and again people assume because one complains about things it means they want to hop on the first plane out of here. people complain, it is a part of life. in fact what gumbo said is a complaint.
... people complain, it is a part of life.
Just as easy a "part of life" to think positively and NOT complain about every little thing. People who complain are really tiresome to be around and tend not to have many friends other than those who likewise kvetch.
Alana does not normally complain, thats why my comment.
Alana does not normally complain, thats why my comment.
What she finds annoying about living here are things she's mentioned several times before and is I believe exactly why she's contemplating leaving for Florida with, I recall, a PMV first to see for sure whether the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence. 😀
It will be a different color there for sure, don't know about greener:D
Actually, I wasn't complaining, I left all of the things that people find so attractive about Florida. Seven years later I view my life here much like Matt T does. I also agree with everything Alana said in her post. I was ready for a change and the good news was, There were multiple flights leaving Florida daily. Just like there is here.
If Alana decides to leave I hope it brings her happiness. To me that is Freedom.
I see a couple of posts about Florida. I live in Florida now and based on a few things I have read I started thinking... How is living in the USVI so different from Florida? Beaches and warm weather and mosquitoes and hurricanes and etc etc. I'm sure it's quite different in other ways. For those who have lived both places, how do they compare? (Besides the cost of living which I know is much different)
Depends on where in FL one is talking about. Here in Jacksonville, too many people and too much traffic! I think the worst traffic I've been in in STX is having to wait behind maybe 4 cars at the light at 5 corners.
maybe i just ignore most of the complaints, lol even though i too complain on occasion.
I see a couple of posts about Florida. I live in Florida now and based on a few things I have read I started thinking... How is living in the USVI so different from Florida?
There are at least two ways in which life in the VI is different:
1. Remoteness: You can't drive to get away from hurricanes or even for a nice long weekend. Everything is shipped in big boats. The cost of going on vacation, even to another Caribbean island, is prohibitive to many. No Walmart down the street. Your friends say they'll come visit,but it is a difficult trip.
2. Culture: The culture is just plain different. For better and for worse.
I see a couple of posts about Florida. I live in Florida now and based on a few things I have read I started thinking... How is living in the USVI so different from Florida?
In addition to what EE wrote, there is another extremely important difference -- access to health insurance. Currently, if you do not have health insurance through an employer or spouse, you can't buy it in the USVI at any price.
Florida food prices are way cheaper than here, especially fruits and vegetables plus they last and there's way more variety in food options, the streets are cleaner, many places beautifully landscaped and maintained, they have recycling and curbside garbage collection, gas is cheaper, electricity is more dependable and cheaper, as are other utilities. You can order what you want online, without having a friend, family member or freight fowarder have to ship it to you, they don't have feral chickens and roosters all over the darned place except for Key West, maybe. You have more options. You can afford health care and you can get it. To name a few....
Granted, it's flat in FL, homes are too close together, they drive on the right side and they don't have our beautiful ocean views from the hillsides with wild parakeets and sounds of the ocean from the bay below.
Florida food prices are way cheaper than here, especially fruits and vegetables plus they last and there's way more variety in food options, the streets are cleaner, many places beautifully landscaped and maintained, they have recycling and curbside garbage collection, gas is cheaper, electricity is more dependable and cheaper, as are other utilities. You can order what you want online, without having a friend, family member or freight fowarder have to ship it to you, they don't have feral chickens and roosters all over the darned place except for Key West, maybe. You have more options. You can afford health care and you can get it. To name a few....
Granted, it's flat in FL, homes are too close together, they drive on the right side and they don't have our beautiful ocean views from the hillsides with wild parakeets and sounds of the ocean from the bay below.
If you own property in FL you will be paying far more for property taxes. Property taxes adjust up when a non-FL property owner first purchases so be aware that you will pay (much) more than the previous owner. Car insurance is at least 2x more in Florida - more than that in metro areas. You will pay at least $100/month for water and curbside pickup. There is a 7% sales tax on everything except food.
