If you don't think the crime on this island is out of control, you've got your head far too deep in the sand.
The island has a work-ethic problem, which leads to crime.
Some people want to get something for nothing, or without working for it. They figure the best way to do that is to rob somebody.
Other people figure they can make loads of money quickly and without working too hard by engaging in unlawful activities. When something goes wrong with one of these activities, the participants can't resolve the dispute in a court, so they murder each other.
The young men who engage in the rampant criminal activity don't want to learn a trade and work hard...they want the 50" TV without having to work for it.
In order to curb the crime rate you'd have to start with the ones who are now eight years old. The older ones are already lost and will be eventually consumed by the system or killed.
You would have to institute mandatory citizenship training for all youth from the time they are eight years old. They would need to be removed from their families each weekend, for example, and basically indoctrinated into how a person is supposed to behave in a civilized society. Sure, it sounds harsh...nothing less will stand a chance of working. Parental training is not enough. The streets have irresistible allure. Massive intervention is needed, or else we are just spitting into the wind.
A lot of the young men who are now breaking into houses and killing people would have been inducted into the military at their eighteenth birthday in bygone days. The military saved countless young men from a life of crime. They needed the disciplined, rigorous environment.
Nobody is saying return to the draft, but a program of mandatory civil service and training for young men especially may be necessary. This is just my idea. Maybe we need a think-tank here to try to formulate plans instead of posting on bulletin boards. Practically, I don't think anything will be done. One day the crime will be so bad the federal government will step in with martial law, house searches, checkpoints, etc. and the criminals who hide in the bush will be subjected to drone attacks.
That was a depressing post HD. Not saying I agree or disagree, but it is depressing none the less.
Education so the next generation doesn't end up where this generation is, is very important. I don't have the answers.
People need to start holding criminals accountable, regardless of personal affiliation.
I speak to hundreds of strangers a year due to my job, most of whom are local, many of whom in the tourist industry. The one thing I never hear is an appreciation for the tourists coming to the VI.
How peculiar. I speak to countless local friends and acquaintances in the USVI tourist industry every year and when the conversation is centered upon visitors and their contributions to our economy I've heard nothing BUT appreciation for them, as has been the case as long as this has been my home.
I'm not sure if you're serious or auditioning for a local comedy Troupe. Funniest thing I've seen you write. To associate local appreciation to tourists with the reality on the ground - with the teeth sucking, slow, lazy, poor service and absence of the customer is always right philosophy, and add in the taxi drivers who want nothing more than to overcharge unsuspecting tourists, (I could go on) - funny stuff.
I speak to hundreds of strangers a year due to my job, most of whom are local, many of whom in the tourist industry. The one thing I never hear is an appreciation for the tourists coming to the VI.
How peculiar. I speak to countless local friends and acquaintances in the USVI tourist industry every year and when the conversation is centered upon visitors and their contributions to our economy I've heard nothing BUT appreciation for them, as has been the case as long as this has been my home.
I'm not sure if you're serious or auditioning for a local comedy Troupe. Funniest thing I've seen you write. To associate local appreciation to tourists with the reality on the ground - with the teeth sucking, slow, lazy, poor service and absence of the customer is always right philosophy, and add in the taxi drivers who want nothing more than to overcharge unsuspecting tourists, (I could go on) - funny stuff.
I'm going to have to Agee with isle tell ya on this one...
That was a depressing post HD. Not saying I agree or disagree, but it is depressing none the less.
Education so the next generation doesn't end up where this generation is, is very important. I don't have the answers.
People need to start holding criminals accountable, regardless of personal affiliation.
There are no answers.
In order to do the things necessary to ensure a civil society, you'd have to massively curtail individual freedom. Nobody is going to support that until the situation becomes untenable...it took the destruction of the World Trade Center for people to acquiesce to invasive searches at the airports and pornographic body scanners. At some point, the crime here will become so bad that people will agree to drastic measures...like curfews, checkpoints, house searches, etc.
