I wasn't suggesting you were confused but just mistaken, if that was your assumption.
STX is not in a financial position to build big resorts....and there are no investors
That's nonsense...there are always investors when there is an acceptable risk and ROI.
Its because we have idiots in government running the place that the risk is greater than the reward.
Plus, the old money Crucians who have their nest well feathered after decades of malfeasance don't want development. Until they die off and their chilren dem start dividing the spoils, not much change will occur.
OT....I never assume anything...except that you are always right....
OT....I never assume anything...except that you are always right....
Of course I'm not - but I also only speak of that which I know.
You are right...yet again..
Take a drive around STX - notice the houses - the stores - the businesses - the neighborhoods. Then drive around STT and notice the same. I am sorry - there is NO comparison. Its VERY obvious just by driving around - clear as day that STT has a much much much healthier economy. More ships = more money. PERIOD. How anyone can argue that is beyond me. I know a lot of Crucians don't want more tourists here and thats fine too BUT don't get pissy when STT economy is booming and here, businesses are closing up shop. I will say that Fsted seems on an upswing with a few new businesses. Still no comparing Main St. STT with Fsted LOL! Anyone tried the new smoothie place across from ITIBA yet?
I worked with tourists in STT 5 days a week - hell more in busy season and sometimes a day and night tour 10 hour days. I am not sure where anyone gets the whole cruise shippers don't spend money. SO not true. Less than in the past? Probably - but don't you guys think thats in all aspects of american life life? After 2008 everyone started spending/having/making less IMO.
More than half my tips were $50-$100 tips for my 5 hour day tours of STT (on top of my daily pay). This is additional to the $109pp rate for the tour. It helps that I effing ROCK in the wata 😉 and find the most amazing critters, plus education and excitement. My customers were 90% cruise shippers and some resort guests. Only a couple or a family of four in my car checking out the whole islands and snorkeling a few beaches. My customers always paid for their own meals and some even wanted a "shopping tour" spending $$$ on all kinds of stuff. A lot of times they would ask about my camera and I would stop at the store in WICO and they'd buy one. $350. Of course there were some cheep people BUT in 1500+ tours I only had 2 non tippers and they were from the UK... not that it matters.
Totally agree AandA
Now that Limetree Bay Terminals is operating, the health of the STX economy has improved significantly. I've seen a significant uptick at my own business.
Now that Limetree Bay Terminals is operating, the health of the STX economy has improved significantly. I've seen a significant uptick at my own business.
Really? I figured this change wouldn't be much of a net gain for STX, though I suppose non-tourism businesses would benefit more.
Tourists are not shopping as much as they used to and imo one of the reasons is there are few "bargains" now so why bother? That's the type of spending most residents are referring to.
WICO releatedly stresses creating more things for visitors to do to keep VI fresh. Everybody thought the Magic Ice Gallery was not going to last, but it's still here and probably because no other Caribbean port has one.
It would be great if somebody created a unique St Croix attraction.
It would be great if somebody created a unique St Croix attraction.
I'd like to introduce you to CruzanCowgirls, we offer a history based tour of St Croix west end & have created, help manage or assist with several events (animal focused) to include creating "Animal Jam" for the Animal Welfare center, charity music concerts, road / beach clean up activities & we have started some equine therapy work as well.
We provide horsemanship training for local owners and (limited) medical advice / care.
Since our tour is also a history lesson (there are several slave quarter ruins, some that were used as living areas all the way up to through the second half of last century) & agricultural lesson (we highlight the flora/fauna along our trail) plus our work with other non-profits I feel that we have created a unique St Croix attraction.
Apparently I am not alone, we are quite busy these days.
My business Lyric Sails offers sunset sails with live music (also a unique attraction). Been operational since December and opening a storefront in Frederiksted next week. We also partner with Cruzan Cowgirls and sponsor a rehabbed horse named Lyric.
