Which Caribbean Island has the best overall Infrastructure according WEF
I Just Read the list is amazing it includes Independent Island Nations as well as Dependent states, Commonwealths, And territories
According WEF the Study included Communications availabilty and Technology and Penetrations, Roads, Electrical productions and consumption, Air/water port facilities, and commercial infrastructure
1- Puerto Rico
2- Cayman Islands
3- US Virgin Islands
4- Barbados
5- French West Indies ( Guadalupe,Martinique,St Martin, St Barths)
6- Bahamas
7-British Virgin Islands
8- Aruba
9- Neitherland Antilles
10- Dominican Repulic
13- Antigua/Barbuda
14- St Kitts/Nevis
15- Granada
16 St Vincent/ Grenadines
The Study did not Include Cuba N/A available data Trinidad and Tobago was not included as per inclusion as OPEC country.
Haiti was not included is under UN Provisions and supervision
The Island of Anguilla got the same ranking as the BVI ???
I don't think being 3rd is that bad out of 16 islands.
The Cayman's being up there so high surprises me. I have never been there, and am not trying to say anything bad about them. It's just them being smaller i"m surprised. Good for them.
I notice that the Bay Islands were not included either.
I got the info from the report of the World economic Forum. In regards to the Bay islands ( I Don't know what you are talking about please tell me which country they belong to or which territory they are part of. In regards to the Cayman Islands let me tell you i have been there the population 50,000 + people in which more than half are not caymanian. The GDP per capita of the Cayman islands is the 8th highest in the world 1st in the caribbean killing the USVI and Puerto rico in regards to Infrastructure the got very high points in Communications Phone, Mobile, Internet, and the got a very high marks on their road system and reliability of it. They only got low points in Air/sea ports that where Puerto rico and USVI kill the rest. Puerto rico pretty much got the number one position in everything.
The Bay Islands include Roatan and Utila, which are part of Honduras. Have never been to Utlia, but Roatan is definitely 3rd world. The grocery store had armed guards guarding the cash registers with sawed off riot shot guns.
Houses on the beach, over the water, using the water as a sewer.
Whole towns (???) / villages made from plywood, with no windows and outhouses. One at a time in a bank with armed Army (?) standing guard with a machine gun.
There were some very beautiful places ,and some very expensive homes there as well.
One main road through the center of the island making it difficult to get around when an accident occurred.
Yes but the Bay islands are part of Honduras which is not consider a CARIBBEAN ISLAND but a Central america nation. I know the Bay Islands in the context of being part of Honduras. This islands are not territories they are consider part of the Republic Of Honduras.
Didn't realize that. thanks
The Bahama's are not even close to the Caribbean last time I looked.
You are right they are technically in the caribbean sea but WEF considers bahamas in the caribbean region of islands
The Bay Islands, of which Roatan is the largest and most developed, are overall less developed than most of the rest of the Caribbean. All three English-speaking islands are very Caribbean in character, regardless that they are part of the Central American country of Honduras.
As for infrastructure, being in an earlier stage of development, Roatan is similiar to what St. Croix was fifteen years ago. There are a few paved main roads, but most are gravel. The island power company has just recently been bought by a rich American with experience in electric generation and distribution. He also has a large real estate stake on the island, owning a large part of the far east end. He has pledge to make the island's electric supply the finest in the Caribbean.
Water is plentiful given rainfall that makes Roatan among the lushest and greenest places on earth. There have been strict septic requirements in place for several years for new construction.
Roatan is served by several airlines. The international airport is good by Caribbean island standards and receives wide-body jets from Delta, Continental and TACA, among other airlines.
who was number 11?
Grenada has an extensive gutter system along all paved roads on the island to handle the rainwater runoff. I was impressed and wish STX had ANY gutters to handle water. Now if only Grenada had edible cuisine...
The Bay Islands are part of Honduras... but the USVI is part of the USA and still qualify for their list, so it seems odd they'd exclude the Bay Islands as an entity for the purpose of this list. Roatan does rate pretty low on my list for infrastructure.
Roatan is often described as evocative of "old" this or "old" that. Old Key West, Old St. Croix, Old Caribbean, etc. The Bay Islands do remind one of much of the Caribbean many years ago. Consequently, the infrastructure is not as up-to-date as other places. And while the USVI is a territorial part of the U.S., Roatan is an actual department (state) of Honduras. Having lived on both St. Croix and Roatan, I prefer Roatan, only because I like "old."
Roatan is often spoken of as evocative of "old" this or "old" that. It often said Roatan is like Old Key West or Old St. Croix or Old Caribbean, etc. And it's very true depending on where the"old" nostalgia is for the speaker. Consequently, the infrastructure isn't as up-to-date as more developed islands. Having lived in both places, I prefer Roatan, I guess because I like "Old."
The Roatan islands are part of Central America and the are Municipalities of the Republlic of Honduras. THen if we where to include the Bay islands then we should include the island of Vieques and Culebra ( spanish virgin Islands) they are also municipalities of Puerto Rico. The USVI are a dependent self govern territory, as per Roatan is a domestic municipality of a central american country.
How can anybody compare Roatan Island with St Croix 15 years ago??? Wow??? maybe 30 years ago or so.
In regards to Granada their Infrastructure is not nearly the one in the USVI
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