Wicker & Ratan
Hello All,
This may be a dumb question. I've read on the message board and Settler's Handbook about termites and the damage they will do to your furniture. I've also seen many pictures of wicker and ratan furniture, is this a wood that termites don't like or it's just cheaper to replace after it's damaged by termites or hurricanes.
Teak and mahogany are the preferred woods. Don't think they like rattan, but if they do, you are right, it's cheaper to replace!
Ronnie, i have a few items that are NOT made of mahogony or teak, but items that are personally valuable, since my mom made these. They are mainly just knick knacks and crafty things. If I hang them, do you think I am "basically" asking for trouble. Since they are not made of the woods you mentioned, am I attracting the termites, and creating myself a problem with hanging or using them? Your advice is appreicated.
Termites have bigger and better things to look for! Just keep your eye out for their droppings. You can spray stuff to kill them and if you suspect termites in them, you can freeze them and they will die!
Wicker and Ratan Furniture is the most uncomfortable crap in the world! It is made in the Devil's workshop!
just my opinion
Hello MLogan,
I have had them get into mahogany, plywood, cabinets, the wooden frame of a bed, books and papers that were on wooden shelves and not moved for a very long time, wooden doors, cloth that was stored in wooden boxes for a long time, cardboard boxes, newspapers... Haven't had them in my wicker chairs yet (which incidently J. have large comfy cushions on them but without are quite uncomfy :-). The wicker chairs were bought because a friend thought they look tropical & islandy and were not expensive and could be easily replaced.
Linda, they usually go after wood first. The incidences I had with them getting into books and papers were items that were packed away and never reopened for years and were in a store room and books that were stored on a shelf filled with termites but again in a store room and so it went un-noticed. As Ronnie mentioned you will see the termites droppings if they are present, it tooks like a little pile of light brown sand (grains a little bigger then sand) and you will know that they are in what ever item the pile is beneath and you can quickly spray and try to get rid of them. Termites are not an every house type thing so its possiable you could not encounter any termite problems. Just keep an eye on your mom's crafts and around the house in general.
Thanks islander and Ronnie, I really didn't wanna get rid of my moms crafts, she does such beautiful work, I already warned her, that due to the humidity and salt air, they won't last as long as they would here in the states, but I will keep them as long as possible. Im a sentimenal (spelled wrong im sure) person and want to keep some "family" thoughts around the house, ya know.
I will keep my eye out for the termite droppings, thanks again.
a 14 year old post
That is hilarious! It can be noisy if in a dry climate. I have a wicker living set, third generation in family to have It, and for some reason it is only comfortable to me and not the rest of the family, ha ha.
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