no betty he was probally not directly involved with crime but you can bet he has something to do very privately with all of the illegal activities on queen street,where said crimes did occur
uhhh...Think you read what I wrote wrong...I just said he had nothing to do with stx tourism....Neither island would have any tourism if crime was keeping away people.
lol if that were the case STT would be empty,and don't start yelling at me stters we all know your crime rate is higher than ours, the cruise ships just get bigger kickbacks from stt than they ever will from stx,IMHO and that truly is what it boils down too when all the screaming wailing and knashing of teeth comes to an end
It`s my understanding that STX had a very good touist product that never recovered after the much televised & reported Fountain Valley Murders by 5 native Virgin Islanders(not sure if all 5 meet all Bert Byans criteria at this moment for Native Virgin Islanders, I know Bert does!)
All the men were known supporters of the Virgin Island independence movement.(Which Bert is part of) (from the st. croix source)A decade later, LaBeet was back in the territory in connection with a civil suit he had brought before District Judge Almeric L. Christian. On Old Year's Night, as he was aboard a New York-bound American Airlines jet being returned to prison on the mainland under heavy security, LaBeet obtained a gun that had been hidden in a lavatory and used it to surprise his guards and successfully hijack the plane to Cuba.
Twelve years later, one of the gunmen,Joseph was among group of individuals convicted of felonies ranging from embezzlement to murder who received Christmas-time pardons from Gov. Alexander A. Farrelly as he was ending his second and final term of office. The governor's action prompted a storm of controversy and public outrage. <<<<wonder how much that cost??
STX bit off the tourist hand that feb them, & their still gun shy(no pun intended).
Thanks to Bert & like minded!

I think I'd debate that crime statistic depending on the type crime you're talking about. You need to see the exit polls on what the passengers like.
and the brother of one of the fountain valley guys went on a shooting spree last year in miami,and was killed by the police,lol i can hear the friends and relatives now,"oh but he was such a good boy from a nice family"
i agree with you trade on the exit polls, there was nothing here then for the cruise passengers to do and there still is'nt,our shopping will never compete with yours and st.martins, we don't have the fair ground stuff here like you do over there,all we really have here are greedy cab drivers that want to kidnap them as soon as they get off the boat and take them to the farthest destination from the boat for the maximun fare,ohh what fun, but we're going off topic so we need to get back to the sheet wearing jackie kennedy pill box hat wearer child killer that got away with it looter that we all so love and respect.
That is exactly why he is going to be re-elected. You don't come to the Virgin Islands to respect the people, you come down to criticize and engage in rumors and innuendo because we don't conform to your way. This is for all of you who respond in the negative about Bert. You talk about his "looting" and "his murdering his son" as if you have the full story. Half of you come to the VI running away from the law or other problems where you came from and because we don't know anything about you and what you are hiding, you portray yourselves as the epitome of a law abiding citizen. Big deal. Bert has his principles on where he wants the islands to go and that is his right. He also has the right to run for any office that he is eligible for and you have the right to support or not support him. But to make all kinds of disparaging remarks about him definitely would not convince me to not support him. That is why bona fide Virgin Islanders get offended when you want to bully us into submission. That is not going to happen.
well we "outsiders" tend to see the problems that you "locals" choose not to see or are so used to that you've become blind to them and just accept as the norm,and i can say with just as much ignorance as you,that about half of all crucians going to the states get arrested and sent back here to face whatever charges they ran to the states to try and avoid in the first place,now do you see how stupid your statement was?
I was here for Hugo as well as the murder trial so I do have the full story.
Just because someone is Cruican doesn't mean they are qualified.
Thats part of the problem, people stay in a voting rut & allow the same people in office, then complain when the government squanders away our tax dollars.
Hello to my Crucian neighbors! I would like to clarify a couple of things about the issues that "Crucian" brought up. It was the FBI who arrested Adelbert. they prosecuted him by retrieving the solten merchandise from his home and arrested him in the proess of committing more crimes against YOU, the people of St. Croix. (This is what I've read, so i'm tryng to educate myself instead of defend criminals than to allow criminals to take from me while I defend them.)
Secondly, Adelbert cried "self defense" when he shot and killed his son...but it's so hard to have to defend one's self when the other person is running away with their back turned toward you. So shooting his own son in the back seems a bit strange to me. Just think, if he thinks so little of his own son...... i could only imagine the small concideration he gives to anyone else over on St. Croix.
He has openly attacked people who aren't from the "native lands" of the Virgin Islands and has continued to pick fights wherever possible with people who have skin tones that aren't like his. I'm a citizen here.... I'll give Adelbert the same amount of respect that he give me...NONE.
As for the rest of my island neighbors.... I have big love for you and I go through the same struggles that you do and if needed, I'm there to support you and our combined struggle to make the USVI a great place to live and work.

