There isn't really anything extra I would ship down because most anything can be bought online and shipped.
And yes, I use Amazon subscribe and save. I use it for cat food. Much cheaper than buying here
You might consider bringing extra fuel containers for your vehicle and generator, spare parts, extra extension cords since your generator won't be hooking into the house. Also batteries, battery operated radio, fans, lights, back up ups systems for electronics (numerous power outages still occurring on STT), canned and dried goods that you can use in event of a storm and/or throughout the year.
Dog food and containers to store them in. Perhaps some 5 gallon containers for water storage unless you have access to the cistern.
(I was astounded at the increase in prices at grocery stores when I returned in February. Outrageous!)
Solar lights/chargers, bug spray, mosquito netting. A chain saw.
speee1dy and fdr: I checked out Amazon subscribe and save - they don't have the royal canin gastrointestinal fiber response dry food my cat needs, nor do they have OKOCAT litter that I love. Neither is available that way.
Alana33, I think your making it sound like we’re living on a tiny, sparsely inhabited outer island.
Everything you mentioned is already here, most of which anyone could pick up today at Home Depot or Gallows Bay.
Keep in mind that nothing has a very long shelf life here due to the prevailing weather. Bringing too much stuff and then letting it sit in a garage or on-site shipping container may not be a good idea over the long term.
speee1dy and fdr: I checked out Amazon subscribe and save - they don't have the royal canin gastrointestinal fiber response dry food my cat needs, nor do they have OKOCAT litter that I love. Neither is available that way. sells it...I have my Chewy orders shipped to Paradise Freight here on STX.
Alana33, I think your making it sound like we’re living on a tiny, sparsely inhabited outer island.
Everything you mentioned is already here, most of which anyone could pick up today at Home Depot or Gallows Bay.Keep in mind that nothing has a very long shelf life here due to the prevailing weather. Bringing too much stuff and then letting it sit in a garage or on-site shipping container may not be a good idea over the long term.
Lol...Paradise Freight is my FAVORITE store! I go there every week to pick up my shopping.
Yeah guess I'll have to go that route.
I wanted to still have the convenience of having everything delivered to the condo office, and not having to make a stop at Paradise Freight or VI Cargo.
Guess I'll have to do that now, to get what my cat needs.
Lol...Paradise Freight is my FAVORITE store! I go there every week to pick up my shopping.
Tires - this is my favorite suggestion of all. Off-brand tires are running $125 each on STT and as someone pointed out (Julie?), people are going through them fast since the storms.
I'm heading stateside in a week to take my kids to the grandparents' for the summer and I'll be coming back with a suitcase full of batteries, my favorite coffee and tea, a couple new phone chargers, a microphone (professional grade and I don't want to risk shipping), some school supplies for the kids (MUCH cheaper at home and no hassling with Amazon to get my shipping refunded, lol) and a few other things that are either much more expensive here or hard to find.

Thanks atticus, all great ideas

Thanks for all the food-related input above, gonna be a learning experience for sure.
I used to use feline pine and it was great. Tried the off brand through subscribe and save, just didn't cut it. Switched to a different one. And yes, not everything can be subscribe and save. Sadly. But maybe you could order he n't and ship vi cargo?
speee1dy and fdr: I checked out Amazon subscribe and save - they don't have the royal canin gastrointestinal fiber response dry food my cat needs, nor do they have OKOCAT litter that I love. Neither is available that way.
I don't like any scented cat litters, even pine scent. Okocat is freaking amazing and it lasts forever. A box online is $10-$11. It can be bought here at Kmart but they mark it up to $18.99!! so the savings add up when I order a few online.
Yeah guess I'll have to ship vi cargo. Just a shame to lose the convenience of having boxes delivered to the condo office, and have another errand to make now, to pick up at vi cargo.
Man I MISS the free shipping over $49!!!!!!!!
I used to use feline pine and it was great. Tried the off brand through subscribe and save, just didn't cut it. Switched to a different one. And yes, not everything can be subscribe and save. Sadly. But maybe you could order he n't and ship vi cargo?
I haven't tried that brand yet. I went to feline pine due to the sickly sweet perfume scent of the others.
I don't like any scented cat litters, even pine scent. Okocat is freaking amazing and it lasts forever. A box online is $10-$11. It can be bought here at Kmart but they mark it up to $18.99!! so the savings add up when I order a few online.
Yeah guess I'll have to ship vi cargo. Just a shame to lose the convenience of having boxes delivered to the condo office, and have another errand to make now, to pick up at vi cargo.
Man I MISS the free shipping over $49!!!!!!!!
I used to use feline pine and it was great. Tried the off brand through subscribe and save, just didn't cut it. Switched to a different one. And yes, not everything can be subscribe and save. Sadly. But maybe you could order he n't and ship vi cargo?

Does deliver there, and is it shipping-free?
they did not when i checked them out over a year ago
Does deliver there, and is it shipping-free?
Does deliver there, and is it shipping-free?
I get free delivery to Paradise Freight in Miami. I usually order two big bags at a time.
The cost to get it to STX by Paradise Freight is about $30.
Very reasonable.
Does deliver there, and is it shipping-free?
No , they don't. They use FedEx, so they only ship within the continental US and no PO boxes. VICanuck's method to ship to a freight forwarder is the only way to buy from them here.

Thanks vicanuck and fdr, I’ll have to explore how to ship it through Paradise Freight then, sounds like that’s the way to ship things on to the islands reasonably
Thanks vicanuck and fdr, I’ll have to explore how to ship it through Paradise Freight then, sounds like that’s the way to ship things on to the islands reasonably
Its super simple! Here's a link to the page on their web site.
They're good people.
Please consider rechargeable batteries, etc. has a solar charger that comes with a rechargeable battery charger for AA batteries. You can buy it here on St Thomas at Boolchands.
I think everything I have now is rechargeable.
My hurricane food is dry cereal with milk. Canned food is horrible. I use Nido dried whole milk which is better tasting than dried skim. Best cereal is one with nuts for protein. WalMart had great prices.
A mini fridge works well with small generators and are $130 or so on island. You can use the fridge with some solar products.
A tablet and DVD players are good to have because cable still hasn't been restored everywhere. You download content before the storm and you can watch when power goes out. Get devices with long battery life. People were loving the Surfaces after the storm. Also good when power goes out.

Thx fdr, will definitely look into Vitacost

Thx much vicanuck, this is what I love about this forum, such a valuable resource

Thx much ms11 for the specifics, really helpful...I took advantage of Florida’s hurricane prep sales tax holiday yesterday and bought a nice 7,500 watt generator to include in my container...chainsaw is my next major purchase, prolly today (unfortunately those weren’t included in the allowable tax-free items list, lol.
If it hasn't been suggested already, good to bring a 5 gallon gas can.
When I flew back, I brought frozen meats and salmon in my luggage in addition to packaged goods, coffee, spices, etc. so I wouldn't have to face the grocery store right off the bat. A friend picked up milk, bread and some fresh food for me.
It was worth it.
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