If you're letting every car out, you are being rude.
Don't know if you've driven anywhere else in the Caribbean but, for example, St Maarten drivers take the cake for rudeness in my opinion. You can sit so long waiting for someone to kindly let you into the flow of traffic you may as well be prepared and take a good long book and a three course meal with you ...
It was my ring that was stolen. If you know any information, I will pay you more than $1000. If you do not have any information, stop being a judgmental jerk.
Christy Settle
OldTart, I was the person who in their right mind left my engagement ring in the locked glove box of the locked rental car. I had no idea that Kenneth Matthias was hiding in the woods and saw me take off my ring then proceeded to steal it and sell it for crack. To make matters worse, jerks like you are providing an excuse to continued crime; you are part of the problem. I will not be coming back to the USVI, there are plenty of other places in this world to go. I learned my lesson and will not make that mistake again, what is your excuse for being an a**hole?
JahRustyFerrari, I feel bad for anyone who is murdered, that is awful. However, it is awful that Kenneth Matthias stole my ring, too. I am just trying to provide awareness, so I can have my ring returned.
gparrot, thank you. You are correct in your assessment. We were going to get married on St. John next year, but my friends and family are too scared for their safety and personal items for us to do that.
The idiot who locked her engagement ring in a glovebox
OldTart, I was the person who in their right mind left my engagement ring in the locked glove box of the locked rental car. I had no idea that Kenneth Matthias was hiding in the woods and saw me take off my ring then proceeded to steal it and sell it for crack. To make matters worse, jerks like you are providing an excuse to continued crime; you are part of the problem. I will not be coming back to the USVI, there are plenty of other places in this world to go. I learned my lesson and will not make that mistake again, what is your excuse for being an a**hole?
Excuse me? I had to go back on this thread to see exactly why I deserved such a slamming right out of the blue and I'm afraid I still don't "get it". I'm sorry that you disagree but the comment I made about anybody anywhere leaving a $4K ring in the glove compartment of a rental car (or any car for that matter) was a generalized comment which I'll stick to. If making such a comment not only labels me a "jerk" but as one who thereby "(provides) an excuse to continued crime" and that I'm therefore a "part of the problem" then so be it but I find such comments ludicrous. Maybe rather than learning a lesson which is limited to not returning to the USVI it would be more sensible to learn the lesson to leave such an expensive piece of jewelry either on your finger or in a safe. As far as being likened to a rectal orifice and the excuse therefore, I suggest you look to yourself before going on a nasty rant. 😀
someone went on a rant
I know I shouldn't leave valuables in my car, most residents here know, BUT, many visitors don't know and deserve to be warned.
I think all rental cars should have stickers on the glovebox that say "DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN THE VEHICLE ... EVER!" Rental cars have stickers warning to drive on the left, one more on the glovebox could help reduce the theft problem.
Last weekend I was bobbin' in the ocean at Spratt Hall, and struck up a conversation with some foreign speaking peeps there. I asked where they were from, they were Turkish, but visiting from America. They'd been here previously on a cruise and enjoyed it so much they decided to come back for an extended visit.
They asked me if there were problems with crime on STX. Yikes, it's the million dollar question and I found myself hesitating before answering. I told them there's definitely crime here, like anywhere else, and you need to be cautious of your surroundings ... yada yada yada, blah blah blah.
They asked me the dreaded crime question because the previous day they'd gone to Dorsch beach and decided to lock their valuables in the car instead of taking them onto the beach; they thought their stuff would be safer locked up. 🙁 Their car was broken into and $3,000 worth of camera equipment, wallets, ID were stolen ... their vacation was ruined.
They looked so unhappy and I felt so awful and ashamed of our island. I think they should be warned by the car rental agency and hotel where they're staying not to leave stuff in your car, but I suppose that would scare the visitors. A warning sticker on the glovebox would perhaps save some misery for future visitors, and if they choose to disregard the sign, at least they've been warned.
Needless to say, these 2 couples will not be coming back to St. Croix again and I think that's a real shame.
I will say this. I don't know why cars have mirrors on them, because nobody here gives a crap if somebody is behind them. If you have cars behind you and are going 10 mph for no reason, you're being rude. If you're letting every car out, you are being rude. I also think it's a symptom of the culture here, to not look at the repercussions of your actions. It's unfortunate how selfish people can be, no matter where you are.
