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Congratulations to our new 45 President Donald Trump....................................

Posts: 798
Prominent Member

We can absolutely disagree but one doesn't have to be rude or personal in the process. Twice is quite enough. No hypocrisy here.

Unfortunately Alana, your thin skinned and let everything bother you. I will continue on to enjoy life and will not reply to any of your posts good or bad, as you have shown that you are fractious.

Posted : November 12, 2016 2:42 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member


I love liberal logic. Love Trumps Hate. Until you lose. I wasn't a big fan of Trump, but Hillary and her supporters definitely pushed me that way. Trump is a bigot, a racist, so is Hillary. Have you seen her past statements she has made. Nah, that never happened in a liberal's mind. All these kids protesting, protesting what? That they didn't get their participation trophy? Trump may not be perfect, but he's perfect for the US right now. Hopefully we can stop being an overly sensitive society and realize people have opinions and if you disagree, well you disagree and move on. Not protest, start violence, damage innocent people's property and run to your safe space. The liberal's created this, now live with it. We did for 8 years of watching our country become more divided, just ask the african americans, they will even admit to that. As Queen once sang:

We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world

Peace (tu)

Posted : November 12, 2016 2:50 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

they are doing more than protesting, thats the problem

The United States was founded because of civil disobedience. It is core to who we are.

They are protesting the election of a self declared billionaire elitist.

They are for Bernie Sander's socialist reforms.

Much rather see young adults protesting in the street than hiding behind anonymous trolling and/or staring at cell phones.

Clinton is a democrat and not a particularly good liberal.

Clinton is old news.

No Unity - just like the past 8 years. Hope they can keep the pressure on. Maybe the Millennial generation is finally awake.

I love liberal logic. Love Trumps Hate. Until you lose. I wasn't a big fan of Trump, but Hillary and her supporters definitely pushed me that way. Trump is a bigot, a racist, so is Hillary. Have you seen her past statements she has made. Nah, that never happened in a liberal's mind. All these kids protesting, protesting what? That they didn't get their participation trophy? Trump may not be perfect, but he's perfect for the US right now. Hopefully we can stop being an overly sensitive society and realize people have opinions and if you disagree, well you disagree and move on. Not protest, start violence, damage innocent people's property and run to your safe space. The liberal's created this, now live with it. We did for 8 years of watching our country become more divided, just ask the african americans, they will even admit to that. As Queen once sang:

We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world

Peace (tu)

Posted : November 12, 2016 2:54 pm
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

hillary and her team rigged things so bernie would lose. if it wasnt for her the outcome might have been different.

Trump used exactly the same powers to get elected as did Adolf.
He arnesed the anger of the mob unhappy with the inflation and stagnated economy. Promised them to make the country great and strong again and thriving for 1000 years. I am not saying Trump will start WW3 but he will definitely stuff pockets of megarich.

Our only logical choice for making it great again was Sanders. His ideas were too radical for US.

Posted : November 12, 2016 2:59 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Thanks. I try to be pragmatic. I now think the disappointment and disillusionment will come sooner, rather than later. So we may only have 4 years of mess-making to clean up.

Lasted 8 with Obama...

talk about disappointment and disillusion, haha

Don't worry, just wait for him to fill his cabinet with the same old names your used to, HRC or DJT in the office wont matter, the government will continue to grow, continue to fascistly support corporations & continue to protect its own.

These riots over the election are doing nothing but solidifying the divide and conquer of politics, the "alt-left" is melting down hard for some reason with the constant Hitler comparisons and hypocritical violence veiled in strange political theory.

I think it's quite entertaining, maybe SNL will be funny again (finally).

Posted : November 12, 2016 3:42 pm
Posts: 699
Prominent Member

The process is already swinging towards business as usual.

Posted : November 12, 2016 3:49 pm
Posts: 2439
Noble Member

Personally, I like this enough to repost.

The back and forth here has been interesting.

