Ferguson MO riots
This situation could be diffused by simply charging the cop with murder, as he should be.
According to this report the guy was shot six times, including once downward in the top of the head, by the cop.
Now they have called in the National Guard:
Chaos Forces Missouri Governor to Call in the National Guard
FERGUSON, Mo. — Missouri Governor Jay Nixon called in the National Guard in the early hours of Monday morning after another night of protest descended into chaos with reports of gunfire, looting and Molotov cocktails. The latest clashes came as word began to spread through this St. Louis suburb that Brown was shot as many as six times, including twice in the head.
Like this article above says, I don't think changing from a militarized police force to a military branch of the government is going to make much of a difference.
Are you serious?????
Johnson and Brown go into a store and strong arm rob the store of cigars. Then they walk down the middle of the street, blocking traffic. They are stopped by a police officer and told to move to the sidewalk. as the officer gets out of the car Brown pushes him back into the car and struggles to get the officer's gun. A shot is fired and Brown gets off of the police officer, gets out of the car, turns around and goes back after the police officer. The officer laying in the car shoots Brown 4 times in the arm and finally takes him out with 2 in the head. I don't see the problem. The officer felt his life was in danger, and Brown wouldn't stop fighting with him. And Johnson, who just committed a robbery, tells a different story and some people believe him? The autopsy tells what happened. There would be no powder residue because Brown was out of the car and turned to go back at the officer.
i agree with michael on this one. and it is nice to see the race pimps have shown up. and the majority of the looting is by outside forces. the new black panther is saying the cop needs to be killed. the mother is saying nothing will be better until justice is served-what is her form of justice? the proper procedures are already being followed as they should. she just wants the cops head on a stick-why, because of what her son did. there have been two autopsies already, not satisfied-we need a third to hopefully tell us what we want to hear? please. there is audio stating what michael said. it has been proven that the friend is a liar. you are ready to hang him too, why because it was a white cop that shot a black thug. where is your outrage for chicago or new york or any other place in america when blacks kill blacks every day? where is your outrage when a black cop kills a white kid? where is your outrage when a black cop kills a black kid? where is your outrage when a white cop kills a white guy? in chicago over 30 people were shot and 7 killed where are the race pimps in their own neighborhood.
The officer laying in the car shoots Brown 4 times in the arm and finally takes him out with 2 in the head.
That is simply untrue. Brown was obviously shot out in the street.
Brown may have committed larceny, but this is no reason to shoot someone to death for. Also, Brown had a clean record.
Michael, where did you get your info from? And please don't say Fox News...
From wikipedia:
At 12:01 p.m. on August 9, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson drove up to Brown and Dorian Johnson in the 2900 block of Canfield Drive and ordered them to move off the street and onto the sidewalk. An altercation ensued and a shot was fired from within Wilson's police vehicle, and the two men began to flee. Wilson left his vehicle and pursued them. At some point moments later, Wilson fired an unspecified number of shots, fatally wounding Brown. Brown died approximately 35 feet (11 m) from the police cruiser. According to CNN, documents show that less than three minutes passed from the time that Wilson encountered Brown to the time of Brown's death. A preliminary private autopsy performed at the request of Brown's family by Dr. Michael Baden concluded that Brown had been shot at least six times. Four of the bullets entered his right arm, one entered his right eye on a downward trajectory, and one entered the top of the skull.
This is a case of "respect my authoritah" where the cop killed because he was crossed.
There is a big divide racially about whether or not this was a racist act:
[url= http://www.people-press.org/2014/08/18/stark-racial-divisions-in-reactions-to-ferguson-police-shooting/ [/url]

The officer laying in the car shoots Brown 4 times in the arm and finally takes him out with 2 in the head.
That is simply untrue. Brown was obviously shot out in the street.
Brown may have committed larceny, but this is no reason to shoot someone to death for. Also, Brown had a clean record.
Michael, where did you get your info from? And please don't say Fox News...
