Conspiracy Theories
what are some of the conspiracies you believe.
some of the common ones are
Twin Towers
Chem Trails
Flat Earth
I dont buy into them but am just curious as to why you do and which ones you do.
Funny I have a friend who's a major conspiracy theorist and he just mentioned the flat earth, which I think is just plain ridiculous.
He also believes the lunar landing was a hoax...not sure about that one.
I do believe in Twin Towers and JFK, mostly due to all the stuff that's out there online.
Kinda believe in the Bilderburg group.
I do believe that the global elites (see above) who control most of the world's wealth are dumbing down the masses, and that they plan to convert the world to one currency (happened with the Euro and now they are trying for North American continent) as a way to do that.
I also believe that all of the wars were part of the above effort.
The earth is round.
It's not the center of the universe.
Truth trumps LIES.
I know someone that believes Michelle Obama was a man and got a sex change.
Also Joan Rivers was murdered because she was telling people about it.
Does anyone know if she has an Adam's apple? 😀
I've met Michelle Obama, and she does not have an Adam's apple.
She's also warm, brilliant, and a truly amazing human being.
there are some for sure that are mind blowing.
my thought on conspiracies are there are just too many people involved and as a general rule people dont know how to keep their mouths shut. lol
the whole michele obama thing is just beyond stupid
you should look up some of the flat earth stuff on line. it is amazing what they say.
islandjoan, you must have the same friend i do.
LOL speee1dy, we just might!
He also believes fluoride was put into water to poison us, same thing with vaccines and food. It's all out there to poison us. You never know, maybe that is true? I wouldn't put anything past government, big Pharma and chemical companies....
I hear about the vacine thing all the time. I'm not sure about that one.
I never said I believed the Michelle Obama thing. I dont, but laughed all day after I heard it. 😀 Ive watched the shows about the lunar landing and some are pretty convincing. That one could be true.
islandjoan, not the same friend but maybe they know each other. they do believe the same things.
most theories are convincing. i think you can make "facts " fit anything you want others to believe.
gumbo, lol, i have seen that floating around for years and the same friend that believes all of those other theories believes this too.
i find these conspiracies fascinating and the reasons people give for believing them equally fascinating
when i hear a new one i usually do a little digging to see what all the fuss is about
I remember the craziness about Y2K. People I new where building shelters, buying MRE's by the truckload. I think things like that provide a drama that some people need.As long as they don't hurt anyone. It isn't a big deal. 😀
I'll take a swing, most of these are based simply in logic and based on evidence. If you drop the emotional manipulation the stories seem quite different.
The official story is ridiculous, I visited site myself and am highly suspicious of the storm gutter for at least one of the (most definitely) multiple shooters.
Twin Towers
The official story is as hilarious as it is ridiculous, who knows what really happened.
Lots of questions involving his accident, not sure on that one.
Chem Trails
If you call it "weather modification" is it more believable? "chem trails" and the paranoia seems a bit ridiculous, but I'm certain that weather modification is an on going activity and has been for a long time.
Flat Earth
Ridiculous, though perhaps a good study of "CO-OP"?
i like your take on those i listed. can you think of others
i like your take on those i listed. can you think of others
I guess, but I don't know many "wild" ones like flat earth.. I mostly know depressing ones that might actually be true.
Nazi's didn't "loose" WW1 or WW2
(the "Windsors" are actually of German heritage, Operation Paperclip brought most the (war criminals) important scientists and officials over to the US after WW2)
All TV news is fed the majority of it's stories by the government, or heavily edited by the same
(Operation mockingbird is now declassified)
Governments plan on introducing "aliens" as an advisory to bring the global population together
aka Project Blue Beam. (this is plausible, not sure if it's probable).
"Secret Space Program" (SSP) exists with anti-gravity and all kinds of other exotic technologies
This is where all the trillions that are unaccounted for in the government go.. I don't know about this one, though I'm sure something LIKE it is true.
Roswell was an alien crash site / Nazi "bell" crash site / weather balloon crash site.
??? I don't buy into aliens much, but something certainly happened there.
