Ferguson MO riots
Don't be surprised; I am rational and I take each incident on its own merits. Without consideration of race or party even though I have a race and a party.
What do we know about the shooting given that there is no video and that eye witness testimony is unreliable?
1. Brown had just strong armed a shopkeeper during a robbery
2. He had a confrontation with a uniformed officer in a squad car shortly thereafter.
3. The officer shot him dead.
That is all we are sure about.
Now why the big hoopla? Because we see through the prison of our past. Because cops and robbers also see through the prism of the past.
White shoots white. Justice prevails.
Black shoots black. Justice prevails.
Black shoots white. Justice prevails. Some say heavy handedly.
White shoots black. Sometimes Justice prevails.
What we do know is that there is disparate sentencing and conviction. Rodney King was brutalized on video. An all white jury denied Justice. A lot of the anger you see in Ferguson has nothing to do with Brown and everything to do with the black man experience of Driving While Black, Amadou Diahlo, or just being the only one asked to step out of the first class check in line at the airport because you are black. Or to hear Republicans in power or in the police force call our president a nigger or an undocumented alien.
The celebration that erupted in Black America when Ojay was acquitted had little to do with the merits of the case. It had everything to do with the past and their individual experiences. It had everything to do with planted evidence being debunked and finally a black man with money using that money to get off scot free, like rich white people always do. Almost every black person will tell you that Ojay probably murdered those two human beings. His acquittal was for some payback for all blacks who were wrongly acquitted or harshly sentenced.
I do not like that Holder showed up, because although it may have calmed the uprising it have the wrong impression to some that the policeman was guilty, that the boy was innocent, or that this case merited any more federal attention than Trayvon Martin. Still the Natl Guard, the federal presence, and the discipline of some misbehaving police with the arrest of looters helped too.
I am glad that you recognize finally my even handed view of this incident which is the same as my general factual approach to everything. Thank you
1. Brown had just strong armed a shopkeeper during a robbery
That is not a fact. What is a fact is that neither the shop owner nor employees called the police. If you view the video I posted it looks like he dropped some of the cigarillos on the ground, left some there, and the shopkeeper got upset, and in the video the police release, the shopkeeper placed his hands on Brown first.
If I am mistaken about the strong arming I will be the first to apologize. If I am mistaken.
We all should not rush to judgment without forensics and evidence. I wish everybody would stop talking about this case until everything is investigated. Then let the juries decide. The policeman is therefore not innocent/justified or guilty until we have all the facts.
And it is nothing like the murder of the child Trayvon Martin.
Now can we stop talking about until then and can CNN cover something newsworthy and less depressing until the investigation is over? Aargh
I propose that we follow the information and grant that until proven guilty, someone is innocent. So many rush to judgement and suppositions. Wait to see how it plays out.
and the media is the biggest culprit here. the way they state things, twist things. there are no more journalist these days, just sensationalists vying for attention and the best story to the extent they will falsify information to put the screws to the public

"This does not appear to be a hate crime," he said. "It's very early in this investigation but thus far the evidence and statements suggest that a verbal altercation turned physical and somebody got hurt."
What do you think?
I propose that we follow the information and grant that until proven guilty, someone is innocent. So many rush to judgement and suppositions. Wait to see how it plays out.
Good on you Alana!
And I propose it not be forgotten that this thread was started by noOne who declared a LEO should be charged with murder purely because said LEO was white and the person he shot was not.
I say that with conviction as when presented with an eerily similar situation, in the same time frame, except it was a black LEO and a white person shot noOne has shown no outrage whatsoever.
Why not?
:I say what I say because a cop should be held to a higher standard than what we set for criminals.
:I say what I say because a cop should be held to a higher standard than what we set for criminals.
Where,then is your outrage at this as posted earlier?
"Nonwhite cop kills unarmed white youth, national media, AG and POTUS ignore"
It is there, Michael. Should I start a thread dedicated to unjustified cop actions? I will if you say so.
:I say what I say because a cop should be held to a higher standard than what we set for criminals.
Where,then is your outrage at this as posted earlier?
"Nonwhite cop kills unarmed white youth, national media, AG and POTUS ignore"
A black cop shooting an unarmed white youth doesn't usually get national attention because the black cop will probably go to jail if he is guilty. In other words, the justice system will work for that situation.
People don't believe, however, in the opposite case that if white cops shoot or beat an unarmed black youth that the white cop will be investigated, much less charged and found guilty.
Moreover, you cannot tell people what to be outraged about. If Jewish people want to be outraged about the Holocaust but not about slavery, that's up to them. If PETA protests about the treatment of chickens before slaughter but not about the rape of 3 year old girls in Darfur, that is their choice.
Justice is about the equal treatment in the enforcement and criminal justice system, be they alleged victim or perpetrator. White or black, rich and poor. Lady Justice should be blind, in other words.
You cannot tell individual people though, what to be outraged about.
And PS, Neither POTUS nor HOLder went to Florida when the child Trayvon Martin was murdered near his Dad's home by Zimmerman for walking while black
Hear what Jon Stuart says about it.
can not listen to it where i am but what does new jersey have to do with missouri
This is why people of color were protesting in Ferguson:
I have a relative who was dating a black man. She was as color blind as they come... She was gang raped by three blacks (I won't call them men) and they called her a "freak" for dating him....
I was robbed on the boardwalk in C'sted.
Given my experiences should I therefore condemn all black men?
This is why people of color were protesting in Ferguson:
I have a relative who was dating a black man. She was as color blind as they come... She was gang raped by three blacks (I won't call them men) and they called her a "freak" for dating him....
I was robbed on the boardwalk in C'sted.Given my experiences should I therefore condemn all black men?
You should condemn all black men if every black man raped her.
I'm not condemning any one sector of the populace - what I am condemning is how cops are treated above the average citizen and law, as if they are untouchable and only now are getting called on the floor because of things like video tape.
Well there is audio of the shooting now. Wilson had a three second pause between six shots and the last four shots. He had time to consider what he was doing, and did what he did.
Also, the police report wasn't filed for some ten days and had no description of the incident with Brown, pretty much other than his name.
This reeks.
Edit: here is the report in full: http://mic.com/articles/97012/here-s-the-long-awaited-police-report-on-the-mike-brown-shooting
Videotaped beating of woman in L.A.: Is it Rodney King all over again? (+video)
“During the conversation the pedestrian then becomes physically combative, at which point the officer is forced to place the pedestrian under arrest in fear of the pedestrian's and officer's safety," the CHP report said. "A physical altercation ensued as the pedestrian continued to resist arrest."
Clearly resisting arrest. Sprinkle some crack on her, Lou.
i am not condoning what he did. towards the end i could see a few punches, but it is not clear before that what happened with the sun glare. but she clearly was walking where she was not supposed to and would not move. it looks like she tried to get combative with the cop.
but she did get 1.5 million for it. and look, if she had obeyed the police officer in the first place, this would not have happened.
and the officer did resign
Maybe she is homeless for a reason? Like mental illness? There is no excuse for a cop to assault a suspect like that, fists or not.
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