what does DWW mean????!!!
This is a great thread definitely a keeper to add to, kinda lightens things up!

Well? stxfoodie ? tell her what your comments really mean.
I suspect it means Driving While White or possibly Driving While Woman?
what does DWW mean????!!!
This is a great thread definitely a keeper to add to, kinda lightens things up!
Yes, it's our equivalent to the stateside acronym DWB.

When you respond to someone outside your house yelling "Inside?" instead of ringing the door bell or knocking.
When you never expect anything to be done on time or arrive on time
When something costs 10 times more than you pay in the states - EVERYTHING!
When you simply shrug your shoulders at being treated rudely by people you encounter when you are merely trying to do business with them. It's like "hey, I am trying to give you money, at least act like I am not an alien".
When your house gets robbed several times in one calendar year. I have lived in the same house in the Chicago suburbs for almost 30 years and have never, ever had a problem, let alone a break in.
DWW = driving while white. Same as a DWB in the States.
I'm surprised people didn't know that one off the bat.
when i go someplace and no longer realize right away i'm the only white person there,well thats a good thing i guess

Here it's usually called DWC, driving while Caucasian.
I`ll have to agree w/ the DWC, it`s the abbreviation we used!
Although, I HAVE herd DWW used frequently as well!
That`s what we said everytime we got stopped....for NOTHING!
Many years ago, we would get stopped driving for no apparent reason, when it became clear as to why, I constructed a black arm, with a shirt sleeve & watch to hang out of the drivers door/window...
we always stayed in the left, as far as possible...
low & behold, we were never stopped!
So, since there was a experiment, and it was tested time & time again,with the same conclusion,one can agree(or at least argue) this to be a valid hypothesis, and not merely a theory!
I have lived her for over 15 years, white, not even a tan, never stopped for anything. Same with my husband, also white. Have always found the traffic police to be "fine". We always wear a seat belt, don't talk on the cell phone, go with the flow of traffic, etc. I am not contesting those who have been stopped, just saying it's NOT everyday, simply because you are white.
Two years ago, I was stopped at a click it or ticket traffic point, a federal program that gives the VIPD extra money for motor vehicles safety and to make sure you have your seat belt on. I was in my new van and didn't have my license plates yet just the temp dealer paper one. The police officer asked for License, Registration and Insurance Card. He stuck his head inside my van to check to see if I had my seat belt on. He than asked me to step out of the vehicle and sit on the curb. Another Officer came over to the van opened the door and he stuck his head inside the van. That second Police Officer came over to me by the curb got real close to me (in my face) and asked where I was going, I told him K Mart. The Second Officer calls the supervisor over and has a short conference with him, the supervisor goes over to my vehicle sticks his head inside my van than walks over to me gets in my face for a moment and says we know by the smell in your van and the stronger smell on you, an odor of a chemical substance, where is it and how long have you been using it. I had to think for a moment and bingo it came to me. It was the Ben Gay I put on my shoulder that morning. When I told him it was Ben Gay and I had been using it for about ten years and the tube was at home he had a conference with the other officers they laughed and told me have a Good morning and I could go.
When not using your directionals is a reflex action.
When you drive around with several empty water jugs in your car - in case you pass a water machine.
When you keep a machette by the front door all day and bring it to bed at night.
When you long for cruise shipts to stop just so you can see some new faces walking through town.
Sleeping with machete - really?
Sleeping with a machette? LOL. The day I feel the need to do that is the day I'm out of here.
On STT, the Bilge, Grand Union & Cruzan Rum 2 for $3!
When even though, I am pushing 30 and female, I answer to "the child" and "me son".
When being offered wedding cake with booze and fruit in it doesn't surprise you
when you go from not knowing they exist to having acquired a taste for Bread fruit, sorrel, and guavaberry
When your ears no longer pop when going down crown mountain road
When you can clearly identify which landing plane has your guests arriving on it, because there is only one at a time
CLARIFICATION: Bringing the machete to bed at night is for centipede encounters.
....You can drive your regular routes without hitting any potholes (exception allowed for Christiansted).
.....You can name more than 3 hurricane tracking websites - and discuss the merits of each one!

You drive your normal route & STILL swerve to avoid the spot where a pothole used to be even after it was fixed.
You forgot what a real sugar bowl is.
Your refrigerator is more of a pantry (flour, cornmeal, spices etc. in there).
That same refrigerator is covered with magnets to hide the rust spots.
It's so notable when a government office actually does their job as they should that you have to post it here i.e. "I got out of the BMV in less than an hour!"
You can find your gate to the VI in any airport by the young guy completely stretched out in his seat with his pants below his butt & his hat covering his face while he sleeps & the ladies with JC Penney shopping bags they've managed to get past TSA. They're interspersed with a few couples with their new "resort" clothes clutching a pina colada in a plastic cup to start their vacation off right.
You never look like the couples with their new resort clothes, even on your best day. That's the true measure of you've been here too long. :@)
Your feet have increased by at least 1 shoe size from wearing sandals most of the time.....
When you ponder the meaning of DWB and come up with driving while blonde.
You never look like the couples with their new resort clothes, even on your best day. That's the true measure of you've been here too long. :@)
LOL Trade -- A recent transplant tends to take "you look like you live here" as a compliment. *-) Everyone else knows better!
You stop refering to road numbers and street names and start using things like "
you turn at the green house with the dogs and go past the drug tree"
You plan to travel back to the continent during the winter months and realize your shoe wardrobe consists of slippers, thongs, sandals and one old pair of tennis shoes.

That's for sure. I bought a coat on Ebay when I had to go back one February.
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