Wikked Disgusting
I just wanted to give a warning out there to everyone to AVOID at all costs the Wikked restaurant at Yacht Haven. I had what was allegedly a pork taco but the meat was soooo cold I swear I could taste a few ice crystals, seriously. With the ice melting from my meat, the water caused by the melting ice, made the taco soggy. Sadly, my wifes chicken taco was the same. I know this sounds funny, and it would be if it wasn't true. Obviously the cheese underneath the meat never melted since it was cold.
Never got asked if I wanted another drink, and never once checked on until I had to hunt my waitress down for the check. I think if someone leave most of their meal on the plate you might want to ask why. NOPE.
The semi warm fries were the only redeeming part of the meal. I'm never much of a complainer I just don't go back, which I won't but this was so bad I thought I had to share.
On a positive side I have had a good breakfast there before so I'm surprised lunch was so horribly inedible.
Stu: I sure hope that you took your complaints to the management. I don't think one cold taco and a poor server is adequate evidence for a "disgusting" review on the internet. I don't have anything to do with the restaurant and have had several great lunches and brunches there. (Crunchy shrimp tacos- yum!)
Please explain why I can't or shouldn't post a review? Don't all visitors post a review of St Thomas when they come here for vacation just once? I'm posting honest true facts of my experience. Isn't this what the board is for? People post about their horrible experiences with airlines, real estate, customs, etc etc....
A cold taco is not "horrible" or "disgusting". What if I posted about the horrible service that you provided? Wouldn't you expect me to contact you first to settle the problem?
Did your mother ever teach you about counting to ten before you vented on the internet?? 😉
If you had really intended to slam them you should post it on the vacation board and not the relocation board. Here you will find more people that live here that will probably disagree with you as they live there. I do not mean this in an insulting way with what I am about to say but vacationers have a different standard of customer service then people that live here. For example I never expect to get a refill, I always order a water with whatever I'm having. Service is poor here but its one of the trade offs if you live here. When I get bad food I do send it back. If they wont take it back I don't go back. You learn to adapt if you live here or the island will break you in 100s of ways. This is not stateside it is it's own culture. You want excellent service you go somewhere like disneyworld, you want incredible beaches you come here, you want incredible history you go somewhere like Europe.
I had a great dinner at Wikked and everyone that I was with enjoyed their meal. Our service was great and the environment most enjoyable. Sorry you had a bad time.

I've had good experiences there but have heard a few really bad stories. They startted out great but keep changing hours, etc. so they're still in the starting phase which can last longer down here. Maybe another try in a couple months might be better for you.
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