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Congratulations to our new 45 President Donald Trump....................................

Posts: 2437
Noble Member

"Unqualified", there isn't any qualifications to be president.

Perhaps there should be a requirement that the candidate pass the same citizenship test that naturalized citizens are required to pass. Melania apparently passed it. Wonder if the Donald could without cramming.

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:20 am
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

Personally, I'm hoping the electoral college comes to its senses and doesn't certify him as president. If they do, I won't be watching the inauguration. I will be mourning for America and Americans.

Come now, we suffered through 8 years of Obama and the Great Democrat Over Reach. You mean you can't accept that your way (Left wing liberal global agenda) of thinking wasn't accepted by the majority of Americans? I know you lefties are grasping at smoke rings and trying your best to brow beat, threaten and harass the electoral college voters to try and overturn what was done legally, lawfully and by the Constitution. Unlike the sneaky, under handed, cheating democratic, liberal way of trying to win and influence an election.

If that were to happen, I would for the first time in my life be a shamed to be an American, when a bunch whinny, spoiled, cry babies could cause enough influence to change a lawful election just so those same whinny, spoiled, cry babies can get their way and elect or anoint their lying, crooked queen. This would be a dark day for Americans and America.

So you need to find some way of coming to terms that you lost, and the Clinton Coronation will not happen. Even if the electoral college were to (come to their senses) as you call it and sustain from voting or throw their votes any where other than the person who won the electoral vote the night of the vote. It would be a first and would force the Congress to vote and with a republican majority, how do you think that would go.

So deal with the shame of losing and realize you will have another opportunity in 4 years to change things. This is what got me through the Obama years.

And we survived 8 years of Bush W, not to mention Reagan. And most of us would also have been very uncomfortable, but accepting of 4-8 years of Rubio, Bush, Kasich, et al. Heck, I'd even have put up with Cruz. It's that you and others can't see, or refuse to acknowledge, the difference between those guys and the bizarre character that is trump that boggles my mind.

I said I'd hold trump to his promise of serving all Americans and his message of unity, unless or until he proved himself wrong. In less than a month, weeks before he actually becomes president, here's the start of his "legacy":

Lied about his influence over Ford in keeping jobs from going to Mexico.

Had Minion Pence engage in crony capitalism with his Carrier PR stunt.

PO'd a very populous nuclear-bearing country by lavishing praise on that country's also nuclear-armed sworn-enemy neighbor.

PO'd a country we (and he) are deeply indebted to by thumbing his nose at a long-standing diplomatic policy and by tweeting about precarious diplomatic issues with said country.

PO'd one of our staunchest allies by telling them whom they should appoint as their US ambassador.

Picked an alt-right promoter as his strategy advisor.

Picked a billionaire anti-public education activist with no experience in education to oversee an education agency.

Picked a guy who is on record as saying he didn't have the experience or knowledge to oversee a government agency to . . . . oversee a federal agency.

Showed multiple times that his skin is still too thin to handle the job by numerous childish tweets.

Lied to the public about 3 million illegal voters keeping him from winning the popular vote.

Promoted that citizens who exercise their Supreme Court-upheld free speech rights should be punished or deported. (How in the heck do you deport a natural-born citizen, btw?).

Oh, lordy! I just realized I can continue this list of clear unfitness thru the rest of the morning, but I have a house to clean. Suffice it to say, that it was a short honeymoon for me.

No, we are not "whining" over the "shame" of a lost election. We are voicing that we are appalled that such a fiscally and internationally incompetent, Constitutionally ignorant, child-man was elected to such a powerful position. As his actions continue to demonstrate how unfit he is, we continue to voice our anger. Dismissal and normalization of trump's stunts and poor choices, and our refusal to sit back and enjoy the show, only show the shallowness and confirmation bias of the persons engaging in such behavior.

Typical Left wing tactic, deflect deflect deflect, none of these so called accusations have been proven or even have any merit. Do you have any original thought of your own or just what the left wants you to believe. You and your cronies keep shouting Brietbart, but what about That left wing nut job who has done everything buy buy the election for Hillary George Soros.

