Congratulations to our new 45 President Donald Trump....................................

And you're an expert on voting laws in how many states?
Pick one and prove me wrong.
Under the Help America Vote Act ALL states are required to provide provisional voters an opportunity to find out afterwards whether their provisional ballot was counted or rejected and, if rejected, the reasons for the rejection.
Personally, I'm hoping the electoral college comes to its senses and doesn't certify him as president. If they do, I won't be watching the inauguration. I will be mourning for America and Americans.
Come now, we suffered through 8 years of Obama and the Great Democrat Over Reach. You mean you can't accept that your way (Left wing liberal global agenda) of thinking wasn't accepted by the majority of Americans? I know you lefties are grasping at smoke rings and trying your best to brow beat, threaten and harass the electoral college voters to try and overturn what was done legally, lawfully and by the Constitution. Unlike the sneaky, under handed, cheating democratic, liberal way of trying to win and influence an election.
If that were to happen, I would for the first time in my life be a shamed to be an American, when a bunch whinny, spoiled, cry babies could cause enough influence to change a lawful election just so those same whinny, spoiled, cry babies can get their way and elect or anoint their lying, crooked queen. This would be a dark day for Americans and America.
So you need to find some way of coming to terms that you lost, and the Clinton Coronation will not happen. Even if the electoral college were to (come to their senses) as you call it and sustain from voting or throw their votes any where other than the person who won the electoral vote the night of the vote. It would be a first and would force the Congress to vote and with a republican majority, how do you think that would go.
So deal with the shame of losing and realize you will have another opportunity in 4 years to change things. This is what got me through the Obama years.
And we survived 8 years of Bush W, not to mention Reagan. And most of us would also have been very uncomfortable, but accepting of 4-8 years of Rubio, Bush, Kasich, et al. Heck, I'd even have put up with Cruz. It's that you and others can't see, or refuse to acknowledge, the difference between those guys and the bizarre character that is trump that boggles my mind.
I said I'd hold trump to his promise of serving all Americans and his message of unity, unless or until he proved himself wrong. In less than a month, weeks before he actually becomes president, here's the start of his "legacy":
Lied about his influence over Ford in keeping jobs from going to Mexico.
Had Minion Pence engage in crony capitalism with his Carrier PR stunt.
PO'd a very populous nuclear-bearing country by lavishing praise on that country's also nuclear-armed sworn-enemy neighbor.
PO'd a country we (and he) are deeply indebted to by thumbing his nose at a long-standing diplomatic policy and by tweeting about precarious diplomatic issues with said country.
PO'd one of our staunchest allies by telling them whom they should appoint as their US ambassador.
Picked an alt-right promoter as his strategy advisor.
Picked a billionaire anti-public education activist with no experience in education to oversee an education agency.
Picked a guy who is on record as saying he didn't have the experience or knowledge to oversee a government agency to . . . . oversee a federal agency.
Showed multiple times that his skin is still too thin to handle the job by numerous childish tweets.
Lied to the public about 3 million illegal voters keeping him from winning the popular vote.
Promoted that citizens who exercise their Supreme Court-upheld free speech rights should be punished or deported. (How in the heck do you deport a natural-born citizen, btw?).
Oh, lordy! I just realized I can continue this list of clear unfitness thru the rest of the morning, but I have a house to clean. Suffice it to say, that it was a short honeymoon for me.
No, we are not "whining" over the "shame" of a lost election. We are voicing that we are appalled that such a fiscally and internationally incompetent, Constitutionally ignorant, child-man was elected to such a powerful position. As his actions continue to demonstrate how unfit he is, we continue to voice our anger. Dismissal and normalization of trump's stunts and poor choices, and our refusal to sit back and enjoy the show, only show the shallowness and confirmation bias of the persons engaging in such behavior.
Typical Left wing tactic, deflect deflect deflect, none of these so called accusations have been proven or even have any merit. Do you have any original thought of your own or just what the left wants you to believe. You and your cronies keep shouting Brietbart, but what about That left wing nut job who has done everything buy buy the election for Hillary George Soros.
Talk about illegal voter tactics, how about beating people up because they had a Trump bumper sticker, or threatening them if they voted for Trump. Yep, those damn voter ID laws, which has kept for the most part the Dems from stuffing the voting boxes with dead voters. Your own current president actually wanted Illegal aliens (oooops I said that nasty term) to vote and even claimed how if they did, we wouldn't be able to catch them. So with that statement being made, what other conclusion could one come up with other than there is a possibility that there were some votes cast by Illegals.
From Ballotopia:
As of December 2016, 31 states enforced voter identification requirements. A total of 16 states required voters to present photo identification, while 15 accepted other forms of identification. In some states, a voter who is unable to present valid identification may still be permitted to vote without casting a provisional ballot; this is known as a non-strict requirement. In eight of the 16 states that require a photo ID, the requirement is non-strict. In 12 of the 15 states that require non-photo identification, the requirement is non-strict. In the remaining states, voters without valid forms of identification are required to cast provisional ballots; this is known as a strict requirement. Valid forms of identification differ by state. Commonly accepted forms of ID include driver's licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military identification cards.
So, Kansas for one has no provisional ballots.
And you're an expert on voting laws in how many states?
Pick one and prove me wrong.
Under the Help America Vote Act ALL states are required to provide provisional voters an opportunity to find out afterwards whether their provisional ballot was counted or rejected and, if rejected, the reasons for the rejection.

