you all make me feel like its impossible...
ok im brand new to this... im just a guy from the mainland who wants to work in the VI for the upcoming tourist season, and then hopefully well beyond that. all im planning on having is a one way ticket and a couple thousand in my pocket. im going no matter what anyone says. with that being said, i could use some useful, not sarcastic, advice. i was an air force pilot, so im not the dullest spoon in the drawer. ive also worked in construction and recreational therapy. all i really want is a beach a boat and a hammock. if i have to work a simple job for my simple life so be it. helpful suggestions?
Helpful advice:
You'll be fine. Too much of the advice here is geared towards the kids who have never lived outside of the protection of their parents or folks who have never traveled outside of the US.
You're single and employable. I'm sure you'll be fine. The worst thing that can possibly happen decide it sucks and you leave.
I think this is the first post of this coming tourist season -- we were just talking about when it would arrive.
I second Rich. Sounds like you've got a good experience and skills, and a clear desire to make your simple life work.
Search this forum for posts about tourist season, seasonal jobs, and even roommate(s) wanted. These post chronicle how work and affordable housing and roommates were found, how/where jobs were secured, etc
Getting down early seems, from my take on the posts, to be an advantage. Less competition for decent places to rent, choosing your own roomies at a place you rent rather than moving in with others where someone else runs the rm selection process. All of this has been covered in previous posts.
There's also threads with info on care taking for a boat positions and the live aboard life that may interest you, plus suggestions on where to try for specific kinds of work.
One way ticket almost always cost more than RT tickets. By the RT ticket, which you can probably change to a different date for $100 if you find you have an unplanned situation that require you to return back home during the first year after the ticket was issued.
Keep asking question as/after you read some of the older threads on this subject.
Might I ask on which island you plan to live?
You can do this, and my mom is channeling in to say plans about how to leave if you really hate living here for some reason aren't negative vibes. You can always use some funding stashed away for an in case I need to leave plane ticket for diving, groceries, or a bigger hammock is you find this is where you need to be.
Hoping it was helpful and snarkasm-free. Best wishes on this great adventure.
It seems that the advice is all solid. I did want to draw out a bit more about arriving early if possible. As many of the tourist oriented restaurants close towards the end of September, it seems that getting here just before they close is important. September, the latter half, is a big island gettaway vacation time. At that point, employers have a good idea of who is coming back for the next season, who is not, etc. W
I arrived just at that time last year, and several people I already knew in the hospitality industry offered me employment, although I am disabled and would have created disaster around me. Still, they wanted to know that when they got back from vacation, that all of their ducks were in a row.
Not being a kid, having significant employment experience and having realistic expectations, I don't see why this wouldn't work.
One gentleman just passed through my house dong a pre-move visit (PMV). He had a checklist, and in less than one month, had a car, a job, a place to live and a really good sense of the island. Whether or not you do a PMV, which would seem unlikely given the late date, I think making this comprehensive list about what a person needs to survive, anywhere, was important. It's easy to get distracted here.
Also, stick with the board. If you need a place to live, especially rent by owner kind of thing, you will probably hear of the non advertised stuff, like a guest room, whereas you would not in the newspaper, and the rents published tend to be pretty high.
If you think of anything, throw it out to the board or private message someone who generally seems to give good avdice. If you think someone is rude or something, write to someone else.
Best wishes,

I came down with a round trip ticket that never saw a return. I got a job w/in 2 weeks and have been here since. Spirit Air flys to STT then if you want to come to STX (my preference) take a $70 seaborne flight over. I've been getting (3 times now) one way from Detroit to STT on Spirit for around $185.
Good luck!!
There are probably more jobs available on STT, but it is cheaper to live on STX.
STT seems like a smaller Hawaii (IMHO). more Americanized, more state side stores, more tourists, etc.
STX seems like what I think Hawaii would have been like in the 50's (IMHO). I was not there in the 50's, but seeing movies of that era is where I get this feeling. Not near as Americanized, Yes there are 2 K-Marts, and a Cost You Less, but not like STT. The two towns have more the feel of other islands, such as Fiji, Tatahi, Martinque, ETC. ( again IMHO).
Good luck, I'm sure you will be ok.
Out of curiosity what did you fly in the Air Force??
Sent you an email...
Sorry if we make it seem difficult or impossible. We usually gear our responses to the person starting the post and their situation. Obviously it is harder to move and get things going if you have three or four kids rather than a single person.
I would suggest trying to find work on STJ if you want to get away from the busy island of STT. But it is harder and more expensive to live on STJ unless you just get lucky. Good luck and like everyone else said. Keep in touch with this board and attend get togethers. You will meet a lot of people that way who can help you find your way.
If you are a flight instructor as well as a pilot and interested in a little sight seeing from the skies while educating future pilots, there is a slot open for instruction on STX that I can fill you in on. Other airport jobs would also be available at least for the tourist season as the capacity increases. With your background, you might have a bit of an edge on other applicants for those types of positions.

Hi Pierce. I'm a single guy too. I came down here to St. Croix with little money and started my own business and
I' ve got jobs and money coming in. It's like anywhere else, your attitude and effort are 90% of what it takes to make it. Give it a shot. If you like it stay. If you don't you can go home- at least you'll have gone for it. I'm ex- Army myself there is a great veterans community here both native and mainland and I can attest to the fact that the brotherhood of the military is alive and well here and will ease your way with a lot of folks. Don't set your sights too low. There is need here for specialized services and skills and they can be very well compensated.
As long as you keep in mind that you are not just moving from say--- California to Ohio. You are actually moving to imho an almost foreign country- albeit one that is English speaking and very Americanized. Those that adapt get along great and are doing well and happy. Those that wish to fight it are doomed to be unsatisfied. Keep on rollin' with the flow and you'll do fine.
You are probably ideally placed to have a great experience - you are young, healthy, skilled etc etc. I can almost guarantee that you will have fun. IMHO you are the perfect transplantee that the Islands should welcome. I wish that I had done it at your age. The difficulties come with moving kids, decrepitude ( in all its shapes and forms) and the dreaded Responsibility word.
My feeble little piece of advice, stay out of the bars. I have seen many promising young people waste their potential by succumbing to the 'drinking like you are on vacation every day' syndrome. Sun, fun, a certain degree of boredom and cheap liquor, is a fatal mix.
I am anxious to hear how you make out. I'm getting ready to do the same. Alot to do here in Maine before I head down with dog, cat & VW. Good luck.
i want to say THANKS to all who replied and emailed me, especially dave, and also for putting the advice into a more customized perspective for my situation. This is exactly the type of community I'm looking forward to being a part of... definitely
i'll email those that requested it as well. thanks again all.
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