Talk about illegal voter tactics, how about beating people up because they had a Trump bumper sticker, or threatening them if they voted for Trump. Yep, those damn voter ID laws, which has kept for the most part the Dems from stuffing the voting boxes with dead voters. Your own current president actually wanted Illegal aliens (oooops I said that nasty term) to vote and even claimed how if they did, we wouldn't be able to catch them. So with that statement being made, what other conclusion could one come up with other than there is a possibility that there were some votes cast by Illegals.

I didn't think I was deflecting. But if you got that impression, my apologies. But perhaps you don't understand what deflection is, since you immediately turned the corner and went off on your own deflection spree.

Every point I made is from verifiable news and reference sources, or trump's own mouth and his overflowing Twitter feed. I'd cite them all for you, but since it doesn't seem you're interested in anything other than trivializing people with different views than you have, I won't waste my time.

I do find it interesting that you asked if I had any original thoughts of my own, then proceeded to parrot a litany of predictable right wing talking points. So right back at you with that question.

My own President certainly did not encourage illegal aliens to vote. That's you swallowing fake news that was based on statements cherry-picked out of context. If you read the actual Obama/Rodriguez interview, it's pretty clear what he meant.

There is no more such a thing as a "typical liberal" than there is a "typical conservative". Our ideologies are all over the spectrum, and to paint with such a broad brush is not only disrespectful , it's fatuous.

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:27 am
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

"Unqualified", there isn't any qualifications to be president.

Perhaps there should be a requirement that the candidate pass the same citizenship test that naturalized citizens are required to pass. Melania apparently passed it. Wonder if the Donald could without cramming.

A psychological evaluation would be a good requirement for starters.
Then a lie detector test.
Doubt donald could pass a citizen test without cheating.

Posted : December 6, 2016 6:14 am
Posts: 490
Reputable Member

As I started saying many months ago
"Go Trump"

It's time that America kicked the hippies out of Washington and the adults took over.

This post is proof to me that it needed to happen. As well as the pathetic shape of our country.

Go home, hug your dog, everything will be ok. The rest of us want to go too work.

Posted : December 6, 2016 10:00 am
Posts: 5404
Illustrious Member

To Mike's point that we don't need a Queen...Oh, yes, we do!


Posted : December 6, 2016 10:39 am
Posts: 8873
Illustrious Member

a lie detector test would disqualify everyone who ever ran for president. especially hillary

Posted : December 6, 2016 10:52 am
Posts: 905
Prominent Member

Great youtube holiday video. Merry Christmas!

Posted : December 6, 2016 11:04 am
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5

This was the fodder for Trump and his gang of "birthers."

"Unqualified", there isn't any qualifications to be president.

Perhaps there should be a requirement that the candidate pass the same citizenship test that naturalized citizens are required to pass. Melania apparently passed it. Wonder if the Donald could without cramming.

Posted : December 6, 2016 11:10 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member
Topic starter

"Unqualified", there isn't any qualifications to be president.

Perhaps there should be a requirement that the candidate pass the same citizenship test that naturalized citizens are required to pass. Melania apparently passed it. Wonder if the Donald could without cramming.

A psychological evaluation would be a good requirement for starters.
Then a lie detector test.
Doubt donald could pass a citizen test without cheating.

Dems keep saying Trump lied, prove it! What lies did he tell? Please don't tell me the wall, that hasn't happened yet. Why is it that a republican/Democrat (yes, he used to be a democrat up until recently) get elected and a lie detector should be used. But if a democrat gets elected or runs for office and nothing, even though let me see if I can remember, oh yeah " If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor ". No, I didn't have a server in my closet, no I didn't receive or send classified information over that server that I didn't have hidden in a closet in my bathroom.

There is none so blind as those who will not see.


Posted : December 6, 2016 11:38 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member
Topic starter

"Unqualified", there isn't any qualifications to be president.

Perhaps there should be a requirement that the candidate pass the same citizenship test that naturalized citizens are required to pass. Melania apparently passed it. Wonder if the Donald could without cramming.

A psychological evaluation would be a good requirement for starters.
Then a lie detector test.
Doubt donald could pass a citizen test without cheating.