It's coming.
I speak to hundreds of strangers a year due to my job, most of whom are local, many of whom in the tourist industry. The one thing I never hear is an appreciation for the tourists coming to the VI.
How peculiar. I speak to countless local friends and acquaintances in the USVI tourist industry every year and when the conversation is centered upon visitors and their contributions to our economy I've heard nothing BUT appreciation for them, as has been the case as long as this has been my home.
I'm not sure if you're serious or auditioning for a local comedy Troupe. Funniest thing I've seen you write. To associate local appreciation to tourists with the reality on the ground - with the teeth sucking, slow, lazy, poor service and absence of the customer is always right philosophy, and add in the taxi drivers who want nothing more than to overcharge unsuspecting tourists, (I could go on) - funny stuff.
St. Croix is a peculiar place. It has been developed totally out of character, and will never be fixed. Crime is one of the by-products of the demolishing of the island's true character. So is teeth-sucking. It is not meant to be a service-sector economy. Crucians don't like to serve anybody.
This 84 square miles was never intended to be a tourist destination. It is supposed to be a place of small farming villages. People who don't want to farm or live a simple life were supposed to immediately leave after high school and go to the mainland.
Somebody decided that the island needed to be "developed". What should have happened was a return to total subsistence farming. Any extra produce could be sold to whoever, but we would grow enough to feed ourselves, we'd create local crafts, make our furniture from the mahogany trees, have local craftspeople making fabrics, etc.
This utopia would actually have been more inviting for visitors.
The lazy, shiftless thugs now roaming the streets would have been non-existent. Either you farm, or have a craft, or you starve. A simple life with no need for big screen TV's and huge amounts of electricity and a huge government bureaucracy. If you don't enjoy a simple life, leave and go to Babylon.
What we have here is a total corruption of the island's character and purpose. It will never heal. It is what it is, and there is no sense in getting on a bulletin board and crying about crime. St. Croix (Ay Ay) is just another victim of progress.
Not what people want to hear Home Despot but very well said.
Anyone who truly cares and wants a safe and better life for their families and themselves, and is not involved in criminal behavior should be glad to tolerate curfews, checkpoints and house searches. We're not talking about forever, a few months and serious no bull consequences for those found to have guns, or engage in criminal activity. You could mop up the scum very quickly.
Going on saying "they are working on it" "it is not that bad" "everywhere has crime" "it is no different here than Mexico or wherever and tourists still come"
It goes beyond having your head in the sand it called Denial.
It may be coming but not soon enough.
Time to stop being so (i do not know if its) proud or trying to be independent, and ask for federal help, and accept it with open arms. Not dollars like most want and accept each month no problem., i am talking about boots on the ground.
It's called progress. Who says stx was never intended to be a tourist destination? Where is that in the bible?
Oh St Thomas is the tourist destination that is ok right?
Maybe you have a great solution. Shut off WAPA. Stop all importation of goods and money from the mainland and go back in time.
Get canoes to visit other islands and trade mangoes and coconuts.
I think you are on to something.
I'm not sure if you're serious or auditioning for a local comedy Troupe. Funniest thing I've seen you write. To associate local appreciation to tourists with the reality on the ground - with the teeth sucking, slow, lazy, poor service and absence of the customer is always right philosophy, and add in the taxi drivers who want nothing more than to overcharge unsuspecting tourists, (I could go on) - funny stuff.
I wasn't being in the least bit facetious, nor was I addressing anything to do with, "the teeth sucking, slow, lazy, poor service and absence of the customer is always right philosophy, and add in the taxi drivers who want nothing more than to overcharge unsuspecting tourists" faction of people working in the tourist industry whose poor behavior you accept as the norm. Had I known these were the people you associate with then I would have better understood the sentiment expressed.
