Any thoughts on Zimmerman's aquittal ?
Everybody knows that the News channels are just there to make money right? The days of being a watchdog for the people ended decades ago and it's all picked over, for what can be safely sensationalized for the masses to get excited over.
If you don't take that information as fact, you're one of the affected masses.
George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since he was acquitted of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue someone who was trapped in an overturned truck, police said today.
Sanford Police Department Capt. Jim McAuliffe told ABC News that Zimmerman "pulled an individual from a truck that had rolled over" at the intersection of a Florida highway last week.
The crash occurred at the intersection of I-4 and route 417, police said. The crash site is less than a mile from where he shot Martin.
Will this guy ever learn not to get out of his car? I keed. I keed.
I wonder who will be the first idiot to say he staged this crash.
I guess he is whatever the city needs him to be.
lol, I'll be here all night folks :p
OH i already heard that. there are a lot of morons out there
Everybody knows that the News channels are just there to make money right? The days of being a watchdog for the people ended decades ago and it's all picked over, for what can be safely sensationalized for the masses to get excited over.
If you don't take that information as fact, you're one of the affected masses.
Make money? I'd say that's a side effort, Push the agenda of the government / big corporations (which currently are basically the same thing) seems to be the main focus.
So when you see something like a racial divide being forced with OVERT hints of riots; what do you think you are WANTED to do... be vigilant of what you are being manipulated to do from the hypnotism of the television...
better yet, get rid of "cable" or "dish" use the internet to find what you want (sure most of it is biased as well, but at least you aren't being actively lead by the nose....)

What a waste of time.
It is a waste of time. Also turns out that story about him helping somebody out of a burning car may not be entirely accurate haha

Also turns out that story about him helping somebody out of a burning car may not be entirely accurate haha
Reliable sources or another rumor?
Personally, I would never try to help anyone get out of a crashed car because it would open me up to lawsuits.

Personally, I would never try to help anyone get out of a crashed car because it would open me up to lawsuits.
Apparently Zimmerman already has a good attorney.
Personally, I would never try to help anyone get out of a crashed car because it would open me up to lawsuits.
almost every state has a Good samaritan law; you would covered in FL...
My take on this...
There's always a chain of causality leading up to any event. Break any link in the chain and you may get a different result. The causal nexus in this instance was Trayvon Martin's decision to physically assault an armed man - George Zimmerman. That's what directly led George Zimmerman to draw his gun.
Secondary to the tragic loss of a young life, the greatest harm coming from this case is the frequent and repeated play of the race card. So far, there is simply no evidence that George Zimmerman is a racist or that his actions were racially motivated.
Once again, we find ourselves divided - pitted against one another.
It's not broken. It was built this way.
I couldn't agree more. People keep asking "What can we do to change things?" The first thing to do is teach your children not to be soooo confrontational. Martin had the opportunity to tell Zimmerman to piss off rather than confront him and cause a fight to erupt. I was a cop for 20 years and I do not carry a gun, I hated carrying a gun when I had to and I disagree with the Stand your Ground law. But if you are going to be confrontational in Florida, make sure the person you are going to confront isn't armed.
My take on this...
There's always a chain of causality leading up to any event. Break any link in the chain and you may get a different result. The causal nexus in this instance was Trayvon Martin's decision to physically assault an armed man - George Zimmerman. That's what directly led George Zimmerman to draw his gun.
Secondary to the tragic loss of a young life, the greatest harm coming from this case is the frequent and repeated play of the race card. So far, there is simply no evidence that George Zimmerman is a racist or that his actions were racially motivated.
Once again, we find ourselves divided - pitted against one another.
It's not broken. It was built this way.
Very well said aussie!
I couldn't agree more. People keep asking "What can we do to change things?" The first thing to do is teach your children not to be soooo confrontational. Martin had the opportunity to tell Zimmerman to piss off rather than confront him and cause a fight to erupt. I was a cop for 20 years and I do not carry a gun, I hated carrying a gun when I had to and I disagree with the Stand your Ground law. But if you are going to be confrontational in Florida, make sure the person you are going to confront isn't armed.
Why would you bring up the "stand your ground" law?
The stand your ground law has nothing to do with this case, it was typical self defense in it's purest form.
As an X-Police Officer you disagree that people have the right to defend themselves if attacked?
I agree that we need to teach our children to use their brains more often, confrontation is FINE! Assault NEVER is. violence is not the answer unless it's in defense of your LIFE or another’s.
The only reason the Defense went with Self defense rather than Stand your Ground was if they had went with Stand Your Ground, there would have been a hearing and a Judge would have ruled. There have been several cases of Stand Your Ground, but only a few passed the smell test. With the Self defense claim, he had the option of a jury trial, which I think they felt he would stand a better chance than an elected official deciding his fate. It worked.
I have no issue with people defending themselves, but there was nothing wrong with the law before stand your ground. If confronted you had the right to defend yourself. But you could not use escalated force unless there is no other option available, such as walking away. Guns don't kill people, people kill people, which is the case with the Zimmerman incident. Had either one of these folks had enough common sense to walk away this would never have happened. Discretion is the better part of valor at times. Like Judge Marilyn Milian says all the time "quanis much mocho" I hope I got the saying right. When a gun is added to the mix, it always gives a man more back bone than they probably had other wise.
I've arrested a few fellows who didn't need a gun to be intimidating and be one bad dude. I was glad to have an equalizer for sure.
The only reason the Defense went with Self defense rather than Stand your Ground was if they had went with Stand Your Ground, there would have been a hearing and a Judge would have ruled. There have been several cases of Stand Your Ground, but only a few passed the smell test. With the Self defense claim, he had the option of a jury trial, which I think they felt he would stand a better chance than an elected official deciding his fate. It worked.
so the fact that TM was witnessed on top of GZ bashing his head into the sidewalk isn't why they went with self defense?
Kinda hard to stand your ground when your on your back being beaten.
I have no issue with people defending themselves, but there was nothing wrong with the law before stand your ground. If confronted you had the right to defend yourself. But you could not use escalated force unless there is no other option available, such as walking away. Guns don't kill people, people kill people, which is the case with the Zimmerman incident.
so again, when he was on the ground with his head being bounced off the concrete, he should have walked away? This is where I get lost in the counter opinions
Had either one of these folks had enough common sense to walk away this would never have happened. Discretion is the better part of valor at times. Like Judge Marilyn Milian says all the time "quanis much mocho" I hope I got the saying right. When a gun is added to the mix, it always gives a man more back bone than they probably had other wise.
I'll give you that, the confidence gained by knowing you can very thoroughly defend your self can cause people to act more brash than normal.
but this really wasn't a case of " walk away" GZ confronted TM, that's fine, that happens all the time in society. TM attacked GZ, that's a crime, TM then basically attempted to murder GZ (especially if you believe the testimony of GZ, but the eyewintess that saw TM on top beating his head into the concrete was enough really..) GZ defended himself.
I've arrested a few fellows who didn't need a gun to be intimidating and be one bad dude. I was glad to have an equalizer for sure.
You summed it up perfectly. :@)