From wikipedia:
At 12:01 p.m. on August 9, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson drove up to Brown and Dorian Johnson in the 2900 block of Canfield Drive and ordered them to move off the street and onto the sidewalk. An altercation ensued and a shot was fired from within Wilson's police vehicle, and the two men began to flee. Wilson left his vehicle and pursued them. At some point moments later, Wilson fired an unspecified number of shots, fatally wounding Brown. Brown died approximately 35 feet (11 m) from the police cruiser. According to CNN, documents show that less than three minutes passed from the time that Wilson encountered Brown to the time of Brown's death. A preliminary private autopsy performed at the request of Brown's family by Dr. Michael Baden concluded that Brown had been shot at least six times. Four of the bullets entered his right arm, one entered his right eye on a downward trajectory, and one entered the top of the skull.
This is a case of "respect my authoritah" where the cop killed because he was crossed.
There are so many things wrong with this post.
I'm just going to keep my mouth closed until the facts are all out.
CruzanIron noOne wants to charge the police officer with murder but presents no evidence whatsoever. One might say he wants to lynch the officer. (yes that was deliberately inflammatory - to make a point)
I was in a hurry and did not have time to give a detailed response but I did not want noOne's crap to go unchallenged. So I did a quick cut n paste. I should not have done so. Mea Culpa. I applaud your good sense to wait on the facts. Too bad noOne had to go off half cocked and start this thread at all...... Unfortunately the situation has been so politically manipulated that we may never get the facts. I think we can all agree this was a waste of life. However we may not agree on how it came to this waste.
1 - "The" video seems to show MB committing robbery using his size as a weapon. MB is reported to have weighed nearly 300# and stood 6'4". If he had in fact challenged the officer as may reports state who in his right mind would not be keyed up? If you live by intimidating people with one's bulk do not be surprised if someone reacts to that threat with an equalizer.
2 - A number of accounts support the idea MB fought with the officer for possession of the offices weapon inside the police vehicle. After that the officer went to arrest his assailant. No surprise there.
3 - The autopsies show he was not retreating and in fact his body lay head toward the police vehicle.
noOne I hope you are proud of yourself for helping to keep the situation inflamed........... Do you honestly believe the officer decided "what the hell I think I'll go shoot some someone for the fun of it?" If so it says a lot about you - and it isn't good.
It seems you are wrong about him stealing the cigerillos:
Ferguson Cops Busted? New Video Seems To Show Brown Paying For Cigarillos (Video)
It certainly doesn't look like he robbed the store, especially considering no one at the store called the police:
Supposedly, the video shows Brown robbing the store, taking a box of cigars. However, the attorney for Ferguson Market says that it was not anyone from the store that called police to report a robbery. In fact, a customer called to report what he viewed as a robbery.
How, then, did police get the tape? According to St. Louis News, the attorney said, "‘during the course of Ferguson's investigation, the police department from Ferguson, came to the store and asked for to review the tape." In other words, the tape was not viewed by police until after Michael Brown was dead in the street.
In their fervent effort to cast Brown in a negative light, they missed that the video seems to show Brown paying for the Swisher Sweets.
The confrontation between Brown and the clerk may have been because Brown impatiently reached across the counter. Perhaps it was wrong for Brown to shove the employee (it is impossible to know what words were exchanged) but this footage seems to exonerate him. It is important to note that Brown only shoved the clerk after he put his hands on him.
In any case, neither the employee nor the store owner called law enforcement–something that would surely happen if Brown committed a "strong-arm robbery."
It seems you are wrong about him stealing the cigerillos:
I did not say he did.
I accept your apology in advance.
It seems you are wrong about him stealing the cigerillos:
I did not say he did.
I accept your apology in advance.
Johnson and Brown go into a store and strong arm rob the store of cigars.
1 - "The" video seems to show MB committing robbery using his size as a weapon.
Are you retarded? Talk about going off half-cocked eh?
They certainly don't want news coverage:
Ferguson arrests include at least 10 journalists
At least 10 journalists have been arrested or detained since Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, was killed Aug. 9 by officer Darren Wilson. Reporters for CNN, Al Jazeera America and other outlets say they have been harassed or physically threatened.
The arrests and detainments, which have ranged from several minutes to several hours, have been widely criticized: President Obama said last week that police "should not be bullying or arresting" reporters for merely doing their jobs. Last Friday, 48 American media organizations, including The Associated Press, sent a letter to law enforcement officials in Ferguson, criticizing the treatment of reporters.
where is your outrage when a white cop kills a white guy? in chicago over 30 people were shot and 7 killed where are the race pimps in their own neighborhood.