I like it when cars slow to let out traffic from side streets. And heck, I'm guilty of stopping mid road to conduct business. It's just the way things are done.... Sometimes it works in your favor, sometimes not. Some areas just have too many cars period. like getting thru Red Hook these days in nutty. Drives (pun intended) some folks absolutely bonkers.
I know I shouldn't leave valuables in my car, most residents here know, BUT, many visitors don't know and deserve to be warned.
I think all rental cars should have stickers on the glovebox that say "DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN THE VEHICLE ... EVER!" Rental cars have stickers warning to drive on the left, one more on the glovebox could help reduce the theft problem.
Last weekend I was bobbin' in the ocean at Spratt Hall, and struck up a conversation with some foreign speaking peeps there. I asked where they were from, they were Turkish, but visiting from America. They'd been here previously on a cruise and enjoyed it so much they decided to come back for an extended visit.
They asked me if there were problems with crime on STX. Yikes, it's the million dollar question and I found myself hesitating before answering. I told them there's definitely crime here, like anywhere else, and you need to be cautious of your surroundings ... yada yada yada, blah blah blah.
They asked me the dreaded crime question because the previous day they'd gone to Dorsch beach and decided to lock their valuables in the car instead of taking them onto the beach; they thought their stuff would be safer locked up. 🙁 Their car was broken into and $3,000 worth of camera equipment, wallets, ID were stolen ... their vacation was ruined.
They looked so unhappy and I felt so awful and ashamed of our island. I think they should be warned by the car rental agency and hotel where they're staying not to leave stuff in your car, but I suppose that would scare the visitors. A warning sticker on the glovebox would perhaps save some misery for future visitors, and if they choose to disregard the sign, at least they've been warned.
Needless to say, these 2 couples will not be coming back to St. Croix again and I think that's a real shame.
I think people have more of a tolerance for getting ripped off in some places than others.
When I was in Italy, the thieves somehow had master keys to some models of cars...you'd come back and find your car intact, but all your valuables gone from the trunk, glove box, etc.
The thives were very sophisticated, but that didn't stop people from going back to Italy. I think that the more amenities a place has, the less negative the impact when a tourist gets robbed.
I've been on cruises where people got ripped off on the ship, and still happily go on cruises.
people get ripped off on STT...but you can't beat the spectacular scenery in that area, so...
Mexico may be a little off this year with tourism numbers, but having 20 headless bodies turn up near Cancun doesn't stop people from going there...there's just too much more to do. We only have so much to do here, so when a visitor gets robbed it becomes a huge thing. You can't say "Oh well, I got robbed but I'm going to Epcot Center later, so whatever..."
Jamison...next time I will vote for sarah palin!
I am not that stupid., besides she is "hot" and knows it.
And she knows where Russia is, even though she just recently got a passport!
I know I shouldn't leave valuables in my car, most residents here know, BUT, many visitors don't know and deserve to be warned.
I think all rental cars should have stickers on the glovebox that say "DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN THE VEHICLE ... EVER!" Rental cars have stickers warning to drive on the left, one more on the glovebox could help reduce the theft problem.
Last weekend I was bobbin' in the ocean at Spratt Hall, and struck up a conversation with some foreign speaking peeps there. I asked where they were from, they were Turkish, but visiting from America. They'd been here previously on a cruise and enjoyed it so much they decided to come back for an extended visit.
They asked me if there were problems with crime on STX. Yikes, it's the million dollar question and I found myself hesitating before answering. I told them there's definitely crime here, like anywhere else, and you need to be cautious of your surroundings ... yada yada yada, blah blah blah.
They asked me the dreaded crime question because the previous day they'd gone to Dorsch beach and decided to lock their valuables in the car instead of taking them onto the beach; they thought their stuff would be safer locked up. 🙁 Their car was broken into and $3,000 worth of camera equipment, wallets, ID were stolen ... their vacation was ruined.
They looked so unhappy and I felt so awful and ashamed of our island. I think they should be warned by the car rental agency and hotel where they're staying not to leave stuff in your car, but I suppose that would scare the visitors. A warning sticker on the glovebox would perhaps save some misery for future visitors, and if they choose to disregard the sign, at least they've been warned.
