Why would anyone vote for Adelbert Bryan?
I don't get this guy. He's not for all of the population on our islands, he's only out for himself and people who don't want other races to live on OUR beautiful islands. When people talk about the "warmth" of our people, i hope they don't mean hate mongers like Adelbert! The news outlet called The St. Thomas Source just said in this morning's news that he criticized the Governor by not meeting them with a government official from the states. I pulled this quote off their website:
"I find it abominable," Delegate Adelbert Bryan said Friday. "... he walk through this building here, and the most important document being discussed ... and deJongh, who is supposed to be a black governor in a predominant black population ... and he doesn't even come in here. You got a bunch of cowards running the government."
I was just wondering....about the term "coward" and then someone from the back of the cafe said that his son was shot in the back when Adelbert killed him. I guess maybe he thought his son was cowardly to run from the gun pointed at him. Please...please...please stop voting for this man in ANY capacity. He represents the worst of our values. Hate, social injustice, and intolerance.....is this who you would want to represent you on an island that needs everyone to bond together? Most of the other islands have cultures that are welcoming and wonderful to visitors that make them want to come back year after year. We know what we COULD be, but will never make it with someone like Adelbert in any official capacity. Please bring LOVE back into our wonderful island culture.
I would dare say, the people reading this forum are not the Adelbert fans. Maybe a couple, but I doubt it. I will go so far as to say his supporters probably don't own computers, are not educated, maybe don't read and write, are the poorest of the population, the least informed and most willing to blame society, government and anyone successful, (white or black, transplant or local) for causing all their problems. Just my opinion!
I agree with Juanita; it's sad but true that he appeals to the type of voter described above. He is able to manipulate them into believing just what he wants them to--with lots of help from Mario Moorehead on his radio talk show.
He was involved in looting after Hurricane Hugo; shot and killed his son and probably many other things as well yet he continues to be elected to public office.

I'll go on record saying i DO NOT support him

Sounds a bit like Teddy Kennedy, eh?
Sorry Antiqueone but Senator Kennedy is not the thieving, racist hate-monger that Adelbert is. He has done more for the poor community (white, black, yellow or purple) in Massachusetts in a week that Adelbert has done for these islands in his entire career.

I guess I only meant the part about killing someone and then repeatedly getting elected to positions of authority.
and remember usie is his nephew and worked for him when he was in the senate
hmm drunken auto accident or deliberatly shooting your son in the back and then claiming self defense
Sounds a bit like Teddy Kennedy, eh?
Antiqueone...You sound as bad as Adelbert Bryan. What a horrendous, ugly thing to say. We do not want or need your kind of thinking here. In earlier posts you talked of how important your christian church life is to you. I would suggest that you try again to learn what it really means to be a christian. That certainly was not a christian-like comment.
Senator Kennedy is one of America's finest statesmen. Nearly a half a century ago he had an unfortunate accident, much time has passed since then. Despite much personal pain, he has tried to atone for his mistake and has contributed many good things to this country. I do not not understand why you would attack a dying man in such a despicable fashion.
As far as Adelbert Bryan, I too wonder why certain people are elected and reelected to office.
antique i see your posts in the yahoo group as well and i guess i have to wonder why you have so much hate and anger inside you?
Antiqueone's response was inaccurate, however, I don't think he/she should be attacked the way she is being attacked. He/she was just trying to make a joke. Let's get our panties unbunched and refrain from undeserved personal attacks.
Also, Teddy has an impressive record of public service. HOWEVER, he did drunkinly crash his car off a pier under suspicious circumstances in which his secretary was with him late at night (while he was married), he was intoxicated, and after he escaped from the vehicle he failed to report the incident and only acknowledged it the next day when police officers questioned him about his car being at the bottom of the ocean with his secretary in the car. Teddy committed homicide and let's be honest, his last name alone got him out of the jam, anyone else would have faced time.

