December 21, 2012
It was one of those hot November days today that made me crave the cold pool when I got home from work. I took myself & a few cans of beer to the cold waters that would erase the heat of the night. My cat followed me and hung out poolside as I gave him his due lovin'. I wrapped my hair in a bun so that when I began to look up at the stars I would have some cushion for my head. I saw one! One of those stragglers from the meteor shower! Then I began to think about December 21, 2012, the year the Mayan Calender ends.
What do you think is to come? The 'world as we know it is about to change'. What does that mean? I hope it means that we as people experience absolute tolerance for one another.
We are just over a month from the end of the Mayan Calendar.....
A couple of things could happen that could change things...
1. There could be another severe earthquake near Fukushima ( which the main stream media studiously ignores) causing massive radiation poisoning across the globe. The jet stream, you know...
2. The Israelis could be emboldened by the support for their current actions, and decide to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran...this would have to be a surprise nuclear attack because Iran had hardened and buried its nuclear facilities. A nuclear attack on Iran would cause World War Three by drawing in Russia and China, both of which would correctly see themselves as next on the list to be attacked. The ensuing nuclear cataclysm would wipe out life on this planet..
Personally, I hold little hope for humans. Maybe it is time for the slate to be wiped clean...somewhere down the line, in a few million years, a smarter, gentler species may inhabit this planet.
i think we are going to wake up the next morning with things just the same as the day before
Humans often look at this planet and think it revolves around them. Like everything must be in harmony with the way we live.
The truth is that humans are a cancer to the earth. Because we threw out living by the laws of nature a long time ago, we have thrown off the balance defined by these laws.
If any species with a large population were wiped off the face of the earth tomorrow it would greatly upset the balance of nature and cause problems.
If humans were wiped off the face of the earth tomorrow it would cause NO PROBLEMS in the food chain and no disruptions. As a matter of fact the earth would THRIVE if humans were gone. Nature would restore balance to everything in a short period of time.
I remember a news story not too long ago back in the states. A man had tied up his little dog in his backyard. A fox came out of the woods and had his dog for dinner. So the guy was on the news describing what happened and just couldnt understand it. They were demonizing the fox and saying they were going to try and find it and kill it because its a threat, maybe next time it will be a child.
Now I understand that this is sad for the man to have his dog eaten in front of him by a fox, but the fox was ding exactly what its supoosed to do! The fox does not distinguish between a family pet and a wild animal. The fox is looking for food. And because people just continue to build new neighborhoods in the foxs backyard, the food supply is dwindling. So the fox is being punished for being a fox.
December 21, 2012 = Y2K lite (i.e. without the consultants and project managers). 😎
Sorry to all the Doomsday Preppers out there - some historians recently found notes from a Mayan Calendar 7000 years in the future. Oh well!
i think we are going to wake up the next morning with things just the same as the day before
Me too!
Sorry to all the Doomsday Preppers out there - some historians recently found notes from a Mayan Calendar 7000 years in the future. Oh well!
It's nice to be positive...however, Doomsday has nothing to do with the Mayan calendar.
There are very real situations today that, if allowed to continue due to ignorance and apathy on the part of the general public, could very well lead to the end of humans.
Situations like, for example, supporting a "preemptive" strike against the Islamic Republic of hear about this daily.
This would result in a Third World War, which could potentially kill billions of people.
No "strike" against Iran's deeply buried nuclear facilities could be successfully accomplished without the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
Russia and China would not take kindly to a neighboring country that they trade with being nuked.
The Mayans are good for a few laughs, but we hardly need their calendar to off ourselves.
The Mayans talked about the end of an age, not the end of the world. They talked about communications being the best they've ever been and they are and how they could go away, like with solar flares. They talked about the disparity between rich and poor being greater than any time in history and it is and they said that will change. They talked about civil unrest around the world and 2/3 of the world is either dealing with major protest, usually violent or riots, so they're right again. They talked about the weather going crazy and I don't think that one is even debatable. It also talks about how the next few years the earth will realign itself and fix these problems.
People make it sound like a zombie apocalypse is coming. If you look at all the people connected to their cell phones and tvs, I'd say that may have already happened.
The Mayans talked about the end of an age, not the end of the world. They talked about communications being the best they've ever been and they are and how they could go away, like with solar flares. They talked about the disparity between rich and poor being greater than any time in history and it is and they said that will change. They talked about civil unrest around the world and 2/3 of the world is either dealing with major protest, usually violent or riots, so they're right again. They talked about the weather going crazy and I don't think that one is even debatable. It also talks about how the next few years the earth will realign itself and fix these problems.
People make it sound like a zombie apocalypse is coming. If you look at all the people connected to their cell phones and tvs, I'd say that may have already happened.
While there's nothing like a sex scandal to avert media attention from the fiscal cliff, and a nuke attack on Iran not withstanding, at least they averted the great Twinkies crisis of 2012!

