Legalized Prostituition
what do you think of Chucky Hansens proposal to legalize prostitution
I'm no fan of the Senator but a link to this would be in order. Thanks for providing it.
i don't have a link, i heard about it on the vibe this morning. i mentioned it at work and others had also heard about this proposal.
legalize prostitution but not legalize cannabis?
well i guess both would make the government money & both are going on so from that perspective its 6 in one hand half a dozen in the other.
Which would save more money I wonder, which has the higher arrest rates & policing costs.
Maybe Chucky needs a 2nd job.
i don't have a link, i heard about it on the vibe this morning. i mentioned it at work and others had also heard about this proposal.
Well, as I said, I'd like to see a verifiable link when and if one becomes available. Too much "information" comes about because someone heard something and then someone else heard it and confirmed it and so on. Too often, sometimes grossly misinterpreted gleanings become "fact" in the blink of an eye ...

It's not a rumor, it was thrown in as a revenue generating idea.
OT, i would not even know where to find a link for proposals. i just know it was on the radio. Yearasta, where did you hear about it
LOL!! thats ridiculous... however... maybe just legalize prostitution and go ahead and leagalize weed as well. Let these gang bangers smoke up, get some nookie and im betting they will be fast asleep instead of out causing trouble. No?
Can't really do much other than make jokes of the situation, it's asinine. Don't really get how she is so hated by many but still gets voted in.
It's not a rumor, it was thrown in as a revenue generating idea.
Thrown in where and in what context?
AandA, it is surprising especially after her legal woes from years back

Hansen knows how to work the people to her advantage. She should also in no small part be held responsible for the WAPA mess that we have currently.

In the past, not every idea was posted. Now with the new transparancy measures...every idea is posted. So just keep in mind that most of these measures are just that...ideas. Some are just there to open up discussion. Not saying thats the case with this....
But anyways they can all be found under Billtracking on
Sponsors: Alicia Chucky Hansen
Subject: Legalize and Tax Prostitution in the Virgin Islands and institute an HIV/STD testing requirements which is inclusive of a Health card - Designate a Prostitution zone.
Of course it should be legal and well monitored. It's just sex between consulting adults.
Prostitution being illegal is about as idiotic as marijuana being illegal.
it works well for Nevada, why not? Nevada brings in 7.3 BILLION a year in the prostitution industry.
since laws clearly don't stop these types of things, I wonder why we continue to make them illegal, is it just a habit?
were it legal I still would not try to find a prostitute, same as people who do not do drugs wouldn't seek them out just because they are legal, if we move these industries OUT of the "black market" and into the public sphere of commerce crime would go down the "gang bangers" wouldn't have any revenue & violence would be reduced as well since reputable "dealers" of flesh and substance would exist.
I suppose I'm too fond of logic and not tied to "old ways" enough, this just makes too much sense to me.
Shocking. Especially from a culture that suffered as result of centuries of oppression. "Legalized victimization". Makes me sick. Women (and men) working as prostitutes are typically drug addicts, victims of child abuse, mentally unstable or very poor. Y'all seem to be more worried about the mistreatment of animals.....
Our elected officials (and those who line their pockets) have run out beaches to pimp for profit. Now they they're selling our sisters, mothers and daughters.
Where prostitution is legal the adults engaging in that profession are monitored and kept healthy. It makes sense to legalize it so there is less chance of people being "victimized" by it.
I had to look this one up myself and verify. 😮 Link below....smh
Sponsors: Alicia Chucky Hansen
Subject: Legalize and Tax Prostitution in the Virgin Islands and institute an HIV/STD testing requirements which is inclusive of a Health card - Designate a Prostitution zone.
Where prostitution is legal the adults engaging in that profession are monitored and kept healthy. It makes sense to legalize it so there is less chance of people being "victimized" by it.
"monitored and kept healthy" like dairy cows?
Really? Do you really believe that women (or men) "choose" prostitution? How 'bout this? In addition to providing a health card, require prostitutes to hold a bachelors degree (in any field) and one year post-baccalaureate certificate in "prostitution". Then check for drugs and alcohol at the start and end of each shift.
What does the VI plan to do with revenues? Fund educational and parenting workshops for single moms? Give grants to women for higher ed? The Vi currently has one of most deplorable rates of rape and domestic violence and substance abuse. What kind of message is this sending to our young people. OUTRAGEOUS!
Why not look into courting "real businesses" like "call centers"?
Shocking. Especially from a culture that suffered as result of centuries of oppression. "Legalized victimization". Makes me sick. Women (and men) working as prostitutes are typically drug addicts, victims of child abuse, mentally unstable or very poor. Y'all seem to be more worried about the mistreatment of animals.....
Our elected officials (and those who line their pockets) have run out beaches to pimp for profit. Now they they're selling our sisters, mothers and daughters.
Where prostitution is legal the adults engaging in that profession are monitored and kept healthy. It makes sense to legalize it so there is less chance of people being "victimized" by it.
Excellent retort, the only reason things are as blu4u describes is because of the black market & the attempt at legal prohibition.
The same thing applies to drugs, when I was in Amsterdam last, the cannabis cafe's could easily be confused with a friendlier, livelyer version of Starbucks.... Well dressed adults with laptops, in deep conversation & a clean safe environment.
I think it's a crime not to be a logical rational adult on these topics; prohibition NEVER works! And not only does it not work, it breeds black markets & violence, it creates the victims.
Where prostitution is legal the adults engaging in that profession are monitored and kept healthy. It makes sense to legalize it so there is less chance of people being "victimized" by it.
"monitored and kept healthy" like dairy cows?
Really? Do you really believe that women (or men) "choose" prostitution? How 'bout this? In addition to providing a health card, require prostitutes to hold a bachelors degree (in any field) and one year post-baccalaureate certificate in "prostitution". Then check for drugs and alcohol at the start and end of each shift?
Ever heard of Nevada? Those girls have high paying jobs & absolutely choose todo what they do, look on Netflix there are several shows covering this topic.
Your view is based on the black market version, not the FREE market.
Ever heard of Nevada? Those girls have high paying jobs & absolutely choose todo what they do, look on Netflix there are several shows covering this topic.
Your view is based on the black market version, not the FREE market.
LF, dude, Are you really citing Reality TV shows as evidence? come on. you are smarter than that....
From a study conducted by UNLV (unversity of nevada, los vegas) : "... including: drug addiction (16 percent), economic necessity (12 percent), socialization and normalization of the sex trade, coming from an abusive home, and leaving another form of prostitution. Over 96 percent of the women reported being sexually assaulted prior to entering the sex trade, over 18 percent claimed to have freely chosen the work..."
And another point. Why aren't the patrons monitored and tested? Shouldn't the patrons provide background evidence of clean criminal history and health certification? Shouldn't the patrons register (i.e. obtain a licenses that allows them to "purchase a controlled activity" ) like a medical marijauna card? Heck, if this is all on the up and uo, I'm sure "the men" wouldn't care if their names and addresses were listed with government.....

