision assumes everyone wants the chance to earn a living. I'm not sure that is the American dream for everyone.
If the current federal budget (that pretty much stops SNAP benefits) were to be approved as proposed,
Memes are another tool for people who cannot think for themselves.
I really have no idea what you're talking about that is based on facts and not conspiracy theories in reference to the "past administration," whatever that means.
So, please enlighten me. Breitbart, Fox, and Alex Jones don't count because these publications only propagate propaganda that you want to believe. If you think the truth emulates from these outlets - you've are naïve and gullible. As soon as you toss around the terms liberal, leftist and cry you out yourself as vulnerable to the latest white nationalist catch phrases.
If you want to be taken seriously, think for yourself - because there are some cogent arguments in favor of Trump that have nothing to do with ripping the political beliefs of others. Obama is not president any more. Clinton lost the election. Get over it.
Trump does a pretty good job of assassinating his own character on Twitter without any help from the "leftist" media LOL.
Its amazing how all of the lies and criminal actions of the past administration and its cabinet where completely ignored and accepted by the left.
However these same people want to hold the current president to a much higher standard.
It's only because they don't agree with his position on anything.
So they do what liberals do best, they cry and asassinate his character. They pass along the word of the leftist media like it is fact.
Bull S@#t and most of America knows it.
Memes are another tool for people who cannot think for themselves.
Like attacking a persons character? And no, I am not referring to you.
actually, he did nothing for the black communities. but that is conveniently forgotten in the slobber praise of the first BLACK president. i capitalized that because thats all anyone sees and that seems to automatically make him the best president for some reason.
and please tell me why trump has to continually denounce and disavow white supremacists. day after day, week after week. because for some reason they support him and the left goes crazy, all the time forgetting that hillary loves senator Byrd and he was her mentor. he was literally a KKK member. no cries about her being a kkk sympathizer.
he did not start the shit in charlottesville and he denounced ALL hate groups, tell me, how is this wrong. or are hate groups like BLM and ANTIFA okay in your eyes.
obama barely mentions black cops killed and the rhetoric that spurred a spate of killings and people dont say shit.
obama doesnt EVER say islamic terrorist and the left is silent.
the left are nothing but hypocrites
Glad you were supportive of President Barack Obama.
Actually I had great hope of him solving the racial issues in our country, but instead he divided us more than we were before. I really thought it was a great thing that so many people supported him at the time he was elected. Having a Black president was to me proof of how far we had come as Americans. As far as I can see, other than greatly expanding the welfare rolls, I have no idea what he did to help black people. Yes I was very disillusioned, however he was my President. I never thought it would help him in any way to call him names like you do to our current president.
I firmly believe that Trump wants to support inner cities by getting the economy moving and bringing opportunities to everyone. His vision assumes everyone wants the chance to earn a living. I'm not sure that is the American dream for everyone.
and how again is trump responsible for what happened in WV???
the white supremacists had permission to be there by law. the other group ( ANTIFA ) came to start trouble. well they got what they came for. and sadly 1 girl is dead because of the melee.
the guy needs to go away for life ( or death ).
but as of right now we still have free speech in this country and they were exercising that right. just like BLM and ANTIFA and Louis farrakan and al sharpton and david duke and all the other hate mongers.
antifa and blm have caused millions , possible billions in damage and no one bats an eye.
Of course IF IF IF
But be aware blow back can be hell - or is social unrest the intended consequence?
If the current federal budget (that pretty much stops SNAP benefits) were to be approved as proposed,
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