Zip codes and Names?
I am new to this forum and I haven't been to the VI's yet. However...
Long story short, I am wondering how many zip codes there are on St. Thomas and I am having a hard time figuring out what "Contant" is? Is Contant a city, a place, a nickname? I keep hearing references to it but I can't find it anywhere!?
Also, I had a friend back in 2000 who used to live in Charlotte Amalie (or Contant?), St. Thomas and she used to live near one of the elementary schools called Ulla F Muller Elementary, but I can't find the address on Google maps. I checked the school out on the web and found the addy but I can't find it on a map. Any help would be great!
So, should I just buy an atlas or something because I sure can't seem to find anything on Google maps.
Zip codes:
00801-00805 are St. Thomas. 00802 is the zip code for all businesses and residences which have mail delivery. The other four zips indicate specific post office branches-- where most people receive their mail since there is very little residential mail delivery . 00805, for instance, is the post office at Tutu mall.
00830 and 00831 are St. John.
St. Croix has 9 zip codes per a Google search. Christiansted: 00820, 00821, 00822, 00823, 00824. Frederiksted 00840 and 00841. Kingshill 00850 and 00851.
*disclaimer*: I live on St. Thomas and can only attest to the accuracy of that data. The rest was from my sometimes-smarter friend, Google.
Area names:
For St. Thomas, the best map is the one found at the airport. Here's an online copy which shows the outlines of the areas you named, such as Contant, Lovenland, Mafolie, Estate Elizabeth, etc:
As for your question about "Contant", it is an area, a region of the island. You'll see its approximate boundaries on the above map.
Cities... well, sometimes Charlotte Amalie is called a 'city'. Also referred to locally as 'town'. Same thing for the Red Hook area on the east end of St. Thomas. On St. Croix, Christiansted and Fredericksted might be considered 'towns' in this same sense. On St. John, ditto for 'Cruz Bay' (where the ferries come in) and 'Coral Bay'.
On some maps and real estate desriptors you may also see the term "quarter". Again speaking about St. Thomas, those "quarters" are divisions that encompass several of the above-named areas. King's Quarter, Queen's Quarter, etc. I never hear anyone use the quarters when describing the location of a house or land.
And regarding the school you mentioned, I'm not familiar with it (that doesn't mean much though). I will say that roads often have numerous names, so perhaps that school has been renamed.
A few more notes. Before moving I studied that map and learned the road numbers so that I could better ask for directions. Waste of time in terms of asking for asking directions. Few who have lived here any length of time know those numbers. At first I thought it was a point of pride or bragging ('I've lived here so long or assimilated so well that I don't need to know the numbers') but that's not it. The numbers just aren't that relevant to actual navigation. As for asking directions, well... good luck. You're likely to hear something like "Take the road that goes by where Joe's Bar used to be (as if you, a newbie, would know a place which is no longer there), turn where the cow is usually tied up...",
The Ulla Muller ES is in Contant. If you're planning a visit I wouldn't worry too much about getting around as it's really quite easy and, if you're not renting a vehicle, the taxi drivers know every inch of the island!
Thanks for the TON of info! I appreciate it! From looking at that map, I can now see exactly where Contant is. 🙂
Maybe I can contact you in private in the future for St. Thomas questions? Again, thanks!
Also, thank you for your help! I have the address for the ES but I can't understand it, but that's ok. I have seen pictures of what it looks like. Here is the "location" address...
#7b Estate Contant
Charlotte Amalie, VI
Ulla Muller school is just East of the Nisky intersection - really at the Western end of Main St.
It is almost impossible to decipher street addresses. They give you the estate area and that is about all. Occasionally you will get a street name, but it might be Wimmelskafts Gade and you would need to know the "common name" to find it. As Jules said, go past the tamarind tree to where the blue truck is then go up to the right and turn at the purple whale.
Another amusing anecdote we've probably all experienced as newcomers...
I used to hear local folks saying they were going to 'the country', they live 'all the way in the country', etc. I wrongly assumed they meant country as in U.S.A. or something. Nope. Apparently it means any part of St. Thomas beyond the immediate downtown area. I've even heard some people refer to Havensight as 'the country', but more often it seems to imply mid-island, typically the Tutu area.
More notes about that map I referenced earlier. Warning: the roads are WAY more twisty and turny that they appear on that map. If you're trying to gauge how far you've gone and how much further before you reach an particular landmark by counting the major curves and twists on that map forget it. Those are just approximations.
Related: in Google Maps, the satellite view with superimposed roads is WAY off in many instances. The roads are often not at all where they are drawn.
And further: there is an excellent spiral bound street atlas of the VI. Sorry but I don't recall the name. I saw it some time ago at Dockside Bookshop here on STT, bought a copy for my brother. He studies it zealously hoping to someday move here. I'd like to buy a copy for myself just because I love maps. If you call Dockside Bookshop they might be able to tell you the name of the atlas and if they have it in stock. I just browsed their site and didn't see it listed but they only have a smattering of books listed on their website.
Savahn-- sure, PM me if you need any specific info and don't wish to post a general question-- I'll answer if I can. You'll find answers to almost anything you can think of by doing a search of this board though. The search function is a bit tricky-- be sure to change the search time frame to 'all dates'. The default searches the last 30 days. Use the drop-down menu to select 'all dates'. And one of the VImovingcenter's most valuable resources for objective island info is OldTart/STTResident, so pay close attention to her posts and answers 🙂
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