Really? Do you really believe that women (or men) "choose" prostitution? How 'bout this? In addition to providing a health card, require prostitutes to hold a bachelors degree (in any field) and one year post-baccalaureate certificate in "prostitution". Then check for drugs and alcohol at the start and end of each shift.
What does the VI plan to do with revenues? Fund educational and parenting workshops for single moms? Give grants to women for higher ed? The Vi currently has one of most deplorable rates of rape and domestic violence and substance abuse. What kind of message is this sending to our young people. OUTRAGEOUS!
Why not look into courting "real businesses" like "call centers"?
Really? Do you really believe that men (or women) "choose" trash collection? How 'bout this? In addition to providing a health card, require trash collectors to hold a bachelors degree (in any field) and one year post-baccalaureate certificate in "trash collection". Then check for drugs and alcohol at the start and end of each shift.
What does the VI plan to do with revenues? Fund educational and parenting workshops for single trash men? Give grants to men for higher ed? The Vi currently has one of most deplorable rates of littering and illegal dumping. OUTRAGEOUS!
As long as all involved are consenting adults the government should leave its citizens alone. All they are doing is criminalizing activity which has always happened and will always happen. You cannot legislate morality in a free society.
The VI police and government can't or choose not to enforce the most basic laws now. Why even bother with legalizing prostitution? No one seems worried about getting busted.
Maybe Chucky needs a 2nd job.
Well she's pretty good at screwing most of her constituents. Where are the promised LEAC rate reforms that most of us knew were never going to happen. What about all the nurse assistants that were to be rehired after they booted Jeff N - yea right.
This convicted tax avoider is more full of s*** than a porta potty at a weekend long chili eating contest.
(I guess that's my quota for this week too). 😎
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