A little trigger happy?
Dorner manhunt: Torrance neighborhood edgy after mistaken shootings
Some Torrance residents remain on edge days after police officers participating in the massive manhunt for ex-LAPD Officer Christopher Jordan Dorner mistakenly shot up two pickups being driven by people not matching the description of the murder suspect.
Two women in a blue pickup, who were delivering copies of the Los Angeles Times, came under fire by Los Angeles Police Department officers on Thursday morning in what Police Chief Charlie Beck has described as a case of “mistaken identity.”
Moments later, Torrance Police Department officers responding to the gunfire slammed their cruiser into a black truck being driven by David Perdue and opened fire. Perdue’s attorney described the shooting as “unbridled police lawlessness” in an interview with The Times on Saturday.
And these shootings are by trained professionals. Imagine if every resident was also carrying.

"There is no evidence that private holders of concealed-carry permits (which are either easy to obtain or not even required in more than 40 states) are any more irresponsible with firearms than the police. According to a 2005 to 2007 study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin and Bowling Green State University, police nationwide were convicted of firearms violations at least at a 0.002 percent annual rate. That’s about the same rate as holders of carry permits in the states with “shall issue” laws."
I was in LA (orange county) while this was going down. My colleague, who drives a pick-up and dark complected, did not leave his home for the entire day. His 7:00 am voice mail said something about "open season" . The LA PD is notorious for shooting first and asking questions later, especially when it comes to black men (enemy) and Hispanic women (inconsequential). Kinda of ironic that this guys beef originally lies with LAPDs common use of excessive force. (kicking suspects in the head while hand cuffed.) From what I gather its OP when questioning black men in the city of angeles.
Very little was in the press about the two cases of mistaken identity. No official apology issued by LA PD--only a statement about the cops had "cause to believe" that the women were suspect. Cops were looking for gray Nissan full size pick-up Titan driven by an XL black man. Cops fired upon a bright blue small Toyota pick-up driven by two small framed Hispanic ladies 48 and 71 years old. the 71 year old grandma was shot in the BACK as she tryed to turn away and shield her 48 year old daughter from the gun fire. Over 60 holes in the truck. How many rounds in standard police issued side arm? Did these A-holes actually pause to re-load?
A few pictures of the bright BLUE Toyota shot full of holes and the women being treated by paramedics were on line for a couple of hours. then disappeared. No photos on the TV news. I guess the reporters are fright end of the cops too.
And these shootings are by trained professionals. Imagine if every resident was also carrying.
Obviously not "trained" well enough.... I hope they (and their bosses) loose their jobs. I don't know why these cops have not been arras ted and chaired with attempted murder. Shooting not moving a vertical with out warning or Id-ing hte driver? Good god. Even if it was Donner, doesn't due process apply?
Due process doesn't apply when they are trying to shut someone up. I tried to find more info on the shooting of the two women and it did mostly disappear - scary that in this "free information" age they can make all kinds of stuff go up in smoke.
No due process for Dorner. Cops "tossed in the burners". Burnt him alive. Why? He was trapped in the cabin. Why not wait him out? Why the rush to kill him? Don't get me wrong. If this guy did in fact kill that couple, then he deserved to be tried and convicted as a murder. But he did deserve a trial. Cops don't get to pick and choose who's arrested and who executed. What's weird is that the mood in that city was very different than whats being reported in the media. People (at least the ones I ran into during the course of normal business) were scared sh!less of the cops not of the fugitive.
Aside from his Ranting "manifesto" on facebook, what evidence do the cops have that he killed that couple? Ths guy had big ax to grind with the LA PD. I truly believe that he did witness excessive force. I believe that he some sort of personality defect that went haywire when he was "wronged" by the PD and court system---constantly being labled a liar, when in fact he was whitsle-blower. It must have cut to the core of isdentity and self worth. In his mind he lost everything. Triggering some warpped sence of right and wrong. Killing is wrong palin and simple.
Aslo wierd is that he must have passed a seris of physc evals as a Navy illegence officer and LAPD officer.
It would not supprise me if further evidence came out that he did not kill the Quan couple. I bet he did, but still makes me wonder....
I think it's weird that it wasn't on tv at all. No helicopters or news crews. Did anyone see it on the news?
this whole case has really bothered me. nothing is adding up at all
I miss "the old days" of REPORTERS. You remember, when they used to just report facts (and actually checked them first)? Instead of all the "Journalists" we have today that decide which "facts" they will tell us about and how we should interpret them and feel about them. Media today just makes me nuts. You need to watch all outlets and then try to figure out the kernel of truth.
Tam, Speed, Divi, I totally agree. Lots of red flags here. Seems like the media is playing yes man to the cops. Another wierd fact is that the police chief stated he would buy the ladies a new truck from money which was "donated"..... Like a free truck is going to shut them up.
1) Wouldn't the ladies put in a claim with their auto insurance company?
2) What about the ER and hospital bills for surgery etc? Whose picking up that bill?
3) Doesn't the police force carry liablity (like errors and ommisions) insurance?
4) Donated? Hush money?
My co-worker in LA suspects Blackmail. He wonders if the ladies may be undocumented, as news paper delivery is a common job for undocumented workers. So maybe they are afraid to persue justice thru the courts (civil action). Maybe the cops are threating (blackmail) deportation if they file suit.
One thing is for sure, the white guy driving the black honda with his surf board sticking out in the back has a lawyer.
Where's the FBI??
It's just so strange.
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