Lots going on in Frederiksted these days: new local smoothie shop just opened (made with all local fruits), new dive shop, boutique B&B and spa called The Fred in the works, Coconut Cup Paddleboard Championship this weekend, Frederiksted summer music festival in June, Rum festival in May...as well as existing unique attractions like the rainforest, Leap, Whim museum, botanical gardens, The Labyrinth, Northside Valley eco resort, ATV tours, Monks Baths, awesome diving et etc etc...
Rehabbing and building up Frederiksted and St. Croix is not going to happen overnight but there is a very dedicated community over here (including LiquidFloride and others) that are trying their best to improve and contribute to the island.
My business Lyric Sails offers sunset sails with live music (also a unique attraction). Been operational since December and opening a storefront in Frederiksted next week. We also partner with Cruzan Cowgirls and sponsor a rehabbed horse named Lyric.
This is an awesome idea & the execution of it is amazing; we had so much fun going out with you, plus several of your passengers from that trip are now friends of ours (not sure if we would have met them other wise) & the musician was a treat, great to meet her as well.
Lyric (the horse) is definitely the most visually striking horse we take care of with those amazing blue eyes; she's doing quite well & we have begun training her on her ground work... when she's a bit older I think it'd be fun to do a photo shoot with her and the boat in the water off rainbow (or somewhere).
Wonderful! I'll look you up next time I'm on St Croix.
Ref Swans
Just wanted to let you know I have been seeing in California, USA, advertisements on Television for USVI Tourism regularly for several months now on CNN media, and recently, specific ads that end with visit St. Croix. They feature a beautiful beach and a catamaran boat floating slightly off shore in water that looks aquamarine. Who wouldn’t want to book a flight right then and there?
USVI – STT and STX are advertising.
Enjoyed your thorough writing on updates ref the Cruise industry to STX, and beyond. Very informative and it gave me much to think about. I don’t think fewer ship visits to STX will harm significantly the economy there, but the closure of that large factory, Hovensa refinery, may have impacted housing market and economy. I only say this based on “computer keyboard research” from a far reading about individuals moving back to the mainland America for employment.
Increased tourism to STX may very well come from those who fly in because they desire to stay longer than just 9-hours on Island if they arrive by Cruise Liner.
When I first cruised to St. Thomas in March 2015 via Carnival Cruise Line, we did not even stop in St. Croix.
I recall wanting to do a Day-Trip to STX while in port, but it was impossible due to the short time in port there and also I guess the Ferry was no longer transporting inter-island between the two.
I really wanted to see STX because it appeared less trafficked. I wanted to see for myself the beach filmed in Shaw Shank Redemption; now a Natural Reserve now with little foot traffic allowed …. But I wanted to see it. The beautiful ocean colors and white untouched sands.
Many travelers do desire the less busy, and a great back story of the places they visit.
While in St. Thomas I did a long large group activity; Beach swimming, Scenic Tour of Island, Blue Beard’s Castle, Shopping, visiting local vendors for unique crafts, and Rum Punch.
Rum Punch was not a activity per say but it was available.
People were everywhere downtown! Bustling and people standing around looking like they did not know to turn right or left. It was very busy!
I don’t think we visited a restaurant because there is so much food available on the ship 24/7. By the end of our cruise, there was a running joke on-board that passengers …..“Board happy, but by the time you disembark, the ship will lift passengers off like cargo.”
One thing I did notice from all the stops we made on our multi-island port visits, most passengers book activities ahead of time through the Cruise Ship excursions process. Exciting ports of call and more exciting have grand entertainment / activities for passengers the moment they disembark.
A couple of Islands I visited had lots of local live entertainment close to port entrance that makes large revenue from those exiting the ship [ not in a hurry, and profits from those on return who want to be near ship’s entrance to not miss the sailing but not ready to get back on the ship too early].
Live Music
Live Cultural Activities based on local culture are a big draw.
Water sports, diving, and Sailing activities. America’s Cup style racing excursion is a big draw in St Maartan. Two clipper sail boats with a large crew each race against one another to beat the other clipper on a race course. There must have been 24 people on my excursion and each paid close to $100 each for a 1 -12 hr activity. This company scheduled at least three races per day. That’s roughly $7,200.000 per day.