Trump won. I think he's a vindictive and vile human being, without a clue how to run the country, or the temperament it takes to represent us. But out of respect for the office and the process that got him there, I will give him the benefit of the doubt and hold him to his acceptance speech, in which he said he would represent all of us. I hope cooler heads prevail on some of his more outlandish and economically hurtful promises, and that he learns to listen and take into account experts' advice in areas where he is ignorant (which he proved are legion).

While I understand the sentiments that got him there, some of which make perfect sense, I personally believe his supporters are going to be sorely disappointed in the long run, if not the short, when his magic wand doesn't work the way it's supposed to. But I may be surprised. All I know is it's now all on the Republicans if they sink or swim. (And if they sink, I'll be interested in who their scapegoat will be). We've repaired presidential damage before and we can do it again.

Thanks. I try to be pragmatic. I now think the disappointment and disillusionment will come sooner, rather than later. So we may only have 4 years of mess-making to clean up. The anti-establishment candidate is already proving he's anything but. It didn't take long.

Washington Post - . . . Guess What? You Got Conned

That's my prediction as well.

Posted : November 12, 2016 8:02 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

We can absolutely disagree but one doesn't have to be rude or personal in the process. Twice is quite enough. No hypocrisy here.

Unfortunately Alana, your thin skinned and let everything bother you. I will continue on to enjoy life and will not reply to any of your posts good or bad, as you have shown that you are fractious.


Posted : November 12, 2016 9:00 pm
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

There are many things that this election will change. The far left is coming unglued. The far right are licking their chops. Trump will take this country to the center. About where Bill Clinton took it. Trump is a New York Democrat that couldn't be in a far left Democratic party. Calm down everything will be OK. If the illegals can be checked and documented they will stay. If not they will be deported. He will control the border.
The economy will get better.
Unfortunately I don't believe he will put Hillary in jail, He is a deal maker and I think that one has already been made. He will cut just enough welfare and entitlement to get the Republican support. Just like Clinton did. In the end he will be a good President.

Posted : November 12, 2016 10:24 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

One can only hope so, Gumbo.
We'll be in a world of hurt if not.
So far, all we're seeing is the same regressive republican policies and people put in place.

Posted : November 12, 2016 11:10 pm
Posts: 2535
Famed Member

Wow. I step away for 2 days and you you guys are still going at this?

Guess what? The sun came up this morning!

Posted : November 13, 2016 11:30 am
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

they are doing more than protesting, thats the problem

The United States was founded because of civil disobedience. It is core to who we are.

They are protesting the election of a self declared billionaire elitist.

They are for Bernie Sander's socialist reforms.

Much rather see young adults protesting in the street than hiding behind anonymous trolling and/or staring at cell phones.

Clinton is a democrat and not a particularly good liberal.

Clinton is old news.

No Unity - just like the past 8 years. Hope they can keep the pressure on. Maybe the Millennial generation is finally awake.

I love liberal logic. Love Trumps Hate. Until you lose. I wasn't a big fan of Trump, but Hillary and her supporters definitely pushed me that way. Trump is a bigot, a racist, so is Hillary. Have you seen her past statements she has made. Nah, that never happened in a liberal's mind. All these kids protesting, protesting what? That they didn't get their participation trophy? Trump may not be perfect, but he's perfect for the US right now. Hopefully we can stop being an overly sensitive society and realize people have opinions and if you disagree, well you disagree and move on. Not protest, start violence, damage innocent people's property and run to your safe space. The liberal's created this, now live with it. We did for 8 years of watching our country become more divided, just ask the african americans, they will even admit to that. As Queen once sang:

We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world

Peace (tu)

Posted : November 13, 2016 11:55 am
Posts: 596
Honorable Member

There are many things that this election will change. The far left is coming unglued. The far right are licking their chops. Trump will take this country to the center. About where Bill Clinton took it. Trump is a New York Democrat that couldn't be in a far left Democratic party. Calm down everything will be OK. If the illegals can be checked and documented they will stay. If not they will be deported. He will control the border.
The economy will get better.
Unfortunately I don't believe he will put Hillary in jail, He is a deal maker and I think that one has already been made. He will cut just enough welfare and entitlement to get the Republican support. Just like Clinton did. In the end he will be a good President.