Here’s the message I would like to see expressed in America today. I think it would be especially powerful if it could come from the black man with the highest level of credibility in black America since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – President Obama.
1. Stay in school and graduate from the highest level of school – but absolutely, no excuses, graduate from high school.
2. Take a job and hold it, no matter what job, no matter if your friends put you down for ‘flipping burgers.’ Use the job to get experience, make contacts with business people, and build a resume.
3. Marry after you have finished your education and while you have a job.
And the final step is important for you and for the future of your family and your community:
4. Don’t have children until you are at least 21-years-old and married.
Imagine if President Obama repeated that message over and over, ignoring the phonies who want to focus only on “systemic” racism as the reason for high rates of poverty, involvement with crime, and incarceration among black men.
Imagine if the president delivered that message despite attempts to intimidate him by civil rights leaders.
Imagine if he decided to deliver that message and by-passed the so-called ‘racial experts’ and academics who prefer to look at America’s troubled racial history – slavery and legal segregation.
The answer is the president could make a difference in millions of lives and build a legacy on par with Dr. King.
Mr. President it is your move.
I'll agree, especially on this island, there are many many desks at the offices I work in that have "shrines" to Obama, now to me this is obviously "racially" motivated.
I often want to pull up a long side a car with obama bumper stickers on and ask them "what do you think about him now?" but the delusion is deep, and the current puppet in office holds much support still.
That being said, were he to actually use this influence for good instead of what he currently does; I agree, there would be an outcome, the level of influence he has is undeniable & would actually "change" something for once, instead of just changing the label on the carton of rotten eggs we are given each year.
I used to be extremely politically involved, both locally and federally... now I couldn't think of a bigger waste of time (especially at the federal level).
Kids should finish school, but it should be mandatory that every year they are taught critical thinking and actually question the BS they are fed every day (and a lot of times from their own teachers).
Here’s the message I would like to see expressed in America today. I think it would be especially powerful if it could come from the black man with the highest level of credibility in black America since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – President Obama.
1. Stay in school and graduate from the highest level of school – but absolutely, no excuses, graduate from high school.
2. Take a job and hold it, no matter what job, no matter if your friends put you down for ‘flipping burgers.’ Use the job to get experience, make contacts with business people, and build a resume.
3. Marry after you have finished your education and while you have a job.
And the final step is important for you and for the future of your family and your community:
4. Don’t have children until you are at least 21-years-old and married.
Imagine if President Obama repeated that message over and over, ignoring the phonies who want to focus only on “systemic” racism as the reason for high rates of poverty, involvement with crime, and incarceration among black men.
Imagine if the president delivered that message despite attempts to intimidate him by civil rights leaders.
Imagine if he decided to deliver that message and by-passed the so-called ‘racial experts’ and academics who prefer to look at America’s troubled racial history – slavery and legal segregation.
The answer is the president could make a difference in millions of lives and build a legacy on par with Dr. King.
Mr. President it is your move.
Rotor, it would be wonderful, Dr. Ben Carson is trying to deliver the message. There are others. I do not think the liberals want the black race to be educated and free! It is the purpose of the liberals to make sure blacks are dependent on them. There is a plan and they are following the plan. It is so refreshing to see well educated young people from family environments break loose of the "dumb-down" syndrone. It is time for the blacks to break loose, but they have to take the first step, promoted by Obama and others.
I couldn't agree more.
well said, Kind of similar to what Bill Cosby has been saying for years.
It infuriates me when i here black people say "he's acting white" because he wants a good education and wants to go somewhere in life
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