$7,200.00 for one day of activity income is pretty sweet.
I have no idea of their operating cost, nor how much they make in after sail profit from on water photo sales, gift shop sales. I just know what I saw and how many times my Captain said he’d been out in the water that day of my excursion.
I had such a great time! I was ready to quit my job and be his first mate. Easy Day if you love customer service, sailing competition, and helping folks enjoy their vacation.
When I did this activity excursion I met a couple who had did it before, on a previous cruise to St Maarten.

Ref Swans
Just wanted to let you know I have been seeing in California, USA, advertisements on Television for USVI Tourism regularly for several months now on CNN media, and recently, specific ads that end with visit St. Croix. They feature a beautiful beach and a catamaran boat floating slightly off shore in water that looks aquamarine. Who wouldn’t want to book a flight right then and there?
USVI – STT and STX are advertising.
Enjoyed your thorough writing on updates ref the Cruise industry to STX, and beyond. Very informative and it gave me much to think about. I don’t think fewer ship visits to STX will harm significantly the economy there, but the closure of that large factory, Hovensa refinery, may have impacted housing market and economy. I only say this based on “computer keyboard research” from a far reading about individuals moving back to the mainland America for employment.
Increased tourism to STX may very well come from those who fly in because they desire to stay longer than just 9-hours on Island if they arrive by Cruise Liner.
When I first cruised to St. Thomas in March 2015 via Carnival Cruise Line, we did not even stop in St. Croix.
I recall wanting to do a Day-Trip to STX while in port, but it was impossible due to the short time in port there and also I guess the Ferry was no longer transporting inter-island between the two.
I really wanted to see STX because it appeared less trafficked. I wanted to see for myself the beach filmed in Shaw Shank Redemption; now a Natural Reserve now with little foot traffic allowed …. But I wanted to see it. The beautiful ocean colors and white untouched sands.
Many travelers do desire the less busy, and a great back story of the places they visit.
While in St. Thomas I did a long large group activity; Beach swimming, Scenic Tour of Island, Blue Beard’s Castle, Shopping, visiting local vendors for unique crafts, and Rum Punch.
Rum Punch was not a activity per say but it was available.
People were everywhere downtown! Bustling and people standing around looking like they did not know to turn right or left. It was very busy!
I don’t think we visited a restaurant because there is so much food available on the ship 24/7. By the end of our cruise, there was a running joke on-board that passengers …..“Board happy, but by the time you disembark, the ship will lift passengers off like cargo.”
One thing I did notice from all the stops we made on our multi-island port visits, most passengers book activities ahead of time through the Cruise Ship excursions process. Exciting ports of call and more exciting have grand entertainment / activities for passengers the moment they disembark.
A couple of Islands I visited had lots of local live entertainment close to port entrance that makes large revenue from those exiting the ship [ not in a hurry, and profits from those on return who want to be near ship’s entrance to not miss the sailing but not ready to get back on the ship too early].
Live Music
Live Cultural Activities based on local culture are a big draw.
Water sports, diving, and Sailing activities. America’s Cup style racing excursion is a big draw in St Maartan. Two clipper sail boats with a large crew each race against one another to beat the other clipper on a race course. There must have been 24 people on my excursion and each paid close to $100 each for a 1 -12 hr activity. This company scheduled at least three races per day. That’s roughly $7,200.000 per day.
$7,200.00 for one day of activity income is pretty sweet.
I have no idea of their operating cost, nor how much they make in after sail profit from on water photo sales, gift shop sales. I just know what I saw and how many times my Captain said he’d been out in the water that day of my excursion.
I had such a great time! I was ready to quit my job and be his first mate. Easy Day if you love customer service, sailing competition, and helping folks enjoy their vacation.
When I did this activity excursion I met a couple who had did it before, on a previous cruise to St Maarten.
Thank you NJoy for your most interesting and informative posting describing your observations of STT, expressing your opinion about the drop in schedules of the number of cruise ship visits and its possible impact or not on STX, and expressions of your love for these beautiful Virgin Islands. I, too, have seen many television commercials promoting the islands. And I do hope they will encourage people to hop a plane and spend time in America's stunning island get-away - the USVI - in the lovely Caribbean.