Crucian, I take umbrage with your statements. We came down here leaving a lucrative lifestyle with electricity that never goes out with friends and neighbors who respected each other and looked out for each other. With unending water, with McDonalds that ALWAYS has shakes, with salespeople who were polite, efficient, clean, helpful and with prices that didn't make us despair and with elected officials who were responsive to our needs. We left our home with honor and came here to live and serve for probably the same reasons you live here. It is a beautiful island with beautiful weather and mostly really nice people. We come from a place where the work ethic is strong. People work hard and if something is broken, we fix it or replace it. Now this is our home. My natural inclinations are to be polite, work hard, fix what's broken or replace it and we bring those inclinations to the mix here. It has taken me a while to realize that there are many here who don't want to improve, want to remain ethnocentric, xenophobic bigots, folks who approve of theft and drugs, living on the handouts from others who worked hard for their money, who take rather than give. I find it hard to respect such people and I hope you do to. Sadly, Adelbert, from what I know of him strikes me as one of those.

Very well put antiqueone(tu)....Chris
All of your responses prove my point. As for leaving a lucrative lifestyle, Ha! If you had 1/10 of what you insinuate you had, you would not be in the VI. As for people who are arrested on the mainland, check the records, they might be black but they are not originally from here. I will never be convinced that ALL of you have the interest of the VI at heart. You all are cowards, hiding behind this website to spew your hatred of the people of the VI. But we come from a stock that has risen time and time again. So. to paraphase someone I am sure the majority of you supported in the past and still supports "Bring it on"
who said that?

Crucian...I personally know quite a few people that have left successful lives to come to the Caribbean to relax and enjoy a beautiful part of the United States. I have also met a few people on here and I like them. My biggest problem is when people on here start to bash the public schools here, because I went to school here from Kindergarten to 12th. So I really don't think you should come off like that. Any positive point that you may have is negated when you start to stereotype and state stuff that is not factual. I may have a problem with stuff that is said here...I address that...I do not attack the group as a whole.
crucian,we are all americans and this is part of america and so we have the RIGHT to move here if we choose.As the baby boomer population gets older and starts to retire,and as more edc companies relocate bringing people with them you are going to see more and more statesiders coming here. And i know quite a few statesiders that teach in the public school system here and i have never heard them say a bad word about their students but only about the lack of basic supplies and building conditions
Stop the Hate Bleeding......................
Until we find the common good, we are at an impass

I sure never had to run from a record in the States and I AM the epitome of a law abiding citizen. Adelbert was an expert marksman. Everyone I know wondered why he didn't shoot his son in the knee. As close as he was to his father, even I, who have never shot a gun could have managed that. It's your right as an American citizen to support him. It's also my right to detest what he stands for & what he's done to these islands along with good old Chuckie & don't start praising her. I've dealt with her.
Crucian just for the sake of dialogue i'd like to know who you'd like to see in the senate from STX and why.

Oh, and my police record was checked when I first moved here.
i had a records check when i went to work at carambola back in 01 and then again in 03 when i worked at kmart west,and then again for a chain hotel in mpls and nebraska (marriott)

i had my record checked and was finger printed for my employment at two sites and for my gun permit
oh and last december by casino control when i worked at the divi
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