The people to whom I speak are conscientious, educated and respected locals who run their businesses properly and with respect for their customers whether those be visitors or locals. The taxi drivers I personally know go out of their way to treat their passengers with respect and ensure that they get to know the islands and local history. Of course there are bad apples but they don't "run the show". As much as you think I was preparing to audition for a comedy show, I'm equally dismayed that your experiences have led you to such a negative overall conclusion about those involved here in the tourist industry. That's really a shame.
In order to do the things necessary to ensure a civil society, you'd have to massively curtail individual freedom. Nobody is going to support that until the situation becomes untenable...it took the destruction of the World Trade Center for people to acquiesce to invasive searches at the airports and pornographic body scanners. At some point, the crime here will become so bad that people will agree to drastic measures...like curfews, checkpoints, house searches, etc.
It's coming.
I agree it is coming with bipartisan bent whether or not you like/dislike the republicans/democrats.
Anyone who truly cares and wants a safe and better life for their families and themselves, and is not involved in criminal behavior should be glad to tolerate curfews, checkpoints and house searches. We're not talking about forever, a few months and serious no bull consequences for those found to have guns, or engage in criminal activity. You could mop up the scum very quickly.
Time to stop being so (i do not know if its) proud or trying to be independent, and ask for federal help, and accept it with open arms. Not dollars like most want and accept each month no problem., i am talking about boots on the ground.
I remember when troops were sent for the aftermath of Hugo. Curfews/checkpoints/boots on the ground did not work before, and I doubt i would work now.
Well said OT. I love the VI and was just speaking from my experience. There are some amazing local merchants and just by way of example, the nicest person I have met in the VI happens to be a great taxi driver. The good does not outweigh the bad in our service industry here. I am happy that you're experiences have been rosier than mine - you're a very fortunate person.
Well said OT. I love the VI and was just speaking from my experience. There are some amazing local merchants and just by way of example, the nicest person I have met in the VI happens to be a great taxi driver. The good does not outweigh the bad in our service industry here. I am happy that you're experiences have been rosier than mine - you're a very fortunate person.
I've no doubt lived here a lot longer than you, too, and met more people which is probably why I don't agree that the "bad" outweigh the "good". The "bad" are always talked about and commented upon while the "good" simply go about their business, live up to normal expectations and don't prompt negative comments. While one continuously, for instance, reads about that horrible person in the service industry, it's far rarer to read a complimentary comment about that "regular" person who treats you as you expect to be treated. It's human nature.
It doesn't matter how long one has lived here or how many people one knows. Bad customer service is bad customer service. Plain & simple.
a year or so ago myself and a few months later someone else tried to start threads where posting positive comments was encouraged-they quickly fell to the far far far back of the list.
Jamison.....what does that mean?
I was not brought up in a rasist household, but in NYC.
You must be from the deeeeeeep south! Alabama?
PS....jamison....I survived the World Trade Center attack.....were you there too!
It doesn't matter how long one has lived here or how many people one knows. Bad customer service is bad customer service. Plain & simple.
And that was neither challenged nor even intimated.
It's called progress. Who says stx was never intended to be a tourist destination? Where is that in the bible?
Oh St Thomas is the tourist destination that is ok right?Maybe you have a great solution. Shut off WAPA. Stop all importation of goods and money from the mainland and go back in time.
Get canoes to visit other islands and trade mangoes and coconuts.I think you are on to something.
Well, if that is your opinion, why complain about crime?
With "progress" you get crime...plain and simple. Especially when you live in a "democracy" that guarantees unbridled freedom to individuals.
If you agree with unbridled freedom for individuals, then you should shut up about crime.
There should be no such thing as a "tourist destination".
Places should be naturally inviting to visit because of the culture found there. When you destroy the culture in the name of progress you take what you get. The Eagles sang "you call someplace paradise, kiss it goodbye".
Heavy sarcasm doesn't help solve the problem...actually, cutting off WAPA, stopping all imports of "goods" including "goods" like all that violent crap on TV and all the shoot-em-up games the kids are raised on (yeah, I know...doesn't affect them) would likely result in a more peaceful island. The people who remain would be the ones who want to be here, and the others would go ply their trades in Babylon.