I hope your predictions come true. Here is, for comparison, a more pessimistic take on what's to come:

Posted : November 13, 2016 12:09 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member
Posts: 2535
Famed Member

Linking left wing media sources is pointless.

The people that know better don't waste their time reading them.

Posted : November 13, 2016 2:48 pm
Posts: 465
Reputable Member

Some people like conformation bias

Living in an echo chamber is their safe space

Don't forget to wear your safety pin

Posted : November 13, 2016 3:09 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

so with which media do you engage? I can't stand the right or left personally - but I try to look at both.

How do you determine what is factual in a sea of BS?

Serious question.

Linking left wing media sources is pointless.

The people that know better don't waste their time reading them.

Posted : November 13, 2016 3:38 pm
Posts: 596
Honorable Member

How do you determine what is factual in a sea of BS?
Serious question.

Follow you own instincts and intuition.

Posted : November 13, 2016 3:58 pm
Posts: 2473
Famed Member
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

I work in close affiliation with one of the major news networks. I find it appalling how institutionalized the bias was toward DJT. Very disturbing.

This same bias helped fuel the lack of urgency from the DNC and catapult DJT into the presidency. Push polls didn't help - planning the question based on the answer you want.

Twice HRC could have toughened up - the first by firing Donna Brazile when she leaked the debate questions and got caught and, second, by firing Huma Abedin for the emails on her idiot husband's computer. In the real world both would have been among the "disappeared" without hesitation.

Huma's head on a stake next to her husband's would have sent the right message rather than reverting back to lame key messages.

And take off those damn pantsuits for gods sake.

BTW - thank you all for listening to my ranting - can't do it except anonymously.

How do you determine what is factual in a sea of BS?
Serious question.

Follow you own instincts and intuition.

Posted : November 13, 2016 4:53 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

This should be mandatory reading.

I got my journalism degree in the mid 70's. We were taught that if you couldn't get independent verification from at least 3 different sources, you shouldn't even consider printing it. And if the source wasn't willing to be cited by name, you had to be able to substantiate the news elsewhere, even if you couldn't print that source. This was pretty common knowledge, even outside the business. We trusted the few media outlets we had because we knew this was *usually* adhered to. There was still the problem with bias, in that the networks and papers decided what to print. But the facts, no matter how manipulated, were still facts. Also, any hint of opinion in a news story was usually struck down by editors. In today's rush for the scoop, and now with the preponderance of content aggregators, the verification process and editorial bias-scrubbing has gone by the wayside.

I don't rely on my FB feed to give me my news, and I don't rely on what my friends share (today already, I got 3 easily debunked posts). And I know more of my contemporaries who don't use social media, than use it. So FB isn't the whole problem. But it's a big one.

Posted : November 13, 2016 5:24 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

True, true. I got my J degree in the mid-70s as well.

The underfunding of journalism today has placed limits on how journalists find sources. Very little footwork when you can't afford to pay them mileage or other travel expenses.

Besides that, even the best journalists now will opt for a telephone interview rather than a sit down. Even better a text or email exchange. Easier, cheaper but far less effective. Most do have 3 sources still BTW but it's the quality of sources that's in question.

There is a lack of authenticity in reporting that is troubling. Too slick and a great sameness. The 24/7 news cycle is grinding.

Reporters bring their personal biases - all do. The problem is when you stock a newsroom only with those who agree with you.

I was appalled when CNN bragged it will make $100 million from this presidential news cycle and yet did such a dismal job in finding the truth. Paid pundits - unbelievable.