If most of us took that test on the spot wouldn't pass it. I have no false illusions about my stupidity.


Posted : December 6, 2016 11:44 am
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

"Unqualified", there isn't any qualifications to be president.

Perhaps there should be a requirement that the candidate pass the same citizenship test that naturalized citizens are required to pass. Melania apparently passed it. Wonder if the Donald could without cramming.

A psychological evaluation would be a good requirement for starters.
Then a lie detector test.
Doubt donald could pass a citizen test without cheating.

If most of us took that test on the spot wouldn't pass it. I have no false illusions about my stupidity.


You underestimate yourself. Sample tests, using past test questions, are free to take online, so you can try them and see where you stand. I took one a couple of months ago and passed with flying colors. It wasn't rocket science. Just basic items we're all taught by the time we leave high school. Google "sample us citizenship tests". I think even trump would eke by.

Posted : December 6, 2016 12:24 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Unfortunately, with your thinking trump is going to make America Great, again, Mike, I'm inclined to agree with you. Time will tell but his choices thus far, don't bode well for Americans nor America.

I have a feeling that "buyers remorse" is going to be slapping a lot of you upside the head as time goes by.

If you had fact checked his campaign rhetoric, you would've found he lied the majority of the time, even when he didn't have to. You elected a self-serving pathological liar.

"There is none so blind as those who will not see."
Back at you.

Posted : December 6, 2016 12:27 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

Mike, the election is over.

Many (you?) fell victim to marketing tactics and spin. Key words phrases spun over and over until they spew out of your brain and into your mouth. Did you know repeating phrases such as Crooked Hillary actually changes your brain and your ability to reason? Psychologists and gifted marketers know that. Research also shows users of right wing media (for lack of a better term) are more susceptible to these kind of marketing tactics and spin than users of main stream media (for lack of a better term). Brilliant, really.

That's what Breitbart is now trying to do to Kellogg because Breitbart was not included in an ad buy (whiny snowflakes). You've got to keep the masses frothing at the mouth over something - even better if you can use those masses to destroy something. Drill those key phrases in the psyches of the most susceptible.

Packing some Pringle's in my lunch today.

Dems keep saying Trump lied, prove it! What lies did he tell? Please don't tell me the wall, that hasn't happened yet. Why is it that a republican/Democrat (yes, he used to be a democrat up until recently) get elected and a lie detector should be used. But if a democrat gets elected or runs for office and nothing, even though let me see if I can remember, oh yeah " If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor ". No, I didn't have a server in my closet, no I didn't receive or send classified information over that server that I didn't have hidden in a closet in my bathroom.

There is none so blind as those who will not see.


Posted : December 6, 2016 12:29 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Every point I made is from verifiable news and reference sources, or trump's own mouth and his overflowing Twitter feed. I'd cite them all for you, but since it doesn't seem you're interested in anything other than trivializing people with different views than you have, I won't waste my time.

IMO your wasting your time by not citing them 😉

Cause I don't believe you 😉 (nor anyone.. Just the facts plz!)

In fact the majority of what you posted are opinions DERIVED from statements, which in fact have zero actual merit. Your (or anyone's) interpretation of a statement is completely pointless to this discussion. The only valid points of discussion are provable acts (things that were actually done, such as the "grab em by the pussy" recording) or statements directly from the individual (these are NOT open to interpretation.. if there was a direct racist or misogynistic comment, then show it should be clear/obvious... there are NONE.)

So maybe your right, it'd be a waste of time for you to try and cite what's not there.

A psychological evaluation would be a good requirement for starters.
Then a lie detector test.
Doubt donald could pass a citizen test without cheating.

Lie detector's are court room magic.. they don't work.

Could YOU pass a citizen test? (I dunno if I could)

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5

This was the fodder for Trump and his gang of "birthers."

Yea... that means you have to prove your citizenship right?

Funny that wasn't done for Obama... and all he offered was an obviously faked birth certificate.

Did you even look into the "birther" thing at all or are you just, again, repeating talking points from TV?

Mike, the election is over.