We do not want or need your kind of thinking here. In earlier posts you talked of how important your christian church life is to you. I would suggest that you try again to learn what it really means to be a christian.
Sorry, but I think Islander is the only one to make a call on that & last time I looked, Antiqueone had as much right to his opinion as anyone else here. Thought police? That's a little frightening.
I would suggest that you try again to learn what it really means to be a christian.
Wow thats pretty judgemental for a christian Ms Information. Don't judge lest you be judged and all that. Ok, I'm just poking you a bit because I don't think you realized how judgemental what you said to antique one was.
I used to find being around active christians pretty intolerable. So many of them are judgemental and hypocritical but then I grew up and realized that they're all just human. And every human is very flawed whether they are christian or not and we all need compassion, not judgement.
Was not his Secretary, just for the record. She was a young campaign worker!
so i hope that that some of the people on this thread are registered to vote here on STX and are able to vote in the primaries,people like bert are steps backward instead of steps forward and because we have a young and ambitious governor with an agenda of change alot of the old timers here are afraid and don't like "change" or new ways,i think the biggest difference between STT and STX is "city" vs "country" i think STT is more open to change and new things because it's such a busy island,while over here it's always an uphill battle.
i'm starting to see alot of usies' and bert's campaign stuff and that trash worries me,these lunatics need to be stopped
Bravo Trade and Antiquone. Cheers to diversity! Diversity of thought counts too.
i'm curious to see how bert answers the questionnaire in todays avis,if he bothers to answer at all
I agree with Juanita; it's sad but true that he appeals to the type of voter described above. He is able to manipulate them into believing just what he wants them to--with lots of help from Mario Moorehead on his radio talk show.
He was involved in looting after Hurricane Hugo; shot and killed his son and probably many other things as well yet he continues to be elected to public office.
Is it rue he shot(his son in the back) & killed his son with a unlicensed fire arm(the license was predated, I remember seeing copy of the license in the daily news).
Was I misinformed that Bryan was chief of police & had access to the evidence room & somehow, the gun that killed the group of tourist in Fountain valley ended up in a racist hands that murdered them?(Is it also true Farley set him free in the 11th hour of his last term)
Is it true St. Croix has never recovered from that incident?<If so, IS he the reason STX tourist market is struggling even today!
Is it true that Bryan pays $1 in property tax BC he has a "farm"
Is it true that there is a movie that plays for visitors to STX that shows Bert Bryan robbing building supplies & appliances from STX stores during Hugo?
Is it true that Bert & other like minded Virgin Islanders, NATIVE VIRGIN ISLANDERS SIC! who sat in this & other Constitution Convention(S) the reason why a new constitution has not been accepted (it has to be LEGAL, you cant allow preference to any particular group, that`s being a racist bigot, & is unlawful!).
Is it true Bert showed up in Africa with made in China African garb, while the African statesman wore traditional suits & ties & were insulted by his appearance?
I`m SURE there`s more...
Hey, this is the stuff I been hearing for years, is it true or b(_) ll $hit?
that was african garb? lol i thought all his clothes were dirty that day and he wore his sheet set,hahahaha ok maybe it was'nt that funny but i got a laugh out of it,the last time dude stiffed me after ordering a drink from me he was wearing his sheets and at carambola beach of all places oh and he had his cute little jackie kennedy pillbox hat on as well
"he had his cute little jackie kennedy pillbox hat on as well"<<<Now that IS funny!
I`m sure he didn`t look as hot in it as Jackie did either!
True, your a bartender & Bert stiffed you?
yeah i'm white, and now for the disclaimer from the TRW, if you've read me over the past few months you know that i am a firm believer and practicer of skewing "sacred cow" subjects and i do it with all races,sexes and orientations,i truly do love to poke sticks in cages and will continue to do so
I can definitely tell you he is not the reason the stx tourist market is struggling. That has alot more to do with the cruise ships getting pulled out, which most on island blame stt for. I don't think stt had anything to do with it but I don't think they tried to help the situation either.

All the cruise news I've read (and I've read a lot) is that the ships pulled out from STX because of exit polls from the passengers & a few incidents with crime on some of the passengers. STT had nothing to do with it as Betty said. Most on this board like that they're not coming in droves to STX from what I've read in the past.
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