The Mayans talked about the end of an age, not the end of the world. They talked about communications being the best they've ever been and they are and how they could go away, like with solar flares. They talked about the disparity between rich and poor being greater than any time in history and it is and they said that will change. They talked about civil unrest around the world and 2/3 of the world is either dealing with major protest, usually violent or riots, so they're right again. They talked about the weather going crazy and I don't think that one is even debatable. It also talks about how the next few years the earth will realign itself and fix these problems.
People make it sound like a zombie apocalypse is coming. If you look at all the people connected to their cell phones and tvs, I'd say that may have already happened.
Where did the Mayans talk about all of this? Do you have a link? I would like to read it.
Where did the Mayans talk about all of this? Do you have a link? I would like to read it.
You can google, "Mayan predictions/prophesies" and find enough reading/research material to keep you occupied for a very long time.

Where did the Mayans talk about all of this? Do you have a link? I would like to read it.
You can google, "Mayan predictions/prophesies" and find enough reading/research material to keep you occupied for a very long time.
Thanks OT. I am aware of how to use google and bing. I did that before asking the question. I found many references to the end of the Mayan calendar but few prophesies attributed to the Mayans. Most of the sights mention the Mayan calendar then talk about the prophecies of Nostradamus or such. Exactly where did this reference to Mayan prophecies come from? What did the MAYANS predict?

“It’s not just some calendar from which we get these ideas about the end of the world,” said one expert, who asked not to be named. “Though the famous Great Cycle of the Long Count will indeed be completed this winter, several Mayan texts suggest that certain signs will precede this.”
One of these texts speaks of a “Grand Continent,” which many have come to think describes North America. The text says, “Wind and Fire will take their sides on the Grand Continent, and then will return to meet in the middle.”
I find vague references like this but none seem to mention exactly where these Mayan texts were found or who found them or provide an exact translation of the texts. That's all I am asking for.
The Mayans talked about the end of an age, not the end of the world. They talked about communications being the best they've ever been and they are and how they could go away, like with solar flares. They talked about the disparity between rich and poor being greater than any time in history and it is and they said that will change. They talked about civil unrest around the world and 2/3 of the world is either dealing with major protest, usually violent or riots, so they're right again. They talked about the weather going crazy and I don't think that one is even debatable. It also talks about how the next few years the earth will realign itself and fix these problems.
People make it sound like a zombie apocalypse is coming. If you look at all the people connected to their cell phones and tvs, I'd say that may have already happened.
Where did the Mayans talk about all of this? Do you have a link? I would like to read it.
Offhand I don't. I've always enjoyed this kind of thing and have just been poking around it for a long time. The History channel had some good stuff a while back (and I don't usually say that about the HC).
“It’s not just some calendar from which we get these ideas about the end of the world,” said one expert, who asked not to be named. “Though the famous Great Cycle of the Long Count will indeed be completed this winter, several Mayan texts suggest that certain signs will precede this.”
One of these texts speaks of a “Grand Continent,” which many have come to think describes North America. The text says, “Wind and Fire will take their sides on the Grand Continent, and then will return to meet in the middle.”I find vague references like this but none seem to mention exactly where these Mayan texts were found or who found them or provide an exact translation of the texts. That's all I am asking for.
Again, sorry I don't have anything good off hand right now.
They basically had 4 calendars. Days, months, years, ages. They've lined up historically 4 other times. Ice age, One of the volcano eruptions, meteor hit. Something has happened every time. Also, a few tiny south pacific island are about the only place you'll be able to see most of the planets aligning, like they will next month. There are Mayan ruins on one of them, where the last Mayan leader may be buried. Nobody has found his tomb yet, but there are tons of evidence the Mayans found that island and were preparing it for 2012. Pretty odd. Like, Stone Henge amazing.

The History Channel also runs the Ancient Aliens series. Have you ever listened to the experts on that show and looked up their credentials? I am always skeptical until the sources of a story can be verified. It's kind of like the Bible. Have you ever tried to verify any of the great miracle stories in the Bible? Like the Earth only being 6000 years old. Or Noahs flood? Or the Exodus of Israelites from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea. The resurrection story. Or any of the outrageous stories?
While there's nothing like a sex scandal to avert media attention from the fiscal cliff, and a nuke attack on Iran not withstanding, at least they averted the great Twinkies crisis of 2012!