So, Kansas for one has no provisional ballots.
Um, no. See links.
Please provide for me a reliable reference that Obama, the Constitutional lawyer or anyone around him, would say he wanted 50 years of power.
You are quite naïve. So impressionable. Do you have an original thought that doesn't come from a viral patriot meme?
Did I say Obama? Thats what's called a strawman
Rahm Emmanuel made noises about the GOP being dead post 2008 election
You're final comment is rich, considering that you basically regurgitate the current Huff Po talking points.
How does GoT suit you?
Still waiting for that reliable news source. Breitbart or Fox will do. No opinion please.
Please provide for me a reliable reference that Obama, the Constitutional lawyer or anyone around him, would say he wanted 50 years of power.
You are quite naïve. So impressionable. Do you have an original thought that doesn't come from a viral patriot meme?
Did I say Obama? Thats what's called a strawman
Rahm Emmanuel made noises about the GOP being dead post 2008 election
You're final comment is rich, considering that you basically regurgitate the current Huff Po talking points.
How does GoT suit you?
Old story. Kansas changed strategies. If you showed up, you voted a standard ballot.
Notice Regarding Voter Registration Status
Due to recent court rulings, if you have applied to register to vote at a Kansas Division of Motor Vehicles office or if you have applied to register to vote using the “Federal Form” voter registration application (as opposed to the standard ‘state form’) and have not yet provided proof of citizenship, you are registered to vote for the November 8, 2016, general election. Your name will appear on the poll book for your voting location and you will be given a standard ballot. There is nothing further you need to provide for the November 8, 2016, general election.
So, Kansas for one has no provisional ballots.
Um, no. See link.

Old story. Kansas changed strategies. If you show up, you vote a standard ballot.
Ahhhh, but they are ALLOWED TO VOTE. Isn't that the point?
The purging did not keep people from voting.
Here are the instructions handed out at the polling places:
I have no issue with voter ID laws except that in implementation they are a great bureaucratic and expensive undertaking to catch a few fraudulent voters (handfuls not hundreds).
Kansas determining to use standard ballots in the general election was logical, particularly for a state with considerable financial issues.
But, yes, to your point, there are provisional ballots available. It appears Kansas decided to avoid this issue in November 2016.
Old story. Kansas changed strategies. If you show up, you vote a standard ballot.
Ahhhh, but they are ALLOWED TO VOTE. Isn't that the point?
The purging did not keep people from voting.Here are the instructions handed out at the polling places:
I don't read the Huff Post.
Waiting for the reference.
Please provide for me a reliable reference that Obama, the Constitutional lawyer or anyone around him, would say he wanted 50 years of power.
You are quite naïve. So impressionable. Do you have an original thought that doesn't come from a viral patriot meme?
Did I say Obama? Thats what's called a strawman
Rahm Emmanuel made noises about the GOP being dead post 2008 election
You're final comment is rich, considering that you basically regurgitate the current Huff Po talking points.
How does GoT suit you?
You two do realize your only aggravating the hell out of one another.

You two do realize your only aggravating the hell out of one another.
No, I am not aggravated by countering lies with facts.
This all started with a claim that purging voter rolls somehow kept people from voting for Hillary. That is patently false since everyone can fill in a provisional ballot.
Did you know that most people that fill in a provisional ballot have their vote denied? Usually because they were not registered to vote.
I'm just amazed at how much extremism this election has brought out. Especially considering how many millions of people (about 300 million) didn't even take the time to vote.
How many people protesting this thing didn't vote? They seem to have plenty of time to protest.
I'm trying to figure out how to talk to special snowflakes for Trump. Bear with me please. LOL
Rahm Emanuel and Steve Bannon have very different roles and approaches.
Emanuel was/is a dealmaker, larger than life career machine politician. In your face power broker that requires the spotlight. Short-term beltway player. His education at Northwestern predicts a regionalism in his politics that has been demonstrated.
Bannon is a rich Harvard MBA Wall Street banker who moved to LA after pocketing his millions to make films targeted to a particular demographic constituency. Bannon is a brilliant behind-the-scenes marketer and fully understands what makes white world tick. He is playing the long, steady game for power through control of a publication that reaches 45 million readers and over 3 million followers on Facebook alone and, now, through his position in the Trump White House.
Bannon was an obvious choice to take on Breitbart when Andrew died and he hasn't divorced Breitbart yet - why would he? Through Bannon and Breitbart Trump now has a built in mouth piece that seems legitimate enough for some that reaches way beyond occasional Twitter rantings. Oh, yes, Breitbart is just a publication Mr. president-elect.
Bannon's demeanor does not bespeak of the power he wields. Hides under the cloak of born again Catholicism and ratty clothes. Dangerous and admirable.
Gotta go grab me some Pop tarts yum yum.
You two do realize your only aggravating the hell out of one another.