Illuminati run the world
Hell, this could be true.. the "builderburg" meetings certainly are real & the list of attendees is pretty interesting.
WW1 was started by the Rothschilds to consolidate banking and create the megalithic monopoly they hold today (every country has a Rothschild bank as it's central bank)
This is pretty much historic fact right now, but still "officially" a conspiracy theory. check out the list of countries with out private central banks:
In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:
North Korea
The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:
North Korea
.............. Make of that what you will... (it should be obvious).
Pear harbor was not only provoked, but allowed to happen to get us into WW2.
This, again, is basically historical fact, but still considered a "conspiracy theory"
Vietnam "war" (err, police action??) was started via "fake news"
The gulf of Tonkin incident never happened, it was "staged"... again, this is historic fact, but still not acknowledged as history.
The US encouraged Iraq to invade Kuwait, so we could in turn invade Iraq.
This, again is historic fact, but not really acknowledge in the public sphere. We even faked satellite imagery to force their hand... very "underhanded" of US.
(2nd time to Iraq) WMD's never existed, Iraq was not a part of 9/11, we invaded Iraq a second time for economic reasons
Again, historic fact, but not one commonly known... and treated as a "conspiracy theory".
"Al Queda" and "ISIS" were created and backed by the US
From what I've found this appears to be true, I'm sure it will become "historic fact" like the above incidents in a few years... and equally ignored.
Obama was born in Kenya (or at least, his "publicly released" birth certificate is fake)
I work in IT, the publicly released birth cert had "layers" to it which only exist after manipulating a photo, not from a "scan to PDF" via a printer/scanner which is highly suspicious.. but really, who cares ?
The Holocaust was greatly exaggerated or mostly false
I'm not one easily manipulated by emotion, I've looked into this one and have some serious questions, and a lot of them are simply logistically based.
Pedophilia is rampant in the "rich" and "powerful" classes.
Not much comment here except to say this: The "Lolita express" lands on St Thomas & Joe Biden CREEPS ME THE F*** OUT...
Any exposure to Radiation is bad for you
Ok, that's not a conspiracy theory, it's what the government tells us... Radiation is actually very very good for you in the proper dosage (remember, toxicity is ALWAYS about dosage, never substance).
That's about all I've got for now, enjoy!
wow, you have a huge list. i need to look into those. paperclip project was amazing.btw.
TWA 800 - 1996
EgyptAir 990 - 1998
Swiss Air 111 - 1998
I quit flying into JFK after TWA 800 crashed.
Oh yeah... lets go "terrorist" shall we? (such a convenient nebulous boogy man for us to go to "war" with)
7/7 bombing in England... used the 9/11 blue print and was highly suspicious (plus it feeds the "terrorism" narrative which all major governments are using to do-what-they-want I mean,... err... to "keep us safe").
Basically they were running a "terrorism training scenerio" when the exact same scenerio they were running happened in real life (just like at 9/11; just like at the boston bombing).
Boston Bombing
Terror training drills for a backpack bomber had been planned for at least a month in advance and were happening THE DAY of the marathon, Right before the real bombs went off.... But wait, this also the same template as 9/11 and 7/7 (hold a drill for a notional event, and the "fantasy" becomes "reality"... yes we are this gullible).....
Oklahoma City Federal Building
Funny, there was a training event for the FBI on basically the exact same scenerio as the OKC bombing, on the same day, only a block or so away........ (maybe I should be calling it the OKC template not 9/11?) Nothing to look into there though; and don't bother looking into the fact that the truck was WAY too far from the building for the damage that was done.
Aurora movie theater shooting
Can we even call it ironic that a theater shooting scenerio was being trained for by medical personal at the same complex as the theater earlier that day? Nah, we should just ignore that. I'm not saying... I'm just saying....
Sandy Hook
Again, kind of ironic that there was a FEMA training event going on in sandy hook for a school shooting.. Yeah this pattern is definitely nothing to look into.
I guess, but I don't know many "wild" ones like flat earth.. I mostly know depressing ones that might actually be true.
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