Gas may be cheaper but you'll spend much more time in your car driving 80 mph.
Though no feral chickens, you have many other critters right outside your backdoor, literally. Possums, raccoons, feral cats, rattle snakes, and coyotes to name a few. This is high end suburbia. But take heed - there are wild parakeets that fly through and migrating birds as well.
Groceries are great - many more choices. But you'll spend just as much as in the VI simply because of these choices.
FL just became the 3rd most populous state with over 20 million people. You have many standards of living - and many choices from urban to very rural.
However, stay urban for health care - there are some rural counties that have only 1 or 2 doctors. You can get health insurance for sure - for a woman of a certain age without subsidies it will cost over $500/month unless you already qualify for Medicare. Well worth it at any price though. Without health insurance, health care is NOT affordable in FL.
Thanks GM.
All things to consider tho we don't really get anything for the property taxes we do pay. I gave my garbage a scenic tour this morning, didn't pass any dumpsters so it got another day's reprieve until I head out tomorrow and get to a dumpster on the route I plan.
Alana, we just moved to Florida. We are in central Florida in Lake county. Less traffic and you can buy a house with land. Beautiful lakes to boat and fish in, just can't swim in it, we got gators. We are only an hour an 15 minutes to the nearest beach. Low crime rate here also. We do have critters, no crazy about the snakes. I have seen 2 small black racers. No rattle snakes so far. I was told not to buy property near an orange grove, rattle snakes love it.
We just got our first electric bill, $70 for a 2800 sq ft. house with pool, Woo Hoo!!!! I lived in St. Croix for 10 years and never saw WAPA that low for our house.
We also have a well, no water bill. We have free garbage pick up, and recycle pick up. They even take the brush you cut.
Our car insurance is lower here and our property taxes are just a little more but not bad. Our home owners insurance is $14,000 less. That is not a typo either.
Health care so far has been amazing. The grocery shopping here is great. We have a local produce stand and bakery within walking distance. Love it! Feels like Mayberry.
I do miss STX especially Cane bay beach, one of my favorite places. I miss the awesome live music there and our friends. We care what happens to the island and hope for the best for it. We plan to visit as often as we can. Always in our heart.
Thanks so much for the input, magaritagirl.
I did a bit of looking around when I was in FL over the summer.
I really liked St. Pete Beach area and Lady Lakes but need to make a couple more trips.
My sister's have homes in the Lady Lakes area and I liked that too.
I wanted to check out Mt. Dora but there was so much to do and family and friends to see, I never got there. Plus there was shopping!
I had hoped to make a move this year prior to May as will be traveling with 3 dogs but doesn't look like I'll make it by then as had a bit of a setback....and can't fly with the dogs during summer once the temperature increases as 2 are too big to fly cabin so will have to go cargo.
I don't want to sell my house here until I'm sure FL is right for me so
I would plan on renting for awhile. I definitely don't want a condo so will be looking for a rental house without carpeting and a fenced yard for the dogs.
I have friends all over FL and spent a couple years in St. Augustine which was nice but that was years ago and would like to be closer to sisters tho I have family in St. Augustine, too.
If you wouldn't mind a pm from me to ask a couple questions about your relocation, I'd appreciate it. I'd like a small town feel as you describe. I'm not a city gal at all.
You won't find similar statistics between Lady Lake and St. Pete Beach. Both are in FL though.
There's a significant difference in the cost of living between urban Tampa Bay and rural Lake County.
BTW - I live in St. Pete.
By Lady Lake do you mean The Villages?
My sisters live in the Villages.
It's not exactly my cuppa tea!
Plus they only allow 2 dogs.
I've got 3, at present.
My best friend Jan and her husband live in St. Pete Beach.
She drove me all over that area when she came to pick me up from the Villages where I was visiting sisters. I liked the slow pace at the beach plus the parks, the ease of getting around buses, shuttles, pay what you can taxis and 30 mile an hour speed limits. Prices of homes and rentals weren't bad. There are a couple other locations I want to check out. Next trip!