You know, I never even HEARD of Breitbart until Trump hired that guy.
Bannon is a rich Harvard MBA Wall Street banker who moved to LA after pocketing his millions to make films targeted to a particular demographic constituency. Bannon is a brilliant behind-the-scenes marketer and fully understands what makes white world tick. He is playing the long, steady game for power through control of a publication that reaches 45 million readers and over 3 million followers on Facebook alone and, now, through his position in the Trump White House.
gators mom
you make being rich sound dirty. and you are implying that he is racist.
any examples that can be verified of his racism?
Rahm Emanuel and Steve Bannon have very different roles and approaches.
Emanuel was/is a dealmaker, larger than life career machine politician. In your face power broker that requires the spotlight. Short-term beltway player. His education at Northwestern predicts a regionalism in his politics that has been demonstrated.
Bannon is a rich Harvard MBA Wall Street banker who moved to LA after pocketing his millions to make films targeted to a particular demographic constituency. Bannon is a brilliant behind-the-scenes marketer and fully understands what makes white world tick. He is playing the long, steady game for power through control of a publication that reaches over 3 million on Facebook alone and, now, through his position in the Trump White House.
Bannon was an obvious choice to take on Breitbart when Andrew died and he hasn't divorced Breitbart yet - why would he? Through Bannon and Breitbart Trump now has a built in mouth piece that seems legitimate enough for some that reaches way beyond occasional Twitter rantings. Oh, yes, Breitbart is just a publication Mr. president-elect.
Bannon's demeanor does not bespeak of the power he wields. Hides under the cloak of born again Catholicism and ratty clothes. Dangerous and admirable.
Gotta go grab me some Pop tarts yum yum.
You seem to know an awful lot about Bannon and zero on Rahm
Emanuel is old news and has been old news for eons. Who cares?
Rich is good and descriptive of Bannon, who is not beholden to anyone best I can figure except maybe the Pope.
Need some Cheez-its.
Rahm Emanuel and Steve Bannon have very different roles and approaches.
Emanuel was/is a dealmaker, larger than life career machine politician. In your face power broker that requires the spotlight. Short-term beltway player. His education at Northwestern predicts a regionalism in his politics that has been demonstrated.
Bannon is a rich Harvard MBA Wall Street banker who moved to LA after pocketing his millions to make films targeted to a particular demographic constituency. Bannon is a brilliant behind-the-scenes marketer and fully understands what makes white world tick. He is playing the long, steady game for power through control of a publication that reaches over 3 million on Facebook alone and, now, through his position in the Trump White House.
Bannon was an obvious choice to take on Breitbart when Andrew died and he hasn't divorced Breitbart yet - why would he? Through Bannon and Breitbart Trump now has a built in mouth piece that seems legitimate enough for some that reaches way beyond occasional Twitter rantings. Oh, yes, Breitbart is just a publication Mr. president-elect.
Bannon's demeanor does not bespeak of the power he wields. Hides under the cloak of born again Catholicism and ratty clothes. Dangerous and admirable.
Gotta go grab me some Pop tarts yum yum.
You seem to know an awful lot about Bannon and zero on Rahm
The 4,100 people shot in Chicago might beg to differ
Correlation is not causation.
Regional importance as stated - not important nationally.
Crooked Rahm. Lock him up!
Now I want some Corn Flakes.
The 4,100 people shot in Chicago might beg to differ
The fact that you can bring yourself to type that says quite a bit
Excellent NY Times piece.
Trump's agents of idiocracy
You know, I never even HEARD of Breitbart until Trump hired that guy.
I heard of him, just never visited his site, still haven't, and really don't know a lot about him unless Alana posted a link from it. :@)
I'm just amazed at how much extremism this election has brought out. Especially considering how many millions of people (about 300 million) didn't even take the time to vote.
How many people protesting this thing didn't vote? They seem to have plenty of time to protest.
Where did you get this info? About 55% of voting age citizens voted. While I agree that everyone should vote, that is eligible, it's no where near 300 million. The population of the U.S. is approximately 322 million.
Are you telling me a cable news network lied???
No way!!!
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