G'afternoon ISS friends.
ISS is dropping by to show off her incredible glide over the beautiful Virgin Islands. She will appear as a non-blinking bright light moving smoothly and silently across the Caribbean sky.
Sunday, July24th @ 8:00pm
A 4minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSW and Departing to the East. (SSW to E).
Tuesday, July 26th @ 7:50pm
A 6 minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the WSW and Departing to the NNE (WSW to NNE)
"Give 'em a wave!" :@)
Thanks, swans! Hope the skies will be clear so we can catch another glimpse! 😀
Thanks Swan! My oldest son is visiting and so excited about it. Hoping for a clear night.
Beautiful pass tonight!
We just had a beautiful, clear evening in Jacksonville, FL and had an awesome pass!

We just had a beautiful, clear evening in Jacksonville, FL and had an awesome pass!
Lisa, You will have an absolutely beautiful ISS pass later this week also:
Thurs., Aug. 18th
Time: 8:32pm
A 5 minute run @ 70 degrees over the horizon
Coming from the NNW and Leaving to the SE (NNW to SE).
"Give 'em a wave!'

G'evening ISS Friends.
ISS will be passing over our gorgeous Virgin Islands this Saturday night and, although the run time will be a bit shorter than those selected in the past runs, it should be no less stunning. Please enjoy! 🙂
Sat., Sept 24th @ 7:17pm
A 3 minute run @ 40 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSW and Departing to the SE (SSW to SE)
"Give 'em a wave...!"

G'evening ISS Friends.
May I also add the following sighting opportunity: For Monday.
Mon., Sept. 26th @ 7:11PM
A 4 minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon.
Arriving from the WSW and Departing to the NNE. (WSW to NNE).
G'evening ISS Friends.
May I also add the following sighting opportunity: For Monday.
Mon., Sept. 26th @ 7:11PM
A 4 minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon.
Arriving from the WSW and Departing to the NNE. (WSW to NNE).
Loved this one! many waves!

Can you imagine...Earth with rings? What a pretty awesome sight!
Guess who's coming back on Friday and Sunday - our friend, ISS!
Fri., 10/21/16 @ 6:29PM
A 5 minute run @ 35 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the ESE (NNW to ESE).
Sun., 10/21/16 @ 6:21PM
A 6 minute run @ 60 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the SSE (NW to SSE).
"Give 'em a wave!" 😀

A friendly reminder....
Sun., 10/23/16 @ 6:21PM
A 6 minute run @ 60 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the SSE (NW to SSE)."Give 'em a wave!" 😀
Earth with rings...

G' evening everyone.
ISS will be passing over the beautiful VIs this weekend to show off, once again, for resident islanders and visitors alike....Enjoy! :
Sat., Nov. 26th
Time: 6:17pm
A 5 minute run @ 50 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSW and Departing to the NE (SSW to NE)
"Give 'em a wave...!":@)

Another sighting opportunity everyone...
Mon., Nov. 28th
Time: 6:13pm
A 4 minute run @ 40 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the W and Departing to the NNE (W to NNE)
"Give 'em a wave...!":@)

Greetings ISS friends...
ISS is returning to the awesome VIs this coming week to say hi. She will appear as a non-blinking, bright light in the evening sky. Please welcome her home...
Tues., 12/20/16 at 6:36 PM
A 5 minute run @ 35 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the ESE (NNW to ESE)
Thurs., 12/22/16 at 6:28 PM
A 6 minute run @ 60 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the SSE (NW to SSE)
Please "Give 'em a wave...!" :@)

Greetings ISS friends,
ISS is coming back on Friday and Sunday evening for your sighting pleasure. As a reminder, she will appear as a bright, non-blinking light in the evening sky and leave you in awe as she passes by you.
Friday, 2/17/17 @ 7:19 PM
A 4 minute run @ 50 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the East (NNW to E).
Sunday, 2/19/17 @ 7:10 PM
A 6 minute run @ 35 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the WNW and Departing to the SSE (WNW to SSE)
"Give 'em a wave...!" :@)

ISS friends,
Let's do something different on Monday. Let's have a cup of coffee as ISS passes overhead in the morning...!
Monday, Feb. 27th @ 5:33 AM
A 6 minute run @ 60 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSW and Departing to the NE. (SSW to NE).
"Give 'em a wave...!" 5:33 AM in the morning... :@)

Greetings ISS friends,
ISS will be passing over the VIs on Friday and Saturday evenings. She will appear as a non-blinking bright light crossing the evening sky. She is a showoff...
Fri., Mar 24th
Time: 7:45PM
A 4 minute run @ 60 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SW and Departing to the NNE (SW to NNE).
Sat., Mar. 25th
Time: 6:53 PM
A 6 minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSW and Departing to the NE (SSW to NE)
Remember to "Give 'em a wave...! Enjoy!
Greetings ISS friends,
Sunday, 2/19/17 @ 7:10 PM
A 6 minute run @ 35 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the WNW and Departing to the SSE (WNW to SSE)"Give 'em a wave...!" :@)
OH MY GOD SWANS IS THAT ME???? just saw the post today. if it was me that hat threw me off and the lipstick wasn't red enough..JUST LOVE !!!

Greetings ISS friends,
Sunday, 2/19/17 @ 7:10 PM
A 6 minute run @ 35 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the WNW and Departing to the SSE (WNW to SSE)"Give 'em a wave...!" :@)
OH MY GOD SWANS IS THAT ME???? just saw the post today. if it was me that hat threw me off and the lipstick wasn't red enough..JUST LOVE !!!
YES, Lily...! That was a reminder for you! I thought this ensemble would be conservative enough for NASA's astronauts as they spy down on you. We don't want a repeat performance of one particular event whereby you waved to them barefooted with a towel on your head, because you forgot ISS was going to pass by and you, therefore, had leaped out of the shower and ran outside in order to wave to them...remember?
Note: Redder lipstick, gotcha'...!
thanks for the great memories swans!! i think that might have been my first iss sighting many years ago!!!

Guess what everyone? Another flyby Monday evening...! :@)
Monday, Mar. 27th
Time:6:47 PM
A 3 minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the WNW and Departing to the NNE (WNW to NNE)
"Give 'em a wave...!"
I hope we remember this one. You will have to remind us Ms. Swan.

I hope we remember this one. You will have to remind us Ms. Swan.
I'll send you a reminder tomorrow. I will also repost it here. 😀

Guess what everyone? Another flyby Monday evening...! :@)
Monday, Mar. 27th
Time:6:47 PM
A 3 minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the WNW and Departing to the NNE (WNW to NNE)"Give 'em a wave...!"
A reminder Tammy and everyone...! 😀
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