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Good news Trump supporters! You are right, your man isn't a Fascist.

Posts: 850
Prominent Member

I'm quite aware of the participation rate. It's been reported since before I was born. More than one reason for the rate changing. My husband and I are recent adds to the "non participating" sector. Because we retired, as millions of baby boomers are doing. Not because we became "welfare" recipients.

The rate reached a peak in 2000, and was projected to fall anyway, through 2020. Mostly due to aging workforce, rate of working women drop that is not expected to go back up, and more 18 to 24 year olds in higher education.

The aging factor is responsible for somewhere between 0-50% of the drop in labor rate participation. I think you'd be hard pressed to find an economist that would stake his reputation on the sole reason.

If you strip Boomers and <25 out of the numbers we're still well below 07.

We also didn't have QE pumping billions into the economy driving mal-investment. Unfortunately those bills will be coming due

That's why I said "more than one reason". It was more to dispel the "people decided welfare was better" nonsense. Of course there are more people who have given up and are on public assistance, included in that rate. But there are also people who left the work force who have the means to live without assistance, and those who left early because they wanted to, and were finally able to do so because they no longer had to work to obtain affordable insurance. At my age, I know many people who did just that. As I also said, the participation rate was projected to go down by 2020, and those long-term projections, which are updated yearly, have continually foreseen the drop since before Obama took office.

I have no idea what your last sentence meant. But no worries. With a newly broken car, I have no time right now to address it. 🙂

Posted : May 16, 2016 3:44 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

Wow! that was incredible! like I said
"I'm glad you believe everything you say"(tu)

I'm not all that interested in getting into nitpicking Obama's accomplishments, beyond the facts I stated. But maybe you'd like to set me straight on what I said that was not true? Or would you just prefer to repeat your vacuous statement?

Obviously we just look at some things in completely different ways. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't give you a hand if you needed it and we crossed paths. We live in a country that guarantees us the freedom too disagree. That I bet we agree on. 🙂

Posted : May 16, 2016 11:28 pm
Posts: 21
Eminent Member

Lock her up

Posted : July 27, 2016 4:05 am
Posts: 66
Trusted Member

Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it.

Posted : July 31, 2016 4:26 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Lock her up

It's surprising how many Hillary supporters there are here, though in reality they are just blind party followers that really haven't done any personal research themselves (which is pretty sad).

The fact that she isn't behind bars already just confirms what a "show" politics are & how pointless the false dichotomy is.

Posted : August 1, 2016 5:24 pm
Posts: 1885
Noble Member

Lock her up

It's surprising how many Hillary supporters there are here, though in reality they are just blind party followers that really haven't done any personal research themselves (which is pretty sad).

The fact that she isn't behind bars already just confirms what a "show" politics are & how pointless the false dichotomy is.

Exactly. Ideologues on either side or useless in my opinion. A should have been indicted candidate v one that may soon be indicted. 'Murica

Posted : August 1, 2016 6:42 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Good Grief!

Posted : August 2, 2016 7:48 pm
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