Without Payment from V.I. Agencies, WAPA Faces More Downgrades
Without Payment from V.I. Agencies, WAPA Faces More Downgrades
This is actually good news. Maybe they'll have to sell to a private sector operator who knows what they're doing.

"an 8 cent per kilowatt hour increase"
So make the people that are forced to pay their bill cover the cost for the government agencies and others that will not pay.
Socialism at its finest.
This is actually good news. Maybe they'll have to sell to a private sector operator who knows what they're doing.
Yeah. They'd cut all the government agencies off that owe money and then we'd be even more dysfunctional than we now.
The VI Government needs to stop all non essential, wasteful spending, make a serious budget and pay down debt instead of continuing to increase it and foist its non compliance in paying its debts on the public and private sectors.

The VI Government needs to stop all non essential, wasteful spending,
Except for limousines. We must have limousines.
Limos and luxury.
These are the emails of our current senators. Why not email them suggesting (demanding) that the government pay down the WAPA debt. WAPA is saying that they will need an eight cents per k/w hour without government repayment. The last thing our struggling economy needs! Perhaps a deluge of emails from concerned citizens will have them take notice, if not take action.
BLYDEN, MARVIN A.______________774-0880/E-mail mblyden@legvi.org
FORDE, JEAN____________________774-0880/ E-mail jforde@legvi.org
FRANCIS, NOVELLE E. JR___________774-0880/E-mail nfrancis@legvi.org
GITTENS, KENNETH_____________774-0880/ E-mail senatorklgittens@gmail.com
GRAHAM, CLIFFORD______________774-0880/E-mail cgraham@legvi.org
HARRIGAN, JUSTIN SR_____________774-0880/E-mail jharrigan@legvi.org
JACKSON, MYRON D.______________774-0880/ E-mail mjackson@legvi.org
JAMES, NEVILLE___________________774-0880/E-mail njames@legvi.org
LIBURD, ALMANDO________________774-0880
NELSON, TERRENCE______________774-0880/E-mail positivetimez@gmail.com
NEREIDA RIVERA___________________774-0880/E-mail teamnellie@gmail.com
ROACH, TREGENZA A. _______________774-0880/Email troach@legvi.com
SANES, SAMMUEL________________774-0880/ Email sammuelsanes@yahoo.com
VIALET, KURT_______________________774-0880 / E-mail kvialet@legvi.org
YOUNG, JANETTE MILLIN_____________774-0880/E-mail jmyoung@legvi.org
Thanks for the very helpful list.
Thanks Phizz.
We have 15 senators? One senator per 7000 people. Our interests are over represented.
It would be nice to have a King and Queen and a bunch of princes. Let's establish monarchy during next carnival. 😀

It would be nice to have a King and Queen
Don't we already have someone holding both positions?
Yes. Monarch Mapp.
It might be time to install more solar panels on my roof.
Right on STTsailer, in NY we have 63 senators and 150 in the assembly which is about 1 per 97,000. Government is way to big even here, but that's a ridiculous % you have in the VI. You probably need 2 for stx, stt and 1 for stj and that would free up millions based on salaries, offices, staff, travel, etc. Then also maybe they could get shit done as their isn't an extra 10 senators opinions fubar'ing everthing up. Just one man's opinion. No all I ask is that my post isn't somehow hijacked to why there aren't black bears on the VI? or whatever. LOL
Just one man's opinion.
In an island-wide referendum several years ago voters addressed the issue and concurred by a very large margin that the number of representatives be reduced by half. Unsurprisingly the popular vote was shelved.
At the local level here in NY, and I can on reference what I know based on my living here, but we have had many municipalities reduce the number of paid town government. This has been going on for the past few years and has been well received with no interruption to how the towns are run. I realize that the USVI is a different beast due to the various islands, but obviously Mapp and the current gov't will never get the budget under control and most likely they will be put under some type of control such as PR is going to be. Might be a good thing, based on what I read in the various papers and here, the VI needs some major changes in their budgeting process. Put focus on schools, infrastructure and tourism, create jobs that can be filled with the graduates, have tourism support the financial well being of the islands. Then you will have reduced crime, people will want to move down and you will have even more income to support the needs to run the VI, ooops there's my moderate republican coming through. Big gov't hasn't helped anyone but the gov't. somewhere I read "We the people...."
1. I realize that the USVI is a different beast due to the various islands, but obviously Mapp and the current gov't will never get the budget under control and most likely they will be put under some type of control such as PR is going to be.
2. Put focus on schools, infrastructure and tourism, create jobs that can be filled with the graduates, have tourism support the financial well being of the islands. Then you will have reduced crime, people will want to move down and you will have even more income to support the needs to run the VI, ooops there's my moderate republican coming through. Big gov't hasn't helped anyone but the gov't. somewhere I read "We the people...."
1. Not going to happen.
2. This has all been said a thousand and more times before over the years. When you move here then you can get involved in the community, join with others and do whatever you can to effect change.
As soon as the VI government cannot make a bond payment (I include WAPA here) or even threatens to not make a bond payment, the feds will be riding in on semi-white horses. You can't f**** with Wall Street.
I'm not sure how much longer the VI government can continue to kick this can down the road. At some point you simply run out of money.
What about making the utility a cooperative? Has that ever been discussed?
Public (users) ownership join and receive capital credits at the end of the year based on usage. A not for profit and sustaining entity beholden to yearly elected board members, who live on island.
I think it is coming in the next 3-5 years. The debt per capita is higher than PR. Other than tourism there is no other economy here. PR has some options. The people are better educated and more business minded. There is more expertise there than here.
I think it is coming in the next 3-5 years. The debt per capita is higher than PR. Other than tourism there is no other economy here. PR has some options. The people are better educated and more business minded. There is more expertise there than here.
That's why I'm supporting the 2million that Mapp wants to spend (limo included!).
If your going to crash into a wall, do it full throttle.. that way it's funner to watch (and more people will see it).
The gov. officials don't comprehend the situation,, the media doesn't get it, the citizens maybe have a small clue; but not many of them.
This should be topic #1 and it should involve the words "spending cuts" a LOT...
I expected things like converting paved roads back to gravel for budget reasons (viable and affordable).
De-funding city governments (how many sub-governments do we really need?) and cutting back on how often local representatives can meet (alaska restricts it to 90 days PER YEAR).
There are literally 53 places that are (mostly) bigger than us (more complex) to find examples of what to do.... NONE of this is seriously happening.

As soon as the VI government cannot make a bond payment
They will stop making payments on the GVI pensions before that happens. There is only enough money to pay for the next 10 years. Then ?????
All this doom and gloom. Guess we should all pop a cyanide capsule. I'll do it after I get back from the beach with my boy
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