Maybe Chucky needs a 2nd job.
Well she's pretty good at screwing most of her constituents. Where are the promised LEAC rate reforms that most of us knew were never going to happen. What about all the nurse assistants that were to be rehired after they booted Jeff N - yea right.
This convicted tax avoider is more full of s*** than a porta potty at a weekend long chili eating contest.
(I guess that's my quota for this week too). 😎
I think Sen Hansen sees the writing on the wall. Her inability to deliver on promises to lower the LEAC and rehire the laid off nurses, jeopardizes her chances for re-election. Fact is, the VI gov't is broke and loaded with debt, without the option to float bonds as in the past. No amount of lip service can fix that.
I'm all in favor of legalized prostitution, if only for the potential benefit of reducing the spread of STDs. And as outrageous as this proposal may sound to some, I suspect that other senators will be developing similar ideas going forward.
It's odd, no ones mentioned the repercussions of this for the tourism industry on STT. Personally I feel that's the whole thing is dirty. People, no matter what will perceive prostitution as dirty, no matter how safe and tested the women are. I think this would be a HUGE negative for the tourism industry, as a traveler myself I don't want to go to a place where women are selling themselves legally, it would just make me think, what else do they allow? Its a bad stigma... like vegas IMO. I don't want to go because its dirty there, thats the vibe i get.I agree 100% with Blu. This is not a job that you take because you LIKE IT. It's a job you take because the money is good or some other backstory. As a woman I think it's sad that women share themselves in the most personal way with strangers.
I do think a lot of people posting comments about Chucky on here have it all wrong and I don't agree that she, "sees the writing on the wall" or that, "her inability to deliver on promises to lower the LEAC and rehire the laid off nurses, jeopardizes her chances for re-election". Her shenanigans continue on; she's been caught out in lie after lie year after year; and she's continuously clogging up the political agenda and the judicial system with frivolous proposals and lawsuits. And yet she continues to be re-elected. The people who vote her in either have precious little viable matter between the ears or barely speak English - or both; and even the little they do absorb of her misdeeds they quickly forget or buy the excuse that it's all a play of dirty politics designed to bring down "our defender" who "speaks the truth".
Chucky and Addelbrain are of the same ilk in that as much as they fall down they quickly get right back up again and that's not likely to change. They're both conniving megalomaniacs with the only difference between the two being that Chucky's harmless compared to the deranged Addlebrain who shows all the classic symptoms of a certifiable psychopath.
Really? Do you really believe that women (or men) "choose" prostitution? How 'bout this? In addition to providing a health card, require prostitutes to hold a bachelors degree (in any field) and one year post-baccalaureate certificate in "prostitution". Then check for drugs and alcohol at the start and end of each shift.
What does the VI plan to do with revenues? Fund educational and parenting workshops for single moms? Give grants to women for higher ed? The Vi currently has one of most deplorable rates of rape and domestic violence and substance abuse. What kind of message is this sending to our young people. OUTRAGEOUS!
Why not look into courting "real businesses" like "call centers"?
Really? Do you really believe that men (or women) "choose" trash collection? How 'bout this? In addition to providing a health card, require trash collectors to hold a bachelors degree (in any field) and one year post-baccalaureate certificate in "trash collection". Then check for drugs and alcohol at the start and end of each shift.
What does the VI plan to do with revenues? Fund educational and parenting workshops for single trash men? Give grants to men for higher ed? The Vi currently has one of most deplorable rates of littering and illegal dumping. OUTRAGEOUS!
As long as all involved are consenting adults the government should leave its citizens alone. All they are doing is criminalizing activity which has always happened and will always happen. You cannot legislate morality in a free society.
NYC department of sanitation.
High school diploma. Civil service test. Associated licenses. Civil service training program.
Union benefits including, advancement training and tuition cooperation.
[i]I think that some folks may actually "chose trash collecting' because of the entry point to civil service careers. For example:[/i]
Commissioner Doherty said: "This is a wonderful opportunity to find a new career and I encourage all those who are eligible to take this exam. We offer a terrific starting salary, medical benefits and pension plans, and career advancement. I know because over 40 years ago, I took the exam and rose through the ranks to become Commissioner. My career with Sanitation continues to be an exciting, challenging, and fulfilling experience. This is a great chance for you to experience the same in a great Department."
I'm not sure how young ladies "chose" a career as a wet spot for hire, because it will lead to a career in organized vice.
BTW, I'm not trying to legislate morality. I just don't feel that women who were most likely abused as children (by a family member or trusted authority figure ) or (perpetually under the influence of drugs) are fit to grant "consent". What ever people do in their own bedrooms is their own business. Prostitution is not "sex" between "consenting adults" it's power play and vicitmization for profit.
The point is moot. The VI, where a women aren't supposed to show their shoulders at work and most folks have bible quotes on their desk, will never allow this.
Why not bring legimate business to the VI?