My sisters live in the Villages.
It's not exactly my cuppa tea!
Plus they only allow 2 dogs.
I've got 3, at present.My best friend Jan and her husband live in St. Pete Beach.
She drove me all over that area when she came to pick me up from the Villages where I was visiting sisters. I liked the slow pace at the beach plus the parks, the ease of getting around buses, shuttles, pay what you can taxis and 30 mile an hour speed limits. Prices of homes and rentals weren't bad. There are a couple other locations I want to check out. Next trip!
Watch out for the flood insurance if/when you buy. most of SPB and all the barriers is way low. There's that nice neighborhood across from Eckerd College - really close to the beach and maybe easier for dogs. It's in St. Pete. Lot's of nice people live there.
Alana- I live about 25 min from St. Pete beach area. Love it there. When I am looking for a slower pace I like Dunedin which isn't too far north of there and Siesta Key area of Sarasota which is a bit south of there. Also the Bradenton Beach areas (Anna Maria Island in particular) Both Siesta Key and Dunedin have cute little downtown areas although I bet Dunedin is more affordable, though I have not priced it.
Thank you everyone on your feedback. I realize that I HAVE a lot of the things already that people want to move to Florida for, but I often crave something more rural. I CAN get more rural, but I would have to move further inland in Florida. I also love the mountains. I've never been able to decide between the mountains or the beach, and while the hills in the Caribbean are certainly no Rockies, they give me the feel of having both in one place.
Though no feral chickens, you have many other critters right outside your backdoor, literally. Possums, raccoons, feral cats, rattle snakes, and coyotes to name a few. This is high end suburbia. But take heed - there are wild parakeets that fly through and migrating birds as well.
Not to mention dog eating alligators and all those pythons and other tropical non-native snakes with no natural predators that are taking over the everglades. Don't leave the backdoor open.
The snakes we have here are, at least, non venomous. Centipedes, scorpions, big spiders such as the tarantulas/ ground spiders/ brown recluse, etc., I'm used to, along with various other critters that from time to time invade a home. Dog eating alligators are another story. Hence a fenced/ walled area for dogs. Trust me, I will chop the snout off of any alligator that tries to eat one of my dogs with my well honed machete.
Look, I know things are different there, than here. Just as they are different here from wherever all you come from. Life is about change and learning. I feel the need for a change.
As the saying goes: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
I might run back home or I might love it. Just like so many people on this board that come, go or stay. It'll definitely be challenging for me.
I spent more time in FL this past year than I cared to. One of the first things that hit me when I was there was, wow! Look at how many different kinds of cars there are! Nice cars too! We just don't have that kind of variety. And most of the cars here, even the nice ones, have a ding or two. My next thought was that all of those cars would be completely inappropriate down here.
While I was in FL I spent time in Davenport (Haine's City), Sarasota, north Orlando, and Mims. The only place I liked was Mims. I have a friend who lives there in a tiny pocket of homes that is in the middle of nowhere surrounded by park and conservation. It takes about a half an hour to drive to the nearest convenience store. The people who chose to live there are much like the people I find who chose to live here (STJ). I tease and call it Baker Act Community, but for the most part, the people there are very nice. I was dog sitting three small dogs out there for a few weeks this past September and I really liked that little spot. Yes, I had to watch out for pygmy rattlers, gators, try my hardest to keep the one dog from hunting the opossums, but it was a pretty cool spot. If I could work remotely, that might be the only place in FL that I might want to live. I would hate it if I couldn't work remotely though. I hate commuting. I did so much driving while I was in FL and couldn't stand that. I whine when I have to go from Cruz Bay to Coral Bay :@)
"Look, I know things are different there, than here. Just as they are different here from wherever all you come from. Life is about change and learning. I feel the need for a change. "
This is very true. It is just different. At some part of your life you want one thing and then at others, you want something else.
We found hills in Florida. Howey in the hills is the name of the town. Also Clermont has hills for people who are looking for that. Not huge mountains but still very cool.
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