Which profession is most lucrative?
I don't think she is a troll... she is too easily offended and quit right away. More likely she just doesn't know what she wants to do.
I've read this thread with interest and have to agree that Kathy never made her question clear. By listing her education and job qualifications she gave the impression she was looking for advice on which of several unrelated professions would be more lucrative for her to work in. She received appropriate responses albiet that none of those professions would necessarilly provide someone with her life experiences anything that would approach the definition of lucrative. She obviously did not like those responses.
If on the other hand Kathy was mearly taking a survey to find out which of certain professions were more lucrative in general terms and she had no intention of seeking employment in those professions than there was no reason for her to give out all her unrelated background information which, as others pointed out, added to the confusion. She could have easily phrased her question differently and achieved better results.
The fact that Kathy cannot accept constructive critisim or answers that don't support her preconceived notions indicates a level of immaturity that belies her apparent age.

Hey East Ender,
You had me wondering last night, trying to figure out what prompted your PSC reference, as the only recently reported reference I could find was to the PFA. Thanks for clarifying.
Sorry dnt, I was alphabetically challenged! 😉
WOW!! Does that mean she's been voted off the island? Seems kind of harsh...
LOL... I think she voted herself off!
Well, well, well...
When I originally read KathyC's response to Island Ed, I, too, (as most of you) thought that her post was incredibly sarcastic and obnoxious. I didn't know that all of this was going on, but after reading all of this...wow! I have never seen such a rude person on this bored and I think it's shameful.
Best of luck to you KathyC. Hopefully things work out better for you in Alabama and you find it easier to make friends. From the time I've spent in the islands, however, everyone was incredibly nice and adapted well...so I don't think you're lack of ability to create friendship on the internet is proving too much good about your personality, sorry to say it. Please be more considerate next time you post.
PS. Nice job with the grades, but that's really not an important thing in life, as opposed to healthy relationships with others especially.
wow, i read through the thread and i'm blown away on how Kathy just lost it . She must be very young or scorned in some way. Whats that term i have been reading ah " Limin" is it? thats what she needs some time to take deep breaths and calm her mind so in fact a vaca is in order(much needed prob).2nd relax no on one knows you here, have fun and don't stress nor jump to conclusions. don't give up on enjoying gods work( the awe inspiring beauty of the islands for one) . But on the brighter side i'm completely convinced that the folks down in VI are my kind of people. Well said Island Ed and dntw8up, your entries were very entertaining and educational and sincere( made for a good chuckle too!). Good reading in any event .
Thanks Dev2006, a nice complement is always happily received. I'm always sincere, even when I jest, and I'm glad you were entertained too. What did you find educational about it? The STAR method? Just curious.
I thought this thread had been removed earlier... I guess I just missed it.
The Star Method was well put together and quite practical to use. I will be utilizing it as some of my posts have not yielded the results i've wanted. But the section labled "lesson 2" now that hit home. I beleive that every person at one point in their lives has had growing pains while learning those lessons!
Thanks for your input Dev2006. I also use the SIAR method when interviewing people. I ask them to relate a difficult situation they were in, and then explain to me their actions, and the results to remedy/calm/improve the situation. It really gets them thinking about how they handle different situations. Hope your move goes well for you.
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