Speee1dy, I have been tempted every time I see a case of cops going over the line, but I do not post them here because I think it would not be quite appropriate. I was triggered to bring this up as Petra in this thread brought it up and I thought it was appropriate to move here. If you notice, both the first message in this thread and the message at the top of page three of the other thread are minutes apart.
Also, "the proper procedures are already being followed as they should" should go the same for cops - if he was a civilian, he would be in jail now.
Well it seems the tune has changed:
MO Gov. Nixon: 'Vigorous prosecution' needed after death of Michael Brown
In the statement, Nixon said,"The democratically elected St. Louis County prosecutor and the Attorney General of the United States, each have a job to do. Their obligation to achieve justice in the shooting death of Michael Brown must be carried out thoroughly, promptly, and correctly; and I call upon them to meet those expectations."
Nixon said the calming of tensions in Ferguson, MO and the resolution of Brown's death is what's now needed the most.
"So I ask that we continue to stand together as we work to achieve justice for Michael Brown, restore hope and peace to the streets of Ferguson, and march together toward a future of greater opportunity and understanding for all of us,” Nixon said.
A grand jury is set to begin in Brown's death on Wednesday. Nixon did say, however, that he would not removed St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch from the case.
“From the outset, I have been clear about the need to have a vigorous prosecution of this case, and that includes minimizing any potential legal uncertainty. I am not asking St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch to recuse himself from this case. There is a well-established process by which a prosecutor can recuse themselves from a pending investigation, and a special prosecutor be appointed. Departing from this established process could unnecessarily inject legal uncertainty into this matter and potentially jeopardize the prosecution,” the statement said.
2 - A number of accounts support the idea MB fought with the officer for possession of the offices weapon inside the police vehicle. After that the officer went to arrest his assailant. No surprise there.
What number of accounts? Who said that? Where did you get your information from?
So far your credibility is less than stellar.

Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the District Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.
noOne as I pointed out in my second post (and offered my apologies) the scenario offered was a cut n paste - not my words - offered as a counterweight to YOUR accusation of murder..
Do you know the definition of the word "seems"?
Try getting your news beyond http://www.democraticunderground.com/
It is a FACT you opened this thread accusing officer Darren Wilson (do you even know his name?) of murder;
"This situation could be diffused by simply charging the cop with murder, as he should be."
but offered NO justification whatsoever. Are you omniscient ?
So please state your logic for wanting officer Darren Wilson charged with murder "as he should be"?
Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the District Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.
Quote your source or don't come at all. I have not heard this from any other news source than the Beck & Limbaugh basterdization of news. Why wouldn't every news station be trumpeting a fact like Wilson going to the hospital?
noOne as I pointed out in my second post (and offered my apologies) the scenario offered was a cut n paste - not my words - offered as a counterweight to YOUR accusation of murder..
Then properly quote and name your sources, and don't try to come off as if it's your own words. At any rate, then your sources are retarded.
It is a FACT you opened this thread accusing officer Darren Wilson (do you even know his name?) of murder;
"This situation could be diffused by simply charging the cop with murder, as he should be."
but offered NO justification whatsoever. Are you omniscient ?
So please state your logic for wanting officer Darren Wilson charged with murder "as he should be"?
Because he was shot in the middle of the street surrendering.
Try getting your news beyond http://www.democraticunderground.com/
Moron, so far I've quoted The Daily Beast, wikipedia, Pew Research, Crooks & Liars, The Denver Post, and CBS3 Springfield, MA. Where is The Democratic Underground there?
Doesn't anyone else find it interesting that the police only released a partial video of Brown in the store? What about, so far, not releasing the police report of the incident by Wilson?
Here is John Oliver's take on it:
"Lets have a black day" and "lets make the cells more colorful"
"Bring it! All you fvcking animals. Bring it, I dont give a fvck."