The VI nice STX commercial plays on CNN several times a day, once in the last hour. love it!
Hopefully the commercials are showing throughout the US, not just in California, as that wouldn't make a lot of sense, as there is a lot of cold crappy weather up north here as compared to CA. Like I stated in a previous post, I never really knew about the USVI until doing my own research and I'm sure the majority of the US population knows very little as well. It would be extremely wise to spend even more money marketing the islands to get the word out about this US Territory in the Caribbean! Otherwise giving raises from the sale of Hovensa will be short lived, as you will not have the revenue to support it.
Hopefully the commercials are showing throughout the US, not just in California, as that wouldn't make a lot of sense, .
Throughout the US.
Also, I just heard from a reliable source that there will be a direct, daily American flight (airbus, 128 pax) from JFK to STX by the end of summer. The route is currently up for bid with the pilots.
I would think that they would advertise on Fox News seeing that it's the #1 rated show, maybe cost? Or possibly they want the liberals to come down, see the situation USVI is in and want to give some taxpayer money to it? oops taking this thread way off course, I must now be an official poster here.. 😉
Supposedly CNN has the preferred more affluent demographic. I asked that question of Tourism and that was the response.
But I thought it was the Republicans with all the money... CNN is ranked 30th, Fox 4th, in Q1 2015 not sure about the affluent demographic, as the average median household income is 61,000 for Fox and 63,000 for CNN. As for age demographics, they are also about the same % (+/- 2%) for each network, so based on that, Foxnews would reach a higher total of viewers based on % and # of viewers. If it was based on affluency, MNBC is at an average of 66,000 median income. Just curious as to how they decided who to advertise with unless the cost of commercial advertising is drastically different.
Also, I just heard from a reliable source that there will be a direct, daily American flight (airbus, 128 pax) from JFK to STX by the end of summer. The route is currently up for bid with the pilots.
That would be beyond freaking awesome if that route came back! (tu)(tu)(tu)(tu)
Stxem - keep us posted on this, please!
But I thought it was the Republicans with all the money... CNN is ranked 30th, Fox 4th, in Q1 2015 not sure about the affluent demographic, as the average median household income is 61,000 for Fox and 63,000 for CNN. As for age demographics, they are also about the same % (+/- 2%) for each network, so based on that, Foxnews would reach a higher total of viewers based on % and # of viewers. If it was based on affluency, MNBC is at an average of 66,000 median income. Just curious as to how they decided who to advertise with unless the cost of commercial advertising is drastically different.
from debt.org:
Income: Republicans
Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.
Republicans also express a much higher level of satisfaction with their personal financial situation than either Democrats or Independents. Before the U.S. economy’s downturn, an all-time high of 81 percent of Republicans expressed satisfaction with their personal financial situation. That number dropped to 61 percent in 2009, but it is still significantly higher than the corresponding 52 percent of Independents and 49 percent of Democrats. A much larger proportion of Republicans than Democrats also identify themselves as “haves” versus “have-nots.”
Income Democrats:
An individual’s likelihood of being a Democrat decreases with every additional dollar he or she earns. Democrats have a huge advantage (63 percent) with voters earning less than $15,000 per year. This advantage carries forward for individuals earning up to $50,000 per year, and then turns in the Republicans’ favor — with just 36 percent of individuals earning more than $200,000 per year supporting Democrats.
Interestingly, the median household income in the United States is $49,777 — right near the point where the Democratic advantage disappears and the Republicans take over.
About half of Democrats express satisfaction with their personal financial situation, compared with 61 percent of Republicans and 52 percent of Independents.
Seems to me that, while Republicans do have more money, giving them the greater advantage of being able to travel, many more have the capability of traveling to places greater in distance, and more upscale and exotic than what the VI has to offer. Anecdotally, though, I run into far more visitors from the north and mid east coast (more blue states), than other areas. So I don't think we can draw conclusions on visitation from a political standpoint, without more demographic data on who actually comes here.
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