ISS (International Spacestation) Sightings Over the Virgin Islands

Good day everyone,
ISS will be visiting the beautiful Virgin Islands this weekend. ISS appears as a bright, non-blinking light as she glides across the sky.
Friday, August 2nd
A 4 minute run time @ 16 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSE and Departing to the East (SSE to E)
At 9:01pm, she will make another pass:
A 2 minute run time @ 17 degrees - Arriving from the West and Departing to the WNW (W to WNW)
Saturday, August 3rd. HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY, JJ!
A 6 minute run time @ 40 degrees over the horizon (Great run time!)
Arriving from the WSW and Departing to the NNE (WSW to NNE)
Sunday, August 4th.
A 6 minute run time - Overhead!
Arriving from the SW and Departing to the NE (SW to NE)
Daniel posted a wonderful video "tour" of ISS under the topic "Science anyone." Very interesting and informative. Thank you Daniel!
ISS has a six member crew aboard. They appreciate and enjoy being remembered by all of us down here.
"Give 'em a wave!"
Thank you, Swans, we'll be watching for it tonight, and waving 🙂
Good day everyone,
ISS will be visiting the beautiful Virgin Islands this weekend. ISS appears as a bright, non-blinking light as she glides across the sky.
Friday, August 2nd
A 4 minute run time @ 16 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSE and Departing to the East (SSE to E)At 9:01pm, she will make another pass:
A 2 minute run time @ 17 degrees - Arriving from the West and Departing to the WNW (W to WNW)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Saturday, August 3rd. HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY, JJ!
A 6 minute run time @ 40 degrees over the horizon (Great run time!)
Arriving from the WSW and Departing to the NNE (WSW to NNE)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sunday, August 4th.
A 6 minute run time - Overhead!
Arriving from the SW and Departing to the NE (SW to NE)
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Daniel posted a wonderful video "tour" of ISS under the topic "Science anyone." Very interesting and informative. Thank you Daniel!
ISS has a six member crew aboard. They appreciate and enjoy being remembered by all of us down here.
"Give 'em a wave!"

Good day everyone,
ISS is returning for a visit this week over these stunningly beautiful Virgin Islands. ISS will appear as a non-blinking bright light that glides across the night sky.
Wed., Aug. 28th @ 7:26pm.
A 4 minute run @30 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the East (NNW to E)
Fri., Aug. 30th @ 7:27pm
A 4 minute run @ 53 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the WNW and Departing to the SW (WNW to SW)
"Give 'em a wave!"
Awesome thank you for sharing.

Awesome thank you for sharing.
Hi Ikory,
You're very welcome! Sometimes it helps to go outside a few minutes earlier to establish the location from which ISS will arrive; but she is really bright (the Sun's reflection) and is fairly easy to spot. Long - 5-6 minutes - overhead runs are amazing! She'll be showing them off again from time to time. 🙂
Remember, "Give 'em a wave!"
Minor change: Friday's sighting - Arrival will be from the WNW and Departure will be to the SSE. All other data remains the same.
Thank you. The family and me will be on the look out
Love that you are back to keep us informed!

Love that you are back to keep us informed!
Thank you so much, Buck. ISS loves to show off, especially when displayed against the indescribable beauty of the Caribbean night sky above the breathtakingly gorgeous US Virgin Islands.
YAY that was really cool. lost it in the clouds at the end. My four year old had no real interest. My 2 year old kept saying hi space ship while waving(so cute). Thank you swan. I started a thread about star viewing on stx a few months a go and several people mentioned they missed you. So thank you for the updates. My family will be on the look out friday night as well.

Good day everyone,
Just a quick reminder: ISS will be passing over the VIs tomorrow night appearing as a bright light moving across the evening sky.
Fri., Aug. 30th @ 7:27pm
A 4 minute run @ 53 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the WNW and Departing to the SSE (WNW to SSE)
"Give 'em a wave!"