Many (you?) fell victim to marketing tactics and spin. Key words phrases spun over and over until they spew out of your brain and into your mouth. Did you know repeating phrases such as

the lack of self-awareness is amazing here. haha

Posted : December 6, 2016 1:03 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

If you had fact checked his campaign rhetoric, you would've found he lied the majority of the time, even when he didn't have to.

But so did Hillary. Did you read the fact checks on her?

Posted : December 6, 2016 1:42 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

The so-called left leaning populous is not as responsive to team building "journalism" as is the so-called right leaning populous. Websites, similar to Breitbart, focused on skewed news for the left failed to thrive. This affected HRC when confronted with the Breitbart led attack.

Breitbart, Viral Patriot or the enterprising youngsters from Macedonia could rally the so-called right wing troupes for Trump with a single meme during the election. Shared and repeated ad nauseam. Crooked Hillary, Crooked Hillary ......

Toxic memes continue to be generated by 4chan and 8chan pranksters. Who's fooling who?

This, of course, is not to say there isn't bias in the main stream media because there very much is. That's a different discussion.

However, the main stream media does not exist primarily to influence the minds and behavior of susceptible individuals. Main stream media (including Fox) are about making money and sorely lack the collective imagination to play mind games.

BTW John McCain was born in Panama. Obama's mother was from Kansas.

Every point I made is from verifiable news and reference sources, or trump's own mouth and his overflowing Twitter feed. I'd cite them all for you, but since it doesn't seem you're interested in anything other than trivializing people with different views than you have, I won't waste my time.

IMO your wasting your time by not citing them 😉

Cause I don't believe you 😉 (nor anyone.. Just the facts plz!)

In fact the majority of what you posted are opinions DERIVED from statements, which in fact have zero actual merit. Your (or anyone's) interpretation of a statement is completely pointless to this discussion. The only valid points of discussion are provable acts (things that were actually done, such as the "grab em by the pussy" recording) or statements directly from the individual (these are NOT open to interpretation.. if there was a direct racist or misogynistic comment, then show it should be clear/obvious... there are NONE.)

So maybe your right, it'd be a waste of time for you to try and cite what's not there.

A psychological evaluation would be a good requirement for starters.
Then a lie detector test.
Doubt donald could pass a citizen test without cheating.

Lie detector's are court room magic.. they don't work.

Could YOU pass a citizen test? (I dunno if I could)

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5

This was the fodder for Trump and his gang of "birthers."

Yea... that means you have to prove your citizenship right?

Funny that wasn't done for Obama... and all he offered was an obviously faked birth certificate.

Did you even look into the "birther" thing at all or are you just, again, repeating talking points from TV?

Mike, the election is over.

Many (you?) fell victim to marketing tactics and spin. Key words phrases spun over and over until they spew out of your brain and into your mouth. Did you know repeating phrases such as

the lack of self-awareness is amazing here. haha

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:04 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

If you had fact checked his campaign rhetoric, you would've found he lied the majority of the time, even when he didn't have to.

But so did Hillary. Did you read the fact checks on her?

I did. She told the truth the majority of the time.

Two wrongs never make a right. But why the deflection anyway? The post is about trump. Hillary lost.

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:09 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member
Topic starter

"Mike, the election is over."

My point exactly Gators mom, so why can't we agree to disagree, have a hug, Congratulate Mr. Trump for winning ( I still say he didn't win, Hillary just lost) a hard battle and wish him well even with trepidation.

If he does stray from the path, there is always the impeachment process.


Posted : December 6, 2016 2:13 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

Breitbart, Viral Patriot or the enterprising youngsters from Macedonia could rally the so-called right wing troupes for Trump with a single meme during the election. Shared and repeated ad nauseam. Crooked Hillary, Crooked Hillary ......

Toxic memes continue to be generated by 4chan and 8chan pranksters. Who's fooling who?

Do you know what a MEME is?

Do you know WHY they were so influential?

Its just a new version of political comic strip... and they always work because they point out the truth.

Hillary is indeed, "crooked" that's why that meme worked so well... she broke several federal laws on secured material handling... the FBI even admitted this.

