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Judge Brady erred in Hansen's eligibility

Posts: 548
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A gross miscarriage of justice took place when the political hack Judge Robert Brady was granted a judgeship by this governor as payback for supporting a constitutional issue. The Supreme Court of the VI showed how incomplete and unfair Brady's ruling was. That Brady thinks it is okay for a convicted fraudster should be eligible for our senate when there is clear precedent in our system for moral terpitude either speaks to his stupidity or his corruptibility.

I hope that every defendant and plaintiff before him takes his injustice to judicial review when his crappy lazy dumb wicked decisions are overturned in appeal.

Let this be a warning to Wilma Lewis who was walloped at the 3rd circuit for her miscarriage of justice.

The judicial abuse of the people is coming to an end. We have the impetus and the wherewithal to appeal.

May Justice reign!

Posted : August 27, 2014 12:00 pm
Posts: 2535
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Has any candidate for the the next election stated

"I will introduce a bill to define moral turpitude in VI law"? (or any variation)

Naw, I didn't think so.

Posted : August 27, 2014 12:34 pm
Posts: 2937
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Let the Third Circuit decide. The VI courts are obviously corrupt.

Posted : August 27, 2014 12:45 pm
Posts: 8873
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i guess this is what happens when the people voting vote for their friends and whoever has the biggest fish fry.

Posted : August 27, 2014 5:33 pm
Posts: 548
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Has any candidate for the the next election stated

"I will introduce a bill to define moral turpitude in VI law"? (or any variation)

Naw, I didn't think so.

There is already precedent case at the federal level. So any local law to the contrary would be moot.

The moral turpitude case was already decided at the VI Supreme Court in Shea vs VI Bar who was denied access to becoming an attorney here because he had not paid his taxes for 3 years.

Chucky did not pay taxes for 19 years. 19. And didn't file taxes for 19 years. Dix neur. Nineteen. Robbed the tax payers of roads, public services, pensions.

And was seated during her sentence! John Abramson how do you sleep at night?

Posted : August 27, 2014 11:59 pm
Posts: 688
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And was seated during her sentence! John Abramson how do you sleep at night?

He sleeps just fine. When ever I see people screaming about preserving VI culture I think to my self " why would anyone want to maintain this level of corruption and stupidity?"

Posted : August 28, 2014 12:13 am
Posts: 548
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Corruption is not a part of VI culture. No culture would survive long without some level of accountability.
Judge Brady was born in Canada.
John Abramson was born in the states.
Chucky Hansen was born in Puerto Rico.
Lee Rohn was born in the states.
John de Jongh was born in the states.

Regardless of where they were born though, corruption is no more a part of Virgin Islands culture than it is of the states.

But thank you Jane for agreeing about the corruption and the stupidity.

And turpitude was misspelled in a previous post. Forgive me.

Posted : August 28, 2014 1:44 pm
Posts: 688
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Posted : August 28, 2014 6:22 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Thank Goodness. Now if we can get her to pay back her salaries for all the years she was illegally sitting in Legislature plus rescind all the bills she had a hand in creating and supporting, it would be another step in the right direction.

This is the only time I can applaud Bert Bryan. EVER!

Posted : August 28, 2014 7:28 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

"Chairman of the Board of Elections Adelbert Bryan challenged Hansen’s candidacy, citing moral turpitude as the reason why she should not be eligible to seek re-election, and the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands has ruled in his favor."

Really? Shooting son in the back and looting during Hugo Bryan?

Posted : August 28, 2014 8:03 pm
Posts: 12365
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I am aware of all of that and more. As mentioned ONLY TIME EVER I AGREE!
"Pot calling the kettle black" as the saying goes.

Posted : August 28, 2014 8:07 pm
Posts: 1495
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A stopped clock is always right twice a day.

Posted : August 28, 2014 8:30 pm
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Yes, stealing government funds to enhance your private home 1/2 million $ is in there too. But until someone is arrested, charged, prosecuted, and convicted he gets to roam free without a record. Tough for you and tough for me.

I am sure all the people who Bert's son robbed and killed probably disagree with you and so did the FBI. But thank God that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

And for those of you who didn't live here long, the reason the matter of taxes came up for Chucky, was during her corruption trial for fraud with Global, also involving kick backs and conflict of interest when she issued a contract to a company owned by her husband. Two of her co-conspirators went to jail. They sacrificed for her.

Thanks Alana. We agree.
The wicked witch is dead.
Justice reigns.

Posted : August 28, 2014 10:19 pm
Posts: 1495
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I am sure all the people who Bert's son robbed and killed probably disagree with you and so did the FBI. But thank God that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I'm not talking about his son killed in a shootout that his son participated in some time in August of 2001.

I'm talking about the son he shot in the back, in Bryan's back yard, during an altercation he had with his unarmed son back in the late 1980s.