Good Day Everyone,
In order to locate ISS, "degrees over the horizon" is given in each sighting opportunity. To help locate ISS, the following method may be applied:
The sky is split up into 360 degrees. To get a general idea of how to measure degrees, extend your arm out from you, make a fist, and the distance from the top of your hand to the bottom is about 10 degrees. To check it for yourself, extend your arm and fist out toward the horizon. Then place your other arm and fist on top of the first and alternate them until you have counted to nine. You have just measured 90 degrees and your arm should now be straight up over your head, as it is 90 degrees over the horizon.
ISS is returning later this week!
Thurs. Oct 3rd @ 7:37pm
A 2 minute run @ 30 degrees over the horizon.
Arriving from the SW and Departing to the SW (SW to SW)
Fri. Oct. 4th @ 6:50pm
A 4 minute run @ 35 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSW and Departing to the East (SSW to E)
Sun. Oct. 6th @ 6:53pm
A 4 minute run @ 40 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the West and Departing to the NNE. (W to NNE)
When you see the bright, non-blinking light silently gliding across the night sky, that will be ISS!
Aboard is a crew of six.
"Give 'em a wave!"
Swan 🙂
as always swans,a great big thank you, sometimes it is a great reminder of why we live here.......the most beautiful star filled skysetc. very often i say to myself"there are days living on stx that i see more nature in one day than some people see in a lifetime! lily ps grrrrreat timing swans,i'm going to the hairdresser tomorrow ....always want to look my best for the iss!

Good Day Everyone,
Because the run time for ISS is longer tonight and Sunday, she will be quite easy to spot in the sky (a non-blinking bright light). Since timing is so critical, I recommend using your cellphone clock. Enjoy!
Fri. Oct. 4th @ 6:49pm
A 4 minute run @ 35 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the SSW and Departing to the East (SSW to E)
Sun. Oct. 6th @ 6:52pm
A 4 minute run @ 40 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the West and Departing to the NNE. (W to NNE)
"Give 'em a wave!"

Good Afternoon Everyone,
Please mark your calendars, because ISS is returning to the incredible US Virgin Islands for another visit. Look for a bright, non-blinking light that glides silently over the night sky and use a cellphone clock for accurate timing.
Wednesday: Oct. 30th
Time: 7:08pm
A 3 minute run @ 68 degrees over the horizon (quite high).
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the SSW. (NW to SSW)
Thursday: Oct. 31st
Time: 6:20pm
A 6 minute run (fantastic!) @ 50 degrees over the horizon (very nice).
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the SE. (NNW to SE) "Happy Halloween" everyone! (From NASA, ESA, and ISS)
"Give 'em a wave!"

Good Afternoon Everyone,
Please mark your calendars, because ISS is returning to the incredible US Virgin Islands for another visit. Look for a bright, non-blinking light that glides silently over the night sky and use a cellphone clock for accurate timing.
Wednesday: Oct. 30th
Time: 7:08pm
A 3 minute run @ 68 degrees over the horizon (quite high).
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the SSW. (NW to SSW)Thursday: Oct. 31st
Time: 6:20pm
A 6 minute run (fantastic!) @ 50 degrees over the horizon (very nice).
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the SE. (NNW to SE) "Happy Halloween" everyone! (From NASA, ESA, and ISS)"Give 'em a wave!"

G'Day Everyone, Just a reminder 🙂 Enjoy!
Wednesday: Oct. 30th
Time: 7:08pm
A 3 minute run @ 68 degrees over the horizon (nearly overhead)
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the SSW. (NW to SSW)
Thursday: Oct. 31st
Time: 6:20pm
A 6 minute run (fantastic!) @ 50 degrees over the horizon (very nice).
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the SE. (NNW to SE) "Happy Halloween" everyone!
"Give 'em a wave!"