Where is this Pacific Island with Mayan Ruins? Who found it? Is the person who supposedly found these ruins credible? People need to be a little more skeptical of the things they hear. Verify their sources. Are the sources credible?
Check out this video on YouTube:
The History Channel also runs the Ancient Aliens series. Have you ever listened to the experts on that show and looked up their credentials? I am always skeptical until the sources of a story can be verified. It's kind of like the Bible. Have you ever tried to verify any of the great miracle stories in the Bible? Like the Earth only being 6000 years old. Or Noahs flood? Or the Exodus of Israelites from Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea. The resurrection story. Or any of the outrageous stories?
OK...I'll play...
Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
The Bible is allegorical...imagine a medieval peasant trying to describe an iPhone 5.
Native Americans used to describe an airplane as "huge bird with a long tail"....well, that doesn't exist, but an airplane certainly does.
"Human artifacts found at bottom of Black Sea
Evidence of disastrous flood 7,000 years ago may coincide with Bible story of Noah
WASHINGTON (AP) Artifacts and an ancient building found at the bottom of the Black Sea provide new evidence that humans faced a great flood, perhaps that of the biblical Noah, thousands of years ago, the discoverers say.
Remnants of human habitation were found in over 100 meters of water about 19.2 km off the coast of Turkey, undersea explorer Robert Ballard said Tuesday.
"There's no doubt about it, it's an exciting discovery," Ballard said in a telephone interview from his research ship. "We realize the broad significance the discovery has and we're going to do our best to learn more."
Fredrik Hiebert of the University of Pennsylvania, chief archaeologist for the Black Sea project, said from the ship, "This find represents the first concrete evidence for the occupation of the Black Sea coast prior to its flooding."
Many ancient Middle Eastern cultures have legends of a great flood, including the Bible story of Noah. "
Why are sea shells found on the top of mt everest?
When they climbed Mt Everest in 1953, Edmund Hillary got up to the 26 000 foot level and he began to find sea shells. Some stuff they found up there were Petrified clams and Sea shells packed together. Millions of them. Interesting thing about these clams, that are even found of top of Mt Everest, the clams are petrified and dead, I believe, and closed. Well you can walk along the beach and pick up a whole train load of sea shells but you hardly ever find a matched pair. And you never find them closed. The only way this could happen is these had to be buried alive. ..... How do you get these on top of Mt Everest? In case you don't know, Mt Everest is a little ways from the beach. Secondly, clams don't climb mountains very good. So what happened to these petrified claims anyway? Some places they are ten feet thick in the world. ..... Well the only way I can think of this to happen is for an awful lot of clams to be buried instantly. I think during the Flood of Noah ..... What do you think?

So how does the flooding of the black sea verify a worldwide flood which destroyed all life and required that Noah build a relatively small ship that could magically hold two of every species of animal on Earth?
Isn't it more likely that some localized event was inflated by primitive people into a magical story?
As for sea shells in the mountains, are you familiar with the scientific theories of tectonic plate movements? The movement of the continents? The formation of the Himalayas?
So how does the flooding of the black sea verify a worldwide flood which destroyed all life and required that Noah build a relatively small ship that could magically hold two of every species of animal on Earth?
Isn't it more likely that some localized event was inflated by primitive people into a magical story?
Why are sea shells found on the top of mt everest?
When they climbed Mt Everest in 1953, Edmund Hillary got up to the 26 000 foot level and he began to find sea shells. Some stuff they found up there were Petrified clams and Sea shells packed together. Millions of them. Interesting thing about these clams, that are even found of top of Mt Everest, the clams are petrified and dead, I believe, and closed. Well you can walk along the beach and pick up a whole train load of sea shells but you hardly ever find a matched pair. And you never find them closed. The only way this could happen is these had to be buried alive. ..... How do you get these on top of Mt Everest? In case you don't know, Mt Everest is a little ways from the beach. Secondly, clams don't climb mountains very good. So what happened to these petrified claims anyway? Some places they are ten feet thick in the world. ..... Well the only way I can think of this to happen is for an awful lot of clams to be buried instantly. I think during the Flood of Noah ..... What do you think?
So how does the flooding of the black sea verify a worldwide flood which destroyed all life and required that Noah build a relatively small ship that could magically hold two of every species of animal on Earth?
Isn't it more likely that some localized event was inflated by primitive people into a magical story?
Again, think allegory...
What if the "magic" is infinitely more complex than we can imagine, and involved not actual entire animals, but just their DNA...we are close to cloning ancient animals from thier can fit a lot of DNA on a vessel that size.
Think waaayyyyy outside the box...maybe Noah's ark was the vessel that seeded this planet.
I know...a bit much, right? But we don't know, do we...
So how does the flooding of the black sea verify a worldwide flood which destroyed all life and required that Noah build a relatively small ship that could magically hold two of every species of animal on Earth?
Isn't it more likely that some localized event was inflated by primitive people into a magical story?
As for sea shells in the mountains, are you familiar with the scientific theories of tectonic plate movements? The movement of the continents? The formation of the Himalayas?
Sure...however, none of the Earth's geological processes disprove the existence of fact, those processes tend to indicate intelligent design 😀
I believe that there are no absolutes. I believe that there is a tremendous force at work in the Universe, of which we humans have very limited understanding or perception. If people want to call this force "God", fine. The force does not care what it is called, and does not need to be worshipped. It goes about its business, causes entire galaxies to be created by the trillion, and does not care one whit about its creations. The gift of life is the ultimate gift the force can bestow. What happens to the life force when it has run its course is anyone's guess...maybe it gets recycled, maybe it is lost forever. We don't know.
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