Needless to say, these 2 couples will not be coming back to St. Croix again and I think that's a real shame.
I think people have more of a tolerance for getting ripped off in some places than others.
When I was in Italy, the thieves somehow had master keys to some models of cars...you'd come back and find your car intact, but all your valuables gone from the trunk, glove box, etc.
The thives were very sophisticated, but that didn't stop people from going back to Italy. I think that the more amenities a place has, the less negative the impact when a tourist gets robbed.
I've been on cruises where people got ripped off on the ship, and still happily go on cruises.
people get ripped off on STT...but you can't beat the spectacular scenery in that area, so...
Mexico may be a little off this year with tourism numbers, but having 20 headless bodies turn up near Cancun doesn't stop people from going there...there's just too much more to do. We only have so much to do here, so when a visitor gets robbed it becomes a huge thing. You can't say "Oh well, I got robbed but I'm going to Epcot Center later, so whatever..."
That is the most moronic thing I have ever heard.....Some of you are all about excuses.....THERE IS A HUGE PROBLEM WITH CRIME ....and as far as Mexico is concerned....the tourist industry there is suffering...hotels are empty...they are crying the blues...because they did not get a handle on their crime problem...tourism is dying there...the US government recommends you do not go there...how many tourists ignore warnings from the government to stay away from a place...I guess there are always a few idiots who do go....but they like you have an excuse for everything right up until they are killed, robbed, raped, assaulted, pistol whipped, beat up, etc. etc. Does it have to be a person experience before you agree that there is a crime problem? This problem is accelerating......and your excuses are doing nothing to prevent crime.
Unless you've been drinking, that's a little too dramatic.
i would think you would not leave valuables in your car no matter where you are-just common sense
What a thread - just won't go away - good stuff friends!!! A few comments:
To the woman who left her engagement ring in her rental car - its probably best you and your family not come back I the VI - go find a place on this Earth where you have no possible chance of being robbed when you do something as stupid as leaving thousands of dollars in valuables in a car.
I am one of the minority who feels that our crime problem is somewhat curable - specifically in areas where tourists habitate. We need police stationed at our touristy locales - all day, all night. This is exactly what they do all throughout the Caribbean so we can't accept excuses why the VI can't do it. For example, Ashford Avenue in Condado, San Juan is littered with cops - lights glaring, patrolling all day, all night. This is a huge tourist stretch and guess what - crime is
non-existent. C-sted boardwalk, Main Street, cruise ships docks, Magens, Coki, etc.
Please don't reply with budget and staff issues because it's a farce. So many police cars riding around all day sitting in traffic like the rest of us. Park the car and sit in the parking lot at Magen's and keep an eye out and guess what - fewer cars will get ripped into. Same drill for every tourist trap. We have the resources just lack the will.
It won't solve all our crime problems, but it will keep the tourists out of it and the bottom line is that we're only interested in being guests to tourists if they leave they're money.
I know I shouldn't leave valuables in my car, most residents here know, BUT, many visitors don't know and deserve to be warned.
I think all rental cars should have stickers on the glovebox that say "DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN THE VEHICLE ... EVER!" Rental cars have stickers warning to drive on the left, one more on the glovebox could help reduce the theft problem.
Last weekend I was bobbin' in the ocean at Spratt Hall, and struck up a conversation with some foreign speaking peeps there. I asked where they were from, they were Turkish, but visiting from America. They'd been here previously on a cruise and enjoyed it so much they decided to come back for an extended visit.
They asked me if there were problems with crime on STX. Yikes, it's the million dollar question and I found myself hesitating before answering. I told them there's definitely crime here, like anywhere else, and you need to be cautious of your surroundings ... yada yada yada, blah blah blah.
They asked me the dreaded crime question because the previous day they'd gone to Dorsch beach and decided to lock their valuables in the car instead of taking them onto the beach; they thought their stuff would be safer locked up. 🙁 Their car was broken into and $3,000 worth of camera equipment, wallets, ID were stolen ... their vacation was ruined.
