Comey Testimony
He has to cheat at golf?
"According to a tracker put together by NBC News, of the 153 days Trump has been in office, 29 have been spent at his golf properties. During his first 100 days in office, Obama made one trip to a golf course, compared to 19 for Trump. This despite Trump saying during a campaign rally in October: “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.”
Seriously, you quoted Newsweek, quoting NBC?
So you don't think NBC and Newsweek are capable of counting the number of days Trump played golf?
Dude plays a lot of golf. So what?
The more serious issue is who is paying for his weekend long golf outings. You don't think the US government is being charged to house his entourage at these Trump owned facilities do you? Surely not.
Seriously, you quoted Newsweek, quoting NBC?
Keep America Great!!!
TRUMP 2020
He has to cheat at golf?
"According to a tracker put together by NBC News, of the 153 days Trump has been in office, 29 have been spent at his golf properties. During his first 100 days in office, Obama made one trip to a golf course, compared to 19 for Trump. This despite Trump saying during a campaign rally in October: “I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.”
Oh haven't you heard? He was working while playing all that golf:D
Has the local Florida government gotten reimbursed yet with our tax money for all the cash they spent on security detail?
please list for me your fake news outlets and do they include CNN
oh and just for the record, how many lies are okay for a president. is there a limit. lets say, are 50 lies acceptable where 51 are not? you seem to condone other presidents and politicians lies.
btw, all animals are beautiful. you who claim to be an animal lover should know that
Broken down donkeys with bad attitude, eye sight and a biting habit should be given wide berth. Maybe a sanctuary would be in order.
Spare me the fake news outlets.
If you don't understand by now that this self-serving narcissist is a habitual and pathological liar, unlike any other president of our country, then you never will. How many presidents lie about everything, almost every single day? And why should even ONE LIE be tolerated or acceptable?
He is completely lacking in honesty, truthfulness, honor, ethics and morals in addition to being intellectually challenged.
Very bad combination of traits for any leader but DEPLORABLE for the USA.
He's even got to lie about being on the cover of Times and put up FAKE covers? Seriously?
Time asks Trump Organization to remove fake cover from golf clubs
Fact Checker Analysis
President Trump’s first 100 days: The fact check tally
"President Trump is the most fact-challenged politician that The Fact Checker has ever encountered. He earned 59 Four-Pinocchio ratings during his campaign as president. Since then, he’s earned 16 more Four-Pinocchio ratings.
But those numbers obscure the fact that the pace and volume of the president’s misstatements means that we cannot possibly keep up.
The president’s speeches and interviews are so chock full of false and misleading claims that The Fact Checker often must resort to roundups that offer a brief summary of the facts that the president has gotten wrong."
you quote WaPo who has been know to publish lies.
lets get real here and whcih fact checkers do you trust again? the one working out of their basement who are not always correct???
again. how many lies are okay to tell?
I live in the same community with a number of the Politifact journalists. I personally know some of them and they are outstanding humans.
BTW I will directly correspond with journalists if I have questions or concerns about their stories. Their email addresses are usually found with their by-lines or I use Facebook, maybe Twitter. The news comments sections in online publications are so full of trolls-for-hire these days, that's not a viable way to comment or ask questions any more.
I am not enamored with the Washington Post - it tends to pulls the trigger too quickly on stories before all the facts are determined in order to get the scoop.
Those in the news business call it "feeding the beast." An enormous volume of stories are published across the US everyday, there are inaccuracies at times, retractions are made and sometimes journalists lose their jobs for being bad reporters.
Nonetheless, journalists are the first defenders of our republic and speak truth to power. The First Amendment of the US Constitution acknowledges and protects this as a right.
you quote WaPo who has been know to publish lies.
lets get real here and whcih fact checkers do you trust again? the one working out of their basement who are not always correct???
again. how many lies are okay to tell?
Honestly, spee1dy, when is a single lie acceptable and more to the point, when does the unending barrage of lies, deceit, disgraceful and totally inappropriate behavior, lack of ethical standards and outright nepotism that is trump's daily fodder become unacceptable?
“A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves”
i have been wondering that about the media
Honestly, spee1dy, when is a single lie acceptable and more to the point, when does the unending barrage of lies, deceit, disgraceful and totally inappropriate behavior, lack of ethical standards and outright nepotism that is trump's daily fodder become unacceptable?
“A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves”
I've b wondering about people that believe Briebart, Fox, Enquirer, Alex Jones and white supremacist news sources.
CNN, NYT, Huffington Post those are the ones that people should believe, They always promote only facts.
Which ones are the white supremacist news sources?
Gee, maybe the one your president got the latest insulting tweet from?
Ya know, the asshole white supremacist website?
The guy has NO discernable lines of right and wrong.
Nor honor, ethics or accountability.
I dread this sycophantic meeting with Putin, soon come.
But he's meeting him for the first time, but he's met him before and they're good buddies, daughter vacations with Putin's mistress, Trump and Jared
have no problems taking Russian $$$$$$$$$ while not releasing tax returns, being investigated for collusion, etc.
While twittering insults, playing golf and making a mockery of the USA.
Insert upchuck imogi here!
How's your 17 agency lie treating you?
Shocked that you didn't comment that the info you posted was corrected
i believe i have asked before, which are the acceptable news sources???
I've b wondering about people that believe Briebart, Fox, Enquirer, Alex Jones and white supremacist news sources.
How's your 17 agency lie treating you?
Shocked that you didn't comment that the info you posted was corrected
The truth doesn't matter, only the narrative
it would appear
It would appear that because I have a completely different and opposing outlook on this presidency, I'm fair game for insults by his supporters.
Sad because we all connect, agree and support each other on many different levels and issues. Disagreements shouldn't devolve into petty picking.
Ms Pot, I'd like to introduce you to Mr Kettle
sad, i never insulted you until you made the first hit. after that YOU ARE fair game
but go ahead and fake innocence
It would appear that because I have a completely different and opposing outlook on this presidency, I'm fair game for insults by his supporters.
Sad because we all connect, agree and support each other on many different levels and issues. Disagreements shouldn't devolve into petty picking.
Did I not just send you a pm and apologize if I hurt your feelings a few hours ago?
did you look at the date alana, this was before the apology
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