I'm not sure how young ladies "chose" a career as a wet spot for hire, because it will lead to a career in organized vice.
BTW, I'm not trying to legislate morality. I just don't feel that women who were most likely abused as children (by a family member or trusted authority figure ) or (perpetually under the influence of drugs) are fit to grant "consent". What ever people do in their own bedrooms is their own business. Prostitution is not "sex" between "consenting adults" it's power play and vicitmization for profit.
The point is moot. The VI, where a women aren't supposed to show their shoulders at work and most folks have bible quotes on their desk, will never allow this.
Why not bring legimate business to the VI?
My point was that there are MANY jobs that people don't grow up aspiring to be. Few people probably dream of growing up to be trash collectors.
You ARE trying to legislate morality. How do you know that these women were all abused as children and unfit to grant consent? You are declaring them so. Prostitution IS sex between consenting adults unless one of the parties is being coerced. Are these women the only ones not capable of making up their own minds? Is this the only area that you are declaring them incompetent? Are they able to make any of their own decisions?
Are you declaring them incompetent because you don't agree with their decisions? Is that fair?
Prostitution is a legitimate business if the government doesn't criminalize it. Just as growing marijuana would be a legitimate business if it were legalized. How is growing MJ any different from distilling rum?

Are all prostitutes victims?
Well...I' wouldn't say ALL prositures are incable of making thier own desions. I'm not saying that all vitcums of abuse become hookers. But, Statically over 90% of women working as prositutes were abused. And, said abuse effected the women's "outcomes. What I trying to say is that, as sociity, if we ligimitize prositution we are further contributing to vicimization. There is big difference between sellling your body (your idenity and self-worth) and collecting trash.
Why get the government involved at all. Why not just decriminalize prostitution. Why tax and regulate "relations" between "two consenting adults"? This is basically what goes on in STT anyway. Poor women from down island working in whore houses.
If we (not government -- but us --members of the community who care about our neighbors the future of our children) truly want to improve the economic climate of our community, I believe WE can think of better ideas to generate revenue. Making money off the vaginas of our nieghbors' daughters kinda sickens me.
Are all prostitutes victims?
check out the author of this article.... Questionalble creds.

Please provide a link to support your statistics! 90%?
The reason to regulate and tax it is the same reason that you regulate and tax any business. Hiring a plumber is a transaction between two concenting adults. It is taxed and regulated.

I think that anyone who chooses to be a bomb disposal technician should be declared incompetent. But that is their choice, not mine.
Do you really believe that hiring a plumber is same as hiring a hooker? If so, then this debate is over. We'll just have to disagree.
90% figure cited in previous post. Longitudinal study by UNLV forensic phsyc.

Do you really believe that hiring a plumber is same as hiring a hooker? If so, then this debate is over. We'll just have to disagree.
90% figure cited in previous post. Longitudinal study by UNLV forensic phsyc.
When I do a google search for "Longitudinal study by UNLV forensic phsyc" I find nothing that mentions prostitution. Do you have a real link?
How is hiring a prostitute different from hiring a plumber. Except for your prejudices? Just wondering, is hiring an exotic dancer for a bachelor party different from hiring a plumber?
How is someone selling marijuana different from a bartender? The only difference is that one is currently illegal and one isn't. Laws change, selling booze was illegal at one time and prostitution is legal in many parts of the world.

