white butterfly or moth
The beautiful little white butterflies. Are they moths are butterflies? This is of the upmost importance to my family right now. If any one knows the answer it will be very helpful.
Check out the antennae. If they are sorta feathery it's a moth...if they are thin with a rounded tip its a butterfly.
Check out the body . If it is sorta fat and fluffy looking it'sa moth. If it is slender and smooth it's a butterfly.
When at rest, do they hold the wings straight up ? If so, it is probably a butterfly.
Most moths are nocturnal, so if they are active in the day, it is probably a butterfly.
I noticed some smallish white butterflies while I was on STX recently. I believe they were members of the Pieridae family, but bees are my concentration, so don't quote me on that. It's just residual info from some entomology course, and I might have failed that test !!!!
They are butterfliles. We call them Cruzan snow.
this look like em? If so, it is in the Pieridae family. Commonly called Cabbage or Cabbage White butterflies.
Theres a whole lota bugs in this world, so don't get too frustrated if you can't figure out exactly which one it is.
Buttermoth......there Tam its settled.........lol.
question............are all naked (not fuzzy) caterpillars butterfly's in the making?
And all fuzzy ones are moth's to be?

The seem to be attracted to a certain bush, I don't know the name but they flutter around it all day regardless of the wind.
Unfortunately no, the larval forms (caterpillar) do not follow such easy rules. Regardless of adult form they come in all different shapes and sizes. Here is a link to a good site on caterpillar identification. It may not be relevant with STX species, but it gives an idea.....
We used to call something like these the "Gypsy Moth" in New England. They would appear all of a sudden en-masse and a few days later all of our cabbage/broccoli/cauliflower....type veggies would be swarming with these green caterpillars from them. Pain in the *** but SOOO pretty.
The cabbage white butterfly is a common pest in gardens. The butterfly is small with a wingspan of only about an inch. The upper side of the wings is white with black spots, while the undersides are pale yellow with black and brown markings. Females have two black spots on their hindwings, while males have only one.
@SunshineCruzan Gypsy moths are another thing altogether that invaded New England decades ago. They did a lot of tree damage. They can get rather large and have white/grey/black mottling.
Cabbage butterflies are the little yellow/white butterflies you see all over New England.
@babayoga They are not cabbage white butterflies. The ones here don't have spots. The ones here are Great Southern Whites. They were plentiful until last week. Now I see them more sporadically.
Here is an excellent article. https://stjohntradewinds.com/butterfly-bloom/
We had quite the invasion of the white butterflies on our STX property several weeks back for a spell. Haven't seen them lately.
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