Wonderful, a police chief, senator, man-at-large has a very checkered past, to the point that it would be ridiculous to consider him to be dog catcher.

Posted : August 28, 2014 10:52 pm
Posts: 12365
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He also shot a cow that trespassed on his property, trashed a reporter's camera who was taking pictures in legislature, carried a gun at all times including into senate meetings and continually went off his rocker being threatening, verbally and in some cases physically abusive in addition to above mentioned issues.

I guess no one ever suggested anger management classes?
He could still use some.

Posted : August 28, 2014 11:20 pm
Posts: 688
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Maybe he's reformed. You know, as you would have people here believe?

Posted : August 28, 2014 11:21 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Oh please!
We do have a bridge to Nowhere on STT to sell you, however.
I have seen little change in attitude over the decades.

Posted : August 28, 2014 11:26 pm
Posts: 548
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I am sure all the people who Bert's son robbed and killed probably disagree with you and so did the FBI. But thank God that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I'm not talking about his son killed in a shootout that his son participated in some time in August of 2001.

I'm talking about the son he shot in the back, in Bryan's back yard, during an altercation he had with his unarmed son back in the late 1980s.

The son he killed was a thieving killer who reportedly bent to get a machete.

But today the voting public is free from the menace of Chucky on the ballot.

Posted : August 28, 2014 11:42 pm
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

The son he killed was a thieving killer who reportedly bent to get a machete.

ROFLMAO according to who?

Posted : August 28, 2014 11:47 pm
Posts: 548
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That's what school children say.

Were you there? If you have witness to the contrary I suggest you call the FBI back. There are no statutes if limitations on manslaughter and murder. Again, May Justice reign in every instance for every person. No exceptions. None. No one.

Meanwhile, I am swigging champagne. Good Bert or bad Bert.
We cannot have a convict in the senate.
Shame on Judge Brady the political hack judge of the year.
Ineptitude or malice.

Methinks a judicial complaint is cooking.

Now what needs to happen is that The senators needs to vote Chucky out now. Let's see which senators have their own moral compass now that they cannot deny that she was illegally seated.

Posted : August 29, 2014 12:38 am
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

I never claimed to be there. I am asking you, you said he was a "thieving killer" - post one corroborating news report that says so.

Here is from elsewhere on this message board:

VI Senator Arrested for Killing Son

Last Wednesday, Virgin Islands Senator Adelbert "Bert" Bryan from St. Croix was arrested for fatally shooting his son, Adelbert "Pel" Bryan, 25, eight months ago.

Charged with involuntary manslaughter, the St. Croix Senator was advised of his rights by Court Judge Alfonso Andrews and released on his own recognizance. The judge, however, ordered the Legislator not to commit any criminal act while on bail or to leave the Virgin Islands without the permission of the Court.

The affidavit which outlined the police case against the senator, spoke of his unlawful and excessive use of force against his son Adelbert "Pel" Bryan, when he shot him on March 30 at the farm owned by the family on St. Croix.

According to what Bryan told the police, he was chased around a truck by his son who was armed with a machete after the two had gotten into an argument. The Senator said he subsequently pulled out a 38 caliber handgun and fired six shots at his son. The gun in question was licensed. Bryan, a retired police captain also has a license for three additional handguns.

Six shots fired at son

The charge brought against the St. Croix Legislator claims that he fired six shots in rapid succession at his son. Three of the shots hit the young man; one in the chest, another in the neck and the third in the rear of his right shoulder.

The complaint filed in the court alleges that after the first two shots, the defendant made no attempt to break off the assault on his son to determine if he had subdued or incapacitated" the young man. Moreover, as to the effect of the three shots upon the victim, the affidavit filed in the courts throws important light on the issue. "It is possible that the first wound turned the victim leftward, which allowed gunshot wound number two to enter through the right side of the neck and exit near the left ear" stated the complaint.

The entry of the third shot was reportedly through the side rear shoulder, exiting toward the front of the body.

Charge of excessive force

It may be noted that as a police captain , Bryan was a self-defense instructor, a martial arts instructor as well as an expert marksman. The affidavit presented to the court claims that the shot may have been sufficient to incapacitate the victim. "The evidence indicates that the deceased was first shot in the chest and this wound probably incapacitated the victim" Consequently the two other wounds were unnecessary and "further evidence of unlawful, excessive force by Bryan" said the document.

According to what was placed before the court for consideration, Bryan could have taken a number of steps to aviod killing his son. The senator could have left the scene to avoid the confrontation or warned his son that he had a gun concealed on his person which could have deterred his son from further confrontation moreover, he could have used self-defense measures to disarm his son before going for the gun.

Re-elected while awaiting arrest

Significantly, despite the pending charge of voluntary manslaughter for which he was finally arrested on Wednesday, Bryan was re-elected to serve in the 22nd Legislature as one of the 15 senator of the lawmaking body.