Are all prostitutes victims?
check out the author of this article.... Questionalble creds.
Yes, he's a Christian. That certainly makes him suspect.
Many young college age girls put themsleves through school by striping and working as escorts. There are now web sites in several major US cities set up to match needy college-aged sugar babies with older businessmen who "mentor" them and act as their sugar daddies. I see nothing wrong with this form of commerce.
Many young college age girls put themsleves through school by striping and working as escorts.
This has been going on for decades and I've personally been acquainted with many women over many years (the first one I met was back in the early 60's!!) who did exactly that. They were nowhere remotely close to the descriptions bandied about by poster Blu4U as the "norm", replete with abused childhoods, addiction issues and everything else.
Well...I' wouldn't say ALL prositures are incable of making thier own desions. I'm not saying that all vitcums of abuse become hookers. But, Statically over 90% of women working as prositutes were abused. .
98% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot.
How is growing MJ any different from distilling rum?
Growing a plant is far less dangerous than distilling 😉
Legalizing morality (many of our laws are based on this) does not work & all it does is feed the prison system that the tax payers and governments have to fund / manage. we have so many "laws" on the books that there's no possible way a person can be expected to know even half of them; this is a NEW thing.
Historically (and up until about 160 years ago) countries ran off a system referred to as "common law" vestiges of this system still remain today, but the system itself is mostly unused.
Common law is much simpler than the admiralty maritime law we currently function under (statuettes and regulations mostly, very few actual "laws").
The problem here is the common citizen could careless about looking into laws and the legal system and how it functions, what it's based on and how it applies to them; most people just know enough to stay out of "trouble" or at least enough to "fit in" with the crowd.
Some people (PETA) think ALL pet ownership should end & they strive to that goal, they feel it is morally wrong & akin to slavery... do we make pet ownership illegal now?
Difference in opinion is never a reason to use force against someone & laws are FORCE, plain and simple, anyone who chooses to enFORCE their opinion via laws on matters that harm no one is a basically a tyrant.
Many young college age girls put themsleves through school by striping and working as escorts. /quote]
Which gets back to the title of this thread, viz "Legalized ProstiTUITION". 😀 Thanks, speedy for a perfectly apt typo!
Not sure about the "striping" though ...
Many young college age girls put themsleves through school by striping and working as escorts. There are now web sites in several major US cities set up to match needy college-aged sugar babies with older businessmen who "mentor" them and act as their sugar daddies. I see nothing wrong with this form of commerce.
To me hooking in college sounds like a mortgaging your future for a few books--just not a smart choice. I wonder what happens to these young ladies after graduation. How do they list this "unique" experience on their resume? I wonder if anyone has tracked career success for student hookers over the long term. I wonder how many end up lonely and penniless.
Article you cite contains antidotes from various young ladies. I hardly think that $200 for 5 hours work on your back is a windfall salary. My college student daughter made more from her student job as an EMT. Most schools offer aid based upon academic achievement and financial need. I would suggests studying hard in an area of interest. Another overlooked source of funding for women is ROTC. Well respected colleges (and even most of the crappy school) offer assistance in finding internships and Co-op experiences. There is no need for anyone to graduate with $80k in loans, even for medical school.
Of special note to VI residents (and "college girls" currently employeed at El Cubano in Smith Bay), UVI is classified a "historically black college". So even if you aren't black, you may qualify for specific grants in specific fields--dramatically reducing the already affordable tuition. I believe the USCG runs a recruitment program at UVI (at least they did a few years back). Sophomores with good grades (basically straight A's) and physical ability could apply. If chosen, students receive FULL paid Tuition PLUS 15K stipend PLUS a guaranteed job after graduation PLUS the option to attend OC school PLUS VA benefits!
While I'm big fan of money, I firmly believe the best parts of life are earned, not purchased.
Not everyone attaches all this emotional and psychological drama to having sex. I can understand that those of you who were indoctrinated into or brainwashed by various religious organizations throughout your lives would have strong feelings about sexual contact and relations. But at the root of it, sex is fun and feels good. If you're yound, good looking and not hung up on it, there's plenty of money to be made. And whats the difference between sleeping your way to a high income marriage and just taking the money straight away?
old tart, thanks for the laugh:-)
Sunshine, I suppose I'm one of those folks who attach emotion (initmacy) to sex. Personally, I don't know any women who don't. I will allow that asome females don't "attach emotion" to sex as well as other aspects of life. If these ladies are selling thier bodies because "it's fun and feels good" why are they charging money? I bet if money wasn't in the equation they wouldn't be with these old "sugar daddys".
Presuamnly, niether us is whoring for living. So will just have to rely on our own outside perspectives, based upon our own emotional experiences.
. If these ladies are selling thier bodies because "it's fun and feels good" why are they charging money? I bet if money wasn't in the equation they wouldn't be with these old "sugar daddys".
Plenty of men and women out there that don't charge anything, not sure if you've been exposed to the "club scene" at any point in your life but it exemplifies the word "promiscuity" & "those girls" don't end up penniless or lonely (definitely not lonely... haha) they usually end up getting tired of it at some point and settling down, living a normal life (I'm friends with quite a few that fit this scenario).
Casual sex, "free love" has been going strong since it was pushed to the forefront in the 60's; some people recognize they can monetize the activity and do, for some people it's not the best experience in the world, for some it's amazing and a chosen career.
but hey, isn't that just like life? I'm prostituting myself mentally every day, I get used and put through the ringer & don't even get a tip!
It's called the oldest profession for a reason, it's been around forever and in some countries entire portions of towns are devoted to it (the red light district in Amsterdam for instance).
I personally don't eat shrimp, I find it disgusting that people would eat underwater bugs, but I'm not trying to make it illegal nor do I judge those that choose to partake.
Maybe it's a generational thing like Sunshine eluded to, I'm in my 30 something’s & seem to be a lot more tolerant of people who deviate from social norms.
I don't think it's generaltional. More like "value system". Some folks value ingertity over money. Some don't. Some don't have the luxury of choice.
I don't think it's generaltional. More like "value system". Some folks value ingertity over money. Some don't. Some don't have the luxury of choice.
I think value systems definitely are unique to the different generations; as there is no universal value set each will have its own unique perspective on morality & 'values'.
The funny thing about choice is this: you A L W A Y S have a choice, but the things you choose from can be limited somewhat by circumstance.
Tolerence is a hard thing, especially when you KNOW you are right and they are "wrong".
I've never found anything in this life that is more limiting than "knowing" something, for then all else is tossed aside as the holder of the "knowing" has found the ultimate answer and everything else is wrong, if this were the case we would still believe the speed of light is the fastest thing in reality (hell, some people still do believe that!) or the world is flat, or that some races are inferior to others (etc etc etc....)
Have you ever made a choice, knowing it was wrong, but felt you had "no choice"? ie. the lesser of two evils. Until you're faced with this situation, examining values is all simply theoretical discussion. Knowingly forcing someone else into this position is just wrong, imo.
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