why people leave
This board is full of information on why people want to move to the USVI, and much less information about why they move away. Sometimes it's the plan to only spend a year or few, sometimes health, sometimes family, sometimes work, etc. etc.
Here is another story that potential transplants might want to be aware of. I do not know this woman or her son, or anything about the situation. But, it's not the first story in this vein that I've ever heard.
i have always wondered why they leave, i even posted wanting stories about why they leave
The majority leaves for all the very varied reasons noted and in the case of the lady seeking funds to move, bad things happen here just as they happen anywhere. This is NOT to dismiss as trivial the bad things that can happen (I've had more than my fair share over the decades here) but it just irritates me no end when someone pipes up with the "St Trauma" designation of St Thomas.
I think this is where I'm supposed to say... "Bye Felicia"?
"St Trauma" designation of St Thomas.
We call St. Croix..."St. Can't".
it just irritates me no end when someone pipes up with the "St Trauma" designation of St Thomas.
Agreed. Bad things can happen anywhere, and the labels aren't helpful to anyone.
On STJ this summer, a young lady was the victim of an armed robbery while walking home at 8:30 pm - a relatively early hour, and she was walking in what I would have considered to be a relatively safe area, not far at all from town. She had been here just a few weeks at that time, and she chose to stay -- it's easy to see why plenty wouldn't want to.
"St Trauma" designation of St Thomas.
We call St. Croix..."St. Can't".
St. Cry is more appropriate, and most similar to our accent.
As to the question, I always thought it was obvious why people leave. My hometown is beautiful, but is also one of the most murderous, corrupt, etc. places under the U.S. flag. Healthcare is terrible, public education is woefully bad, food is prohibitively expensive, etc. The quality of life is decidedly third world. There is very little that the VI does "right." Those who are in the know are aware of the VI's dark secret. Unfortunately, as of recent years (maybe due to the recession?), transplants have become more and more unsophisticated (like the ladies running the gofundme campaign to afford a plane ticket out).
This Board is full of transplant apologists who would defend the VI even if the murder rate quadrupled. I am truly amazed when anyone says they want to move here. I greet most transplants with open arms, but secretly count down the days until they leave. They almost uniformly leave within a year. The apologists won't tell you this, but the transplant attrition rate is probably over 90%. I hope that their voices (and the voices of the locals--you know, the actual victims of most murders, etc) will be heard some day.
Monogram, for goodness' sake, the attrition rate of transplants has ALWAYS been very, very high and the majority absolutely does not leave because of all the negatives you list. I've lived here longer than you've lived period and, like many oldtimers, am far from a "transplant apologist". Frankly I don't even know from where you're getting the opinion that these alleged apologists are contributors to this forum. In the 10 years I've been contributing I've found the majority not to be apologists at all.
OT, leave the young lady alone. Every post she writes doesn't deserve a hearty slap-down from you. Her experience is just as valid as yours.
OT, leave the young lady alone. Every post she writes doesn't deserve a hearty slap-down from you. Her experience is just as valid as yours.
As I'm entitled to voice an opinion in disagreeing with someone who consistently throws out glittering negative generalities. As young as he/she is, I'm sure the poster is perfectly capable of defending him/her self from an opposing point of view and doesn't need a supporting handler standing by ... 😀
Not just third world but "decidedly third world"....wow. Third world???? I think someone needs to look up what third world actually means and maybe visit one of those places.
OT, leave the young lady alone. Every post she writes doesn't deserve a hearty slap-down from you. Her experience is just as valid as yours.
As I'm entitled to voice an opinion in disagreeing with someone who consistently throws out glittering negative generalities. As young as he/she is, I'm sure the poster is perfectly capable of defending him/her self from an opposing point of view and doesn't need a supporting handler standing by ... 😀
For whatever reason you are particularly vociferous against monogram. While she may be able to speak up for herself I am asking as a fellow forum poster to back down from the knee-jerk posting against her. After all, you are a sixty-something transplant on St Thomas, while she is a millenial born and raised on St. Croix. Let her speak without the immediate trashing of her as her perception is obviously quite different from yours.
I appreciate monogram and old tarts views. Different perspectives always good.
@oldtart...as long as you have been on island...you where not born and raised....no matter the age, born and raised is a very different perspective of island life.