Nothing wrong with trading mangoes and coconuts. I'd take that over trading drugs and guns any day. If all this island traded was mangoes and coconuts, and we travelled from island to island in canoes, it would be paradise.
I'm not sure if you're serious or auditioning for a local comedy Troupe. Funniest thing I've seen you write. To associate local appreciation to tourists with the reality on the ground - with the teeth sucking, slow, lazy, poor service and absence of the customer is always right philosophy, and add in the taxi drivers who want nothing more than to overcharge unsuspecting tourists, (I could go on) - funny stuff.
I wasn't being in the least bit facetious, nor was I addressing anything to do with, "the teeth sucking, slow, lazy, poor service and absence of the customer is always right philosophy, and add in the taxi drivers who want nothing more than to overcharge unsuspecting tourists" faction of people working in the tourist industry whose poor behavior you accept as the norm. Had I known these were the people you associate with then I would have better understood the sentiment expressed.
The people to whom I speak are conscientious, educated and respected locals who run their businesses properly and with respect for their customers whether those be visitors or locals. The taxi drivers I personally know go out of their way to treat their passengers with respect and ensure that they get to know the islands and local history. Of course there are bad apples but they don't "run the show". As much as you think I was preparing to audition for a comedy show, I'm equally dismayed that your experiences have led you to such a negative overall conclusion about those involved here in the tourist industry. That's really a shame.
Wow, I cannot believe it has taken me this long!!!! Old Tart, you work for the government? Or who? to suppress any negative posts on this website. I have read your past posts....and any time someone has any negative to say...you are right there defending, twisting, attacking, all with the goal of sugar coating that negative. When someone is a victim, you make it seam like it was the victims fault..... when someone complains about any aspect of the island....you know someone who is just the opposite.....sugar coating every negative... When you speak of Conscientious, educated and respected locals who run their businesses properly and with respect for their customers, you are speaking about the people who pay you to be here to suppress any negative post. Shame on you.....sweeping the negatives under the rug...will never solve the problems of the USVI.
Wow, I cannot believe it has taken me this long!!!!
1. Old Tart, you work for the government? Or who? to suppress any negative posts on this website.
2. When you speak of Conscientious, educated and respected locals who run their businesses properly and with respect for their customers, you are speaking about the people who pay you to be here to suppress any negative post.
1. No, I do not and have not ever worked for the government. I owned and operated my own business for 16 years until closing it in 2011. Prior to that I worked in the retail food business for a year and prior to that for a large private island corporation for 10 years.
2. Please introduce to me those people who pay me to be here to suppress negative posts as, whoever they are, they've apparently fallen way behind on their payments. Maybe you could also help by tallying up what they owe me? If you have experience collecting imaginary debts, even better and I'll pay you a collection commission.
Many thanks all around for your delightful comments, and heartiest congratulations on possessing a wonderfully vivid imagination which will indubitably take you far. You must have worked very hard to go through seven years of posts to reach such incredible conclusions and are to be commended most highly for such due diligence where your research is concerned. Well done! I've no idea what your current profession might be but have you considered writing fiction? 😀
Right 😉
Look back at her interview with Katie Couric....Tina Fey did not make up that line.
Tina Fey, while spoofing Sarah Palin, said she could see Russia from her back porch, after Sarah Palin told Katie Couric she could see Russia from the shore of Alaska. Most believed that Palin said that!
Tina Fey, while spoofing Sarah Palin, said she could see Russia from her back porch, after Sarah Palin told Katie Couric she could see Russia from the shore of Alaska. Most believed that Palin said that!
And her remark that you can see Russia from the shore of Alaska is acurate. I'm so sick of partisan crap. She made an accurate statement and someone spoofed her so the opposition made sure it seemed like she made the wrong statement. No one cares about facts anymore only perception. For the record both parties do it and I'm sick of them both!
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