Guns/ Concealed Weapons License
Hello. I have read the regulations/ law for owning firearms and having a concealed carry license. We are relocating to the USVI. I am hoping to get feedback from residents who have had experience in the matter. I own several guns that I would like to keep after the move. I have had a CHL for 20 years in the states and I feel that it is good for people to protect themselves. It seems like there is good reason for taking precautions in STX and STT. Thanks in advance.
what exactly do you want to know
It seems that only criminals are allowed to have weapons here.
The people that control firearms licensing in the VI are very selective as to who they allow to have permits.
my husband had a conceal at one time, but situation changed and now we only have household
You can get a Conceal Carry permit if you can convince them you need it for your job. It will say for use during business and banking hours.......
Otherwise you are only going to get a home protection permit.
It's a pain.
Don't just "bring" your "several guns" . They will be reluctant to "permit" more than one. Store them somewhere safe back home or in a safety deposit box. Wrapped in an oily rag.....
Call D&J shooting gallery for the best advice on STX.
Here is a link to an older thread.,162320,163808
Yes, you want to talk to John Canagata at D & J...very helpful.
Thank you for the advice. I will call the shooting range.

Once you are the victim of an armed assault or home invasion, you then qualify for a concealed carry permit.
Once you are the victim of an armed assault or home invasion, you then qualify for a concealed carry permit.
That's comforting. Cough.
Are your chances better for being approved for a strictly home license if you already have one in the states or do you have to prove that you have a special reason?
Haha. Well, I will get to getting assaulted ASAP.. It does sound like a possibility on the small island of STX. I have carried a gun for protection for a long time and I would like to continue the practice. I hear what the right wing stance on prohibition of weapons and I was hoping that it is easier to obtain a permit than stated on the internet. I have a boat and keep one for protection at all times there and at home. I read of quite a few car jackings and open assaults in public on the islands.
Is there any talk, politically, about making gun permits more accessible for citizens?

Once you are the victim of an armed assault or home invasion, you then qualify for a concealed carry permit.
That's comforting. Cough.
Are your chances better for being approved for a strictly home license if you already have one in the states or do you have to prove that you have a special reason?
What you have in the states has no bearing on what you are qualified for here.
When I moved here I had a concealed carry permit from King County, WA (Seattle). You must have two local sponsors. I had the Chief of Police (Novell Frances) and the Head of Detectives (Greg Bennerson) as my sponsors. I was turned down because I had no business reason for needing to carry a concealed weapon.
But now that I have been a victim I qualify. Strange rules. It is much easier to get a home defense permit.
Good Luck.
Haha. Well, I will get to getting assaulted ASAP.. It does sound like a possibility on the small island of STX. I have carried a gun for protection for a long time and I would like to continue the practice. I hear what the right wing stance on prohibition of weapons and I was hoping that it is easier to obtain a permit than stated on the internet. I have a boat and keep one for protection at all times there and at home. I read of quite a few car jackings and open assaults in public on the islands.
Is there any talk, politically, about making gun permits more accessible for citizens?
Rotor and his wife were the victims of an extremely horrendous home invasion. Fortunately, the invaders were shot and killed by the police. This isn't a "Haha" situation, I suggest you do your research and stop making jokes about it.
I brought my firearm from my former home in Oregon, and kept it at D & J for several years while I went through the "red tape" of getting approval to have it in my home. This isn't America, the rules are very different here,
Calm down Jill. No one in their right mind would make light of rotors encounter. Honestly I think about it still a lot. It's the reason I pull off to the side of anyone's driving behind me near my house. Try to be super aware and even that's not always enough. Scary and scarring. I am so glad those perps got what was coming to them. 13 or 30 I don't care - put a bullet in them. Shame these recent robbers survived, I'm glad rotors assailants did not. Good riddens. I'll wait for the flaming on that one.... Save your breath.
From an outside perspective some of our laws like this only permit after being assaulted is a joke... Because it is.
Rotor, being new I did not know about your past attack. So very sorry to hear it and glad that you and your wife survived. Thanks also for the information on the local practices.
What about tasers? Can you carry them?
Sir, I had no idea about the home invasion you were involved in. Of course, I don't take it as a joke and violence perpetrated by others is never good. It sickens me that there are people out there willing to do acts of violence to others.
In saying "haha," I was laughing at myself and the likelihood that I will also be the victim of assault in the future. I have been involved in a home invasion and street robbery in the states. I have been involved in multiple violent encounters as a police officer and soldier. I hate this fact but it is still a fact and I choose to protect myself and my family at all times. I also choose to believe the statistics, in that, violence will likely touch me again.
I started this thread to talk to people who had experience in peacefully carry guns for protection. I know that every jurisdiction has its own rules and procedures.
Is there any talk, politically, about making gun permits more accessible for citizens?
Not that I know of, even though it's desperately needed.
I know this thread is populated with a bunch of gun 'advocates', but what about an outright island wide ban on all handguns. Phased in with amnesty programs, border policing, and increased mandatory sentences for violations. This is part of my manifesto when I run for King after STX succeeds from STT/STJ.
And all the gun toting criminals will say "oh I better turn in my illegal gun before I get in trouble". The problem with restrictive gun laws is that they generally only restrict people who are not inclined to commit a crime from having them. The criminals don't care.
I know this thread is populated with a bunch of gun 'advocates', but what about an outright island wide ban on all handguns. Phased in with amnesty programs, border policing, and increased mandatory sentences for violations. This is part of my manifesto when I run for King after STX succeeds from STT/STJ.
it works far better to allow easy access to guns, then law abiding citizens can protect themselves.
as we've seen here on this forum police rarely prevent crime, they mostly show up too late or in the middle of it; it's better to prevent crimes by not having an easy pool of victims.
and besides "more government" on these islands is NOT going to help.