They looked so unhappy and I felt so awful and ashamed of our island. I think they should be warned by the car rental agency and hotel where they're staying not to leave stuff in your car, but I suppose that would scare the visitors. A warning sticker on the glovebox would perhaps save some misery for future visitors, and if they choose to disregard the sign, at least they've been warned.
Needless to say, these 2 couples will not be coming back to St. Croix again and I think that's a real shame.
I think people have more of a tolerance for getting ripped off in some places than others.
When I was in Italy, the thieves somehow had master keys to some models of cars...you'd come back and find your car intact, but all your valuables gone from the trunk, glove box, etc.
The thives were very sophisticated, but that didn't stop people from going back to Italy. I think that the more amenities a place has, the less negative the impact when a tourist gets robbed.
I've been on cruises where people got ripped off on the ship, and still happily go on cruises.
people get ripped off on STT...but you can't beat the spectacular scenery in that area, so...
Mexico may be a little off this year with tourism numbers, but having 20 headless bodies turn up near Cancun doesn't stop people from going there...there's just too much more to do. We only have so much to do here, so when a visitor gets robbed it becomes a huge thing. You can't say "Oh well, I got robbed but I'm going to Epcot Center later, so whatever..."
That is the most moronic thing I have ever heard.....Some of you are all about excuses.....THERE IS A HUGE PROBLEM WITH CRIME ....and as far as Mexico is concerned....the tourist industry there is suffering...hotels are empty...they are crying the blues...because they did not get a handle on their crime problem...tourism is dying there...the US government recommends you do not go there...how many tourists ignore warnings from the government to stay away from a place...I guess there are always a few idiots who do go....but they like you have an excuse for everything right up until they are killed, robbed, raped, assaulted, pistol whipped, beat up, etc. etc. Does it have to be a person experience before you agree that there is a crime problem? This problem is accelerating......and your excuses are doing nothing to prevent crime.
I did not make any excuses for crime...it is a big problem.
What I said was some places are more resilient as far as their tourism industry than others because there are more attractions to keep people coming back.
Some destinations are so "epic" that the theft of a camera or some jewelry puts a damper on things but not enough to totally spoil your vacation...if you're in Florence, you're probably gonna enjoy Florence anyway...and probably return.
For example, a man once shot 30 tourists to death with a rifle in Australia, but it is still a big tourist destination.
Stop calling people names just because they present a different opinion.
Crime is not going to go away any time soon. Take the proper precautions. Hopefully none of us will be victims. I once watched a movie where one of the characters kept using the term "situational awareness". Be aware of your situation at all times and take steps to protect yourself.
My house was broken into four times in one week some years ago...every time I went to work the perps would break in. It stopped when I erected a fence and got two large, vicious dogs.
Last time I visited New York City my cameras were stolen from my hotel room. It hurt to lose them, but I still looked forward to going to Lincoln Center, the Guggenheim, Broadway, South Street Seaport, Metropolitan Museum, etc. Will I visit NYC again? Hell yea! I'll just secure my cameras in the hotel safe next time and not be a dummy.
I had enough remaining distractions to soften the blow of the theft.
If all I had to look forward to was another day at the beach I would probably have been more upset.
I don't think that presenting this viewpoint makes me a moron...or making excuses for crime. I hate crime and I hate criminals.
I know I shouldn't leave valuables in my car, most residents here know, BUT, many visitors don't know and deserve to be warned.
I think all rental cars should have stickers on the glovebox that say "DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN THE VEHICLE ... EVER!" Rental cars have stickers warning to drive on the left, one more on the glovebox could help reduce the theft problem.
Last weekend I was bobbin' in the ocean at Spratt Hall, and struck up a conversation with some foreign speaking peeps there. I asked where they were from, they were Turkish, but visiting from America. They'd been here previously on a cruise and enjoyed it so much they decided to come back for an extended visit.
They asked me if there were problems with crime on STX. Yikes, it's the million dollar question and I found myself hesitating before answering. I told them there's definitely crime here, like anywhere else, and you need to be cautious of your surroundings ... yada yada yada, blah blah blah.
They asked me the dreaded crime question because the previous day they'd gone to Dorsch beach and decided to lock their valuables in the car instead of taking them onto the beach; they thought their stuff would be safer locked up. 🙁 Their car was broken into and $3,000 worth of camera equipment, wallets, ID were stolen ... their vacation was ruined.