Good evening Everyone,
The European Space Agency and NASA are partners in our friend ISS. So, I'm borrowing ISS's thread to allow LIVE Tracking of the European Space Agency's (ESA) GOCE Satellite as it is predicted to drop from above "somewhere" onto the planet from possibly tonight through tomorrow, according to the vast news reports on the upcoming event.
According to ESA: "A European satellite at the end of its mission is expected to fall out of space tonight. The only question is where its charred and twisted remains may fall.
According to European Space Agency predictions, the falling GOCE satellite could to Earth sometime Sunday night (Nov. 10) or early Monday. The gravity-mapping spacecraft ran out of fuel in mid-October and has been falling back to Earth ever since."
"The satellite is at an altitude of 147 km (91 miles), dropping at a rate of more than 1 km (0.6 miles) an hour," ESA's GOCE spacecraft operations manager Christoph Steiger wrote in a status update today, adding that the atmospheric drag on the satellite is too high to measure. "Given the fast altitude drop and change of environmental conditions, the end of flight operations is getting close."
We have been tracking it since yesterday Miss Swans.

We have been tracking it since yesterday Miss Swans.
Hi JJ,
Live tracking is a great project! I wonder where the satellite will finally crash. Any guesses?
Miss Swan (Hi Tammy!)
Hi Swan, JJ has been asking me to ask all week where does Miss Swans think it is going to land. He sent you a PM.

Good Evening ISS Friends,
ISS will be passing over the beautiful Virgin Islands again and hopes you have the opportunity to see her. She will appear as a bright, non-blinking light gliding gently across the night sky.
Wed., Dec. 4th
Time: 6:38p.m., - use your cellphone for timing.
A 4 minute run @ 31 degrees over the horizon*
Arriving from the South and Departing to the East (S to E)
* In order to locate ISS, "degrees over the horizon" is given in each sighting opportunity. To help locate ISS, the following method may be applied:
The sky is split up into 360 degrees. To get a general idea of how to measure degrees, extend your arm out from you, make a fist, and the distance from the top of your hand to the bottom is about 10 degrees. To check it for yourself, extend your arm and fist out toward the horizon. Then place your other arm and fist on top of the first and alternate them until you have counted to nine. You have just measured 90 degrees and your arm should now be straight up over your head, as it is 90 degrees over the horizon.
"Give 'em a wave!" (Six crew members are aboard.)

Good Evening Everyone,
ISS will be passing over the Virgin Islands once again on:
Friday, Dec. 6th
Time: 6:38 p.m.
A 3 minute run @ 50 degrees over the horizon ( very visible)
Arriving from the WSW and Departing to the NNE. (WSW to NNE)
"Give 'em a wave!" 🙂

Good evening ISS Friends,
ISS will be ending 2013 with two passes over the Virgin Islands this weekend. While Sunday's sighting will be very nice, Monday evening's will be amazing!
Sunday Dec. 29th @ 7:31pm
A 3 minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the West (NW to W).
Monday Dec. 30th @ 6:43pm
A 6 minute run @ 70 degrees over the horizon (almost overhead).
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the SE. (NNW to SE).
"Give 'em a wave!"
Happy New Year, ISS

Good evening ISS Friends,
ISS will be ending 2013 with two passes over the Virgin Islands this weekend. While Sunday's sighting will be very nice, Monday evening's will be amazing!
Sunday Dec. 29th @ 7:31pm
A 3 minute run @ 45 degrees over the horizon
Arriving from the NW and Departing to the West (NW to W).Monday Dec. 30th @ 6:43pm
A 6 minute run @ 70 degrees over the horizon (almost overhead).
Arriving from the NNW and Departing to the SE. (NNW to SE)."Give 'em a wave!"
Happy New Year, ISS
NASA UPDATE: For tonight's ISS sighting opportunity (Sun. Dec. 29th)
ARRIVAL TIME : @ 7:33pm Note: it is always a good idea to start looking in the direction of ISS's arrival a minute or two before schedule.
Enjoy everyone!
Happy New Year to you too Swans.
Thanks for the info.
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