Not just third world but "decidedly third world"....wow. Third world???? I think someone needs to look up what third world actually means and maybe visit one of those places.
This needs a like button.
... I am asking as a fellow forum poster to back down from the knee-jerk posting against her. .
No "knee jerk reaction", I think quite carefully before opining.

1. Jobs
2. Cost of living
3. Health care
4. Lack of hope for anything to improve
1. Jobs
2. Cost of living
3. Health care
4. Lack of hope for anything to improve
Children. Many leave as their children reach school age if they can't afford private school fees.
Not just third world but "decidedly third world"....wow. Third world???? I think someone needs to look up what third world actually means and maybe visit one of those places.
I know the categorizations quite well (first world, third world, and the somewhat archaic post-communist second world). I can attest that the quality of life in my grandparents' third world country is far better than the QOL in the USVI. In that country, power outages are far less common, for example.
To answer the original question my husband and moved to stx over 4 years ago with the intention of staying forever. We are both in our mid 50's and retired. We lasted one year.
I have lived in bad areas of Manhattan and Brooklyn. This is why we left...
Cost of Living is too high. Got tired of unplugging appliances, taking military showers, hanging all clothes to dry to save money.
Could't use the ac due to cost. We moved to Florida over 3 years ago and have not turned the ac off since!
Got tired of not wearing good jewelry for fear of getting robbed.
Even though most shootings are between people thar know each other.....I don't want to be a victim of a stray bullet.
Two guys got shot in the head while sitting in a parked car where I worked. It was 11 am on a Tuesday morning.
That's all.
"Third world" is a much misunderstood and abused designation. See stereotyping reference in the Wiki definition:
1. Jobs
2. Cost of living
3. Health care
4. Lack of hope for anything to improve
5. Crime. It is a reason cited by many who leave whether agreed with or not.
OT, leave the young lady alone. Every post she writes doesn't deserve a hearty slap-down from you. Her experience is just as valid as yours.
I think most people realize what's going on here, but thanks for noticing and responding. The mechanical dismissal of my views indicates the precise arrogance that causes many locals to dislike transplants.
Why would my views not be respected? Most Virgin Islanders languish in terrible schools with (in many cases) no books. Many are illiterate. Most cannot afford generators, so they "feel" the third worldness every time the power goes out.
To most, the murder rate isn't merely an issue of academic concern--these are classmates and family members being buried. We can agree that most on this forum simply aren't affected directly by the out of control murder rate. This is perfectly okay, but respect should be given to the plight of the majority. Would your perspective on the USVI be the same if you had to bury several classmates per year?
FOOTNOTE/ASIDE: It is fascinating that I am clamoring for the position held by a majority of the population (West Indians) to be heard. Typically, (as is the case in the States), it is the minorities who often fight to have their concerns heard. Here, the perspective of the transplant dominates the discussion. The dismissal of fairly uncontroversial points about crime evidences the persistent segregation present within the USVI.
I joined this board to provide insight from an underrepresented (though equally valid) perspective. Maturity is supposed to convey the ability to entertain divergent ideas. I hope that I can help some grow and mature in that regard.
To answer the original question my husband and moved to stx over 4 years ago with the intention of staying forever. We are both in our mid 50's and retired. We lasted one year.
I have lived in bad areas of Manhattan and Brooklyn. This is why we left...
Cost of Living is too high. Got tired of unplugging appliances, taking military showers, hanging all clothes to dry to save money.
Could't use the ac due to cost. We moved to Florida over 3 years ago and have not turned the ac off since!
Got tired of not wearing good jewelry for fear of getting robbed.
Even though most shootings are between people thar know each other.....I don't want to be a victim of a stray bullet.
Two guys got shot in the head while sitting in a parked car where I worked. It was 11 am on a Tuesday morning.
That's all.
Thanks for sharing. I once threw up after seeing a man stabbed to death in the Village. Traumatic.
[To our non-resident readers, the Village is not a sketchy venue; it is a government-sanctioned fairgrounds-style celebration center set up during the Festival season.]
Unfortunately, this is the norm for most in my generation. We hear rumors of, but have never experienced a safe Virgin Islands. 🙁
susan56, i remember you. you got blasted frequently for telling your truth. i am glad you are happier.
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