I know this thread is populated with a bunch of gun 'advocates', but what about an outright island wide ban on all handguns. Phased in with amnesty programs, border policing, and increased mandatory sentences for violations. This is part of my manifesto when I run for King after STX succeeds from STT/STJ.
There have been multiple amnesty periods in the past, including cash for guns programs.
The penalties here are more strict than anywhere in the US. Jail time for having a single bullet! And unless you are going to open and inspect every single package that enters the VI (Imagine waiting a couple weeks for your overnight package to be inspected) is simply not feasible.
Gun ownership is the right of every American citizen. Responsible gun owners do not commit crimes. Self-defense is the right of every human. Armed crime is prevalent. Responsible citizens should have the option to carry weapons to protect themselves. How would a gun ban affect a family that is the victim of home invasion or a car jacking in progress? There will always be guns. Honest citizens are the only ones who follow laws. Criminals break laws. This has always been the case.
In my experience as a professional self defense instructor of 15 years, bad people can only take 3 things from victims. Money, Body, Life or a combination thereof. The bad guy gets to choose and he is the one with the plan. A victim has to respond or accept the consequences of the bad guy's intentions. Many people say, "I'd just give them the money. They can have it." I agree. What if they want more than money? What guides a man to rape, do away with witness/evidence, harm and kill innocent people? Personally, I don't care. I just want to live a happy life and raise my kids in safety.
Who are the responsible gun owners? I mean you kick them out of the club when the commit a crime (even though they were previously responsible). So a responsible gun owner had to be defined as someone who hasn't yet committed at a crime. Is this guy a responsible gun owner? good guy with a gun
Oh please let's not have a simple question segue into (another) monumental thread about the pros and cons of citizens carrying guns. There's another forum for that.
Oh please let's not have a simple question segue into (another) monumental thread about the pros and cons of citizens carrying guns. There's another forum for that.
I was quite proud of myself I let 22 comments happen before I made mine. It is a one and done thing.
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