They looked so unhappy and I felt so awful and ashamed of our island. I think they should be warned by the car rental agency and hotel where they're staying not to leave stuff in your car, but I suppose that would scare the visitors. A warning sticker on the glovebox would perhaps save some misery for future visitors, and if they choose to disregard the sign, at least they've been warned.
Needless to say, these 2 couples will not be coming back to St. Croix again and I think that's a real shame.
I think people have more of a tolerance for getting ripped off in some places than others.
When I was in Italy, the thieves somehow had master keys to some models of cars...you'd come back and find your car intact, but all your valuables gone from the trunk, glove box, etc.
The thives were very sophisticated, but that didn't stop people from going back to Italy. I think that the more amenities a place has, the less negative the impact when a tourist gets robbed.
I've been on cruises where people got ripped off on the ship, and still happily go on cruises.
people get ripped off on STT...but you can't beat the spectacular scenery in that area, so...
Mexico may be a little off this year with tourism numbers, but having 20 headless bodies turn up near Cancun doesn't stop people from going there...there's just too much more to do. We only have so much to do here, so when a visitor gets robbed it becomes a huge thing. You can't say "Oh well, I got robbed but I'm going to Epcot Center later, so whatever..."
That is the most moronic thing I have ever heard.....Some of you are all about excuses.....THERE IS A HUGE PROBLEM WITH CRIME ....and as far as Mexico is concerned....the tourist industry there is suffering...hotels are empty...they are crying the blues...because they did not get a handle on their crime problem...tourism is dying there...the US government recommends you do not go there...how many tourists ignore warnings from the government to stay away from a place...I guess there are always a few idiots who do go....but they like you have an excuse for everything right up until they are killed, robbed, raped, assaulted, pistol whipped, beat up, etc. etc. Does it have to be a person experience before you agree that there is a crime problem? This problem is accelerating......and your excuses are doing nothing to prevent crime.
And I could go into a long-winded discussion of how the drug wars are fueled by the insatiable demand for drugs in the US and how the US gun industry contributes to the problem by providing the cartels with an endless supply of high-tech weaponry...and how the big agri-business firms devastated the small Mexican farmers due to lop-sided trade treaties...but that is too big a picture for people who like to call others 'morons' because they have a different point of view.
You live in a country that has 5% of the world's population but consumes 25% of the world's resources and is looking to consume even more.
A situation like that at the very top will not help in "crime prevention".
No matter where you are in the world you should always keep an eye on your stuff. That's just common sense.
No matter where you are in the world you should always keep an eye on your stuff. That's just common sense.
I couldn't agree with Isl Girl more.
No matter where you are in the world you should always keep an eye on your stuff. That's just common sense.
Amen to that. (tu)
If you don't think the crime on this island is out of control, you've got your head far too deep in the sand.
Just got back from the BVI. When people (BVI locals) asked where I was from...St Croix I got an Oh Wow response. A copule of "what is gonig on over there" They asked about the crime constantly. I started feeling embarassed. One thing I noticed over there. People working in grocery stores, hospitality, and the airport didnt act like they were miserable for having to work. Also I made it a week without anyone sucking there teeth at tourists. What can we learn from thr BVI's?
What can we learn from thr BVI's?
Maybe simply that less development and stricter immigration policies result in less social problems overall. The BVIs in total have a fraction of our population.
I speak to hundreds of strangers a year due to my job, most of whom are local, many of whom in the tourist industry. The one thing I never hear is an appreciation for the tourists coming to the VI. It's more than just taking it for granted, and it's a total ignorance to the fact that such a large % of the money the VI Gov't has to spend on its citizens annually comes from these folks. If the cruise ships stop coming once crime really gets monumental, there is no reason this Territory won't start looking very similar to Haiti in terms of infrastructure.
I speak to hundreds of strangers a year due to my job, most of whom are local, many of whom in the tourist industry. The one thing I never hear is an appreciation for the tourists coming to the VI.
How peculiar. I speak to countless local friends and acquaintances in the USVI tourist industry every year and when the conversation is centered upon visitors and their contributions to our economy I've heard nothing BUT appreciation for them, as has been the case as long as this has been my home.
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