Points where Johnson and Mitchell agree:
- Brown and Wilson were "wrestling" through the car window
- It appeared that Wilson was grabbing Brown and that Brown was trying to pull away (Johnson said Wilson grabbed Brown's neck and it was like a tug-of-war, Mitchell said they were wrestling and it looked like Brown was trying to pull away)
- Wilson fired a shot at close range from inside his vehicle
- Brown ran away and Wilson got out and pursued him
- Wilson fired at Brown while he was turned and running away
- It appeared that Brown was then shot in the back
- Brown stopped and put his hands up
- Wilson continued shooting Brown, getting closer to him as he shot (Johnson said they were "face to face" by the last shots, Mitchell said Wilson "continued to come up on him" as he shot)
- Brown's body immediately dropped with the final shotsPoints where they disagree:
- Level of confidence that Brown was shot in the back (Johnson seemed adamant about it, Mitchell would only say Brown jerked "as if" he'd been shot in the back)
- Brown said something to the effect of "Don't shoot, I don't have a gun" (only Johnson has claimed this)
Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the District Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.
Yeah a relaxed with hands by his sides Wilson after shooting Brown is a sure sign of an "orbital blowout":
Video here of Wilson pacing around after shooting Brown:
Piaget Crenshaw Releases Video Evidence in Michael Brown Case
Edit: from that article:
According to Crenshaw, there was a struggle between Brown and Officer Wilson at the window of Wilson’s car in which it appeared as if Brown was trying to push away from the vehicle. Once free from Wilson, Brown ran away from the officer, at which point the officer began firing at Brown. Once Brown raised his hands and turned around to surrender, Officer Wilson allegedly continued to shoot, hitting Brown multiple times.
The incident as reported by Crenshaw remains consistent with the reports from Tiffany Mitchell, Crenshaw’s coworker who also saw the incident, and Dorian Johnson, Brown’s friend who was with him during the altercation.
Their descriptions of the events differ drastically from the events as recalled by a supposed friend of Officer Wilson, who called into radio station KFTK to provide the officer’s side of the story:
So we have at least three named sources saying one thing vs. an anonymous call that "provide[ded] the officer's side of the story".
Oh, and I can't wait to see a coroners report that says there has been damage to the legs and arms consistent with someone charging and falling to the ground after being shot.
from your link
" He [Officer Wilson] pulled up ahead of them [Brown and Johnson]. And then he got a call-in that there was a strong-arm robbery. And, they gave a description…Tries to get out of his car. They slam his door shut violently. I think he said Michael did. And, then he opened the car again. He tried to get out. He stands up.
And then Michael just bum-rushes him and shoves him back into his car. Punches him in the face and them Darren grabs for his gun. Michael grabbed for the gun. At one point he got the gun entirely turned against his hip. And he shoves it away. And the gun goes off.
Well, then Michael takes off and gets to be about 35 feet away. And, Darren’s first protocol is to pursue. So, he stands up and yells, ”Freeze!” Michael and his friend turn around.
And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bum-rushing him. He just started coming at him full speed… So [Wilson] really thinks [Brown] was on something, because he just kept coming. It was unbelievable. And so he finally ended up, the final shot was in the forehead, and then he fell about two to three feet in front of the officer.
Currently, a grand jury is awaiting to hear eye-witness testimony to decide whether or not to return an indictment on the case. Not only is a local investigation underway, but Attorney General Eric Holder has also announced that 40 FBI agents are currently conducting a civil rights investigation into the shooting."
There are two very different descriptions out there but you in your omniscience your initial post declared officer Daren Wilson should have been charged with murder. You are entitled to your opinion but that does not make it fact. You have successfully stirred the pot. Congratulations for your part improving race relations.

Oh, and I can't wait to see a coroners report that says there has been damage to the legs and arms consistent with someone charging and falling to the ground after being shot.
There has already been a release of the coroners report.
Local St. Louis sources said Wilson suffered an “orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket.” This comes from a source within the District Attorney’s office and confirmed by the St. Louis County Police.
Oh I found your source for that, The Gateway Pundit, a site run by one guy who apparently is full of it:
Jim Hoft: Dumbest Man on the Internet?
All the examples included in this post are from the past year, which is to say that Hoft makes embarrassing, credibility-killing errors on an almost daily basis. If the conservative media had any standards whatsoever, Hoft would be an afterthought in the conservative blogosphere -- a solitary, angry man screaming into the void.
But instead he holds a position of influence. He often drives the conversation not just online, but also on cable news. This is proof positive that the conservative media aren't impressed by "facts" and "reality."
They prefer shameless hacks like Jim Hoft.
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