Despite his wrong-doing Bryan remains popular among certain segments of the Virgin Island population. For example, the day before, he was charged with the involuntary manslaughter of his son, Bryan returned from the U.S. mainland only to be greeted at the airport by a crowd of about 300.

As the jet carrying Bryan touched down, his t-shirt clad fans began to sing: "Welcome back, to our leader, friend and man with the vision."

Some of the welcoming crowd shouted "we love you" while others stated "solidarity forever." One fan managed to turn the affair into a black and white issues. "We want you to stick with him," he shouted. "Black people must stick together".

Suspended by the 21st Legislature

On November 5, 1996 despite the fact that charges were pending against him for the voluntary manslaughter of his son, the voters of St. Croix elected Bryan to serve in the 22nd Legislature of the Virgin Islands. That term is due to begin the second week of January, 1997.

However, on November 7, 1996 while he was still serving out his term as a senator of the 21st Legislature, Bryan went into the public gallery of the deliberative body, yanked a camera from the neck of a newspaper reporter and smashed it on the floor.

By eight o'clock that night the Legislature was all ready to vote on a motion to censure the Senator. The bill in question read". "Senator Adelbert M. Byran left the floor of the Legislature and proceeded to the public gallery thereof and forcibly wrestled the camera of Steve Rockstein, a photographer of the Virgin Island Daily News, while he was taking pictures of the Legislative Session and intentionally threw the camera to the floor thereby damaging it.

"Senator Bryan's actions were witnessed by those present on the floor and in the public gallery of the Legislature".

The document went on to say that the action of Bryan was a "clear breach of decorum" and claimed that his conduct has brought disgrace upon the good name of the lawmaking body.

The debate on the censure motion was not without rancor. At one point, Bryan shouted to his colleagues "you all dont know wha' you doing"

"This man needs a psychiatrist" responded Senator Belando, another St. Croix Senator.

Here you go, black on black crime, people.

Posted : August 29, 2014 4:36 am
Posts: 1495
Noble Member

Dickbert would have never run if he had a gun, he killed his own son in cold blood, and mark that people, that is how a Chief of Police/Senator of the USVI handles those who are close to him.

Posted : August 29, 2014 4:44 am
Posts: 548
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Would have been nice to have had the name of the source of the article. Do you have a copy of the FBI investigation that later cleared him? And does the article confirm that he was not subsequently prosecuted? I see that it did confirm that his son was wielding a machete. I do not see any quote from Mr. Bryan about his version though. So obviously not a balanced report, more like an persuasion piece.
But your point is that Bert Bryan was charged with manslaughter?okay, whatever. Chucky was arrested and charged with fraud among other things. And DeJongh hasn't been charged with anything even though he finally admitted that he lifted money to repair his private property after initially lying that he did. Then he promised to return the money at the end of his term and the.n said "naw, not gonna give it back" And he dared someone to take him to court too. Justice, thou art fled to brutish beasts.

Now back to the story at hand....
Judge Brady was witch-smacked in appellate court for some of the sloppiest ever judicial work.
Chucky has been affirmed to have been illegally approved to run and therefore she is not legally sitting in office.
Lee Rohn is confident, that deJongh will pardon Chucky tomorrow because she is his rubberstamper senator. Can somebody reading this please tell Lee Rohn that only US presidents can pardon persons convicted of a federal crime?. (Had she not used compromising issues to graduate from law school she would have known that. 🙂 maybe she needs to take a paralegal course since her record for wins lately has been paultry.

Let it be known to one and all that although there may be corruption in the three branches of government, the third branch of government has to answer to a higher power. And the people have the impetus, the resources, the conviction, and the talent to get the Justice they deserve.

We will not be terrorized by political hacks in black robes. Judge Brady, you have been served!

Posted : August 29, 2014 7:17 am
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

interesting how people can support him killing his son in "self defense" but have a problem with a police office shooting someone in "self defense" or have a problem with a neighborhood watchman shooting someone in "self defense"

I am not necessarily talking about you guys, just in general and of course the vibe talk show.

Posted : August 29, 2014 7:26 pm
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1. The authorities ruled that it was self defense. I guess the machete and the two prior police reports of attempted murder helped sway. I don't support their ruling or condemn it. I wasn't there.
2. I do not support an armed neighborhood watchman in plain clothes shooting a child in his father's neighborhood armed with Skittles after the police told him to stay in the safety of his vehicle and do not approach. Cops are on their way. The Trayvon incident was a murder based in race. Zimmerman could just "tell he was a thief- said it into the recording".

Now if a neighborhood watchman is actually attacked, then he has all right to defend himself if that is actually the situation.

3. I support an armed uniformed policeman's right to defend himself if he is attacked.

Posted : August 30, 2014 3:26 am
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