
If anyone on this board works for/with, or knows someone from Innovative, can you please tell me why the broadcast signal goes to pieces during prime time programming? I enjoy CBS programs; NCIS, Criminal Minds and the like. And the signal always seems to disintegrate during the hours that I like to view these programs. I am an STX viewer.
Frustrated viewer :{
Disclosure: I am an Authorized Dish Retailer on STX.
A friend of mine who works for Innovative told me several weeks ago that we were about to get busy. Seems that they are having trouble with some of the transmission and headend hardware. When will it be fixed? Didn't know.....
A string with a soup can on each end can only accomodate so much traffic at peak times.

I gave up on Innovative a few years ago, the wire that services my neighborhood is deteriorated and as we are out east it will be several blue moons before it is upgraded. The phone and cable would work maybe 50% of the time. It was just to annoying to deal with Innovative customer service a few times a month. I see all the new hybrid fiber going in around princess and wonder how that is working and how the reliability is??? Now just AT&T which is still annoying but less so and Dish.
If and when the new Fiber backbone network gets completed and the ISPs offer real Broadband all the TV providers will have stiff competition.
If and when the new Fiber backbone network gets completed and the ISPs offer real Broadband all the TV providers will have stiff competition.
Really. Except for live sporting events, who watches tv on tv anymore? Even the piddly 4mps VIBB service that we're stuck with now streams fairly well most of the time.
If anyone on this board works for/with, or knows someone from Innovative, can you please tell me why the broadcast signal goes to pieces during prime time programming? I enjoy CBS programs; NCIS, Criminal Minds and the like. And the signal always seems to disintegrate during the hours that I like to view these programs. I am an STX viewer.
Frustrated viewer :{
I have the same problem with the DISH network feeds which come via PR. It may be nothing to do directly with Innovative but with the local feeds. It's really annoying.
i have heard many times from many people that it is a pr streaming issue

It was really disapointing to have the Oregon-Stanford game lose the signal for most of the game last Sat. -- I am on STT and it was broadcast on Innovative - channel 8 from STX. I get a weak signal or no signal message from that station quite often. Anyone know why?

So it's, somehow, morbidly comforting that I'm not the only one that suffers from such service. I just want to know why, during prime time, on CBS, it always goes to poop! Not during Judge Judy, Not during the Price is Right, or Ellen, or any of the others I could care less about and don't watch (just saw them on the menu channel). About the only channels that come in well most of the time are Mother Angelica and CSPAN. I sometimes imagine a troll watching the clock and when prime time comes along it starts its mischief.... On an good note, I can now watch, mostly, old shows on HULU; Hitchcock, Sherlock Holms, etc. and feel somewhat satiated... VIVA HULU!
When I used to get the networks on DISH through All-American Direct there was no problem at all; but now this streaming through PR is horrible. I DVR pretty much everything I watch and have also noticed that the bleeps and farts and squirlies start in prime time but are absent earlier. Oh well, just another little annoyance to deal with! 😀
Innovative has an attitude problem. Since they are a virtual monopoly they can do what they want to do. So cut the crap Innovative. This as well as many other problems have been going on and on. If they wanted to really fix them they would!
When I used to get the networks on DISH through All-American Direct there was no problem at all; but now this streaming through PR is horrible. I DVR pretty much everything I watch and have also noticed that the bleeps and farts and squirlies start in prime time but are absent earlier. Oh well, just another little annoyance to deal with! 😀
I disagree.
I have the Dish Hopper/Joey setup, HD in every room.
I love getting the networks ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox in HD.
Today Show, The Voice, 60 Minutes, NASCAR, X-Factor, all fantastic.
My only quality complaint is CBS during football games, too much pixelation.
I don't like the spanish commercials, but that is what the DVR / fast forward 30 seconds button is for.
Innovative has an attitude problem. Since they are a virtual monopoly they can do what they want to do. So cut the crap Innovative. This as well as many other problems have been going on and on. If they wanted to really fix them they would!
As has been pointed out, the problem which this thread addresses is NOT an innovative problem but a streaming issue with network programming coming through PR.
You may also not be aware that Innovative is currently in the process of replacing all the old communication cables throughout the islands with state of the art fiberoptic and coax. It's a multimillion dollar project which will totally revamp, update and drastically improve all operations. I disagree that Innovative has an "attitude problem". Cleaning up the mess which Prosser created has been a formidable task and as far as service is concerned I've had nothing but excellent response from their staff during some recent technical issues.
When I used to get the networks on DISH through All-American Direct there was no problem at all; but now this streaming through PR is horrible. I DVR pretty much everything I watch and have also noticed that the bleeps and farts and squirlies start in prime time but are absent earlier. Oh well, just another little annoyance to deal with! 😀
I disagree.
I have the Dish Hopper/Joey setup, HD in every room.
I love getting the networks ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox in HD.
Today Show, The Voice, 60 Minutes, NASCAR, X-Factor, all fantastic.
My only quality complaint is CBS during football games, too much pixelation.
I don't like the spanish commercials, but that is what the DVR / fast forward 30 seconds button is for.
So what you're saying is that you have no problems with reception of the network feeds streaming from PR? I'm a complete dummy where all the technicalities are concerned and haven't a clue what a "Hopper/Joey" setup is but is it possible that whatever that is somehow foils the poor reception which others are experiencing? This reception issue is widespread and far surpasses the couple of comments made by posters on this forum and if what you have solves the problem it'd be nice to know what it is!
So what you're saying is that you have no problems with reception of the network feeds streaming from PR? I'm a complete dummy where all the technicalities are concerned and haven't a clue what a "Hopper/Joey" setup is but is it possible that whatever that is somehow foils the poor reception which others are experiencing? This reception issue is widespread and far surpasses the couple of comments made by posters on this forum and if what you have solves the problem it'd be nice to know what it is!
That is correct.
My Dish Network ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox is working perfectly....in HD to boot!
My only complaint is CBS football pixellation.
The Hopper/Joey is the latest and greatest satellite receiver system from Dish
I recently upgraded from the 722 receiver.
OldTart, do you work for Innovative?
You seem to be the only person in the VI who likes them.
That is correct.
My Dish Network ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox is working perfectly....in HD to boot!
My only complaint is CBS football pixellation.
The Hopper/Joey is the latest and greatest satellite receiver system from Dish
I recently upgraded from the 722 receiver.OldTart, do you work for Innovative?
You seem to be the only person in the VI who likes them.
I now get all the networks in HD as well. That's not the problem. It sounds as though the latest and greatest thus eliminates the problems which I and others are experiencing - was that something you had to pay an additional fee for and how new is it? Just curious as my DISH transfer was made just three months ago but I wasn't give any options. I don't even know what receiver I have!
No, I don't work for Innovative and never have. Don't on any stock in them either. No relationship whatsoever. Maybe I've just been lucky but I've had nary a problem in close to 30 years and in different areas of STT and, when there has been a glitch, the service and response has been prompt and courteous. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's had no problems but of course people who don't have problems rarely mention it while those who do shout it from the rooftops - human nature! Enjoy your turkey day!

Just finished the latest thread on the bypass. Bets on which one wins the Chuckiefry?
This confirms my info above.
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