You are saying that trump supporters are different than you some how, the difference is very slight & your dogmatic approach to this is a bit silly.... quit repeating talking points and come up with your own ideas, you'll find they will be a bit different than those talking points that are so often clung to.

Personal research is key, and watching "the news" is NOT research.

Be productive, join the conversation.

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:13 pm
Posts: 850
Prominent Member

The so-called left leaning populous is not as responsive to team building "journalism" as is the so-called right leaning populous. Websites, similar to Breitbart, focused on skewed news for the left failed to thrive. This affected HRC when confronted with the Breitbart led attack.

Breitbart, Viral Patriot or the enterprising youngsters from Macedonia could rally the so-called right wing troupes for Trump with a single meme during the election. Shared and repeated ad nauseam. Crooked Hillary, Crooked Hillary ......

Toxic memes continue to be generated by 4chan and 8chan pranksters. Who's fooling who?

This, of course, is not to say there isn't bias in the main stream media because there very much is. That's a different discussion.

However, the main stream media does not exist primarily to influence the minds and behavior of susceptible individuals. Main stream media (including Fox) are about making money and sorely lack the collective imagination to play mind games.

BTW John McCain was born in Panama. Obama's mother was from Kansas.

A few of those enterprising Macedonians were interviewed and are on record as saying they tried liberal fake news sites, but mostly abandoned them because not enough liberals would bite to make it profitable. I still see a few from time to time (like the mysterious "Wendy" No-Last-Name exposing tampered Wisconsin voting machines). But I often see multiple pro-conservative ones daily. And when I don't, sometimes I head on over to Breitbart, allenbwest, youngcons, or westernjournalism to see what nonsense is about to go viral.

FB and Google statistics have indicated the same phenomena.

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:35 pm
Posts: 798
Prominent Member

I love politics brings us all together... we all need a group hug and a cocktail of your choice. 🙂

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:38 pm
Posts: 2534
Famed Member

I did. She told the truth the majority of the time.

Then I would question your source for fact checking. A MAJORITY of the time?

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:43 pm
Posts: 1300
Noble Member

If you haven't watched Westworld - you must!

Truth is a singular aspiration that most definitely cannot be found in a meme. None of us could handle it if the truth became known. Cynicism is a distraction.

In reality, we all should be maneuvering together to beat the oligarchs and their thought police before its too late. But some find truth in a meme.

It's not about Hillary or Trump, left or right ....

Breitbart, Viral Patriot or the enterprising youngsters from Macedonia could rally the so-called right wing troupes for Trump with a single meme during the election. Shared and repeated ad nauseam. Crooked Hillary, Crooked Hillary ......

Toxic memes continue to be generated by 4chan and 8chan pranksters. Who's fooling who?

Do you know what a MEME is?

Do you know WHY they were so influential?

Its just a new version of political comic strip... and they always work because they point out the truth.

Hillary is indeed, "crooked" that's why that meme worked so well... she broke several federal laws on secured material handling... the FBI even admitted this.

You are saying that trump supporters are different than you some how, the difference is very slight & your dogmatic approach to this is a bit silly.... quit repeating talking points and come up with your own ideas, you'll find they will be a bit different than those talking points that are so often clung to.

Personal research is key, and watching "the news" is NOT research.

Be productive, join the conversation.

Posted : December 6, 2016 2:57 pm
Posts: 12365
Illustrious Member

Fact checkers confirm Hillary Clinton is more honest than any of her 2016 opponents

It turns out Donald Trump’s statements have only rated out as being fully “True” a mere 3% of the time (source link). In fact he rates out as “False” or “Pants on Fire” an astounding 61% of the time. Ted Cruz is nearly as dishonest, rated “True” just 6% of the time, and “False” or “Pants on Fire” 36% of the time (source link). So what does this tell us?

Posted : December 6, 2016 3:01 pm
Posts: 1937
Noble Member

In reality, we all should be maneuvering together to beat the oligarchs and their thought police before its too late. But some find truth in a meme.

It's not about Hillary or Trump, left or right ....

well if your willing to say "oligarchs" then your headed in the right direction.

yes, left/right is meaningless. I just like pointing out the hypocrisy from both sides.

Posted : December 6, 2016 3:07 pm
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