Facebook and Twitter are headline compilers and serve that purpose. Much good reporting gets lost behind paywalls that can't be accessed from these services. (Daily News WTF?)

FB and Twitter are here to stay. Just as the Trump campaign.

This should be mandatory reading.

I got my journalism degree in the mid 70's. We were taught that if you couldn't get independent verification from at least 3 different sources, you shouldn't even consider printing it. And if the source wasn't willing to be cited by name, you had to be able to substantiate the news elsewhere, even if you couldn't print that source. This was pretty common knowledge, even outside the business. We trusted the few media outlets we had because we knew this was *usually* adhered to. There was still the problem with bias, in that the networks and papers decided what to print. But the facts, no matter how manipulated, were still facts. Also, any hint of opinion in a news story was usually struck down by editors. In today's rush for the scoop, and now with the preponderance of content aggregators, the verification process and editorial bias-scrubbing has gone by the wayside.

I don't rely on my FB feed to give me my news, and I don't rely on what my friends share (today already, I got 3 easily debunked posts). And I know more of my contemporaries who don't use social media, than use it. So FB isn't the whole problem. But it's a big one.

Posted : November 13, 2016 6:10 pm
Posts: 699
Prominent Member

Facts should be facts and they should not be disputed once there is ample empiric evidence. Elections are all about the spinn and emotions.

My opinion: both candidates were deplorable, narcistic pathological lieres. I could not vote for any one of them. At least Hilary had political experience. Trump has none, his entire campaign had the appeal of pitch of the used car salesman. Trump hypnotised the masses with slogans and no facts to get himself elected. He sold us Brooklyn bridge and we bought it.

Clintons are opportunist, secretive dynasty with long history of shady dealing going back to cattlegate and terminating with Clinton foundation selling access to the government. Last time I checked mishandling classified information is a criminal offense and people go to jail.

Clintons left the WH broke, now they sit of $200M net worth. The money didn't come from publishing memoirs. GWB looks like a saint competing to them.

I hope for the best but plan for the worse.

Posted : November 13, 2016 7:19 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

Clinton net worth is around $30 million.

The email thing is a tempest in a tea pot. There was no national policy about having your own servers when she was Sec of State. Please note the 2 FBI reports.

Have you checked the Clinton Foundation out on Guidestar? Quite an interesting comparison to Trump's. One does good work, the other does next to nothing. You decide but come to your facts thoughtfully.

Facts should be facts and they should not be disputed once there is ample empiric evidence. Elections are all about the spinn and emotions.

My opinion: both candidates were deplorable, narcistic pathological lieres. I could not vote for any one of them. At least Hilary had political experience. Trump has none, his entire campaign had the appeal of pitch of the used car salesman. Trump hypnotised the masses with slogans and no facts to get himself elected. He sold us Brooklyn bridge and we bought it.

Clintons are opportunist, secretive dynasty with long history of shady dealing going back to cattlegate and terminating with Clinton foundation selling access to the government. Last time I checked mishandling classified information is a criminal offense and people go to jail.

Clintons left the WH broke, now they sit of $200M net worth. The money didn't come from publishing memoirs. GWB looks like a saint competing to them.

I hope for the best but plan for the worse.

Posted : November 13, 2016 8:14 pm
Posts: 2473
Famed Member

Clinton net worth is around $30 million.

The email thing is a tempest in a tea pot. There was no national policy about having your own servers when she was Sec of State. Please note the 2 FBI reports.

Have you checked the Clinton Foundation out on Guidestar? Quite an interesting comparison to Trump's. One does good work, the other does next to nothing. You decide but come to your facts thoughtfully.

As for the Clinton Foundation, I guess it is easy to raise money by selling foreign governments access to the State Dept.
The FBI has stated that the Clinton Foundation should be investigated but they have been blocked by the AG Loretta Lynch. Maybe we will find out more under a new administration.

Posted : November 13, 2016 8:46 pm
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